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riñe, etc. , v. reñir.

riqueza, f. , wealth, riches.

risa, f. , laugh, laughter.

risotada, f. , loud laugh, horse-laugh.

risueño, —a, cheerful, smiling, laughing, pleased.

rivalidad, f. , rivalry, competition.

rizar, to ruffle, ripple;

—se, to curl.

robaliza, f. , sea-perch.

robar ( pers. indir. obj. ), to steal.

robo, m. , theft, robbery.

robusto, —a, robust, strong.

rociar, to sprinkle, bathe, bedew.

rodar, to turn, roll.

rodear, to surround, enclose, encircle.

rodilla, f. , knee;

de —s, kneeling.

Rodrigo, m. , Roderick.

roer, to gnaw, eat away.

rogar, to pray, beg, implore.

rojizo, —a, reddish, crimson.

rojo, —a, red, scarlet.

rollo, m. , roll.

romano, —a, Roman.

romería, f. , v. p. 40, n. 4.

romper, to break, destroy;

—— a, to begin, start, break out, burstforth.

ronco, —a, hoarse, discordant.

ropa, f. , clothes.

rosa, f. , rose; pink, rosy.

rostro, m. , face, countenance.

roto, —a, p.p. romper; broken, torn, ragged; destroyed, at an end,broken off.

rozar, to brush, graze, rub against.

rubio, —a, fair, blond.

rubor, m. , blush, shame.

ruborizado, —a, blushing, flushed.

rudeza, f. , roughness, rudeness; simplicity.

rudo, —a, rude, rough, coarse; severe, hard.

ruego, m. , prayer, supplication, entreaty.

Rufo, m. , Rufus.

ruido, m. , noise, stir, uproar.

ruidoso, —a, loud, tumultuous, noisy.

ruina, f. , ruin, destruction.

ruinmente, maliciously, basely.

ruinoso, —a, ruinous, decayed, dilapidated.

rumbo, m. , direction, course, route.

rumor, m. , noise, sound, murmur.


saber, to know, understand, comprehend; know how to,

manage, can; findout, learn.

sabrá, etc. , v. saber.

sabroso, —a, savory, delicious, delightful.

sacar, to draw; take, pull, bring out; free, extricate; remove;discover;

—— de apuros, to help out of difficulties, trouble.

sacerdote, m. , priest.

sacrificio, m. , sacrifice, offering.

sacristán, m. , —, sexton.

sacristana, f. , wife of sacristan.

sacrosanto, —a, sacred, hallowed, divine.

sacudida, f. , shock, jerk, impact, shake.

sacudir, to shake, shake out; beat, flap.

sagaz, wary, shrewd, artful.

sala, f. , parlor, hall, drawing-room.

salar, to salt, cure.

saldo, m. , settlement, balance.

saldremos, etc. , v. salir.

salida, f. , departure, removal; exit, outlet, environs, outskirts;excursion, expedition, trip, journey.

salido, —a, prominent, projecting, bulging.

saliente, salient, prominent.

salir (a), to go out, leave, depart, set out; come out or forth, issuefrom; result;

—— al (name of fish), to go out — fishing;

—— de, torecover from, get over;

—se, v. p. 13, n. 4.

salita, f. , dim. sala.

salmonete, m. , red mullet.

salón, m. , —, hall, drawing-room.

salpicar, to spatter, splash.

salsa, f. , spray.

saltar, to jump, spring, leap, frisk, skip; burst forth;

—— en tierra,to land, leap ashore.

salto, m. , leap, hop, bound;

a —s, in jumps or leaps.

salud, m. , health, welfare, prosperity; soundness, safety.

saludable, salutary, wholesome, healthful.

saludar, to greet, bow, speak to.

saludo, m. , greeting.

salvaje, savage, fierce.

salvar, to save; go, pass or jump over; cross;

—se, to escape.

salvo, a or en ——, in safety, safe.

sandio, —a, nonsensical, absurd, foolish.

sangrar, to bleed.

sangre, f. , blood.

sangría, f. , bleeding; cheating.

sangriento, —a, bloody, cruel.

sano, —a, healthy, sound, sane;

—— de la cabeza, in one's right mind.

Santa Cruz, prop. name, Holy Cross.

santo, —a, holy, blessed.

santo, m. , saint.

sarcástico, —a, sarcastic, scornful, satirical.

sardina, f. , sardine.

sarta, f. , string, row.

sartén, f. , frying-pan.

satírico, —a, satirical.

satisfacción, f. , satisfaction, pleasure, contentment.

satisfecho, —a, p.p. satisfacer, satisfied, content.

sazón, f. , time.

, v. saber.

secar, to dry, wipe; grow dry.

seco, —a, dry, withered;

en ——, high and dry.

secretario, m. , secretary, clerk, registrar.

secreto, —a, secret, hidden, private.

secreto, m. , secret, secrecy.

secundar, to second, favor.

sedujo, etc. , v. seducir.

seducir, to seduce, persuade, tempt, deceive, entice.

seductor, m. , deceiver.

seguida, f. , sequence;

en ——, directly, soon, at once;

venir en——, to follow.

seguido, —a, continued, prolonged.

seguir, to follow, proceed, continue, go or keep on;

—— el humor,sympathize w. (one's) mood.

según, according to, as.

segundo, —a, second.

seguramente, surely, certainly.

seguro, —a, secure, safe, firm, steady;

a ——, in safety.

seis, six.

semblante, m. , face; appearance or signs of the weather; v.

p. 7, n. 1, and p. 52, n. 4.

semejante (a), resembling, like, similar, such.

semejanza, f. , resemblance, likeness;

a —— de, like.

semejar, to be like, resemble.

sencillo, —a, simple, natural, plain; guileless.

sendero, m. , path.

seno, m. , bosom.

sensible, sensitive, susceptible, impressionable.

sentarse, to sit down.

sentenciar, to condemn, sentence.

sentenciosamente, significantly, meaningly, pointedly.

sentido, m. , sense, feeling;

sin ——, unconscious.

sentimiento, m. , feeling, emotion; sorrow, grief.

sentir, to feel; feel sorry for, regret; hear, see;

—se, to feeloneself.

seña, f. , sign, mark, emotion.

señá, f. , "Dame," v. p. 14, n. 5.

señal, f. , sign, token, signal;

en —— de, in token of.

señalado, —a, celebrated, renowned; marked.

señalar, to mark or point out, point to; show, designate, fix, appoint.

señor, m. , sir, gentleman, lord.

señora, f. , madam, mistress.

señorear, to command, overlook.

señorial, seignorial, lordly.

sepa, etc. , v. saber.

separado, —a, separate, distant, apart.

separar, to separate, part, lay aside;

—se, to separate;

—se de, topart company, leave.

sepultar, to bury.

sér, m. , being.

serenamente, quietly, calmly, dispassionately.

serenar, to calm, compose, tranquillize.

serenidad, f. , serenity; peacefulness, clearness.

sereno, —a, undisturbed, unruffled, composed, placid.

seriedad, f. , seriousness, gravity, soberness.

serio, —a, serious, earnest; vexed;

en ——, seriously.

serpear, to wind, meander.

servir, to serve, be useful or do duty for;

—— de, to serve as or for;

—— para, to be good for;

—se (de), to make use of, employ.

sesenta, sixty.

setecientos, —as, seven hundred.

setiembre, September.

severamente, severely, sternly.

severidad, f. , severity, harshness.

Sevilla, Seville.

sexo, m. , sex.

, yes, certainly; so.

si, if, whether; why! v. p. 126, n. 3.

siempre, always, forever;

—— que, whenever; provided that.

sien, f. , temple.

siento, etc. , v. sentar, sentir.

sierra, f. , mountain (range).

siete, seven.

sigas, etc. , v. seguir.

sigilo, m. , secrecy, concealment;

con ——, secretly.

siglo, m. , century.

significar, to signify, mean.

signo, m. , sign, gesture, motion, nod.

siguiente, following, next, successive.

sílaba, f. , syllable.

silbar, to whistle, whiz.

silbido, m. , whistle.

silencio, m., silence, stillness, hush.

silenciosamente, softly, quietly.

silencioso, —a, silent, still.

silueta, f. , silhouette, outline.

silla, f. , chair, seat.

sillón, m. , arm-chair.

simular, to pretend.

simultáneo, —a, simultaneous, all together.

sin, without;

—— embargo, notwithstanding, however, nevertheless;

——que, without.

sinceramente, sincerely, heartily, honestly.

síncope, f. , fainting-fit, swoon.

siniestro, —a, vicious, evil; odious.

sino, but, except; besides, only;

—— que, but on the contrary.

sinsabor, m. , disgust, unpleasantness, trouble.

sintiendo, etc. , v. sentir.

siquiera, even, ever, scarcely, although, otherwise;

ni ——, not even.

sirva, etc. , v. servir.

sistema, m. , system.

sitio, m. , place, spot.

situación, f. , situation, condition, position.

so, under;

—— pena de, under penalty of.

soberbia, f. , pride, arrogance.

soberbio, —a, proud, haughty.

sobrado, —a, extreme, excessive; rich, well off;

—— de dinero,affluent.

sobrar, to be left over, remain; have over and above one's needs.

sobre, on, upon, on the top of, over; about, concerning; beyond, off; inaddition to.

sobrecogido, —a, surprised, overcome, apprehensive,


sobrenatural, supernatural.

sobresaltado, —a, fearful, terrified.

sobresaltar, to surprise, startle; strike.

sobrio, —a, sober, temperate, abstemious.

sociedad, f. , association, partnership.

socorrer, to help, assist, succor.

socorro, m. , help, aid.

sofocante, suffocating, stifling, oppressive.

sol, m. , sun, day.

solamente, only, solely.

solariego, —a, manorial, ancestral.

solazarse, to amuse, entertain, enjoy oneself.

soldada, f. , wages, pay.

soledad, f. , solitude, loneliness, seclusion.

solemne, solemn, impressive.

solemnemente, solemnly, seriously.

solemnidad, f. , solemnity, gravity.

soler, to be wont, accustomed to; use to, be apt to.

solicitar, to solicit, petition, apply.

solícito, —a, solicitous, ready, anxious.

solitario, —a, solitary, lonely, deserted.

solo, —a, alone, solitary, lonely;

a —as, alone, in private.

sólo, only, solely.

soltar, to loosen, let go, unfasten; throw, discharge, emit; burst forth(into laughter); give out (bad news).

sollo, m. , sturgeon.

sollozar, to sob.

sollozo, m. , sob.

sombra, f. , shadow, shade.

sombrero, m. , hat.

sombrío, —a, sombre, gloomy, dark.

sometido, —a, subject, subjected, exposed.

sonar, to sound, ring.

sonido, m. , sound, noise.

sonreír, to smile.

sonríen, etc. , v. sonreír.

sonriente, smiling.

sonrisa, f. , smile.

sonrosado, —a, rosy, blushing, red.

soñar, to dream.

soplar, to blow.

sordamente, dully, thickly.

sordo, —a, deaf; dull, monotonous, muffled; quiet, faint, far off.

sorprender, to surprise, astonish, take unaware.

sorpresa, f. , surprise, amazement.

sosegado, —a, calm, peaceful, quiet.

sosegar, to calm, pacify, lull; grow quiet, die down; rest.

sosiego, m. , calmness, composure, serenity; peace, quiet.

sosiegue, etc. , v. sosegar.

sospecha, f. , suspicion, conjecture.

sospechar, to suspect.

sospechoso, —a, suspicious.

sostienen, etc. , v. sostener.

sostener, to hold (out); support, help, maintain; endure, suffer.

sostenga, etc. , v. sostener.

sostenido, —a, sustained, prolonged.

sostenimiento, m. , support, maintenance.

sotavento, m. , lee, leeward.

Sr. , v. señor.

suave, gentle, mild.

suavemente, gently, pleasantly, kindly.

subir (a), to go up, rise, climb; raise, draw up; go upstairs.

súbitamente, suddenly, instantly.

súbito, sudden, quick, hasty;

de ——, unexpectedly, suddenly.

suceder, to happen, occur, take place, come about;

—— (a), to follow,succeed.

sucesivamente, in succession.

sucesivo, lo ——, the future.

suceso, m. , occurrence, event; result, success.

sucio, —a, soiled, dirty, filthy.

sudar, to sweat, perspire; toil.

sudor, m. , perspiration, sweat; labor.

sueldo, m. , wages, stipend.

suele, etc. , v. soler.

suelo, m. , floor; ground, soil; surface.

suelta, etc. , v. soltar.

suelto, —a, loose, streaming; light, swift, easy, free.

suenan, etc. ,