El Capitán Veneno-La Serie Hispana by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón - HTML preview

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inmutable, unalterable, immutable

inocente, innocent, simple

inquebrantable, not breakable, firm, unalterable

inquietud, uneasiness, anxiety

inquirir, to inquire

insensato, -a, senseless, foolhardy; madman, crazy person

insensible, insensible, unconscious

insertar, to insert, introduce

inserto, -a, inserted

insignia, insignia, mark of rank

insignificante, insignificant

insistir, to insist, persist

insolvencia, insolvency, inability to pay

insoportable, insupportable, intolerable

inspirar, to inspire

instancia, instance, urgence, appeal, petition, suit; papers (of a suit)

instantáneamente, instantaneously

instante, m. , instant, moment

instintivo, -a, instinctive

institución, institution

instrucción, instruction

insubordinación, insubordination, disobedience

insultar, to insult

insulto, insult

intención, intention, purpose

interés, m. , interest

interesante, interesting

interesar, to interest, be of importance

interior, interior

interno, interne, boarding (pupil)

interpelación, interpellation, questioning, question

interpelar, to call, question

interponer, to interpose

interrogación, interrogation, question, inquiry

interrogante, questioning

interrogar, to interrogate, question

interrumpir, to interrupt, break in, put in

interrupción, interruption

íntimo, -a, intimate, close

intrincado, -a, intricate, tangled

inusitado, -a, unusual

inútil, useless

inverso, -a, inverse, opposite

invitar, to invite

invocación, invocation, prayer

involuntario, -a, involuntary

ir, to go, go on;

o irse, to go away;

o ¡Vamos claro[s]! Let us talk plainly!

o ¡Vaya! Well! Come!

o ¡Vaya si pesa Vd.! My! but you are heavy!

ira, anger, wrath

iracundia, irascibility, wrathfulness

iracundo, -a, ireful, angry, wrathful

iris, m. , rainbow

irritante, irritating

irritar, to irritate

Isabel, Isabella II, queen of Spain (1830-1904)

Isidro (San), Saint Isidore (the patron saint of Madrid); o día de San ——, May 15

izquierda, left hand

izquierdo, -a, left


jabalí, m. , wild boar

Jacinto, Hyacinth

jaleo, dance, frolic; hullabaloo, revelry, mêlée

jamás, never

jamón, m. , ham

jefe, chief, leader, commander

Jesucristo, Jesus Christ

Jesús, Jesus

jinete, horseman

Jorge, George (the hero of the story)

jornada, day, battle

jornal, m. , wages

jota, j (the letter); dance, tune

joven, young, juvenile; youth, young man, young woman

joya, jewel, jewelry

Juan, John

júbilo, joy

jubiloso, -a, joyful, joyous

judío, Jew

juego, game, play

jugar, to play, gamble, gamble away;

o —se, to be at stake

juguete, m. , toy; sport

juicio, judgment, opinion

juntamente, jointly, together

juntar, to join, put together

junto, -a, joined, united; together;

o —— a, near to, next

juramento, oath, vow

jurar, to swear, vow

justamente, exactly

justificar, to justify

justo, -a, just, right; exact

juventud, youth

juzgar, to judge


la, her, it

labio, lip

lacayo, lackey (servant)

lacrimosamente, tearfully

ladino, -a, (knowing Latin, smart), cunning, sly

lado, side. ( Cf. lateral)

lágrima, tear;

o llorar a —— viva, to weep copious tears

lagrimita, little tear

lamentable, sad

lamento, lament, moan

lanzar, to launch, give forth, utter

lápida, tombstone

largo, -a, long

laríngeo, -a, laryngeal (of the throat)

lástima, pity

lastimero, -a, piteous, pitiful

lateralmente, laterally (by a side line)

latín, Latin;

o latines, Latin quotations

le, him, it, you, to him, to her, to you

leal, loyal, honest

lealmente, honestly

lealtad, loyalty, honesty

lector, reader

leche, f. , milk

lecho, bed

leer, to read

legítimo, -a, legitimate, natural

lejos, far, afar

lenguaje, m. , language

lentitud, slowness

león, lion

lesión, lesion, hurt, wound

letargo, lethargy

levantar, to raise;

o —se, to rise

leve, light, slight

levita, coat, frock coat

levitón, m. , big levita, heavy coat, long coat

ley, f. , law

libertad, liberty

librar, to free

libre, free

libremente, freely

libro, book

lidiar, to contend, struggle. ( Cf. litigate)

ligero, -a, light, slight

limitar, to limit

limosna, alms. ( Cf. eleemosynary)

limpio, -a, (limpid), clean, neat;

o copiar en ——, to copy neatly;

o sacar en ——, to make plain or clear

literato, literary man

lívido, -a, livid, deathlike

lo, the, that;

o —— de, that (matter) of;

o —— que, what;

o —— que es a usted, as to you

lo, him, it, so

loco, -a, crazy, mad;

o volverse ——, to go crazy

locuacísimo, -a, very talkative

locuaz, loquacious, talkative

locura, madness, folly

lograr, to succeed, get, gain, attain to

loquero, keeper [of locos]

Lucifer, Lucifer (the devil)

lucir, to shine, show, display

lucha, struggle, contest

luchar, to struggle, battle

luego, soon, immediately, then;

o —— que, as soon as;

o desde ——, at once;

o hasta ——, (till soon) good-by;

o tan —— como or que, as soon as

lugar, m. , place;

o en —— de, instead of

lúgubre, lugubrious, sad, mournful

Luis, Louis

lujoso, -a, luxurious

luto, mourning (dress), grief;

o vestir de ——, to dress in mourning

luz, f. , light;

o a todas luces, by all evidence, evidently, in all respects;

o dar a luces, to give birth to


llamar, to call, summon, name; knock, ring;

o la llamada Angustias, the one named Angustias

llamativo, -a, calling; loud, striking

llaneza, simplicity, trustfulness

llano, -a, plain, level

llegada, arrival

llegar, to arrive, reach, succeed;

o —— a, to happen to

lleno, -a, full

llevar, to carry, bear, take up, bring;

o —— a mal, to take ill

llorar, to cry, weep

llorón, -ona, weeping, crying easily


madera, frame (house), wood;

o —s, wooden shutters

madre, mother

Madrid, Madrid (the city)

madrileño, -a, a. and s. , of Madrid; Madrider, citizen of Madrid

madrugada, early morning

Maella, the town in Saragossa

maestro, -a, superior;

o obra maestra, masterpiece, chef-d'œuvre

magistrado, magistrate

magnánimo, -a, magnanimous

magnífico, -a, magnificent

majadería, absurdity, foolish act or saying

majestad, majesty

mal, for malo

mal, ill, badly

mal, m. , evil, wrong; disease

malamente, ill, badly

maldito, -a, damned, accursed

maledicencia, evil talk, slander

malo, -a, bad, poor, sick, ill

malparado, -a, done up, injured, wounded

malvado, villain

mamá, mamma

manchar, to soil, stain, corrupt

mandar, to order, command, send

manecita, little hand

manera, manner, way

manifestar, to manifest, show

mano, f. , hand;

o echar una ——, to play a hand

manojo, bundle, bunch

mansedumbre, mildness, gentleness

manso, -a, gentle, mild, tame

mantener, to maintain, support

mañana, tomorrow;

o hasta ——, till tomorrow

mañana, morning

mar, m. or f. , sea

maravedí, m. , the small copper coin, 1/ cent


maravillar, to marvel, amaze, surprise

marca, mark

marcar, to mark, show

Marcha Real, Royal March

marchar, to walk, go;

o —se, to go away

marfil, m. , ivory

María, Mary

marica, magpie

marido, husband

marinero, mariner, sailor

Maroto, the Carlist general (1785-1847)

marqués, marquis

Marte, Mars (god of war)

martirio, martyrdom

marzo, March

mas, but

más, more, farther;

o —— bien, rather;

o —— de, —— de lo que, —— que, more than;

o como la que ——, as [much as] anybody

matar, to kill

matasanos, m. , quack ("killer of well people")

materia, matter

matrimonio, matrimony

mayo, May

mayor, major, greater, older, elderly;

o el, la ——, the greatest;

o calle Mayor, Main Street (of Madrid);

o Plaza Mayor, Main Square

medalla, medal

mediar, to serve as a means, intervene

medicina, medicine

médico, physician, doctor

medio, half, middle, means;

o en —— de, in the midst (middle) of;

o por —— de, by means of

medio, adv. , half, partly

medio, -a, half, middle, mid

mejor, better;

o el, la ——, best;

o —— que ——, better and better;

o por —— decir, better said

mejorar, to make better;

o —se, to grow better, improve. ( Cf. Eng. ameliorate)

mejoría, improvement

melancolía, melancholy

melancólicamente, mournfully

melancólico, -a, melancholy, gloomy

melindre, m. , prudery

memoria, memory;

o de ——, by heart

mencionar, to mention

menester, m. , need;

o ser ——, to be necessary

menesteroso, -a, needy

menor, younger

menos, less, except;

o —— de, less than;

o a lo ——, at least

mentir, to lie, deceive

meramente, merely

mercante, merchant, mercantile

merecer, to merit, deserve, win, earn from

mérito, merit, value

mero, -a, mere, simple

mes, m. , month;

o —— de flores, May

mesilla, small table

meter, to put;

o —— ruido, to make a noise;

o —se a, to become; to meddle;

o —se en buena, to get in a pretty fix

método, method

metralla, grapeshot

mezclar, to mix;

o —se, to meddle

, me

mi, my

miedo, fear;

o —— a, fear of

mientras, while;

o —— que, while;

o —— tanto, meanwhile

mil, thousand

milagro, miracle

militar, military

militar, m. , soldier

millón, m. , million

millonario, -a, millionaire

milloncejo, little million

mimar, to pet, indulge

mimo, petting, indulgence

ministerio, ministry, service, action

ministro, minister

minucioso, -a, minute, detailed, attentive

minuto, minute

mío, -a, my, mine

mirada, look, glance

mirar, to look, glance, look at, see;

o —— por, to look out for, take heed for;

o ¡mira! consider! behold!

miseria, misery; trifle

misericordia, mercy, grace

misericordioso, -a, merciful

mismísimo, -a, the very... himself

mismo, same, very;

o por lo ——, for the very reason

mismo, -a, same, self, very;

o ahora mismo, right now

misterioso, -a, mysterious

mitad, half; middle

moco, mucus, snot;

o a —— tendido, till the nose runs

mocosillo, -a, snotnose, green person

modales, m. pl. , manners

modelo, model

moderado, -a, moderate

modestia, modesty

modesto, -a, modest

modo, mode, manner, way;

o de todos —s, by all means;

o de —— que, so that;

o de —— y forma, in such a way and manner

mofa, mockery

mohino, -a, cross, ill-humored

molde, m. , mold, pattern

molestar, to molest, annoy, bother

molestia, trouble, annoyance

momento, moment

monarquía, monarchy

Mondoñedo, the town in Galicia

moneda, coin

monja, nun

mono, monkey

monstruo, monster

montar, to mount;

o —— en cólera, to get ma