Los Amantes de Teruel - Drama Refundido en Cuatro Actos en Verso y Prosa by Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch - HTML preview

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; #le = al afán.#

384. #oyera = pudiera, podría, oírla.#

413. #ofrecí dar#,

I would gladly have given


423-426. Compare corresponding lines in first edition:

Cuanto padezco mirad pues ya como dicha cuento que mis penas un momento suspendan su intensidad.

447-450. #Vuestras razones … crimen#,

your words of intercessioncarry conviction to his heart; any hesitation or reluctance on my partwould be (considered) disrespect, sinful


455. #que … mortaja = que él se limite a tenerme una cruz y unamortaja#, he need do no more than provide me a cross and a shroud


559. #de infeliz … más#,

from an unhappy state I have passed toone still more wretched


564-565. #por señas que … judío.# Teresa's meaning is clear; hemust be either a Jew or a Moor, she thinks, since he refused to partakeof the slices of pork and wine that she had offered him. She might haveexpressed herself more logically thus:

por señas que

(as proof that)

debe ser moro o judío, nada de ello (magras y vino) ha probado


572. #¡Que haya … oí!#

If it were only a dream what I believe thatI heard!

600. #Ya que padecí, padezca (ella).#

603-605. #al fin … miserable#,

after all, compared with her,Manilla was of little account


616-617. See


in Vocabulary.

664. #en que reina#,

where he now dwells


673-674. #sin que … ofensa#,

without any one's being able to takeoffense at my tears


734. #que lea#,

that he may read


735. #encontrármelas.#


, dative of interest or concern, may betranslated:

for all I care


764. #se ofrezca … morir#,

consent to worse than death



7. #Si esto … difunto = esto es como si yo amortajase a undifunto.#

34. #No tardarán … San Pedro#,

the call to vespers will not belong in sounding over there in Saint Peter's

. San Pedro is the name ofthe old parochial church in Teruel connected with the legend of LosAmantes


73-74. #Yo no creía que dudarais de mi rendimiento fiel.#

84-86. #y al fin hallaréis otro que no podéis figuraros en vuestro rigoresquivo.#

89. #aun no le visteis#,

him you have not yet seen


107-109. #una lengua venenosa no pudo jamás echarme maldición másespantosa que decir#….

142-144. #Para romper … indagaciones#,

in order to break mybondage (free myself from love of you), in order to find defects in you,my investigations were undertaken.

156. #lo que yo vivirá = lo que# (

as long as

) #yo viva, vivirá#.

167-168. #concluyo de desear y pedir#,

I desire and ask for nomore


180-181. #mudaréis en suma de casa y de vecindad#,

you will moveinto another house and neighborhood, nothing more


210-211. #lo demás … notorio#,

otherwise it would give cause fornotorious scandal


217. #resucitara = hubiera resucitado.#

219. #matara = habría matado.#

221. #corriera = habría corrido.#

346. #saliéndole al camino = saliéndole al encuentro.#

354. #más … marido = yo, prófuga, he podido (hacer) más que mi realmarido.#

364. #monstruo … abismo#,

inhuman creature, in whose voice isheard the wrath of hell


386-387. #a quien … frente#,

whose forehead evil fate branded atbirth with burning iron


388. #que por verte vive#,

who receives new life on seeing you


434. #merézcate … lazo#,

respect as you should that marriagebond


437. #Con mi presencia queda destruído.# "Sublime respuesta de lapasión, tan sublime por lo menos como el famoso

Qu'il mourût

deCorneille, porque para la pasión no hay obstáculo, no hay mundo, no hayhombres, no hay más Dios, en fin, que ella misma. Sacrilegio sublimecomo el de Ayax en Homero." (José de Larra, Colección de artículos

,page 194.)


7. #prenden = habrían prendido.#

8. #acuden = hubiesen acudido.#

41. #sois quien sois#,

you are true to yourself

; or,

one canalways count upon you


48. #entre vos y yo#,

we two, you and I


119. #¿No ha de ser?#

Why not?

122. #por si es#,

lest it be; in case it may be


139. #Esto es antes.# Teresa thought that the spirit of Marsilla wasconducting Rodrigo to the cemetery.

Pedro, after giving the realexplanation, adds

Esto es antes

, meaning,

rather is this it

, i.e.,the true explanation.

165-166. #mira si te engañas#,

you are surely mistaken


166. #mal pudiera = mal podría (engañarme).#

201-202. #Pasa más#,

more has happened; there is still more totell

. Note that


is the subject understood of


in line202.

220. #al = al tálamo.#

222-224. #salga … hospedaje#,

let her leave here at once, let notthe law of hospitality serve her (as protection)


230-231. #fuera rayar en loca#,

would be little removed from folly;would border on madness


233-234. #sean … pierdo = sean jueces de mi furia todas las mujeresque pierdan lo que yo pierdo.#

250-251. #que … veía#,

who had not seen him for such a longtime


263-264. #que … son#,

that rightly belong to a true believer

. Inthis case


means Moslem, a follower of Mohammed. Isabel'smagnanimity arouses Adel's admiration.

Escena VI. Read #que entra# after #Marsilla#.

286. #dos#, his own sword and that of Rodrigo. The explanation willbe found in lines 401-413.

317. #si tú vivías#,

seeing that you were still alive


319-320. #la que … separara? = ¿Cómo podría separarse de ti sin ti la(vida) que me alienta?#

321. #desterró#,

banished, exiled (from Heaven)

; = #Juntos aquí nosdesterró (del cielo) la mano (de Dios) que distribuye sabia-(mente)gozos y penas.#

327-328. #debiera prometerme = habría debido prometerme#,

you oughtto have offered me

…; or,

I should have expected


342-344. #no se casa … humana#,

one that loved as I did does notmarry, unless compelled to do so by the strongest force within the powerof mankind


348. #sujetaras = habrías sujetado.#

352. #la suya = su mano.#

355. #me ves ajena#,

you see me the wife of another


367. #va mi vida en oírtelo#,

to hear you say it is a matter of lifeor death to me


391. #en recuerdo si no#,

in memory at least


408. #si lo llego … librara?#

Should I ever believe that, whocould protect him?

440. #las entrañas = el corazón. Una por una# in the preceding linemight be translated little by little


473-474. #en pos de … lanza#,

my lovelorn spirit hastens away inpursuit of thine


A comparison of the closing lines of the play with those of the firstversion shows a decided gain in dramatic effectiveness.

ISABEL. ¿Conque ya es muerto?

TODOS. ¡Muerto!

ISABEL. Yo le maté; quise alejarle … que le odiaba le dije … el sentimiento, el espanto … ¡Y mentí!… Pero también de mí se apiada el cielo. Ya de la eternidad me abre la puerta y de mis ojos huye el mundo entero, y una tumba diviso solamente con un cadáver, y a su lado un hueco. Marsilla, yo te amé, siempre te amaba … tú me lloraste ajena …

tuya muero.

Cotarelo y Mori, in his scholarly study of the origin and development ofthe legend, uses as an argument against its historical authenticity theimprobable ending; skeptically, he asks the question:

"¿No esverdaderamente pasmoso que en el siglo XIII hubiese ni en Teruel ni enparte alguna dos personas de sensibilidad tan exquisita a quienessimultáneamente pudiera causar la muerte el verse privadas una de otra?"This rhetorical question was answered many years before it was thusformulated.

José de Larra in his review of the play a few days after itsfirst performance and only a few days before his own tragic death,speaking for those who believe that death may be caused by grief alone,urged the author to pay no heed to critics who scoffed at the


of his play: "Si óyese repetir a sus oídos un cargo vulgarque a los nuestros ha llegado, y que ni mentar hemos querido en esteartículo; si óyese decir que el final de su obra es inverosímil, que elamor no mata a nadie, puede responder que es un hecho consignado en lahistoria; que los cadáveres se conservan en Teruel, y la posibilidad enlos corazones sensibles; que las penas y las pasiones han llenado máscementerios que los médicos y los necios; que el amor mata (aunque nomate a lodo el mundo) como matan la ambición y la envidia; que más deuna mala nueva al ser recibida ha matado a personas robustas,instantáneamente y como un rayo; y aun será en nuestro entender mejorque a ese cargo no responda, porque el que no lleve en su corazón larespuesta, no comprenderá ninguna. Las teorías, las doctrinas, lossistemas se explican; los sentimientos se sienten." (

Colección deartículos

, page 197.)


The purpose of this vocabulary is to give English equivalents for thewords and locutions as used in this play, in order to help the studentunderstand the text or translate it into clear, idiomatic English. Insome cases, therefore, the English equivalent is not a literaltranslation of the Spanish and may not give the usual meaning of theword or phrase. Moreover, words that the student is reasonably certainto know and those that have the same or almost the same form and meaningin Spanish and English are omitted, as well as inflected forms, exceptin the case of those that seem to offer special difficulty.


#abandonar# leave, abandon

#abatimiento# despondency, dejection


p.p. of

#abrir# open

#abismo# abyss, gulf; hell

#abogar# plead, intercede for; defend

#aborrecer# hate, detest

#abrasador, -a# burning, ardent

#abrazar# embrace

#abrazo# embrace

#abrir, -se# open

#acá# here, hither, this way

#acabar# end, finish; come to an end; weaken; #— con# put an end to;#— de# finish with, have finished, have just; #acabarás de hacerjusticia# you will do justice in the end

#acatar# respect, honor, do homage to

#acción# action, impulse

#acechar# spy upon

#acento# accent; #-s# words

#acercarse# approach

#acero# steel; blade, sword, dagger

#aciago# bitter; fatal

#aclamar# acclaim

#acometer# attack

#acompañar# accompany; #fué acompañándome# he went with me, kept mecompany

#acordarse# (de) remember

#activo# vigorous

#acudir# come up, hasten (to help); #-se a# have recourse to, go to

#adelantarse a# go ahead of, outrun



gesture; attitude

#adentro# within; off the stage

#aderezar# dress, get ready

#adiós# good-bye, farewell

#administrar# administer; give

#adonde# where, to the place where

#adorar (en)# adore

#adormecer# put to sleep

#adormecido# sleeping

#adorno# adornment



anxiety, trouble, sorrow; #con —# solicitously

#afecto# love, affection; #— amoroso# feeling of love

#afición# love, fondness

#afligir# afflict, grieve

#agasajar# regale; entertain

#agolpados# crowding

#agradecer# be grateful, thankful (for)

#agradecido# grateful

#agua# water

#aguardar# wait for

#ahogar# smother, oppress; #-se# be stifled



#ahora# now; nowadays; #por —# for the present

#ahorrar# save, spare; #-se# be spared

#ahuyentar# frighten, drive away

#airado# angry, wrathful




#ajeno# belonging to another, of another, another's

#alameda# avenue, grove (

of poplars




boast, boasting; #hacer —# be proud of, boast

#alarido# cry, shout



sorrel horse

#alba# dawn


small town and mountainous district a short distance westof the city of Teruel

#albedrío# will, free will



lodging, room

#albigenses# Albigenses (

see note, Act I

, 258); #un francés —# anAlbigensian Frenchman

#alborotado# excited, agitated

#alborozo# joy

#alcanzar# reach, overtake; obtain; #— con# have influence with

#alcazaba# stronghold, fortress, donjon



castle, royal palace

#alcoba# bedroom

#alcurnia# ancestry; family name

#alentar# give breath; animate

#aleve# faithless, perfidious; traitor

#alguno# any, any one, the one

#alhaja# jewel

#aliento# breath, courage; #— vital# breath of life; #sin —# lifeless,unconscious; #mi —# my last breath

#alimentar# nourish; #— risueña# encourage with smiling hopes

#alistar# enlist, recruit

#aliviar# assuage, relieve

#alivio# alleviation, consolation

#alma# soul, spirit, heart, love; #de mi —# dearest

#Alteza# Highness




#alto# high; great

#altura# height, elevation; #una —# high ground

#alumbrar# illuminate, light

#alzar# raise; rise, arise

#allá# there, yonder; #por —# thereabouts, along there

#allanarse# be smoothed out, be overcome; be worked out

#allí# there, in it

#ama# mistress

#amante# loving; lover

#amar# love; #-se# love each other

#amargo# bitter, cruel

#amargura# bitterness, sorrow

#amasar# knead; cement

#ambos# both; as

#amenazar# threaten

#amigo# friend

#Amir# ameer (

Mohammedan ruler


#amistad# friendship




#amorío# love-making; #-s# love affairs

#amortajar# shroud, prepare for burial



old age

#anciano# old; old man

#andar# go; #— por aquí# go about in this vicinity; #-se# go about




#angustia# anguish

#anhelado# longed for, coveted

#anhelante# anxious; anxiously

#anhelar# long, yearn for

#ánima# spirit

#animar# encourage

#ánimo# mind, spirit

#anochecer# grow dark; #al —# at nightfall; #a poco de —# shortlyafter nightfall

#ansia# anguish

#ansiar# long for, desire eagerly

#ante# before; in the presence of

#antes# before, first; rather; on the contrary; #— de# before; #— que#before; rather than; #— que todo#

before everything else

#anticipar# anticipate; #anticipado al nacer# present before birth,prenatal

#anular# annul

#anunciar# announce

#año# year

#apacible# peaceful, friendly

#aparecer# appear, be seen

#apartar# separate, take away

#aparte# aside; #— de# aside from

#apellido# name

#apenas# scarcely, barely

#apercibir# inform

#aplacar# mitigate, lessen, appease, allay

#aplazado# postponed

#aplicar# apply; hold

#aposento# room

#apreciar# appreciate

#aprender# learn

#aprensión# illusion, delusion

#apresar# capture

#aprestar# prepare

#apresurar# hurry up

#aprieto# embarrassment, difficult position

#aproximarse# approach

#aquese, aquesa# that

#aquí# here; on earth

#ara# altar

#aragonés, -esa# Aragonese




#ardiente# hot, burning

#ardimiento# boldness

#arena# sand; #-s# sands, desert

#arma# arm, weapon

#armiño# ermine; #de —# ermine-like

#arrastrar# drag, force into; #traerla arrastrando# drag her here

#arrebatar# take away by force

#arrebato# carried away with, beside himself with

#arremeter con# make an attack upon

#arrepentimiento# repentance, remorse

#arribar# arrive

#arriesgar# risk

#arrimarse# lean against

#arrodillado# kneeling

#arrodillarse# kneel

#arrojar# cast off; #-se# rush, escape, cast oneself upon

#arrostrar# face

#arruinarse# fall in ruins

#artesano# artisan, mechanic

#ascendiente# ancestor, forefather

#asegurar# assure, assert, state definitely

#asesinar# assassinate, murder

#asesinato# assassination

#así# so, thus; #— que# as soon as

#asido de# grasped, seized by

#asir# grasp, seize

#asistir a# be present at, witness, attend

#asomar# appear

#asombrado# astonished, amazed

#áspero# rough

#asustar# frighten; #-se de# be frightened at

#atar# tie




#atavío# fine attire

#atender# heed, pay attention to, listen attentively to

#atento# attentive; attentively

#aterrar# ravage, lay waste; appall, terrify

#atesorar# store up; possess

#atestiguar# testify

#atónito# amazed, troubled

#atrás# back, backward

#atravesar# pass through

#atreverse# dare

#atroz# atrocious, fierce

#aumentar# increase

#aumento# increase

#aun, aún# still, even, yet; #— no# not yet

#aunque# although, even though

#ausencia# absence

#ausentarse# depart, go away, be absent; #al —# in the absence of

#ausente# absent; absent one

#autor# author, agent

#avaro# miser

#averiguar# find out

#avisar# warn, notify, inform

#aviso# warning; news

#¡ay!# alas; #— de# alas for, woe betide

#ayer# yesterday; recently

#ayunar# fast

#ayuntamiento# town council; town hall, city hall

#azorado# anxious, restless


#bajar# descend

#bajo# under

#balbuciente# stammering




#banda# band, scarf

#bandera# banner, standard

#bandolero# bandit, robber

#bañar# bathe

#barra# metal bar; #tirar la —# throw the bar (

a popular game inSpain


#bastante# enough; long enough

#bastar# suffice, be enough; #basta# enough; #basta de plática# enoughtalk

#batida# hunting party

#beldad# beauty

#Belén# Bethlehem

#bello# beautiful

#bendecir# bless

#bendición# blessing

#bendito# blessed

#beneficio# benefit; #con tal —# under such obligation

#benéfico# beneficent, charitable

#benigno# beneficent, benign

#besar# kiss

#Besiés# Béziers

(city of about fifty thousand inhabitants in the southof France


#bien# well, very, indeed, already; #— está# very well, all right;#tener a —# consider proper or

advisable; please



. good, goodness, happiness, blessing, favor; object of love;#mi —# my love, beloved; #¿qué —?#

what good, what of any value? #-s#wealth

#bienhechor, -a# benefactor, benefactress

#blando# soft, tender

#blasfemo# blasphemous

#boca# mouth; tongue

#boda# marriage, wedding; #-s# wedding; #celebradas las# —#s# theweddi