Lecturas Fáciles con Ejercicios by Lawrence A. Wilkins y Max A. Luria - HTML preview

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longitud, f. , longitude.

los, the, them, you, they ( before de or que).

Lucayas (Islas), the Bahama Islands.

lucido, splendid, magnificent; in a fine fix.

lucir, 39, to shine, to display.

lucrativo, lucrative, profitable.

lucha, f. , struggle, fight.

luchar, to struggle, to fight.

luego, then, soon, afterward.

lugar, m. , place, town;

o en —— de, instead of.

lumbre, f. , fire.

luminoso, bright.

luz, f. , light;

o a todas luces, in every respect.

llama, f. , flame; llama, the beast of burden much used in S.


llamar, to call.

llanura, f. , plain.

llegada, f. , arrival.

llegar, 32, to arrive;

o —— a ser, to get to be; be finally.

llenar (de), to fill (with).

lleno, full.

llevadero, endurable.

llevar, to carry, to take;

o —— a cabo, to carry out;

o —— cargado, to pick up and carry;

o ——se, to carry away;

o —— ventaja a, to get the better of.

llorar, to weep;

o —— de gozo, to weep for joy.

lluvia, f. , rain.

Macuto, a town of Venezuela.

madeja, f. , skein.

madera, f. , wood.

Madrid, capital of Spain.

madrugada, f. , dawn.

madurar, to mature, to perfect, ripen.

madurito, dim. of maduro.

maduro, ripe.

Magallanes, Magellan.

magistrado, m. , magistrate.

magnífico, magnificent, fine.

magnitud, f. , magnitude.

magno, great.

maguey, m. , agave, century plant.

Mahoma, Mahomet or Mohammed, founder of the

Mohammedan religion.

maíz, m. , maize, corn.

majestuoso, majestic.

mal, badly; m. , evil, harm.

maldad, f. , wickedness, wrong.

malo, bad.

mamá, f. , mother, mama.

manantial, m. , spring, source.

manchego, m. , an inhabitant of La Mancha.

mandar, to command, send, order.

mandato, m. , command.

mando, m. , command.

manejar, to manage, handle.

manera, f. , way, manner;

o de una ——, in a way;

o de —— que, so that;

o por —— que (S. A.), so that.

manifestación, f. , show, proof.

manifestar, 24, to show, manifest, say.

maniquí, m. , manikin, figure.

mano, f. , hand.

manojo, m. , handful.

manta, f. , cloak.

mantel, m. , tablecloth.

mantener, 18, to support.

mantequilla, m. , butter.

manto, m. , covering.

manzana, f. , apple.

maña, f. , skill.

mañana, to-morrow; f. , morning.

mapa, m. , map.

máquina, f. , machine.

maquinaria, f. , machinery.

maquinista, m. , engineer.

mar, m. f. , sea.

Maracaibo, a city of Venezuela.

maravilla, f. , wonder.

maravillar, to wonder;

o no es de ——, no wonder.

maravillosamente, wonderfully.

maravilloso, wonderful.

marcar, 31, to mark, indicate.

marco, m. , frame.

marcha, f. , course, march.

marchar, to walk, go, set out.

Marchena, a Spanish priest of the time of Columbus.

marchitar, to wither.

Margarita, an island off the eastern coast of Venezuela.

margen, f. , bank.

marido, m. , husband.

marina, f. , navy;

o —— mercante, merchant marine.

Marina, f. , street and district by the water edge in a city;specifically in San Juan, P. R.

marítimo, maritime.

mármol, m. , marble.

Martinica, f. , Martinique, island belonging to France in the CaribbeanSea.

mártir, m. , martyr.

mas, but.

más, more, most, plus;

o de —— en ——, more and more.

mascar, 31, to chew.

matar, to kill.

matemático, m. , mathematician.

matina, f. , a local Costa Rican name for cocoa.

matinita, see matina.

matricular, to matriculate.

Mayagüez, a seaport city on the western coast of Porto Rico, third insize of the island.

Mayflower, m. , the boat that brought the Pilgrims to America.

mayo, m. , May.

mayor, greater, older;

o —— de edad, of age.

mayoría, f. , majority.

mayúscula, capital (letter).

me, me.

mediados: a —— de, about the middle of (in time expressions).

medianamente, moderately.

medicina, f. , medicine.

medicinal, medicinal.

medida, f. , measure;

o a —— que, accordingly as, while.

Medinaceli, an Italian nobleman.

medio, half;

o en —— de, in the midst of;

o de en ——, from the middle.

medio, m. , way, means;

o por —— de, by means of.

mediodía, m. , noon, south.

medir, 29, to measure.

meditación, f. , meditation.

meditar, to meditate.

Mediterráneo, m. , Mediterranean.

mejicano, Mexican.

Méjico, m. , Mexico.

mejor, better;

o el ——, best.

mejorar, to improve.

mejorcito, dim. of mejor (colloquial).

melancolía, f. , melancholy.

melón, m. , musk-melon, cantaloupe.

memoria, f. , memory, treatise.

memorioso, of good memory.

mención, f. , mention.

mencionar, to mention.

Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Jakob Ludwig Felix (1809-

1847), great Germancomposer.

mendicante, m. , mendicant, beggar.

mendiga, f. , beggar-woman.

mendigo, m. , beggar.

Mendoza, González (1428-1495), a Spanish cardinal.

Mendoza, Pedro de (1487-1537), founded colony of

Buenos Aires, Feb. 2,1535.

Mendoza, an important city of western Argentina, 632

miles west ofBuenos Aires.

menester, m. , necessity;

o ser ——, to be necessary.

menor, less, lesser, least, younger (speaking of persons).

menos, less, least, except;

o a —— que, unless.

mensaje, m. , message.

mensajero, m. , messenger.

mente, f. , mind.

mentir, 27, to lie.

mentira, f. , lie.

mentiroso, lying, liar.

menudo, small;

o a ——, often.

mercader, m. , merchant.

mercadería, f. , merchandise.

mercado, m. , market.

mercancía, f. , merchandise.

mercante, commercial, mercantile.

mercantil, commercial.

merced, f. , grace, mercy;

o a —— de, at the mercy of.

mercurio, m. , mercury.

merecer, 39, to deserve.

meridional, southern.

meridiano, meridian.

mérito, m. , merit.

mes, m. , month.

mesa, f. , table, table-land.

meseta, f. , table-land, plateau.

mestizo, half-breed (Indian and white).

metal, m. , metal.

metálico, metallic.

meter, to place, put;

o ——se a, to undertake;

o ——se en, to get into;

o ——se por, to get into, to penetrate.

método, m. , method.

metro, m. , metre.

metrópoli, f. , metropolis.

metropolitano, metropolitan.

Meyerbeer, Giacomo (1791-1863), German composer.

mezcla, f. , mixture.

mezclar, to mix.

mi, my.

, me (after preposition);

o ¡ay de ——! poor me!

miedo, m. , fear.

miel, f. , honey.

miembro, m. , member.

mientras, while.

mil, m. , thousand.

milagro, m. , miracle.

militar, military.

milreis, m. , a coin of Brazil worth about 32½ cents.

millón, m. , million.

mina, f. , mine.

minar, to mine.

Minas Geraes (Minas Generales), a city and state of Brazil.

mineral, m. , mineral.

ministro, m. , cabinet officer.

Minos, proper name.

minúscula, small (letter).

mío, my, mine;

o el ——, etc. , mine.

miramiento, m. , consideration, courtesy.

mirar, to look at, behold;

o —— de reojo, to look askance;

o ——se, to look at each other.

miseria, f. , misery, poverty.

mísero, insignificant, miserable.

Misisipi, m. , Mississippi.

mismamente, exactly (familiar, S. A.).

mismito, very same (colloquial).

mismo, same, very, self;

o yo ——, tú ——, etc. , myself, thyself, etc.

misterioso, mysterious.

mitad, f. , half.

mixto, mixed, accommodation (of a train).

mobiliario, m. , furniture.

modelar, to model.

modelo, m. , model.

modernizar, 34, to modernize.

moderno, modern.

modestamente, modestly.

modestia, f. , modesty.

modificar (a), 31, to modify;

o ——se, to be lessened, softened.

modismo, m. , idiom, idiomatic expression.

modo, m. , way, manner;

o de —— que, so that;

o de este ——, in this way;

o de todos ——s, at any rate.

mofa, f. , ridicule.

mofarse (de), to mock, make fun of.

Moka, f. , Mocha, a Red Sea port in Arabia.

molestar, to trouble, annoy.

molestia, f. , hardship, trouble.

molinero, m. , miller.

molino, m. , mill.

momento, m. , moment.

momia, f. , mummy.

mona, f. , monkey.

monarca, m. f. , monarch.

monarquía, f. , monarchy.

monarquista, m. , monarchist.

moneda, f. , coin.

monetario, monetary.

monótono, monotonous.

montaña, f. , mountain.

montañoso, mountainous.

montar, to mount, to ride;

o —— al anca, to get on behind in riding a horse.

monte, m. , hill, woods.

Monte Misti, a high mountain of Peru.

Montevideo, chief city and capital of Uruguay.

montón, m. , heap, pile, group.

morada, f. , stay, dwelling.

morder, 26, to bite.

morir(se), 28, to die.

morisco, Moorish.

moro, Moorish.

mortal, mortal.

mortificar, 31, to mortify, humiliate.

mosca, f. , fly.

mostrar, 23, to show, indicate.

motivo, m. , cause, reason.

motriz, motor, motive.

movedizo, shifting.

mover, 26, to move.

movimiento, m. , movement.

mozo, m. , youth, waiter.

muchacho, m. , boy.

muchedumbre, f. , crowd.

mucho, much;

o ——s, many.

muelle, m. , dock;

o —— de embarque, loading dock.

muerte, f. , death.

muerto, pp. of morir.

muestra, f. , sample, indication.

mujer, f. , woman, wife.

mula, f. , mule.

muleta, f. , crutch.

multiplicar, 31, to multiply;

o —— en or por, to multiply by.

mundano, earthly.

mundial, pertaining to the world.

mundo, m. , world;

o todo el ——, everybody.

muñequear, to take form (of ears of corn).

muralla, f. , wall (outer).

murmurar, to murmur.

muro, m. , wall (outer).

museo, m. , museum.

música, f. , music.

muy, very;

o —— niño, very young.

nacer, 39, to be born.

naciente, growing.

nacimiento, m. , birth.

nación, f. , nation.

nacional, national.

nacionalidad, f. , nationality.

nada, nothing, by no means.

nadar, to swim.

nadie, m. f. , no one.

nadita, familiar dim. of nada (S. A.).

Napoleón Bonaparte (1769-1821), the French General and Dictator.

naranja, f. , orange.

narración, f. , narration.

natural, natural, native;

o del ——, from life.

naturaleza, f. , nature.

naturalmente, naturally.

naufragar, 32, to be shipwrecked.

náutico, nautical.

nave, f. , ship.

navegación, f. , navigation.

navegador, m. , navigator.

navegante, m. , navigator.

navegar, 32, to sail, navigate.

navidad, f. , Christmas.

navío, m. , ship.

necesario, necessary.