beneficio, f. , kindness, favor.
benevolencia, f. , kindness, good will, charity.
benévolo, —a, kindly, gentle, friendly.
benigno, —a, kind, mild, merciful.
Bernardo, m. , Bernard.
besar, to kiss.
beso, m. , kiss.
bestia, f. , beast, brute.
besugo, m. , sea-bream, red gilt-head.
bien, m. , good, welfare; pl. , goods, property, riches; prosperity.
bien, adv. , well, right; very, quite, rather; surely; readily,heartily; all right; very well;
o ——, más ——, or, rather;
si ——,although.
bienestar, m. , comfort, well-being, prosperity.
bigote, m. , moustache, whisker.
bilioso, —a, bilious.
bisabuelo, m. , great-grandfather.
blanco, —a, white, fair.
blancura, f. , whiteness, fairness.
blanquear, to shine white.
bobalicón, —a, foolish, silly, stupid.
bobo, —a, m. & f. , fool, simpleton, dunce.
boca, f. , mouth; entrance;
—— arriba, mouth up (on one's back).
bocina, f. , speaking-trumpet.
boda, f. , wedding, marriage; match.
bodega, f. , cellar, warehouse.
bofetada, f. , box, slap, blow.
bogar, to row.
boina, f. , cap.
boletín, m. , bulletin, list.
bolos, m. , nine-pins, bowls.
bolsillo, m. , pocket, purse.
bondadoso, —a, kind, kindly, generous.
borde, m. , border, edge; shore (of sea).
bordo, m. , board;
a ——, on (ship-)board, aboard.
borla, f. , tassel.
borrachín, m. , drunkard, tippler.
borracho, —a, drunk, tipsy.
borracho, m. , drunkard, wine-bibber.
borrarse, to fade away, grow dim, disappear.
borrasca, f. , squall, tempest, storm.
borrico, m. , ass, fool.
botar, to launch;
—— al agua, to launch;
—— a tierra, to haulashore, draw up (on land).
bote, m. , boat; can.
botín, m. , booty, spoils.
botón, m. , button.
bracero, m. , day-laborer.
brasa, f. , live coal.
bravamente, bravely.
bravo, —a, brave.
braza, f. , fathom.
brazo, m. , arm.
brea, f. , pitch, tar;
dar ——, to pay, cover ship's bottom w. pitch,resin, etc.
brecha, f. , breach, gap, aperture.
brega, f. , strife, struggle, quarrel.
breve, short, brief, limited.
bribón, —a, m. & f. , wretch, scoundrel.
brillar, to shine, glitter, gleam, sparkle.
brincar, to caper, frisk, leap, gambol.
brindar, to pledge, toast, drink health of.
brío, m. , strength, vigor, force; resolution.
brisa, f. , breeze.
broma, f. , joke, jest; merriment, hilarity.
bronce, m. , bronze, brass.
brotar, to bud, arise, break forth, come up.
bruces, de ——, mouth down, face downward, face
bruja, f. , witch.
brujería, f. , witchcraft, enchantment, superstition.
bruñido, —a, burnished, polished.
buenaventura, f. , fortune.
buen(o), —a, good, kind, loving, virtuous; well; favorable;
¡——! , allright.
bulto, m. , bulk, mass, package; figure, outline, shape.
bullir, to move about, stir, swarm;
—le a uno el deseo, to be verydesirous, intensely eager.
burdo, —a, coarse, rough, common.
buril, m. , burin, graver.
burla, f. , mockery, ridicule, fun, banter.
burlar, to frustrate, outwit, baffle;
—se (de), to make fun of,ridicule, mock.
burro, m. , donkey, ass.
busca, f. , search, pursuit.
buscar, to seek, search, look for, seek out.
cabal, just, exact, full.
caballería, f. , riding-beast, mount.
caballero, m. , gentleman, nobleman.
caballo, m. , horse.
cabecera, f. , head of a bed.
cabello, —s, m. , hair.
cabeza, f. , head, mind.
cabildo, m. , (cathedral-)chapter.
cabizbajo, —a, crestfallen, dispirited, dejected.
cabo, m. , end, extremity; cape, headland; cord, rope, cable; master,chief;
al —— de, at the end of;
al ——, at last, in the end, finally,at length.
cabriola, f. , caper, leap, gambol.
cadena, f. , chain.
caer, to fall, fall down, tumble, drop; of wind, to rise, come up;
—se, to fall down;
—— de bruces, to fall headlong;
—— sobre, tobefall.
caída, f. , fall, close;
—— de la tarde, nightfall, evening.
caja, f. , box, chest.
calafate, m. , caulker.
calamar, m. , squid;
salir al ——, to go out —— fishing.
calamidad, f. , misfortune, misery, calamity.
calcular, to calculate, reckon, estimate.
cálculo, m. , calculation, conjecture.
calidad, f. , quality, character.
calificado, —a, competent, able, brilliant.
calma, f. , calm, stillness, hush, quiet, peace.
calmar, to calm, hush, pacify, soothe; soften, mitigate, alleviate.
calor, m. , heat, warmth.
calumniar, to blame; slander.
caluroso, —a, warm, hot, oppressive; enthusiastic, excited.
calzada, f. , way, road, path.
calzón, —es, m. , trousers, breeches.
calzonazos, m. , dotard; nonentity.
callado, —a, discreet, sensible; silent, thoughtful, reserved.
callarse, to be silent, hold one's tongue.
calle, f. , street, walk, road;
por la —— abajo, down the street;
porla —— arriba, up the street.
cama, f. , bed.
cámara, f. , ship's cabin.
camarín, m. , shrine.
cambiar (de), to change, exchange.
cambio, m. , change, exchange; recompense;
en ——, on the other hand.
caminante, m. , traveller.
caminar, to walk, go or move along, march, travel.
camino, m. , road, way, path;
—— real, highway;
a medio ——,half-way.
camisa, f. , shirt.
campana, f. , bell.
campaña, f. , campaign.
campesino, m. , countryman, peasant, farmer.
campiña, f. , plain, field, level tract of land.
campo, m. , field.
candelabro, m. , candlestick, chandelier.
candente, glowing, red-hot.
cándido, candid, simple, artless, ingenuous.
candil, m. , oil-lamp.
candoroso, —a, candid, ingenuous; sincere.
cangrejo, m. , crab.
cansado, —a, tired, worn, weary, spent, exhausted.
cansancio, m. , weariness, fatigue.
cansarse (de), to tire of, grow weary.
cantaleta, f. , joking, chaffing, fun.
cantar, to sing.
cantidad, f. , quantity, amount, sum of money.
caña, f. , handle; helm, tiller; pole, rod.
capa, f. , cloak, mantle, cover; layer; canopy.
capaz, capable.
capilla, f. , chapel.
capitán, m. , captain.
caprichoso, —a, capricious, whimsical, odd, fantastic.
carabina, f. , carbine;
tiro de ——, gun-shot.
caracol, m. , sea-shell.
carácter, m. , character, nature, disposition.
característico, —a, characteristic, peculiar.
caracterizar, to characterize, distinguish.
carcajada, f. , loud, hearty laugh.
cárcel, f. , jail, prison.
carcomido, —a, wormeaten, decayed.
carecer (de), to lack, need, want.
carel, m. , wales, bends (of boat).
carena, f. , careening, repairing.
carenar, to careen.
carga, f. , load; charge, attack, onset.
cargar, to load.
caricia, f. , caress, endearment.
caridad, f. , charity, kindness.
cariño, m. , love, affection.
cariñosamente, kindly, lovingly, fondly.
cariz, m. , aspect, appearance (of weather).
carne, f. , meat, flesh; life.
caroca, f. , caress.
carrera, f. , course, route; career, profession.
carretera, f. , wagon-road.
carro, m. , cart.
carta, f. , playing-card.
casa, f. , house, home, family;
a ——, home;
en ——, at home;
en ——de, at the house of;
—— solariega, manor-house;
para ——, home;
por——, around home, about the house.
casado, —a, married.
casamiento, m. , marriage, wedding.
casarse (con), to marry, wed.
cascado, —a, broken, feeble.
casco, m. , hull (of a ship); helmet.
caserío, m. , group of houses, settlement, village.
caserón, m. , mansion, manor.
casi, almost, nearly.
Casimiro, m. , Casimir.
caso, m. , case, matter, event, occasion, need; ir al ——, come to thepoint;
—— raro! wonder of wonders!
casorio, m. , marriage, wedding.
castigar, to punish, chastise.
castigo, m. , punishment, chastisement, correction, affliction.
casualidad, f. , chance, accident.
casualmente, accidentally.
casucha, f. , cottage, hut, hovel.
catálogo, m. , catalogue, list, table.
catecismo, m. , catechism.
catedral, f. & adj. , cathedral.
catorce, fourteen.
causa, f. , cause, reason, motive, occasion;
a —— de, because of,owing to.
causante, m. , causer, occasioner, "to blame for."
causar, to cause, produce, create, occasion, bring about.
cautela, f. , precaution, care.
cautelosamente, guardedly, cautiously, warily.
cavernoso, —a, hollow, deep.
cavilación, f. , worry, brooding.
caviloso, —a, captious, testy, faultfinding.
cayendo, etc. , v. caer.
caza, f. , hunting, chase;
a —— de, out hunting;
salir de ——, to goout hunting.
cazador, m. , hunter, sportsman.
cazurramente, slyly.
cebar, to feed; vent.
cebo, m. , bait.
cebolla, f. , onion.
ceder, to comply, give way, yield; grant, make over.
cegar, to blind, bewilder, confuse.
ceja, f. , eyebrow.
célebre, celebrated, famous.
celebrar, to celebrate, applaud, praise; to conduct (a
celeridad, f. , speed, swiftness, intensity.
cementerio, m. , cemetery.
cenar, to take supper.
cendal, m. , gauze, scarf; haze.
ceniciento, —a, ashen.
ceniza, f. , ashes; (ashen) haze or mist.
censor, m. , critic.
centellante, centelleante, scintillating, sparkling,
gleaming, flashing.
centellar, centellear, to flash, gleam, sparkle.
centenar, m. , hundred.
ceñir, to gird, encircle; hug.
centro, m. , center, middle.
cerca, f. , fence, enclosure, hedge.
cerca, near, close by, at hand, not far off;
—— de, about, close to,nearly;
de —— from near by, very close.
cercano, —a, near, close by, neighboring, adjoining.
cerciorar, to assure, affirm;
—se (de), to make sure, ascertain, assureoneself.
cerdo, m. , hog, pig.
cerebro, m. , brain, mind.
ceremonioso, —a, ceremonious, polite, formal.
cerilla, f. , wax taper; match.
cernerse, to soar, hover.
cero, zero.
cerrado, —a, closed; thick, close, abundant, heavy.
cerrar, to close, shut, fasten; obstruct, block up; to fall (the night).
certeza, f. , certitude, certainty.
certidumbre, f. , id.
certificar, to certify, attest.
cesar (de), to stop, cease, interrupt;
sin ——, ceaselessly, endlessly.
césped, m. , turf, sod, grass.
cestillo, m. , little basket.
cesto, —a, m. & f. , basket, hamper.
cicatería, f. , meanness, trick.
cielo, m. , sky, heavens, firmament.
ciencia, f. , science, knowledge;
—s exactas, exact sciences;mathematics;
a —— cierta, positively, with certainty.
cien(to), m. , one hundred.
cierran, etc. , v. cerrar.
ciertamente, certainly, surely.
cierto, —a, certain, sure, evident, positive;
por ——, indeed,certainly.
cifrar, to calculate, place; cherish.
cigarro, m. , cigar.
cima, f. , summit, top, crest, peak, height.
cinco, five.
cincuenta, fifty.
cinta, f. , ribbon, tape, band.
cintura, f. , waist.
ciñe, etc. , v. ceñir.
Cipriano, m. , Cyprian.
circunstancia, f. , circumstance; position, condition, state ( pl. w.sing. meaning).
circunstantes, m. pl. , bystanders, onlookers, spectators.
cirio, m. , taper, wax-candle.
cirujano, m. , surgeon, doctor.
cita, f. , appointment, engagement, rendez-vous;
—— amorosa, lovers'tryst.
citado, —a, aforesaid.
ciudad, f. , city, town.
claramente, clearly, obviously, openly.
claridad, f. , light, brightness, clearness.
claro, —a, clear, bright, light;
¡——! of course, certainly.
clásico, —a, classic.
Claudio, m. ; Claude, Claudius.
clavar, to nail, drive in, fasten; fix, root, rivet;
—— una mirada( pers. indir. obj. ), fix a glance or look upon;