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abalanzar, to balance;

—se (a), to rush or dart forward.

abandonar, to abandon, release.

abatimiento, m. , depression, despair;

con ——, sorrowfully.

abatir, to beat down, discourage, dismay.

abierto, —a, p.p. abrir; opened; distended, outstretched; open,clear;

nariz —a, flat or wide nose.

ablandar, to soften, melt;

—se, relent.

abogado, m. , lawyer.

aborrecido, —a, hated, abhorred.

abrazar, to embrace, clasp, caress.

abreviar, to shorten, cut short; hasten, hurry.

abrigar, to shelter, protect, cover;

—se, to take shelter.

abrigo, m. , shelter, cover.

abrir, to open, extend.

abrumar, to consume, overwhelm, oppress.

abrupto, —a, abrupt, rugged, broken, craggy.

absorber, to absorb, engross.

absorto, —a, p.p. absorber; amazed, dumbfounded.

abuelo, m. , grandfather, ancestor.

abundancia, f. , abundance, plenty.

abundar, to abound, be frequent, be plentiful.

abundoso, —a, abundant, plentiful, luxuriant.

aburrirse, to be bored, grow weary.

acá, here, hither, this way, to this place ( implies motion).

acabado, —a, finished, complete, perfect, faultless.

acabar, to finish, complete, end, conclude;

—— de + inf. , to havejust done ( action expressed by infinitive);

—— de decidirse, to cometo a decision;

—— de desconcertar, to completely disconcert;

—— desaber, to finally learn;

no —— de salir de, not to recover at allfrom.

académico, —a, learned, scholarly.

acaecer, to happen, occur, come to pass;

lo acaecido, the occurrence.

acaloradamente, hotly, vehemently, excitedly.

acalorado, —a, heated, excited.

acalorarse, to grow hot or angry; get excited, overheated.

acariciar, to cherish, entertain, harbor; stroke.

acaso, perhaps, perchance.

acatamiento, m. , respect, courtesy, reverence.

accidente, m. , accident, sudden attack; illness.

acción, f. , action, gesture, gesticulation.

aceite, m. , (olive) oil.

acento, m. , accent, inflection, emphasis.

aceptar, to accept.

acerca (de), about, concerning.

acercar, to bring near;

—se (a), to approach.

acero, m. , steel.

acertar (a), to succeed; happen.

aciago, —a, sad, ominous.

acobardar, to daunt, dismay.

acoger, to receive, accept.

acogida, f. , reception.

acometer, to attack, assail, beset; undertake, begin.

acompañar, to accompany, join, attend.

acompasadamente, rhythmically.

acongojado, —a, oppressed, afflicted, agonized.

aconsejar, to advise, counsel, charge.

acontecer, to happen, come about.

acontecimiento, m. , event, occurrence, circumstance.

acordar, to agree;

—se (de), to remember, recollect.

acostarse, to go to bed, lie down, retire.

acostumbrado, —a, customary, habitual, usual.

acostumbrar, to accustom; be accustomed, used.

acreedor, -a, deserving, worthy.

acreedor, m. , creditor; recipient.

actitud, f. , attitude, posture, position.

acto, m. , act, action.

acudir (a), to repair to, run to, come forward; apply,


acuerdo, etc. , v. acordar.

acusar, to witness, give evidence of, indicate,


achacar, to attribute, impute, charge, ascribe.

achicar, to bail.

adecuado, —a, adequate, fitting.

adelantado, —a, advanced, bold.

adelante, ahead, forward, onward;

hacia ——, forward, in front, before(one).

ademán, m. , gesture, manner, attitude;

en —— de, in the attitude of; como en —— de, as if.

además, besides, moreover, anyhow, likewise.

adentro, in, inside, within, inner.

aderezar, to prepare, arrange, dress, cook.

adiós, good-bye, farewell.

adivinar, to divine, guess, conjecture.

admiración, f. , admiration, wonder.

adolecer, to suffer, be seized (with illness), fall sick; succumb;

——de rabia, to be overcome by rage.

adoptar, to adopt, assume.

adoratorio, m. , oratory, chapel.

adornado, —a, adorned, embellished.

adquirir, to acquire, obtain, get.

adulador, —a, flattering, fawning.

adusto, —a, dark, gloomy.

adversario, m. , adversary.

advertencia, f. , remark, warning.

advertido, —a, warned, on one's guard, made cautious.

advertir (de), to notice, note, apprise, acquaint, give notice orevidence; show, betoken.

advierto, etc. , v. advertir.

advirtió, etc. , v. advertir.

afablemente, courteously, cordially, pleasantly.

afán, m. , eagerness, anxiety, solicitude.

afectar, to influence, impress; affect, pretend, feign.

aferrar, to catch.

afición, f. , affection, fondness, attachment.

afilado, —a, sharp.

afirmación, f. , statement, assertion.

afirmar, to declare, assert, maintain.

afirmativo, —a, affirmative, consenting.

afligirse, to grieve, worry, repine.

aflojar, to let go, loosen, relax.

afortunadamente, luckily.

afortunado, —a, fortunate, lucky.

afuera, out, outside.

afueras, f. pl. outskirts, environs.

agarrar, to grasp;

—se (a), to lay hold of, clutch, seize, hold on to.

agitación, f. , agitation, excitement, disturbance, fluctuation.

agitar, to move, shake, wave, sway, flutter; agitate, excite.

agosto, m. , August.

agotar, to exhaust, tire.

agradecer, to be grateful for, acknowledge, thank.

agradecido, —a, grateful, thankful.

agradecimiento, m. , gratitude.

agrado, m. , pleasure, satisfaction, content, liking.

agradezco, etc. , v. agradecer.

agregar, to add, join.

agua, f. , water, the sea;

entre aguas, sunk to the level of the water,swamped.

aguantar, to bear, suffer, endure.

aguardar, to await, expect;

—se, to wait.

agudo, —a, sharp, piercing, keen, acute.

agüero, m. , sign, omen;

de buen ——, lucky.

águila, f. , eagle.

aguileño, —a, aquiline.

agujero, m. , hole.

aguzar, to sharpen.

aherrojado, —a, in chains, in irons.

ahí, there, yonder;

de ——, thence.

ahijada, f. , goddaughter.

ahogar, to smother, choke, strangle; drown;

—se, to be suffocated,drowned.

ahora, now, at present, just now;

—— mismo, this very minute;

por——, for the present.

ahorcar, to hang.

ahorrar, to save, economize.

ahorro, m. , frugality, economy; parsimony.

ahuecar, to deepen, to make hollow.

ahuyentar, to banish, dispel.

airado, —a, wrathful, furious, angry.

aire, m. , air, atmosphere, wind;

al —— libre, outdoors, in the freshair.

aislado, —a, isolated, separated.

ajar, to spoil, mar.

ajeno, —a, another's, one's neighbor's.

alabado, —a, praised.

alargar, to extend, reach out.

alarma, f. , alarm.

alarmar, to alarm, rouse.

albañil, m. , mason, bricklayer.

alborotarse, to get excited, become agitated or disturbed; be roused.

alcalde, m. , mayor, justice of the peace.

alcanzar (a), to obtain, attain, acquire; reach, overtake, come up to;succeed.

alcoba, f. , alcove, bed-room.

aldea, f. , village.

aldeana, f. , village maid, countrywoman.

alegrar, to comfort, cheer, enliven;

—se (de), to be glad, rejoice.

alegre, gay, happy, cheerful.

alegremente, cheerfully, merrily, brightly.

alegría, f. , joy, pleasure, mirth, rejoicing, festivity.

alejar, to drive or put away, remove, separate;

—se (de), to go off,get away, withdraw.

aletargado, —a, lethargic, inactive, dull.

alfombra, f. , carpet.

alforja, f. , saddle-bag.

algodón, m. , cotton.

alguacil, m. , bailiff, constable, sheriff.

alianza, f. , alliance.

aliento, m. , breath.

alimentar, to feed, nourish, support, cherish.

alimento, m. , food, nourishment.

aliño, m. , neatness, tidiness; elaborateness.

alma, f. , soul, spirit; mind, heart; human being; pl. , people,persons;

con —— y vida, with heart and soul.

almendra, f. , almond.

Alonso, m. , Alonzo, Alphonso.

alquitrán, m. , tar, liquid pitch.

altamente, highly, exceedingly.

altar mayor, m. , high altar.

alternativamente, alternately.

altivo, —a, haughty, proud, lofty.

alto, —a, tall, high, elevated; eminent, illustrious.

¡alto! halt! stop!

altura, f. , high seas, open sea.

alumbrar, to light.

alzar, to raise, lift up;

—se, to rise, get up.

allá, there, thither, to or in that place;

más ——, further;( implies motion).

allí, there, yonder, in that place ( implies rest).

ama, f. , housekeeper.

amabilidad, f. , amiability, cordiality, courtesy.

amable, amiable, affable.

amanecer, m. , dawn, daybreak.

amanecer, to dawn.

amanezca, etc. , v. amanecer.

amante, m. , lover, sweetheart.

amapola, f. , poppy.

amar, to love, like.

amargo, —a, bitter.

amargor, m. , bitterness.

amargura, f. , bitterness, sorrow.

amarillo, —a, yellow, golden.

amarra, f. , cable.

amarrar, to fasten, tie, lash, moor.

ambiente, m. , atmosphere, air.

ámbito, m. , extent, length, depths.

ambos, —as, both.

amenaza, f. , threat.

amenazador, —a, threatening, menacing.

amenazar (con), threaten, menace.

amenidad, f. , agreeableness, delight, pleasantness.

ameno, —a, pleasant, agreeable, delightful, delicious.

amical, friendly, fraternal.

amigablemente, amicably.

amigo, —a, m. & f. , friend.

amigo, —a, friendly, fond, willing.

amistad, f. , friendship.

amistoso, —a, friendly, cordial.

amo, m. , master, owner, proprietor.

amonestación, f. , warning, advice, admonition.

amontonar, to heap, pile up, gather.

amor, m. , love, affection;

—— propio, self-love, conceit.

amoroso, —a, amorous.

amparar, to aid, shelter, protect.

amparo, m. , shelter, protection, refuge.

amplio, —a, ample, large, extensive.

amplitud, f. , extent, size.

amurar, to tack.

anciano, —a, old, aged.

ancla, f. , anchor.

anclar, to anchor.

ancho, —a, broad, wide, large.

andar, to walk, come, go, go on; to be;

¡anda! here! well! I tell you!be gone, off with you!

anduviese, etc. , v. andar.

anegarse, to sink.

anejo, —a, annexed, joined, attached.

angelito, m. , cherub.

angosto, —a, narrow, limited.

angustia, f. , agony, anguish, affliction.

angustiado, —a, wretched, miserable, worried, in anguish.

angustioso, —a, difficult, distressing, painful.

anhelo, m. , anxiety, eagerness.

anidar, to nest, nestle.

animal, m. , animal, beast; dolt, booby.

animar (a), to encourage, animate, incite, urge;

—se, to feelencouraged, hopeful, grow animated; p. 164, l.

11, animadas,quickened, fanned.

ánimo, m. , mind, thought; intention; courage, spirit, bravery.

animoso, —a, brave, daring, courageous.

anochecer, to grow dark.

anochezca, etc. , v. anochecer.

anonadar, to annihilate.

ansia, f. , anxiety, longing.

ansiar, to desire earnestly, long for, crave.

ansiedad, f. , anxiety, eagerness.

ansiosamente, anxiously, uneasily, eagerly.

ansioso, —a, anxious, solicitous, careful.

ante, before.

antepasado, m. , ancestor, predecessor.

anterior, —, former, previous, preceding.

antes (de), prep. , before, prior to; adv. & conj. , before, first; —— de que, before;

—— que, rather than, sooner than.

antigüedad, f. , antiquity, age; priority.

antiguo, —a, antique, old, ancient;

desde muy ——, v. p. 95, n. 1.

antipatía, f. , antipathy, dislike, repugnance.

antojarse, to fancy, take a notion to.

antojo, m. , fancy, whim, caprice.

Antonio, m. , Anthony.

anual, annual, yearly.

anudado, —a, knotted, tied.

anuencia, f. , consent, permission.

anunciar, to announce, proclaim.

anzuelo, m. , (fish-)hook.

añadir, to add, join.

año, m. , year.

apacible, peaceable, mild, inoffensive.

apagado, —a, dull, faint; submissive.

apagar, to put out, extinguish, destroy, quench; smother (a laugh); —se, to go out, grow dim.

apalabrado, —a, bespoken, engaged.

aparato, m. , pomp, display, ceremony, formality.

aparecer, to appear, seem, look, show up.

aparejado, —a, ready, rigged, equipped.

aparejo, m. , equipment, furnishing; gear, tackle, rigging;instruments, apparatus.

aparentar, to appear, pretend.

aparente, apparent, evident, seeming.

apariencia, f. , appearance, look.

apartado, —a, separated, retired, distant.

apartar, to put away, banish, dismiss; dislodge, remove, separate;

—se(de), to leave, withdraw (from), quit, go off.

aparte, apart, aside.

apasionado, —a, passionate, intense, devoted.

apego, m. , attachment, fondness.

apelar, to have recourse to, appeal.

apenado, —a, pained, grieved, saddened.