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elevar raise; —se rise.

elocuente adj. eloquent.

Elvira pr. n. f. Elvira.

ella pron. pers. she, her, it.

ellas pron. pers. they, them.

embalsamarse be perfumed.

embargar overwhelm, seize, overcome, impede.

embebecido, -a absorbed, enraptured.

embeleso m. rapture.

embestir assail, attack.

embolismo m. confusion, maze, embarrassment, falsehood.

embolsarse pocket.

embozado m. muffled one.

embozar cloak, muffle.

embriagar intoxicate, transport, enrapture; —se get intoxicated.

empañar dim, tarnish.

empapar soak, steep.

empedernido, -a hard-hearted.

empeñarse persist, insist.

empeño m. determination, desire.

empero adv. however, notwithstanding.

empezar begin.

empleo m. employment, use.

emponzoñar poison, taint.

empuje m. impulse.

empuñar grasp, grip.

en prep. in, into, at, for, among, on, upon, with, of, to, against, by, over, like; —— que when.

enamorado, -a enamored, loving, in love.

enamorar inspire love, woo; —se de fall in love with.

encadenar enchain, shackle.

encantador, -a enchanting, delightful.

encantar charm, delight, fascinate.

encanto m. charm, fascination, enchantment, spell.

encapotar cloak, cover.

encapuchado, -a hooded one.

encender light, kindle, enkindle; —se glow.

enclavar nail, fasten.

encomendar commend.

encono m. rancor, ill-will, malevolence.

encontrar meet, meet with, find.

encubrir cover, conceal, hide.

encuentro m. meeting, encounter; a su —— to meet him.

endiablado, -a diabolical, bedeviled.

endurecer harden, cake.

enemigo, -a hostile, unfriendly.

engalanar adorn.

engañador, -a deceiving.

engañar deceive, beguile.

engaño m. deception, illusion.

engañoso, -a deceptive, false.

engendro m. abortion, monster, progeny.

enhiesto, -a upright, erect.

enjugar wipe.

enjuto, -a lean, wasted, dried up.

enlazar join, clasp.

enlutado, -a in mourning, veiled, muffled.

enmudecer grow dumb, grow silent.

enojarse be angry, be displeased, get angry.

enojo m. anger, vexation, displeasure, annoyance.

enojoso, -a troublesome.

enredar entangle, ensnare.

ensueño m. dream, fantasy, illusion.

entena f. yard, spar.

entender understand, know, hear; —— de be familiar with, be interested in.

entero, -a entire, whole.

enterrar bury.

entierro m. funeral, burial, funeral procession.

entonar sing.

entonces adv. then.

entrada f. entrance, coming, beginning.

entrambos, -as both.

entrañas f. pl. entrails, bowels, recesses.

entrar enter, come in, advance, begin.

entre prep. between, among, in, amid, within, to; —— sí to himself; —— tanto meanwhile; de ——

out of; por —— through, between, among.

entregar hand over, give, pay.

entretanto adv. meanwhile; —— que conj. while.

entretener entertain, divert, amuse, occupy.

enturbiar disturb, derange, cloud.

envenenar poison.

enviar send.

envidar stake, open a game of cards by staking a sum.

envidiar envy.

envilecido, -a degraded, disgraced.

envite m. stake, bet.

envolver envelop, enwrap, enfold.

erguido, -a erect, straight.

errante adj. wandering.

escaldar scald.

escalón m. step.

escapar(se) escape, flee.

escape m. escape, flight.

escena f. scene.

esclavo, -a m. f. slave.

escoger choose, select, cull.

esconder conceal, veil, hide.

escribir write.

escuchar hear, listen to, listen; —se be heard.

escudo m. escudo (a coin); shield, protection.

escupir spit upon.

ese, -a adj. dem. that.

ése, -a, eso, pron. dem. that one, that.

esfera f. sphere, heaven, orb.

esmeralda f. emerald.

espacio m. space.

espada f. sword.

espalda f. back, shoulder; ——s back.

espantado, -a frightened, astonished.

espantar frighten, terrify, intimidate.

espanto m. fright, consternation, fear.

espantoso, -a frightful, horrible.

esparcir scatter, shed, spread.

espectro m. specter, ghost.

espejo m. mirror.

esperanza f. hope.

esperar await, wait for, expect, hope.

espeso, -a thick, dense.

espina f. thorn.

espiral f. spiral line.

espirante adj. dying.

espirar expire.

espíritu m. spirit, mind, soul, courage; ——s spirits, demons.

espléndido, -a splendid.

esplendor m. splendor, magnificence, glory; de —— glorious.

esposa f. wife, spouse, betrothed.

esposo m. husband, spouse, betrothed.

espuela f. spur.

espuma f. foam, froth.

esqueleto m. skeleton, framework.

estación f. season.

estado m. state, condition.

estallar burst, crack, detonate.

estallido m. crackling.

estampido m. report, crash.

estancia f. room, mansion, abode.

estanque m. pond, pool.

estar be; —— en sí be in one's senses.

estatua f. statue.

este, -a adj. dem. this.

éste, -a, esto, pron. dem. this one, this.

estima f. esteem, respect.

estocada f. stab.

estorbar forbid, hinder.

estrechar press, clasp.

estrecho, -a narrow.

estrella f. star.

estremecerse shake, tremble.

estrépito m. din, clamor, noise.

estruendo m. din, pomp, turmoil, clatter.

estudiante m. student.

estúpido, -a stupid, dull.

éter m. ether, sky.

eterno, -a eternal, everlasting.

Europa f. Europe.

evangelio m. gospel.

evaporarse evaporate, pass away, vanish.

exaltar exalt, praise.

examinar examine, scrutinize.

exclamar exclaim.

exento, -a free.

exhalar breathe forth, exhale, emit, utter.

exigir demand, exact, require.

existencia f. existence, life.

expiación f. expiation, atonement.

éxtasis m. ecstasy.

extático, -a ecstatic.

extender(se) extend, stretch out, spread, prolong.

extranjero, -a foreign.

extraño, -a strange.

extremo m. end; llevar al —— terminate.

fábrica f. structure.

fácil adj. easy, easily persuaded.

fada f. fairy, sprite.

faena f. task, work, labor, toil.

falaz adj. deceitful, deceptive, fallacious.

falda f. skirt, lap.

falso, -a false, treacherous, feigned, simulated, mock.

faltar fail, be missing, be lacking, give way.

fallido, -a frustrated, amiss.

fama f. reputation, report, rumor; es —— it is said.

famoso, -a famous, renowned, notorious.

fanal m. lantern, light, beacon.

fanfarrón m. boaster, bully.

fango m. mud, mire, slime.

fantasía f. fancy, imagination, caprice, whim.

fantasma m. f. phantom, ghost, specter, scarecrow.

fantástico, -a fantastic, imaginary.

farsa f. farce, humbug.

fascinar fascinate.

fatal adj. fatal, ominous, unfortunate.

fatídico, -a baleful, sinister.

fatigado, -a weary.

favor m. favor, protection, help.

faz f. face, aspect.

fe f. faith, honor, trust; a ——- in truth; a —— mía upon my word.

fecundar fertilize, make fruitful.

fecundo, -a fecund, teeming.

Félix pr. n. m. Felix.

feliz adj. happy, blessed, fortunate.

feo, -a ugly, homely.

féretro m. bier.

feroz adj. fierce, cruel.

férreo, -a iron.

fértil adj. fertile.

fervor m. fervor, ardor, zeal.

festín m. feast, banquet.

fétido, -a fetid, stinking, foul.

Fez pr. n. f. Fez.

fiado, -a trusting.

fiar trust; —— de trust in.

fiel adj. faithful, true.

fiereza f. fierceness, hardness.

fiero, -a fierce, cruel, savage, furious, terrible, rude.

fiesta f. festival, feast, celebration, rejoicing, merriment.

figura f. figure, face, form.

figurar fashion, sketch, represent; —se imagine, fancy.

fijar fix, fasten, determine.

fijo, -a fixed, fastened, determined.

fin m. end; al —— at last, finally, after all; en —— at last, finally, in short, after all; por —— at last; sin —— endless, endlessly.

fingido, -a feigned, false.

fingir feign, imagine.

firme adj. firm, unswerving, unshaken, resolute, stout, stanch.

flaco, -a frail, weak.

Flandes pr. n. f. Flanders.

flébil adj. mournful.

flojo, -a feeble, weak.

flor f. flower, blossom.

florecer blossom, bud, cover with flowers.

florido, -a blooming, flower-filled, flowery.

flotante adj. floating.

fondo m. depth, farthest end.

forcejear struggle.

forma f. form, shape, figure.

formar form, make, engender.

fórmula f. formula, form.

fortuna f. fortune, fate, good fortune.

forzoso, -a necessary.

fosfórico, -a phosphorescent.

fragante adj. fragrant.

frágil adj. fragile, frail, weak.

fragor m. crash, noise.

fragrancia f. fragrance.

Franco pr. n. m. Franco.

franja f. fringe, band, border.

frenético, -a frenzied, mad, furious, frantic.

frente f. brow, face, head, forehead, intellect; —— a opposite, in front of, before; a su —— straight ahead.

fresco, -a fresh.

frescura f. coolness, luxuriant verdure, freshness.

frío, -a cold, indifferent, unsympathetic, unruffled; sangre fría sang-froid, coolness, calmness.

frío m. cold.

frívolo, -a frivolous.

fruncir knit (the brow).

fuego m. fire, ardor, flame, passion; prender —— set fire.

fuente f. spring, fountain, source.

fuera adv. outside; —— de prep. out of.

fuero m. privilege, statute law.

fuerza f. force, strength, might.

fugaz adj. fleeting.

fugitivo, -a fugitive, fleeting, fleeing, flying.

fúlgido, -a bright, resplendent.

fulgor m. gleam.

fulgoroso, -a shining, flashing.

fulgurante adj. shining.

fúnebre adj. funereal, lugubrious, mournful.

funeral adj. funeral, funereal, lugubrious.

funesto, -a doleful, dismal, sinister, fatal.

furia f. rage.

furioso, -a furious, mad, raging, violent.

furor m. rage, fury.

futuro, -a future.

gala f. grace, gem, choicest part (of a thing); ——s finery.

galán m. gallant, dandy.

galanura f. elegance, showiness, gorgeousness.

galería f. gallery.

galvánico, -a galvanic.

gallardo, -a graceful, bold.

ganancia f. winning.

ganar win.

gasa f. gauze.

gastar waste, fling away, wear out.

gemido m. groan, moan, sigh.

gemir moan, howl, whistle.

generoso, -a noble, illustrious, excellent, generous.

gente f. people, race, nation.

gentil adj. elegant, handsome, graceful.

gesto m. face, expression, gesture.

girar revolve, hover, whirl.

giro m. turn, motion, roll, circling.

gloria f. glory, fame, pleasure, bliss, honor, heaven.

glorioso -a glorious.

goce m. joy.

golpe m. stroke, blow, knock, striking, clash, throw, cast.

golpear(se) strike, hit, beat.

gorjear warble, trill.

gótico, -a Gothic.

gozar rejoice, take delight, enjoy; —— de enjoy; —se rejoice.

gozo m. joy, pleasure, delight.

grabar engrave.

gracia f. grace, charm, gracefulness; ——s thanks.

gradería f. steps; —— de caracol torcida spiral staircase.

grajo m. jackdaw, crow.

grana f. scarlet.

grande adj. great, important.

grandeza f. greatness, grandeur.

grandioso, -a great, impressive.

grato, -a pleasing.

grave adj. heavy.

gritar cry, shout, cry out.

gritería f. outcry, shouting, screaming.

grito m. cry, howl.

grotesco, -a grotesque.

grupo m. group.

guarida f. den, lurking-place.

guerra f. war; mover —— wage war.

guerrero, -a warlike, of war.

guerrero m. warrior, soldier.

guía m. f. guide, leader.

guiar guide, direct.

guirnalda f. garland, wreath.

gustar please.

haber have; impers. be; —— de have to, be to, be going to, must, can; hay there is; no haya let there not be.

habitación f. dwelling, residence, room, suite.

habitar live, reside, lie.

hablador, -a talking, prattling.

hablador, -a m. f. talker, prattler.

hablar talk, speak, address.

hacer do, make, effect, bring about, cause, commit; —— aprecio de note; —— bien give alms, aid;

— caso de take notice of, heed; —?