La Serie de Lenguaje Moderno del Librero Heath - Historias Cortas by Elijah Clarence Hills, Ph. D and Louise Reinhardt - HTML preview

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abierto ( p. p. of abrir), open(ed).

abigarrado, speckled, mottled,variegated.

abismo, abyss, gulf.

ablandar, to soften.

abnegación, f. , abnegation, self-denial.

abogado, advocate, lawyer.

abordar, to board, attack.

aborrecedor, -a, detester.

aborrecible, hateful, detestable.

abrasar, to burn; abrasando, burning hot; abrasado, burning.

abrazar, to embrace; —se, tocling to; abrazado con, lockedin an embrace with.

abrazo, embrace.

abreviar, to abridge, shorten.

abril, m. , April.

abrir, to open; en un — y cerrarde ojos, in a twinkling; — encanal, to cut open, punishseverely.

abrumar, to oppress, overwhelm.

absolutamente, absolutely.

absolver (ue), to absolve, acquit.

absorber, to absorb.

absorto ( irr. p. p. of absorber), absorbed.

abstinencia, abstinence.

abuelita ( dim. of abuela), belovedgrandmother.

abuelo, -a, grandfather, grandmother;ancestor; old man,old woman.

abundancia, abundance.

abundante, abundant, copious.

aburrir, to weary, bore.

abuso, abuse.

acá, here; desde entonces —, since then; por —, here, thisway; — abajo, down here.

acabar, to end, finish; — de, tohave finished, have just; —se, to grow feeble, be near theend; y esto se acabó, and thissettles it; ¡acabáramos de unavez! is that all!; algo que noacaba de llegar, somethingthat does not come.

acaecer, to happen; lo acaecido, what had happened.

acaecimiento, event.

acalorar, to overheat, inflame.

acampar, to camp.

acariciar, to caress.

acaso, perhaps, perchance.

acceder, to accede, yield.

accesible, accessible.

acceso, access.

acción, f. , action, power ( ofmotion).

acusación, f. , accusation.

acebuche, m. , wild olive tree.

acéfalo, acephalous, without ahead.

aceite, m. , oil.

aceituna, olive, olive-crop.

acelerado, quickened.

acento, accent, voice.

aceptar, to accept.

acerca ( in La Leva) = cerca; — de, about.

acercar, to bring near; —se, toapproach.

acero, steel.

acertado, proper, fit.

acertar (ie), to happen ( unexpectedly),hit the mark, succeed,say anything opportunely,guess; sin — con las excusas, ,unable to utter an apology.

acicalarse, to dress (in style).

acoger, to receive.

acometer, to attack, defy.

acomodar, to find acommodations,shelter, lay, suit, adjust.

acomodo, employment, shelter,acommodation.

acompañante, m. or f. , companion.

acompañar (de), to accompany(by).

acompasado, regular, rythmical.

acongojado, distressed, dismayed.

aconsejar, to advise.

acontecer, to happen.

acontecimiento, event.

acordar (ue), to decide; —se(de), to remember.

acosar, to pursue.

acostar (ue), to put to bed; —se, to go to bed.

acostumbrado, customary; másde lo —, more than usual.

acostumbrar (á), to be in thehabit (of), be accustomed (to).

acre, sharp, bitter.

acribillar, to riddle, cover withwounds.

actitud, f. , attitude.

activísimo ( from activo), veryactive, industrious.

activo, active.

acto, act; — continuo, immediately.

actuar, to move, take part.

acuático, aquatic.

acuchillar, to cut, hack; —se, tofight with knives.

acudir, to run to, hasten (tohelp).

acusación, f. , accusation, charge.

acusar, to accuse.

achaque, m. , defect, matter.

achicharrar, to burn ( to a crisp).

adarme, m. , dram ( in avoirdupoisweight); dos —s de imaginación, a spark of imagination.

adecuado, adequate, fit.

adelantarse, to advance, approach; — cada vez más á, to gain more and more on.

adelante, forward; en —, henceforth; seguir —, to walk on; por la mesa —, across thetable.

ademán, m. , gesture, movement,attitude.

además (de), moreover, besides.

adentro, within; para mis —s, to myself.

adherente, adherent, adjoined.

adherir (ie), to be fastened,united (to).

adiós, good-bye.

adivinar, to divine, guess, conjecture,understand.

adivino, fortune-teller.

adminículos, trimmings, tools,"extras."

administrador, m. , manager.

administrar, to administer.

admirablemente, marvellously.

admiración, f. , sudden surprise,wonder, admiration.

admirar, to surprise, astonish,make one wonder; admire; —se (de), to marvel (at).

admitir, to receive, give entrance,admit; associate.

adolescencia, adolescence.

adonde, where.

adoptar, to adopt, approve.

adorar, to adore, worship.

Adoracuernos, prop. noun ( lit. ,worships bull-fights).

adormecer, to lull asleep.

adornar, to adorn.

adorno, ornament, adornment.

adosar (á), to lean, rest, stand(against).

adquirir, to acquire, come by,obtain, take possession (of).

adquisividad, f. , acquisitiveness,thrift.

aduana, custom-house.

adular, to flatter.

adulto, adult, grown up.

adusto, gloomy, sullen.

advertencia, warning.

advertir (ie), to inform, warn,take notice, notice, state; ¡adviértase! take notice!

adyacente, adjacent.

aerólito, aerolite.

afamado, famous.

afán, m. , pains, efforts, anxiety,eagerness (for).

afanado, busy, eager.

afanar, to toil, work; tú hasafanado eso, you have carriedthat off.

afanoso, anxious.

afectación, f. , affectation.

afectar, to affect.

afecto, affection.

afeitarse, to shave; ¡por estasque me afeito! by my beard!

aferrado, fastened; — á la silla, clinging to the saddle.

afición, f. , affection, inclination; por — á, through love for.

aficionadísimo ( from aficionado)(á), very fond (of), devoted(to).

aficionado, amateur; muy — altoreo, a great amateur in theart of fighting bulls.

afirmar, to affirm, assure.

aflicción, f. , grief, anguish.

aflictivo, distressing.

afligido, afflicted, wretched.

aflojarse, to loosen.

afluir, to stream, flow.

aforismo, aphorism, saying.

afrenta, dishonor.

afueras, f. pl. , suburbs.

agarrar, to grasp, seize, takehold (of).

agasajo, kindness, caress, politeness; hacer —, to show politeness,give a kindly reception.

ágil, quick, nimble.

agitado, excited.

agitar, to agitate, move, shake; —se, to be busy, writhe, move.

agobiado, exhausted.

agonía, suffering, death struggle.

agonizar, to be dying.

agosto, August.

agotado, exhausted.

agraciado, graceful.

agradable, agreeable, pleasant.

agradar, to please.

agradecer, to appreciate, bethankful (for).

agradecido, grateful.

agradecimiento, gratitude.

agrado, liking; sin buscarlohalla el —, without trying tocauses pleasure; de buen

—, with (great) pleasure.

agravar, to aggravate; —se, togrow worse.

agravio, grievance, affront, injury.

agregar (ie), to add.

agresor, -a, aggressor.

agrietar, to crack.

agrupar(se), to group, come ( or draw) together.

agua, f. , water; pl. , waters,stream; —s vivas, runningwater.

aguachirle, m. , poor excuse forwine; slops.

aguantar, to bear, suffer.

aguar, to mix with water.

aguardar, to wait for; — á que, to wait until.

aguardiente, m. , brandy ( or anydistilled liquor); — de caña, rum.

agudísimo ( from agudo), sharpest,very keen.

agudo, acute, sharp.

aguileño, aquiline.

agüiña ( dim. of agua), water.

aguja, needle.

agujero, hole; — de la llave, key-hole.

ah! ah! oh!

ahí, there; por —, there, yonder; — dentro, in there.

ahogarse, to drown, be drowned; — de, to be suffocated with.

ahora, now, now-a-days; — mismo, now, at once, this verymoment; no es de —, this isnot the first time.

ahorcar, to hang.

ahorrar, to save, economize.

ahumado, smoked, burned,smoke-stained.

ahuyentar, to put to flight.

aire, m. , air, wind, breeze.

airecito ( dim. ), little air.

aislado, isolated, lone.

ajeno, belonging to another; lo—, that which belongs toanother.

ajimez, m. , arched window ( witha pillar in the center).

al = á el, ( before an inf. ) on, in( doing something).

ala, wing.

alabar, to praise.

alabastro, alabaster.

alambre, m. , wire.

alameda, (public) promenade or avenue ( lined with shade trees,generally the álamo, poplar. Hence the name. There isgenerally an alameda in theSouthern-Spanish and theSpanish-American cities).

alargar, to hold out, reach,hand, lengthen.

alarido, outcry, shriek.

alarma, alarm.

alarmado, alarmed.

alba, f. , dawn; así que el —despuntó, at day-break.

albor, m. , dawning.

alborotado, rebellious, disorderly.

alborotador, -a, rioter, disturberof peace.

alborotar, to disturb, cause disorder or disturbance; —se, tobe (become) excited.

alboroto, disturbance, tumult,noisiness.

alborozar, to rejoice, enliven; alborozado, enlivened, joyous.

alcalde, m. , justice of the peace,magistrate, mayor.

alcanzado, needy; salir (estar)—, to be in debt, short inone's accounts.

alcanzar, to reach, overtake,attain, obtain, succeed, manage(á, in, to,); que no ha de—, that is not for you.

alcázar, m. ( of Arabic origin),castle.

alcé, pret. of alzar.

alcoba, bedroom.

alcornoque, m. , cork-oak.

aldaba, knocker ( on a door).

aldabonazo ( aug. + azo: cf.H. F. Gr. § 205), blow withthe knocker, knock.

aldea, small village, hamlet.

alegar, to allege, cite.

alegrarse (de), to be glad, happy; ¡cuánto me alegro! how gladI am!

alegre, merry, happy.

alegría, merriment, joy; Alegría, prop. noun.

alejar, to remove; —se, to goaway, retreat, retire; —semás, to remove to a greaterdistance.

alemán, -a, German.

alentar (ie), to breathe.

alerce, m. , larch-wood.

alerta, vigilant(ly); estar ojo —, to be watchful.

alerto, watchful.

aletear, m. , flutter, toy(ing).

alevosamente, treacherously.

alfombra, carpet.

algarabía, jargon, confusednoise.

algazara, merriment, shouting,turmoil.

algo, something, somewhat; —más, later.

algún(o), -a, some, any, someone, any one; — tanto, somewhat.

alianza, alliance, relationship.

Alicante, prop. noun ( the townof Alicante, with a populationof about 40,000, is the capitalof the province of Alicante, onthe southeastern coast of Spain).

alícuota; parte —, equal share.

alienado, insane (person).

aliento, breath; pl. , courage.

alimentación, f. , act of nourishing,food.

alimentar, to nourish.

alimento, food.

alisado, smooth.

alita ( dim. ), little wing.

alivio, improvement; tener —, to show improvement.

alma, soul, human being; hijade mi —, my darling.

almacén, m. , warehouse.

almena, crenelated battlement.

almendra, almond.

almidonar, to starch.

almohada, pillow, cushion.

almorzar (ue), to breakfast.

alojado, residing.

alojamiento, lodging, quarters.

alojarse, to lodge, stop.

alpargatas, shoes or sandalsmade of hemp.

alquitrán, m. , tar.

alrededor, around, about; á su—, around (him).

altamente, highly.

altanería; con —, haughtily.

altanero, haughty.

altar, m. ; — mayor, high altar.

Altavilla, prop. noun ( lit. , Hightown).

alterar, to alter, change, disturb; —se, to be disturbed.

alternado, alternating, recurrent.

alternativa, alternative; —straidoras, treacherous turns.

alternativamente, alternately.

alteza, height.

alto, high, tall, loud; lo —, above, height, top; — el fuego, see fuego; en —, high,aloft; — sentido, deep meaning.

altura, height, latitude; á la —de, as high as, as far north as.

alubia, kidney-bean.

alucinación, f. , hallucination.

aludir, to allude.

alumbrar, to light.

alumno, disciple.

alzar, to lift, raise; —se con elcargo, to take (upon oneself)the office.

allá, there; — dentro, in there; lo de más —, the other; —abajo, down there;

arriba, above, up there.

allí, there; por —, thereabouts,over there.

amable, lovable, pleasing, amiable.

amado, beloved.

amagar, to threaten.

amanecer, to dawn; be at day-break; al —, at day-break; amanezcan, may find themselvesat day-break.

amante, m. or f. , lover.

amar, to love.

amargarse, to become bitter.

amargura, bitterness, pain.

amarillo, yellow, pallid; amarillas, gold coins.

amarra, martingale, strap.

amarrar, to tie, fasten.

ámbito, space, extent.

ambos, -as, both, the two; porambas partes, on either side.

ambulante, movable, walking.

amén, amen, so be it.

amenaza, threat.

amenazador, -a, threatening.

amenazar, to threaten.

amenículos = adminículos.

amigo, -a, friend; ser — de, tobe fond of, like.

amigote ( aug. of amigo), greatfriend, chum.

aminorarse, to diminish.

amistad, f. , friendship.

amo, -a, landlord, landlady,proprietor, master, mistress,owner.

amoldar, to mould, shape.

amontonar, to pile up, crowd together.

amor, m. , affection, love; pl. ,love affairs; — propio (de), self-love (as a), conceit (as a).

amorcito (