Home Alone - A Accolade and Homage To My Pretty Lotus by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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I still have many of those feelings that are

hidden deeply in my heart,

I will wait for those emotions to come out

slowly when the storms depart.

My days that were bright and blue have

turned cloudy, stormy and dull,

The times that were full of joy and pleasure

have turned lonely and dull.

Things that we both treasured greatly was our

unconditional love and affection for each


The comfort and warmth have all gone when

the cold nights are my bother.

How can I repair the damaged heart and mend

the broken part of my living?

The restoration of my family life is now a myth

and there is no home coming.

The adorable dreams that we once had are all

matters of the distant past,

Although the future is bleak, my faith in my

love and treasured memories will last.


I treasure beautiful memories of days and

nights with you, the sparks of love we lit and

our entire world felt new.