seguido, successive; de —, successively; unos cuantos —s, several in succession.
seguir (i), to continue, follow; — adelante, to continue.
según, according to (what); — que, judging from the way.
segundo, second, latter; lieutenant; de — orden, second class.
seguramente, certainly, surely,most probably.
seguridad, f. , security; dar —de, to reassure.
seguro (de), sure; de —, surely.
seis, six.
sellar, to seal; finish.
sello, seal, stamp.
semana, week; — santa, Holy Week ( the week before Easterin which the passion of our Savior is commemorated).
semblante, m. , face, countenance.
sembrado, cornfield, ground sown with grain.
sembrar (ie), to sow, plant.
semejante, similar, such.
semejanza, resemblance.
semejar (á), to resemble.
sencillez, f. , simplicity, artlessness.
sencillo, simple, plain, unaffected.
senda, path.
sendero, path.
sensible, perceptible, sensitive; en lo más —, in the most sensitivepart.
sentar (ie), to set; fit, become; — la mano de firme, to punishseverely; —se, to seat oneself; sentado, seated.
sentencia, sentence, judgment.
sentenciar, to sentence, condemn.
sentido, sense, reason, judgment,mind, insight, construction; con sus cinco —s, with thegreatest care and attention; gastar un —, to spend a fortune.
sentimiento, feeling, sorrow.
sentir (ie), to feel, hear, regret; —se, to feel.
seña, sign; pl. , description, signs.
señal, f. , sign, mark, signal.
señalado, fixed, set, appointed.
señalar, to point (out), indicate, make known.
señor, m. , Mr., Sir, gentleman; los —es (de), Mr. and Mrs.
señora, lady, madam; Sra., Sra.Dª. (= Doña), Mrs.
señorico ( dim. ), young gentleman,Sir.
señorito ( dim. .), Sir.
sepa, pr. subj. of saber.
separar, to separate; —se, tomove, come away.
sepulcral, sepulchral.
sepulcro, sepulchre, grave.
sepultar, to bury, hide.
sequedad, f. , dryness, harshness.
sequía, drought, dryness.
séquito, suite; consequences.
ser, m. , being, creature; nature( of things).
ser, to be; — de, to belong to,become of; así fué la verdad, so it was in truth; no sea que, lest; fuese ... fuese, either ...or; es que, the fact is; ¿quéva á —? what is going to become?; es de esperar, it is tobe expected; lo que eres tú, asfor you.
seráfico, seraphic, angelic, pure.
serenarse, to grow calm.
serenidad, f. , calmness, serenity.
sereno, night-watchman.
sereno, serene, cheerful.
sereña, fisher-boat.
serio, serious, seriously.
sermón, m. , sermon.
serrallo, seraglio, harem.
serrano, mountainous; rough, rude.
Serrezuela, prop. noun.
servicial, obliging, accomodating.
servicio, service; de —, on duty.
servidor, -a, servant.
servidumbre, f. , servants.
servilleta, napkin.
servir (i), to serve, be of use; —se de, to make use of; sírvaseV., help yourself.
sesenta, sixty.
sesentón, -ona, sixty years ofage.
seso, brain.
severidad, f. , severity; con —, severely.
Sevilla, Seville ( pop. about 150,000; in the province ofSeville, in south-western Spain. Seville is the largest andwealthiest town in Andalusia).
sexo, sex.
si, if, whether; why, indeed; un— es no es, a trifle; — no, ifnot, otherwise; — no es, except, unless.
sí, himself, herself, itself, yourself;themselves, yourselves; de por —, of its own account.
sí, yes; indeed; que —, yes; darel —, to accept the proposal; y —, but.
Siberia, prop. noun ( an Asiaticpossession of Russia, noted forits cold winters).
siempre, always, ever; de —, thesame; as always.
sierra, mountain, range ofmountains; Sierra de Loja, prop. noun ( a mountain rangenamed after the town of Loja,in S. Spain).
siete, seven.
sietemesino ( coll. ), little dandy,fop; adj. , immature.
siglo, century, age.
significación, f. , significance.
significar, to signify, mean.
sigo, pr. ind. of seguir.
siguiente, following.
siguiera, siguiese, imp. subjs. of seguir.
silbar, to whistle.
silbido, whistling.
silencio, quiet, peace.
silenciosamente, silently, in silence.
silencioso, silent, mute, quiet.
silueta, outline, silhouette.
silla, chair, saddle.
sillería, rows of chairs ( in thechoir of a church).
simbólico, symbolical.
simpatía, sympathy, congeniality,kindly interest.
simpático, charming, winsome.
simultáneamente, simultaneously.
sin, without.
sincerarse, to vindicate oneself.
sincero, sincere.
sinfonía, symphony.
singular, peculiar, strange.
singularidad, f. , oddity, curiosity.
singularmente, singularly, especially.
sino, except, but; no ... —, only; no parece — que, onewould think that.
sintiera, sintiese, imp. subjs. ofsentir.
sintió, sintieron, pret. of sentir.
Sión, m. , Zion = heaven.
siquiera, even, at least; ni —, not even.
sirena, siren, sea-nymph.
sírvase, pr. subj., 3d pers. sing.,of servirse.
sirviente, -a, servant.
sistema, m. , system.
sitiador, m. , besieger.
sitio, place, site; hacer —, togive way.
situación, f. , situation, state,condition.
situado, situated.
soberanamente, extremely, supremely.
soberano, sovereign, supreme.
soberbio, arrogant, overbearing.
sobra; de —, more than sufficient.
sobrado, garret, loft.
sobre, on, above over; — todo, especially, above all.
sobrecargar, to overburden.
sobrecogido, overcome.
sobremesa; de —, after dinner;for dessert.
sobrenombre, m. , nickname.
sobreponerse (á), to overcome,get the better (of).
sobresaliente, surpassing, extraordinary.
sobresaltado, startled.
sobresalto, dread, alarm.
sobrevivir, to survive.
Socarraíco, dim. of Socarrao.
sociedad, f. , society, company.
socio, partner.
socorrido, supplied; handy, useful.
socorro, help.
sochantre, m. , precentor, directorof a choir.
sofocado, suffocating.
soga, rope.
sol, m. , sun.
solamente, only.
solapa, lappel; á la sombra de la—, under his lappel.
solar (ue), to pave.
soldado, (private) soldier; —rojo, red-coat ( British soldierwearing a red coat).
soledad, f. , solitude.
solemne, solemn.
solemnidad, f. , solemnity.
solemnizar, to solemnize.
soler (ue), to be accustomed to; como suele decir, as he is wontto say.
solfear, to beat; — á leña, tobeat into kindling-wood.
solicitar, to entreat, urge.
solícito, anxious, eager, kindly.
soliloquio, soliloquy, monologue.
solitario, solitary, lonely.
solito ( dim. ), alone; —s, of theirown accord.
solo, alone, single, mere; sólo, adv. , only, merely; tan —, only, just.
soltar (ue), to drop, let loose,cast off, discharge, utter; —una especie, to make a suggestion; —lo redondo, to swearroundly.
solterísima ( from soltera), verymuch of a spinster.
soltero, -a, bachelor, spinster,unmarried man, woman.
solterona ( aug. of soltera), oldmaid.
sollozante, sobbing.
sollozar, to sob.
sollozo, sob, sobbing.
sombra, shade, shadow; por ellado de la —, on the dark side; á la —, in the shade, in theshelter or protection; under(cover of).
sombrero, hat; — de copa, tallhat, silk hat.
sombrío, gloomy, somber.
somnámbulo or sonámbulo ( inItalian, sonnambulo), somnambulist,one who walks inhis sleep.
somos, pr. ind. of ser.
son, m. , sound; en — de despedida, as if dismissing him.
sonado, notorious, famous.
sonar (ue), to sound.
soneto, sonnet.
sonido, sound.
sonreir, to smile; —se (de orcon), to smile (at).
sonriendo, pr. p. of sonreir.
sonrisa, smile.
sonrosado, rosy.
sonsonete, m. , ring.
soñar (ue), to dream.
sopa, soup; — de almendras, almond soup.
sopapo, slap, blow.
soplar, to blow.
soplo, breath, gust.
soportable, bearable, endurable.
sorbo, draught, drink.
sordo, deaf; á —s, to deaf ears.
sorprender, to surprise, astonish,overtake, come upon.
sorpresa, surprise.
sortijita ( dim. ), finger-ring.
sosegadamente, calmly.
sosegarse (ie), to compose oneself.
sosiego, repose, serenity.
sospecha, suspicion.
sospechar, to suspect.
sostenedor, -a, supporter.
sostener, to sustain, support, uphold.
soy, pr. ind. of ser.
Sr., Sra., Sr. D., Sra. Dª., seeseñor and señora.
su, pl. , sus, his, her, its, your,their.
suave, gentle, soft, sweet.
suavemente, gently.
suavísimo ( from suave), mostgentle, most tranquil.
subasta, (juridical) public auction.
subir(se), to rise, climb, ascend,go upstairs, come up; raise.
súbito, sudden, unexpected; de—, suddenly.
sublevarse, to rise in rebellion.
sublime; — de pureza, sublimein its purity.
suceder, to happen; — (á), tofollow, succeed; suceda lo quesuceda, whatever may happen.
sucedido, event; lo —, what hadhappened.
sucesivamente, successively.
sucesivo; en lo —, after this.
suceso, event, incident.
suculento, succulent; —a mesa, rich food.
sudar, to sweat, perspire.
sudor, m. , sweat; fig. , labor.
sudoroso, covered with perspiration.
suegra, mother-in-law.
suela, sole; de siete —s, of thedeepest dye.
sueldo, salary, pay.
suelo, floor, ground, soil.
¡suelte! 3d pers. sing., pres. subj.,of soltar.
suelto, loose.
sueño, sleep, dream, vision; tener—, to be sleepy.
suerte, f. , luck, lot, fate; manner; de esta —, in this manner; de—, so.
sueste, m. , south-east; south-wester( a water-proof hat wornby sailors).
suficiente, enough; lo —, sufficient.
sufrido, patient.
sufrimiento, suffering, pain.
sufrir, to suffer.
sugerir (ie), to suggest.
sujetar, to subdue, hold fast,fasten.
sujeto, subject, person; adj. ,subject, subjected.
suma, sum; en —, in short.
sumamente, utterly, quite.
sumaria, proceedings, investigation.
sumergir, to submerge, plunge.
suministrar, to supply, furnish.
sumir, to bury, plunge; —se, tobe swallowed up, buried.
sumo, highest, very great, greatest; Sumo Bien, God.
suntuoso, sumptuous.
supe, -iste, -o, etc. , pret. ofsaber.
superar (á), to excel, be greater(than).
superficie, f. , surface; plana —, level ground.
superior, m. , superior ( the headof a convent); adj. , greater,upper, higher; hacerse
— á, not to mind.
supersticioso, superstitious.
supiera, supiese, imp. subjs. ofsaber.
suplicante, imploring.
suplicar, to entreat, implore.
suplicio, capital punishment;gallows, scaffold.
suplir, to supply, make up (for).
suponer, to suppose, imagine,fancy.
suposición, f. , supposition, surmise.
supuesto ( p. p. of suponer), supposition; — que, granting that,since; por —, of course.
sur, m. , south.
surgir, to rise.
surtidor, m. , spout, jet, spurt,splash.
surtir, to furnish, provide.
suspender, to suspend.
suspenso, amazed.
suspirar, to sigh; el suspiradobuey, the ox she craved.
suspiro, sigh.
sustancioso, substantial.
sustentar, to sustain, support.
sustituir, to substitute, replace; venía á —le, would come totake its place.
susto, fright; dar un —, to scare,frighten; llevar un —, to befrightened.
susurro, whispering, humming.
suyo, -a, (of) his, hers, its, theirs,yours; los suyos, his men.
Tabacalera, tobacco monopoly( of the Government, knownofficially as Compañía arrendatariade tabacos).
tabaco, tobacco.
tabaquera, tobacco pouch.
tabardillo; — pintado, spottedfever.
taberna, tavern.
tabla, plank, meat-market.
tablero, board, plank, panel.
tablilla, small board; — debarro, stand made of clay.
tacañería, meanness, closeness.
taciturno, silent, indisposed toconversation, melancholy.
tachar (de), to censure, tax(with), find fault (for).
tafetán, m. , taffeta; no está laMagdalena para tafetanes isused when speaking of one whois ill-humored or angry, andconsequently not in the mood togrant favors ( cf. no está ladama para tafetanes, ' thelady does not care for finery').
taitita, m. , daddy.
tajada, slice.
tal, certain, such, such a, that; — y como, such as; qué —, how; — vez, see vez; el
—, the said.
talante, m. , manner of doinganything; de mal —, in ill-humor.
talento, talent, genius, endowments,mental capacity, accomplishment.
talla, carving, sculpture, stature,size.
tallar, to carve, cut.
tallo, stem.
tamaño, so great; noun, size.
tambalear, to stagger, reel.
también, also.
tambor, m. , drum.
tamién = también.
tampoco, neither, not either; —yo, nor (have) I either.
tan, so, so much, as, such.
tanto, so much; — más cuantoque, all the more so when;