Ujarraz, prop. noun.
ultimado, finished.
último, last, latter; greatest,highest; por —, lastly, finally; esto —, this last thing; de
—, the last of all; en — término, lastly.
umbral, m. , threshold.
unánime, unanimous.
únicamente, only, solely.
único, only; lo —, the only thing.
uniforme, m. , uniform; los de —, the soldiers, officers.
unir, to unite, join, meet.
universo, world, universe.
un(o), -a, one, a; pl. , some, thesame; uno al otro, each other; no son unos, they are not alike.
untar, to grease, rub; — lasmanos, to bribe.
uña, finger-nail; echar la — (á), to get hold (of).
urbanidad, f. , civility, politeness.
urbano, urbane, polite.
urgir, to urge, be urgent; meurge, I am in haste (to).
urna, urn, glass-case ( for images).
usar, to use, wear; — de, to makeuse of.
uso, use, custom.
usted, pl. , ustedes, you.
útil, useful.
utilidad, f. , utility, service.
V., Vd. = usted; pl. , V. V., Vds. = ustedes.
vaciar, to empty.
vacilante, wavering.
vacilar, to stagger.
vacío, empty.
vagar, to wander.
vagido, utterance ( of a new-bornchild).
vago, vague.
vaho, vapor.
vaina, scabbard, sheath.
Valdepeñas, prop. noun ( town inthe province of Ciudad Real;famous for its table wine).
Valdivia, prop. noun ( a town inChile).
valedor, m. , protector, defender.
Valencia, prop. noun ( Valencia,pop. about 160,000, is the thirdlargest city of Spain. It is onthe east coast, and is an importantseaport).
valer, to be worth, procure ( asa name); —se (de), to makeuse (of), employ; hacer
—, toinsist, claim; vale más, it isbetter; ¡me valga Dios! blessme!; valiérame más, it wouldbe better for me.
valeroso, brave, heroic.
valga, pr. subj. of valer.
valiente, valiant; ( coll. ), big, excessive.
valor, m. , value, valor, courage.
Valverde, prop. noun ( lit. , greenvalley).
Valladolid, prop. noun ( capital ofthe province of the same name;pop. about 70,000).
valle, m. , valley, vale.
vámonos, vamos; see ir.
vanidad, f. , vanity, ostentation.
vano, vain, in vain; en —, invain.
vapor, m. , vapor, fume, "bouquet"( of wine); steamer.
vara, yard ( about 33 inches), rod.
varar, to run aground, be stranded.
variación, f. , change.
variar, to vary; — de sitio, toshift, move about.
vario, varied, changing, fickle; pl. , several, various.
Varmen, f. , prop. noun.
varón, m. , man.
varonil, manly, vigorous.
vas, pr. ind. of ir.
vaso, glass.
vaticinio, prediction.
vaya, pr. subj, of ir; exclam. ,well! indeed! what a question!; — un modo de despedirse, anice way of taking leave; — con Dios, good-bye and mayGod keep you.
vé, imper., and pers. sing., of ir.
vecindad, f. , neighborhood.
vecindario, inhabitants.
vecino, neighbor, resident, inhabitant; — de, verging on.
vega, (fertile) plain.
vehemencia, vehemence, violence,fervor; con —, vehemently,violently.
vehemente, impetuous.
veinte, twenty.
veinticuatro, twenty-four.
veintinueve, twenty-nine.
veintiún(o), twenty-one.
vejetal, vegetable.
vejez, f. , old age.
vela, candle, sail; gran —, main-sail.
velada, watch, wakefulness.
velar, to watch ( at night), wake,be watchful.
veleta, weather-vane.
velis nolis ( Latin), willy-nilly.
velo, veil, curtain.
veloz, swift.
velozmente, quickly, swiftly.
vena, vein.
vencedor, -a, conqueror, victor.
vencer, to conquer, win, overcome.
vender, to sell.
veneno, poison, wrath, passion; hecho un —, furious.
venerar, to venerate, worship.
vengan, pr. subj. of venir.
venganza, vengeance, revenge.
venida, coming.
venir, to come; fit; —se, to come; si viene á mano, if there is achance; un poco ancha te vendrá, it is probably a little toowide for you.
venite adoremus ( Latin) = venidy adoremos ( the beginningwords of a prayer).
ventaja, advantage.
ventajosamente, advantageously.
ventana, window.
ventilado, ventilated, airy.
ventilar, to ventilate.
ver, to see; á —, let us (me) see; — la cara á la muerte, to facedeath.
vera, earnestness.
verano, summer.
veras; de —, truly, really, sincerely.
verdad, f. , truth; it is true; ¿noes —? is it not true?
verdaderamente, truly, really.
verdadero, real, true, genuine.
verde, green; perverse; poner —á alguno, to accuse one ofperversity.
verdura, vegetables.
vergüenza, shame, sense ofshame, embarrassment; meda —, I am ashamed.
verídico, truthful, authentic.
verja, railing.
verosimilitud, f. , probability,likelihood.
verso, verse; pl. , verses, poetry.
verter (ie), to shed.
verticalmente, vertically.
vespertino; paseo —, evening-walk.
vestido, dress, gown; clothes.
vestigio, vestige, foot-mark.
vestir (i), to dress, wear, clothe; —se, to dress; — de, to dressas.
vetusto, ancient, very old.
vez, f. , time; en — de, insteadof; á la —, successively; atthe same time; de — en cuando, now and then; á mi —, in myturn; una sola —, once; tal —, perhaps; sin tal —, perhapsnot; las más de veces, most ofthe time; — y —, once upon atime; á veces, sometimes; unay otra —, repeatedly; pocasveces, seldom.
vi, viste, vió, etc. , pret. of ver.
viaje, m. , trip, journey, voyage.
viático, viaticum ( the sacramentadministered to the dying).
víbora, viper.
vibrar, to vibrate; noun, vibration.
vicio, vice, bad habit.
viciosona ( aug. ), wicked woman.
víctima, victim, prey.
victimario, sacrificer ( servantwho assists the sacrificingpriest).
vida, life; en mi (tu, su, etc. ) — ( beforethe verb), never inmy (your, his, etc. ) life; por — deCristo, in Heaven's name,for goodness' sake.
vidriera, window, pane.
vidrio, glass; — de colores, stained glass ( window).
viejecita ( dim. ), little old woman.
viejo, -a, old man, old woman; —s, old people; adj. , old.
viento, wind.
vientre, m. , belly, paunch, stomach;hull ( of a ship); intestines( of animals); sobre el —, facedownward.
viera, viese, imp. subjs. of ver.
viernes, m. , Friday.
viga, beam.
vigilante, m. , watch, sentinel.
vigilar, to watch.
vigilia, vigil, sleepless night.
vigor, m. , vigor, energy.
vigoroso, vigorous, solid.
villancico, Christmas carol.
vinagre, m. , vinegar; cara de —, sour face.
vine, -iste, -o, etc. , pret. of venir.
vinífero, wine-producing; referringto the wine.
vinillo ( dim. ), poor wine.
vino, wine; — del país, winefrom one's own country; —generoso, fine, rich wine;
—moro, pure wine.
viña, vineyard.
viñedo, district abounding invineyards; pl. , vineyards.
violencia, violence; con —, violently,hard.
violento, forced, unnatural.
virada, tacking, turn.
virgen, f. , virgin; ¡— santísima! good gracious!
virtud, f. , virtue.
virtuoso, virtuous.
visaje, m. , grimace.
visión, f. , vision, sight.
visita, visit, visiting, caller,visitor.
víspera, eve.
vista, view, sight, eye; con la —en el suelo, his eyes fastenedon the ground; dar
— á, tocome in view of; fijar la —en, to fix one's eyes on; en —de, because of; en — de que, considering that; because.
vistan, pr. subj. of vestir.
vístase, pr. subj. of vestirse.
visto, p. p. of ver; por lo —, evidently; — y no—, visibleand yet incredible.
vistoso, beautiful.
vitalidad, f. , vitality.
viuda, widow; quedar —, to beleft a widow.
vivamente, quickly, eagerly.
víveres, m. pl. , provisions.
vivienda, dwelling-place, home,house.
viviente, m. , living being; —s, people.
vivir, to live; ¡viva! long live!hurrah (for)! hail (to)!
vivo, lively, animated, alive,living, vivid; tan al — hecho, made so natural.
vizcaíno, from Biscay.
Vizcaya, Biscay ( a region inNorthern Spain).
vocear, to shout, cry, cry out.
vocería, clamor, voices.
volante, flying.
volar (ue), to fly, vanish.
volcán, m. , volcano.
volubilidad, f. , volubility.
voluntad, f. , will, good-will, kindness; todas las —es, everyone'sgood-will.
voluptuosidad, f. , voluptuousness; con —, thoroughly ( inLos Puritanos).
volver (ue), to turn, return; —se, to turn back or into, change,become; — á hacer algunacosa, to do something again; —se atrás, to back out; —pies atrás, to retrace one'ssteps; — en sí, to recoverone's senses; vuelto de espaldas, with one's back turned.
vomitar, to vomit; give forth( something one has refused).
vos, ye, you.
vosotros, ye, you.
votar, to vow; voto á ..., by...; ¡votoá bríos! ( an oathexpressing vengeance), by Heaven!
voto, vow.
voy, vas, va, etc. , pr. ind. of ir.
voz, f. , voice, word, outcry,rumor; á toda —, á grandesvoces, with a loud voice, loudly,at the top of one's voice; dar voces, to make an outcry; á voces, aloud.
vuelo, flight, wings; bajar en un—, to fly down.
vuelta, turn, return; —s, facing,cuffs and lappels; á (de) — de, on returning from; dar la —, to turn back; take a turn; dar la — al mundo, to makea trip around the world; ir de—, to return.
vuelto, p. p. of volver.
vuestro, -a, your, yours.
vulgar, common, ordinary.
vulgarmente, commonly.
vulgo, masses, crowd, mob.
ya, now, then, already; in duetime; — no, no longer; ya...ya ( with subj. ), whether...or; — que, since.
yacer, to lie.
yegua, mare.
yendo, pr. p. of ir.
yerba = hierba.
yerno, son-in-law.
yerto, rigid, stiff.
yugo, yoke.
zahareño, wild, shy, stubborn.
zalamería, flattery.
zambomba, rustic drum ( open atone end, closed at the other,with a tightly-stretched skinfrom which projects a reed,which is rubbed to producenoise).
zapatero, shoemaker, cobbler.
zapato, shoe.
zarzuela, light opera.
¡zas! bang!
zona, zone.
zorregar = zurriagar, to chastisewith a whip or thong.
zorro, -a, fox.
zozobra, anguish, worry.
zumba, jest, raillery.
zumbar, to buzz, hum.
zumo, juice.
zurriaga, thong.
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