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atemorizado, daunted, terror-stricken.

atención, f. , attention.

atender (ie), to attend, listen,pay attention.

atenerse, to adhere, hold to.

atentado, offence, transgression.

atentamente, attentively.

atento (á), attentive (to), bent(upon), watching.

aterecío = aterecido, benumbedwith cold.

aterrado, terrified.

Atlante, Atlas, Atlante ( figureof a man used as a column tosupport an entablature).

Atlántico, Atlantic Ocean.

atmósfera, atmosphere, air.

atolondrado, stunned, in consternation;thoughtless, confused.

atolondrarse, to be stunned.

atónito, astonished.

atracar, to lie alongside of, moor; —se, to stuff oneself ( withfood and drink).

atraer (á), to draw, attract (to,toward), bring down (upon).

atrajo, pret. of atraer.

atrancar, to bar.

atrapar, to catch, nab.

atrás, backwards, behind, back.

atravesar (ie), to cross, passthrough.

atreverse (á), to dare, make bold.

atrevido, bold, daring, fearless.

atribuir, to attribute, ascribe,charge to.

atribulado, afflicted, worried, distressed.

atrocidad, f. , atrocity.

atrofiar(se), to waste away.

atronador, -a, thundering, deafening.

atronar (ue), to make a deafeningnoise ( like thunder).

atroz, atrocious.

aturdido, thoughtless.

aturdimiento, perturbation, stupefaction.

audaz, fearless, valient.

auditorio, audience.

augusto, grand, imposing, venerable,sacred.

aumentar, to increase.

aumento, increase; seguir en —, to continue to increase.

aun or aún, even, yet, still; niaun, not even.

aunque, although, even if.

ausencia, absence.

austeridad, f. , austerity, severity.

austero, stern.

auto de fe, auto de fe ( betterknown by the Portuguese name, auto da fe: a ceremony thatused to take place in Spain, inwhich heretics were

publiclypunished, or even burned, togetherwith their heretical writings),great fire.

autómata, m. , automaton.

autor, -a, author, authoress; —de mis días, my father.

autoridad, f. , authority.

autoritario, domineering.

autorizar, to authorize.

auxiliar, auxiliar, assistant.

auxilio, aid, assistance.

avance, m. , advance, attack.

Avangelios = Evangelios.

avanzar, to advance.

avaro, miser.

ave, f. , bird; — nocturna, night-bird( the owl, etc. ).

avecilla ( dim. of ave), little bird.

aventura, adventure.

aventurar(se), to venture.

avergonzado, ashamed.

avergonzar (üe), to fill withshame, put to shame.

averiar, to damage, spoil.

averiguar, to ascertain, find out,inquire, pry.

Averno ( = Avernus, a lake nearNaples, famous for its poisonousvapors and supposed by theancients to be connected withthe infernal regions), Hades.

avidez, f. , greed; con —, eagerly.

avisar, to advise, inform, givenotice.

avispa, wasp.

avivar, to enliven, stir up ( as afire).

¡ay! interj. ( expressing grief orpain), oh! ah! alas!

ayer, yesterday; — noche, lastnight.

ayudar (á), to help, assist.

ayunar, to fast.

ayuno, fasting; adj. , ignorant.

ayuntamiento, city council, municipalgovernment.

azabache, m. , jet.

azorado, terrified, trembling,agitated.

azotar, to whip, beat.

azote, m. , lash, blow, whip; quedaba —s en cierta parte, whowas spanking.

azul, blue; — turquí, dark blue.

azulado, blue, bluish.

azumbre, f. , ( a liquid measure= about) two quarts.


bacalao, codfish.

Baco, Bacchus ( the god of wine).

báculo, staff.

bachiller, m. , bachelor ( one whohas obtained a degree in the instituto or colegio);

— en humanidades, Bachelor of Arts.

bagaje, m. , baggage; pl. , baggage( of an army).

bahía, bay.

bailar, to dance.

baile, m. , dance, ball.

baja, fall ( of price).

bajar, to descend, cast down,lower; —se, to stoop down; al —, when going down.

bajito ( dim. of bajo), low, in alow voice, under; small.

bajo, low; por lo —, in an undertone.

bala, ball, bullet.

balancear(se), to balance, sway.

balaustrada, balustrade.

balazo, shot, bullet-wound.

balcón, m. , balcony.

balconcillo ( dim. ), little balcony.

Baleares, Balearic Islands ( eastof, and belonging to Spain).

balsa, pool.

banco, bench.

bandada, swarm, flock.

bandera, flag, banner.

bandido, bandit.

bando, proclamation.

bandolero, highwayman.

banqueta, stool with three legs.

bañar, to bathe.

báquico, bacchanalian.

barajar, to jumble together,frustrate, ward off.

barandilla, balustrade.

baratijas, pl. , trifles, toys.

barato, cheap; meter á —, toundo, spoil, ruin.

baraúnda, confusion, hurly-burly.

barba, chin, beard; — del maíz, tassel of Indian corn.

barbaridad, f. , barbarity, foolishact or thing.

bárbaro, barbarous.

barbarote, -a ( aug. of bárbaro), great savage.

barbaruelense, m. or f. , inhabitantof Barbaruelo.

Barbaruelo, prop. noun ( lit. , littleBarbarian).

barbudo, with a long beard.

barca, boat, bark.

barco, bark, ship; — de guerra, man-of-war.

barítono, baritone.

barquilla, cock-boat, small boat( used on rivers and near theseacoast).

barquillo ( dim. of barco), smallboat.

Barquillo, prop. noun.

barra, bar, tiller.

barranco, ravine.

barreño, tub.

barrer, to sweep (away).

barrera, barrier.

barriga, paunch, girth.

barrio, quarter, ward, suburb.

barro, clay.

basca, nausea, disgust, loathsomeness.

base, f. , basis, base.

bastante, enough, quite, rather.

bastar, to suffice; ¡basta! thatwill do! enough!

basto, of coarse or inexpensivematerial.

bastón, m. , cane, walking-stick.

bastoncillo ( dim. of bastón), little cane.

batalla, battle.

batallón, m. , batallion.

batir, to beat, stir; — las palmas, to clap one's hands.

batista, batiste.

bautismo, baptism.

bautizar, to baptize, christen;mix water with wine.

bautizo, baptism, christening.

bayeta, flannel.

bayoneta, bayonet.

beato, blessed, devotee; beatasy ratas, women who haunt thechurch.

bebedor, -a, toper.

beber, to drink; y bébelos, andshe spends them for drink.

bebida, drink.

becerro, calf.

Becerro, prop. noun.

Belén, Bethlehem.

belleza, beauty; Suma Belleza, highest beauty.

Bellini, prop. noun ( an Italiancomposer).

bello, beautiful.

bellota, acorn.

bendecido, p. p. of bendecir.

bendecir, to bless.

bendición, f. , blessing.

bendiga, pr. subj. of bendecir.

bendijo, pret. of bendecir.

bendito, irr. p. p. of bendecir.

beneficio, benefit; en —, for thebenefit.

benéfico, kind.

benevolencia, benevolence.

Benito, Benedict.

berengena, egg-plant.

berlina, open carriage.

bermejo, red.

bermellón, vermilion.

berro, water-cress.

berza, cabbage, kale.

besar, to kiss.

beso, kiss.

bestia, beast, brute, animal.

bestial, revolting, disgusting.

besugo, seabream or red gilt-head( a fish common to theBay of Biscay).

biblia, bible; — Sacra, HolyBible.

bíblico, biblical.

biblioteca, library.

bien, m. , goodness, welfare, benefit; hombre de —, honestman; pl. , property, possessions.

bien, well, very; si —, although,even if; — que, although; —se lo dije yo, I was right whenI told him.

bienaventurado, blessed.

bienaventuranza, heavenly bliss.

bienhechor, -a, benefactor, benefactress.

bienquisto (-quisto = irr. p. p.of querer), beloved.

bigote, m. , mustache.

bilis, f. , bile.

billar, m. , billiards, billiard-room.

billete, m. , note; — de Banco, bank-note; — de lotería, lotteryticket.

birlar (á), to snatch (from),cheat (out of).

bizarro, gallant, brave, stately,beautiful.

bizco, cross-eyed, squinting.

bizcocho, biscuit.

blanco, white.

blandengue, m. ( coll. ), easy-goingperson, "softy."

blandir, to brandish.

blando, soft.

blasfemia, blasphemy.

blusa, blouse.

boca, mouth; — arriba, (lying)on one's back; — calle, f. ,opening or end of a street.

boda, marriage.

bodega, wine-cellar, store-room.

bofetada, blow ( on the face),buffet.

boga, ox-eyed cackerel ( a fish).

boina, cap ( the flat one worn inthe Basque provinces).

boldo, boldu ( peumus boldus, afragrant, ever-green shrub ofChile).

bolina, bow-line; " Bolina, ""Closehauled" ( as a nickname).

bolita ( dim. ), small ball.

bolsa, purse, bag.

bolsillo, pocket.

bomba, bomb.

bonachón, -a ( aug. ), kindly,good-natured.

bondad, f. , kindness.

bondadoso, kind.

bonitamente, dexterously.

bonito, pretty, fine.

borbotón, m. ; á —es, in torrents,in clouds ( as smoke).

borde, m. , edge.

bordo, side of a ship; á —, onboard.

borracho, drunk; intoxicatedperson.

borrachón, -a ( aug. ), drunkard,tippler.

borrar, to erase, efface.

borrasca, tempest.

borrascoso, stormy, wild.

borrico, donkey.

bosque, m. , woods.

bosquejo, sketch.

bostezar, to yawn.

bota, boot; ponerse las —s, tobe enriched.

bote, m. , small boat, yawl.

botella, bottle.

botellita ( dim. ), small bottle.

botón, m. , button; echar los —es, to fasten the buttons, sew onbuttons.

bou ( lit. ox, in the Valenciandialect), m. ; barcas del —, fishing-boatsthat the oxen pullinto the water ( when launchedby the oxen, these boats set outin pairs, each

pair letting outa net).

bóveda, vault.

bramar, to groan, roar, cry.

Braulio, proper noun.

bravo, angry, fierce.

brazo, arm, clutch; del —, onthe arm.

bregar, to struggle.

breñal, m. , craggy ground overgrownwith brambles; poraquellos —es, through thethicket.

breva, (early) green fig.

breve, brief, short.

bribón, -a, rascal, impostor; lamuy bribona, the wretchedwoman; ¡bribona! you wretch!

bribonaza ( aug. ), impudent impostor,great wretch.

brigada, brigade; general de —, brigadier general.

brigadier, m. , brigade-officer.

brillante, bright, shining, brilliant.

brillar, to shine.

brillo, resplendence, brightness.

brincar, to jump, bound.

brinco, leap; dar —s, to gambol,leap (por, over).

brindar, to drink a toast, pledge.

brindis, m. , toast.

brío(s), manliness, valor, spirit.

brioso, spirited.

brisa, breeze; — marina, sea-breeze.

brocado, brocade.

brocha, brush.

brochazo, stroke ( of a brush).

broma, jest; echar á —, to takeas a jest.

bromista, m. , merry fellow; amigo —, a mischievousfriend.

bromita ( dim. ), little jest.

bronce, m. , bronze.

brotar, to gush, flow; flash.

bruces; de —, with the facedownward; estaba de — sobre, was looking over.

bruja, witch, hag; ¡—! you hag!

brujona ( aug. ), horrible oldwitch; ¡—! you horrible oldwitch!

bruñir, to burnish.

bruscamente, abruptly, hastily,suddenly.

brusco, rude, hard, jolting.

brutalidad, f. , brutality, rudeness.

bruto, stupid, dull.

buenaventura, good luck, predictionof fortune-tellers; hacer la —, to tell fortune.

buen(o), good, well, very well; hacer —, to prove; — es para, he is not the one to.

Buenos Aires, Buenos Ayres ( thecapital of the Argentine Republicin South America).

buey, m. , ox.

bueyecito ( dim. ), little ox.

buffet ( French), m. , refreshment-table.

buhardilla, garret.

buhardillón ( aug. ), garret-room.

bula, papal bull ( permission).

bulto, package, parcel, mass.

bulla, shouting, noise, merriment.

bullanga, concert, noise.

bullir, to boil, bustle.

buñuelo, fritter ( filled with fruitor jelly).

Burdeos, Bordeaux ( a city inFrance, famous for its wine).

burlar, to mock, laugh (at).

burlonamente, mockingly.

burro, donkey.

busca, search; en su —, insearch of him (her, them,you).

buscar, to look for, seek; ir á —, to go for.

Bustillo; Eduardo —, prop. noun( Spanish poet, author of Lascuatro estaciones, El libro azul[1879], Romancero de la guerrade África, El ciego de

Buenavista[1888], et al. ).


caballerito ( dim. ), little gentleman.

caballero, gentleman, horseman,rider; — (en), mounted (on).

caballete, m. , horse ( stand forsaddles, etc. ).

caballo, horse; á —, on horse-back,to horse.

cabecear, to nod; toss the head( said of horses).

cabecera, head, end.