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trasluzca, etc. , v. traslucir.

trasparente, transparent, clear.

trasportar, to carry, convey, remove.

trastienda, f. , back shop.

tratar, to treat, discuss;

—— de, to try, endeavor, attempt;

—se de,to be a matter of.

trato, m. , treatment, usage.

través, al —— de, across, through.

trayendo, etc. , v. traer.

traza, f. , plan, scheme.

trazar, to trace, draw, mark.

trecho, m. , space, distance;

de —— en ——, at intervals.

tregua, f. , truce, respite, intermission.

treinta, thirty.

tremendo, —a, fearful, terrible, dreadful.

tremolar, to wave, flutter.

trémulo, —a, trembling, tremulous, quivering, shaking.

trepar, to climb, clamber, mount.

tres, three.

trescientos, —as, three hundred.

tributo, m. , tribute, contribution, offering, meed.

trinquete, m. , foresail.

tripa, f. , entrails.

tripulación, f. , crew.

tripulante, sailor, member of crew.

tripular, to man.

triste, sad, sorrowful; mournful, dismal, dull; gloomy, sombre, heavy.

tristemente, sadly, mournfully.

tristeza, f. , sadness, melancholy, gloom.

triunfal, triumphant.

triunfante, triumphant, exultant.

triunfo, m. , triumph, victory, exultation.

trocar, to change, exchange.

trocha, f. , cross-path, short cut.

tropezar, to stumble, strike against;

—— (con), to meet with, find,come upon.

trotar, to trot.

trozo, m. , piece, block, section.

trueno, m. , thunder, thunder-clap.

tumba, f. , grave, sepulchre.

tuno, m. , rogue, rascal, wretch.

turbación, f. , confusion, disturbance, perturbation.

turbar, to disturb, upset, trouble, disquiet, alarm; confuse, obscure; —se, to be uneasy, confused;

hacer —se, to trouble, alarm;

irturbándose, to grow troubled.

turbio, —a, turbid, muddy.

tutelar, guardian, protecting.

tuvieron, etc. , v. tener.


u, or (before o or ho).

ufano, —a, proud, conceited, arrogant; cheerful.

últimamente, finally, at last.

último, —a, last, final, hindmost;

por ——, finally, at last.

unánime, unanimous, general, universal.

unción, f. , extreme unction.

únicamente, only, solely, singly.

único, —a, only, sole;

lo único, the only thing.

unido, —a, attached; uniform.

unir, to join, unite, couple, combine.

universalmente, universally, generally.

uno, —a, m. & f. , one, someone, anyone; num. , one; pl. , some,several, a few; some people;

— a otro, one another, each other;

—— yotro, both;

—os y ( or tras) otros, one after another; la una, oneo'clock;

—os cuantos, several.

unto, m. , salve, ointment.

uña, f. , (finger-)nail; claw; clutch.

urbanidad, f. , courtesy, politeness, good breeding.

urgente, urgent, pressing, important.

usar, to use, wear.

uso, m. , use; exercise; wearing.

útil, useful, usable; serviceable, profitable.

utilizar, to utilize, make use of.


va, etc. , v. ir.

vaciar, to empty, pour out, discharge.

vacilante, vacillating, uncertain, hesitating.

vacilar, to vacillate, hesitate, waver.

vacío, —a, empty.

vaivén, m. , commotion, fluctuation, undulation.

valer, to be worth, amount to; avail, serve as a protection; ( w. pers.indir. obj. ), yield, bring;

—se (de), to employ, make use of, haverecourse to, avail

oneself of.

valor, m., courage, bravery, manliness, fortitude; value, price;

dar——, to encourage.

¡vamos! come! come now!

vanidad, f. , vanity, conceit.

vano, —a, ineffectual, fruitless, futile;

en ——, in vain.

vapor, m. , mist.

vapuleado, —a, whipped, flogged, chastised, chastened.

variante, f. , variation, difference.

vario, —a, varied, different; pl. , various, a few, some, several.

vasallo, —a, m. & f. , vassal, dependant.

vaso, m. , glass, tumbler.

vastago, m. , descendant, heir, scion.

vasto, —a, extensive, spacious, widespreading; huge,


vaya, etc. , v. ir.

¡vaya! come! indeed! well! come, come! get along! what a!

ve, imper. ir.

vecindad, f. , vicinity, neighborhood.

vecindario, m. , neighborhood.

vecino, —a, neighboring, near, adjoining, next.

vecino, —a, m. & f. , neighbor; resident, inhabitant.

vegetar, to vegetate.

vehemencia, f. , vehemence, violence, impetuosity.

veía, etc. , v. ver.

veinte, twenty.

veinticuatro, twenty-four.

veintidós, twenty-two.

vejar, to tease, vex, annoy, plague, torment, harass, agitate.

vela, f. , sail, ship; awning; watch; watchman; de ——, on guard.

velar, to cover, hide, veil; watch, be attentive, vigilant.

velocidad, f. , velocity, swiftness, rapidity.

velón, m. , lamp.

veloz, quick, fast, swift.

velozmente, rapidly, swiftly, speedily, hastily.

ven, imper. venir.

vencer, to overcome; conquer, vanquish, master, subdue; triumph over,prevail upon.

vendaval, m. , strong south-west wind, wind storm.

vender, to sell, dispose of;

—se, to betray oneself.

vendrá, etc. , v. venir.

veneno, m. , poison, venom.

veneración, f. , veneration, respect, honor.

venerando, —a, venerable, sacred.

venga, etc. , v. venir.

venganza, f. , vengeance, revenge.

venida, f. , coming, arrival.

venir, (a), to come, draw near, approach, advance; move forward or toward;

—se, to come on;

—se abajo, to fall, collapse.

ventana, f. , window; nostril.

ventar, to blow.

ventilar, to air; discuss (business).

ventura, f. , luck, chance, fortune;

por ——, perchance, perhaps.

ver, to see, glance at; scrutinize, scan; look into, examine;

—se, tobe seen; find oneself, be;

a ——, v. p. 53, n. 1.

verano, m. , summer.

veras, f. pl. , truth, reality;

de ——, really, truly, certainly,sincerely; indeed.

verdad, f. , truth, reality, fact;

a la ——, indeed, in truth.

verdadero, —a, veritable, genuine, actual, real.

verde, green.

verdugo, m. , hangman, executioner.

vereda, f. , foot-path.

vergonzoso, —a, bashful, shy, shamefaced.

vergüenza, f. , shame, disgrace;

sin ——, m. or f. , v. p. 45, n.1.

verter, to shed.

vertiginoso, —a, giddy, dizzying, bewildering.

vestir, to clothe, dress.

vetusto, —a, ancient, old.

vez, f. , time, turn, occasion;

a la ——, at once, at the same time,together;

a su ——, in his (her, etc.) turn;

a veces, at times,occasionally;

cada —— más, more and more;

de —— en cuando, from timeto time;

en —— de, instead of;

otra ——, again, once more;

pocasveces, seldom;

por dos ——, twice over;

rara ——, rarely, seldom;

repetidas ——, repeatedly;

tal ——, perhaps, perchance;

una ——,once, on one occasion;

unas ——, sometimes, at times.

vía, f. , road, way.

viaje, m. , journey, trip.

vianda, f. , food, provisions, viands.

víbora, f. , viper.

vibrante, vibrating, quivering.

vicio, m. , vice.

vicioso, —a, vicious, corrupt, depraved.

víctima, f. , victim.

victoria, f. , victory, conquest, triumph.

victorioso, —a, victorious, triumphant.

vida, f. , life, existence; living, livelihood.

vieja, f. , old woman.

viejo, —a, old, aged; antiquated, old-fashioned.

viene, etc. , v. venir.

viernes, m. , Friday.

viento, m. , wind, breeze.

vigilar, to watch over, superintend.

vigorosamente, vigorously, energetically, hard.

villa, f. , villa, country-house; town.

villanía, f. , villainy, baseness, crime.

villano, —a, m. & f. , villein, peasant, vassal.

vinagre, m. , vinegar.

viniendo, etc. , v. venir.

vino, m. , wine.

violencia, f. , violence, intensity, fierceness, fury, rage.

violento, —a, violent, vehement, furious.

violeta, f. , violet; lavender, purple.

Virgen, f. , the Virgin (Mary).

virtud, f. , virtue, force, strength; uprightness, integrity,rectitude; force, efficacy.

virtuoso, —a, virtuous, upright, honorable.

visible, ——, evident, manifest.

visita, f. , visit, call.

visitar, to visit, see, call on; inspect.

vislumbrar, to catch a glimpse, see faintly; glimpse;

—se, to glimmer,shine faintly.

víspera, f. , eve;

en —s de, on the point of, about to.

vista, f. , ——, view, outlook, prospect; gaze, sight, eyes; a la——, in view, near;

en —— de, with reference to;

quitar la ——, toobstruct the view;

hasta la ——, au revoir.

visto, —a, p.p. ver.

viuda, f. , widow.

vivamente, quickly, rapidly, excitedly.

vivienda, f. , dwelling, lodging, shelter.

vivir, to live, be, exist; dwell, inhabit.

vivo, —a, alive, living; alight, kindled; quick, active, bright,spirited; loud, lively, emphatic; deep; vehement,

intense; hasty,impulsive;

en lo más ——, to the very quick.

vizcaíno, —a, Biscayan, of Biscay, Vizcaya.

vociferar, to shout, exclaim, bawl, clamor.

volar, to fly (around), flutter, hover.

voltear, to swoop, fly around, whirl.

voluntad, f. , will, consent, wish, desire, choice.

voluntariamente, voluntarily, willingly.

voluptuoso, —a, voluptuous, pleasurable, agreeable.

volver, to turn, return, come back; direct;

—— a + inf., v. p. 7, n.5;

—— en sí, to regain consciousness;

—— sobre los pasos, toretrace one's steps;

—se, to turn;

—se loco, to go mad;

—se (a), toturn, become; turn towards, turn about.

vomitar ( pers. indir. obj. ), to discharge, shower, pour out, spit out.

voto, m. , vow, tribute.

voy, v. ir.

voz, f. , voice, cry, call, clamor; report, rumor, public opinion;

auna ——, all together;

en alta ——, aloud;

a voces, loudly, noisily.

vuelo, m. , flight.

vuelta, f. , turn, return; v. p. 11, n. 1; p. 30, n. 6; p. 82, n.

1;p. 107, n. 1; p. 145, n. 3; p. 153, n. 1.

vuelto, —a, p.p. volver.

vuelva, etc. , v. volver.


y, and.

ya, already, now, immediately; then, presently; later; well!;

—— no,no longer;

—— sé, I know! ya que, even if.

yacer, to lie.

yerto, —a, motionless, stiff; numb, rigid; petrified,

paralyzed (w.fear).

yugo, m. , yoke, power, irksome authority.









































