Lecturas Fáciles con Ejercicios by Lawrence A. Wilkins y Max A. Luria - HTML preview

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puntualidad, f. , punctuality.

puñado, m. , handful.

pureza, f. , purity.

puritano, m. , Puritan.

puro, pure.

puse, etc. , from poner.

pusiese, from poner.

putrefacción, f. , decomposition, putrefaction.

¿qué? what?

que ( rel. pron. ), who, which, that;

o el ——, etc. , he who, she who, they who;

o lo ——, that which, what.

que ( conj. ), that, for, because, so that, than.

quebracho, m. , a very hard wood of S. A., so called from quebrar, tobreak, and hacha, axe.

quedar, to remain, be;

o ——se, to become;

o ——se con, to take.

quedito, motionless.

quehacer, m. , task, occupation.

quejido, m. , wail, moan.

quemar, to burn.

querer, 14, to wish;

o —— a, to love.

querido, pp. of querer; dear.

querré, etc. , from querer.

querría, from querer.

queso, m. , cheese.

¿quién? who?

quien, who, he who, whoever, the one who.

química, f. , chemistry.

químico, m. , chemist.

quina, f. , Peruvian bark.

quinientos, five hundred.

quinto, fifth.

quise, etc. , from querer.

quisiese, from querer.

quisiera, from querer.

quitar, to remove, deprive of.

Quito, the capital of Ecuador.

quizá(s), perhaps.

rabia, f. , rage.

racimo, m. , bunch.

ración, f. , ration;

o a media ——, on half rations.

rada, f. , roadstead, bay.

radical, m. , root, radical.

raíz, f. , root, radical.

rama, f. , branch.

ramaje, m. , foliage.

ramal, m. , branch.

Rameau, Jean Philippe (1683-1764), a French composer and musicaltheorist, once director of the Opéra Comique;

wrote more than twentyoperas, including "La Princesse de Navarre."

rancho, m. , farm, ranch (S. A.).

rápidamente, rapidly.

rapidez, f. , rapidity.

rápido, rapid.

raro, rare.

rasgo, m. , trait.

rastra, f. , trail.

rastro, m. , trace.

rata, f. , rat.

rato, m. , while, time;

o al poco ——, soon.

ratón, m. , mouse.

rayo, m. , ray.

raza, f. , race.

razón, f. , reason;

o a —— de, at the rate of;

o con ——, rightly.

razonable, reasonable.

real, royal, real.

Real Academia Española (de la Lengua), founded in 1714, having as itsobject the standardization of the Spanish language. Its first dictionaryappeared in 1732.

realidad, f. , reality.

realización, f. , realization.

realizar, 34, to realize, carry out.

realmente, really.

reanimar, to revive, enliven.

rebajar, to lower.

rebaño, m. , flock.

recado, m. , message, errand.

recaer, 3, to fall, fall back.

recargo, m. , renewed charge.

recepción, f. , reception, receipt.

reciente, recent.

recientemente, recently. This word assumes the form recién when usedimmediately before a past participle.

recíproco, reciprocal.

recobrar, to recover.

recoger, 36, to gather;

o ——se, to retire.

recomendar, 24, to recommend, urge.

recompensa, f. , reward, recompense.

reconocer, 39, to recognize.

recordar, 23, to recall, remind.

recorrer, to traverse;

o —— el país, to travel about the country.

recrear, to delight.

recreo, m. , recreation, diversion.

recto, straight.

recuerdo, m. , remembrance, memory.

recuperar, to recover, recuperate.

recurso, m. , resource.

rechazar, 34, to reject, cast out.

redondear, to make round.

reducir, 4, 40, to reduce, conquer.

reduje, etc. , from reducir.

redundar, to redound.

reelegir, 29, to reëlect.

reemplazar, 35, to replace.

referente, referring to;

o lo —— a, that which concerns.

referir, 27, to refer, relate.

refinería, f. , refinery.

reflejo, m. , reflection.

reflexión, f. , thought.

reforma, f. , reform.

refrán, m. , proverb, maxim.

refugiar, to give refuge to.

regalar, to present (a gift).

regalo, m. , gift.

regata, f. , regatta, boat-race.

regencia, f. , regency.

regente, m. , regent.

región, f. , region.

registrar, to search.

regresar, to return.

regreso, m. , return.

regular, regular.

regularidad, f. , regularity.

rehabilitar, to reinstate, restore;

o ——se, to regain favor.

rehusar, to refuse.

reina, f. , queen.

reinar, to reign.

reino, m. , kingdom.

reír(se), 30, to laugh;

o —— de, to laugh at.

rejuvenecer, 39, to make young.

relación, f. , relation, story;

o con —— a, in terms of, with regard to.

relacionarse (con), to be connected with.

relatar, to relate.

relativamente, relatively.

relato, m. , tale.

reloj, m. , timepiece.

relucir, 39, to shine, glitter.

remiso, remiss, slack.

remolacha, f. , beet.

remontar, to go up.

remoto, distant, remote.

renacer, 39, to be born again, spring up again.

rendir, 29, to overcome, render, pay.

renovar, 23, to renew.

renunciar, to renounce.

reñir, 29, 44, to quarrel.

reo, m. , defendant, criminal.

reojo, m. ;

o mirar de ——, to look askance.

repartir, to share, divide.

repente: de ——, suddenly.

repetir, 29, to repeat.

repita, from repetir.

replicar, 31, to answer.

reponer, 13, to answer.

reposar, to rest.

representación, f. , performance.

representar, to represent, enact, picture.

república, f. , republic.

repuse, etc. , from reponer.

rescatar, to extricate, save.

reservar, to reserve.

residir, to reside, dwell.

resignación, f. , resignation.

resignar, to resign.

resistencia, f. , resistance.

resistir, to resist.

resolución, f. , resolution, decision.

resolver, to solve;

o ——se a, to decide.

respectivamente, respectively.

respectivo, respective.

respetar, to respect.

respeto, m. , respect.

responder, to answer.

responsable, responsible.

respuesta, f. , answer, reply.

restante, remaining.

restitución, f. , restitution.

restituir, 46, to restore, make restitution.

resto, m. , remainder, rest.

resueltamente, resolutely.

resultado, m. , result.

resultante, f. , result.

resultar, to result, prove to be.

resumen, m. , summary.

retirar(se), to withdraw.

reunir(se), to join, gather, collect.

revendedor, m. , peddler.

reventar, 24, to burst.

reverencia, f. , reverence.

reverendo, m. , reverend.

revés: al ——, upside down.

revuelto, topsy-turvy.

rey, m. , king.

rezar, 34, to pray.

ribera, f. , shore.

Richmond, the capital of Virginia.

rico, rich.

ridículo, ridiculous.

riego, m. , irrigation, irrigation water.

riel, m. , rail.

riendo, from reír.

rincón, m. , corner.

riña, f. , quarrel, scolding.

río, m. , river.

Ríobamba, a city of Ecuador.

Río Branco, one of the chief streets of Rio de Janeiro.

Río de Janeiro, the capital city of Brazil.

riqueza, f. , wealth.

risa, f. , laughter.

Riva Agüero, José de la, the first president of Peru, who took office in1823.

rival, m. , rival, competitor.

rivalidad, f. , rivalry.

robar, to rob, steal.

robo, m. , robbery.

rodar, 23, to roll.

rodear, to surround.

rodeo, m. , roundabout course, circumlocution.

rogar, 23, 32, to ask, entreat.

rojo, red.

romano, Roman.

romántico, romantic.

rompeolas, m. , breakwater.

romper, to break, tear.

ronda, f. , patrol.

rondar, to hover about, roam, patrol.

ropa, f. , clothes.

Rosario, a city and river port of Argentina on the west bank of theParaná, 186 miles north-west of Buenos Aires.

rostro, m. , face.

roto, pp. of romper.

rubí, m. , ruby.

rudo, rough, uncultured.

rueda, f. , wheel.

rugir, 36, to roar.

ruido, m. , noise.

ruina, f. , ruin.

ruinoso, ruinous.

Rumania, f. , Roumania.

rumano, Roumanian.

rumbo, m. , course, direction;

o con —— a, towards.

Rusia, f. , Russia.

ruso, Russian.

ruta, f. , route, way.

sábana, f. , sheet.

saber, 15, to know, know how to, taste, to find out ( in pret. );

o a ——, namely.

sabiduría, f. , wisdom.

sabio, wise; m. , wise man.

sable, m. , sword.

sabroso, fragrant, tasty.

sacar, 31, to take out, to take.

sacerdote, m. , priest.

saco, m. , sack.

sacrificio, m. , sacrifice.

sacristán, m. , sacristan, sexton.

sacudir, to shake.

sagacidad, f. , sagacity.

sagrado, holy.

sajón-a, Saxon.

sala, f. , room.

salado, salty.

salida, f. , exit, departure, entrance.

salir, 16, to go out, emerge, set forth.

salitre, m. , saltpeter, nitrate.

salitrera, f. , deposit of nitrate.

salitrero, pertaining to nitrate.

saltar, to jump.

salto, m. : —— de agua, waterfall.

saludable, healthful.

saludar, to greet.

saludo, m. , greeting, salutation.

salvación, f. , salvation.

Salvador (El), Salvador, the Central American republic.

salvador-a, saving, savior.

salvadoreño, Salvadorian.

salvar, to save.

salvo: en ——, in safety.

Samaniego, Félix María de (1745-1801), the Spanish Fontaine, writer offables.

San Bernardo: perro de ——, St. Bernard dog.

sanción, f. , penalty.

sandía, f. , watermelon.

sanear, to make sanitary.

San Fernando de Apure, city in the interior of Venezuela.

sangre, f. , blood.

sangriento, bloody.

San José, the capital city of Costa Rica.

San Juan, the capital city of Porto Rico.

San Martín, José de (1778-1850), S. A. statesman and soldier, commandingArgentine and Chilean armies;

protector of Peru, 1821.

San Pablo, St. Paul.

San Salvador, an island of the West Indies; the first land seen byColumbus.

Santa Fe, a province of Argentina.

Santa María, Columbus's ship.

Santiago, city of Chile; also of Cuba.

santidad, f. , holiness.

santo, m. , saint.

Santo Domingo, an island republic in the Caribbean Sea.

Santos, city and port of Brazil.

São Paulo, San Pablo, a state and seaport city of Brazil.

São Salvador, the former name of Bahía, city of Brazil.

satisfacción, f. , satisfaction.

satisfacer, 9, to satisfy.

satisfice, from satisfacer.

savia, f. , sap.

sazón, f. , time, period;

o a la ——, at that time.

, from saber.

se, oneself, himself, herself, itself, yourself, themselves.

sea, from ser;

o ya ——, either, or.

sebo, m. , tallow.

sección, f. , section, division.

seco, dry.

sed, f. , thirsty.

seda, f. , silk.

sede, f. , seat of government.

seguida, f. , succession;

o en ——, at once, immediately.

seguir, 29, 38, to follow, continue;

o seguido de, followed by;

o —— su camino, to continue.

según, according to, after.

segundo, second.

seguramente, surely.

seguro, sure, safe.

seis, six.

sello, m. , seal, stamp.

semana, f. , week.