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oculto, -a concealed, hidden, secret.

odioso, -a odious, hateful.

ofender offend, make angry, insult.

ofrecer offer, present; —se offer, occur, present itself.

oh interj. oh.

oído m. ear, hearing.

oír hear, listen, listen to; —se be heard.

ojalá interj. would to God.

ojo m. eye, sight.

ola f. wave, billow.

olor m. odor.

oloroso, -a fragrant.

olvidar forget.

olvido m. oblivion, forgetfulness, neglect.

onda f. wave.

ondeante adj. waving, flowing.

ondear wave.

ondina f. undine, water-sprite.

ondular undulate, rise and fall.

onza f. doubloon (former gold coin, = about $16).

ópalo m. opal.

óptico, -a optical; —— vidrio telescope.

opulento, -a rich, wealthy.

ora conj. now; —— ... —— now ... again, at one time ... at another.

orador m. orator.

orgía f. orgy.

orgulloso, -a proud, haughty.

original adj. original, curious.

oro m. gold, gold coin, wealth, riches; ——s diamonds (as a suit of playing-cards).

os pron. pers. dat. acc. you, yourself.

osadía f. boldness, audacity, effrontery.

osado, -a daring, bold, defiant.

oscuridad f. darkness, obscurity, gloom.

oscuro, -a dark, gloomy, confused.

ostentar show, display.

otero m. hill.

otro, -a adj. pron. other, another.

padecer m. suffering, pain.

padre m. father; ——s fathers, parents, ancestors.

padrino m. sponsor.

paje m. page.

palabra f. word, promise.

palabrería f. wordiness.

palacio m. palace, mansion.

pálido, -a pallid, pale, faint.

palmada f. slap, applause, clapping.

palmo m. span (8 inches).

palpar feel, grope, know; —se feel, grope.

palpitante adj. quivering, throbbing.

palpitar beat, quiver, flutter.

pan m. bread.

par adj. equal; a —— alike; a —— que just as, while; a la —— at the same time, equally; al —— de like, as well as.

para prep. for, to, in order to; ser —— be enough to.

parabién m. congratulation; dar el —— congratulate.

paradero m. halting-place, end.

páramo m. paramo, desert, wilderness.

parar stop, halt, stake; —se stop, halt.

parar m. lansquenet (a game of cards).

parche m. drum.

pardiez interj. by God.

pardo, -a dark gray, brown, dark.

parecer appear, seem, resemble, look like; al —— seemingly, apparently.

pared f. wall.

párpado m. eyelid.

parte f. part; de —— de from, by command of; por todas ——s everywhere.

pasada f. passing; de —— in passing.

pasado m. past.

pasar pass, go by, end.

pasión f. passion.

paso m. step, gait, footstep, tread, passing; —— de andadura ambling gait; al ——, de ——, in passing.

pastor m. shepherd.

Pastrana pr. n. Pastrana.

patear stamp upon.

patio m. court, courtyard.

patria f. native country, fatherland, home.

patrio, -a paternal, native.

pausado, -a deliberate, leisurely.

pavesa f. embers.

pavimiento m. pavement, floor.

pavor m. fear, terror.

pavoroso, -a frightful, exciting fear, terrifying, terrible.

pavura f. fear, terror.

paz f. peace, quiet.

pecado m. sin.

pecador, -a sinful, wicked, wretched.

pecho m. breast, chest, bosom, heart, courage; a lo hecho, —— make the best of it.

pecho m. tribute; dar —— pay tribute.

pedazo m. piece; a ——s to pieces, in pieces; hacer ——s break to pieces, tear.

pedestal m. pedestal, foundation.

pedir ask, ask for, beg, demand; —— cuenta bring to account, demand account of.

pedrería f. precious stones.

pena f. punishment, penalty, agony, trouble, anxiety, sorrow, pain; ánima en —— soul in purgatory.

pendencia f. quarrel, dispute, row.

pendón m. banner, flag.

penetrar penetrate, pierce.

penoso, -a painful.

pensamiento m. thought, mind.

pensar think, consider, plan, mean, intend; —— en think of.

pensil m. beautiful garden.

peñasco m. large rock.

perder lose, squander, ruin, undo; —se be lost, go astray, disappear, vanish; dar por perdido consider lost.

perdido, -a lost, ruined, done for, beside one's self, vanished, defeated, wandering.

perdidoso, -a losing, loser.

perdón m. pardon, forgiveness.

perdonar pardon, forgive.

peregrino, -a strange, wonderful.

perezoso, -a sluggish.

pérfido, -a perfidious, treacherous.

perfumado, -a sweet-scented, perfumed.

perfume m. perfume, fragrance, sweet odor.

pero conj. but, however.

perpetuo, -a perpetual, continual.

perro m. dog.

perseguir pursue, importune, beset.

persona f. person; ——s dramatis personae.

pesar weigh, consider, be valuable, repent.

pesar m. sorrow, trouble, repentance; a su —— in spite of himself.

peso m. weight.

pie m. foot; alzarse de —— rise to one's feet; en —— standing; mover los ——s walk; ponerse de —

arise, stand up.

piedad f. pity, mercy.

piedra f. stone.

pintar paint, depict, describe; —se be painted, be depicted.

pintura f. picture, painting.

pirata m. pirate.

pisada f. footstep.

pisar tread upon.

placentero, -a pleasant, pleasing.

placer please.

placer m. pleasure, rejoicing.

plan m. plan.

planta f. sole of foot, foot, project, design; mover la —— walk.

plañir sob, whimper, lament.

plata f. silver.

playa f. shore, beach, strand; sin —— boundless.

plaza f. square.

plebe f. populace, common people.

plegaria f. prayer.

pliegue m. fold.

poblar inhabit.

pobre adj. poor.

pobreza f. poverty.

poco adv. little; —— a —— little by little, gradually; por —— for a trifle.

poder be able, may, can; impers. be possible; puede que perhaps, maybe.

poder m. power.

poderoso, -a powerful, mighty, wealthy.

poeta m. poet.

Polonia f. Poland.

polvo m. dust.

pomo m. pommel, hilt.

pompa f. pomp, splendor.

poner put, place, instill, fix, set, make, turn, offer, give; —— pavor a uno make one afraid; —se a begin to; —se de pie arise, stand up.

poniente adj. setting.

ponzoñoso, -a poisonous.

popa f. poop, stern; en —— astern, aft; viento en —— before the wind, with a wind from astern.

por prep. for, on account of, by, to, through, over, across, for the sake of, on, at; conj. —— qué why.

porfía f. obstinacy, persistence.

porque conj. because, in order that.

portento m. prodigy, miracle, portent.

porvenir m. future.

pos adv. prep. : en —— behind, after.

positivamente adv. positively, certainly.

postrado, -a prostrate, kneeling.

postrero, -a last.

precipitado, -a precipitate, headlong, rash, abrupt.

precipitar(se) precipitate, hasten, rush headlong, hurry.

precursor, -a m. f. precursor, herald, harbinger.

preguntar ask, inquire, question.

premática f. pragmatic (a law).

prender catch, take, bind, fasten; —— fuego set fire.

presa f. capture, prize.

présago, -a presaging, ominous.

présago m. presage, omen.

presentar present, offer, show.

presente adj. present.

presente m. present.

prestar lend, give, add, ascribe.

presumir presume, imagine, dare.

presuroso, -a prompt, quick, light.

prevenirse prepare.

previsión f. foresight, foreboding, presentiment.

primavera f. spring.

primero, -a first, former.

príncipe m. prince.

prisa f. haste.

proceloso, -a tempestuous.

procurar procure, obtain, secure.

prodigio m. prodigy, marvel.

prodigioso, -a extraordinary, exquisite.

profundo, -a deep, low, profound, great.

profundo m. abyss, hell.

prolongar(se) prolong, continue, extend.

prometer promise.

pronto, -a ready.

pronto adv. quickly, soon; de —— suddenly.

pronunciar pronounce, utter, say.

propio, -a own.

prorrumpir break out, burst forth.

protección f. protection.

provocar provoke, rouse, incite.

público, -a public, general, common.

pudor m. modesty.

pueblo m. people, town, nation.

puerta f. door, gateway, entrance.

puerto m. harbor, port.

pues adv. then, well; conj. for, since.

puesta f. setting.

pugnar struggle.

punto m. spot, speck, point, moment; al —— immediately, at once.

punzante adj. sharp, piercing, pricking, stinging, acrid.

puñal m. dagger.

pureza f. purity, chastity, innocence.

purísimo, -a very pure, most pure.

puro, -a pure, chaste, holy, clear, unsullied, unblemished, mere, sheer, absolute.

que conj. than, for, as, since, that, so that, let; de —— that.

que pron. rel. which, that, who, whom; en —— when.

qué interj. what, how.

qué interrog. what, why; por —— why.

quebrantar break, transgress, shatter, split, weaken.

quebranto m. affliction, grief, sorrow.

quedar(se) stay, remain, be left.

queja f. complaint, lamentation, plaintive cry, moan.

quejarse complain, lament.

quejido m. moan, complaint.

quemado, -a burning.

quemar burn.

querer love, like, desire, want, seek, wish, accept, cover, accept a challenge or bet, be on the point of.

querido, -a dear, beloved.

quien pron. rel. who, which, whom, one who.

quién pron. interrog. who.

Quijote pr. n. m. Quixote.

quimera f. chimera, fancy, quarrel, row.

quimérico, -a chimerical, fantastic.

quince card. fifteen.

quinto, -a fifth.

quitar(se) take away, remove, take off.

quizá adv. perhaps.

rabia f. rage, fury.

ración f. ration, allowance of food.

radiante adj. radiant.

ráfaga f. gust, blast, burst.

rama f. branch, bough.

ramaje m. branches.

ramo m. branch.

rápido, -a rapid, quick, swift, nimble, fleeting.

raro, -a strange, unusual.

rasgar tear, rend.

raudal m. torrent, stream.

raudo, -a rapid, swift, precipitate..

raya f. stripe, streak.

rayar border upon.

rayo m. ray, thunderbolt, beam, light.

razón f. reason, reasoning.

realidad f. reality.

realizar realize, make real, bring about.

rebelde adj. rebellious.

rebramar bellow.

recatado, -a cautious, careful, prudent.

recato m. modesty, prudence, coyness.

recelo m. misgiving, apprehension, fear.

receloso, -a distrustful, terrifying, fearsome.

recibir receive, take, accept.

recio, -a strong, loud, severe, rigorous.

recobrar recover.

recoger gather, collect, take in, receive, shelter.

recogido, -a retired, absorbed, secluded.

reconcentrado, -a concentrated, intense.

reconocer recognize, know.

recordar remember, recall.

recorrer pass through, examine.

recrear delight, gladden.

recuerdo m. recollection, memory.

rechazar repel, reject.

rechinamiento m. gnashing.

rechinar creak, gnash.

rededor m. environs; al —— de around.

redoblar redouble.

redoble m. roll.

redor cf. rededor; en —— round about.

reflejar reflect.

reflejo m. light, gleam, glimmer.

refregar rub.

refulgente adj. resplendent, brilliant.

regalar make merry, cheer, entertain, delight; —se feast, make merry, fare sumptuously.

regar lave, water.

regio, -a royal, regal, magnificent.

región f. region, realm.

registrar examine, scan.

regocijar gladden, brighten.

reina f. queen.

reinar reign.

reír laugh; —se laugh; —-se de laugh at.

relámpago m. lightning flash.

relinchar whinny, neigh.

reloj m. clock, timepiece.

remiso, -a slow.

remolino m. whirl, whirling, vortex, eddy, whirlwind.

remontarse rise, soar, tower.

remordimiento m. remorse.

remover remove, move, take away.

rencor m. grudge, hatred.

rendido, -a worn out, overcome.

rendir surrender, give up, overcome, yield.

renegar de deny, abhor, denounce, curse, protest against.

renglón m. line.

reñidor, -a quarrelsome.

reñir quarrel, fight.

reparar defend, recover.

reparo m. advice, warning, remark, objection.

repente m. sudden movement; de —— suddenly.

repentino, -a sudden.

repetir repeat.