Korea: Märchen und Legenden, Nebst Einer Einleitung Uber Land und Leute, Sitten und Gebräuche Koreas... by LTI - HTML preview

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Digital Library of Korean Classics 06

Originally published in German as 

Korea: märchen und legenden, nebst einer einleitung 

über land und leute, sitten und gebräuche Koreas...

by Wilhelm Friedrich in 1893.

Translated by H. G. Arnous

Digitally republished by the Literature Translation Institute of Korea in 2016

LTI Korea, 112 Gil-32, 


Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06083, Korea



978-89-93360-81-3(05810) (EPUB)

Cover Design by


A CIP catalogue record of the National Library of Korea for this book
is available at the homepage of CIP(http://seoji.nl.go.kr) and
Korean Library Information System Network(http://www.nl.go.kr/kolisnet).
(CIP Control No.: CIP20160289204)

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