Los Amantes de Teruel - Drama Refundido en Cuatro Actos en Verso y Prosa by Juan Eugenio Hartzenbusch - HTML preview

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gall, bitterness

#hierro# iron; steel; brandiron; #-s# chains

#hijo, -a# son, daughter

#himeneo# marriage; #galas del —# bridal trousseau

#historia# story

#hito# fixed; #de — en# fixedly

#hoguera# fire; #una —# death at the stake

#holgar# please; #me holgara# (


#holgaría#) it would please me

#hollar# tread upon

#hombre# man

#hondo# deep

#honesto# virtuous

#honrado# honorable, respectable

#honrar# honor

#hora# hour; time; #en buen —, en — buena# indeed; well and good; andwelcome

#horrendo# frightful, horrible

#horroroso# horrible, terrible



lodging; hospitality

#hoy# to-day; now; #desde —# this very day, from now on; #—mismo# thisvery day, even to-day; #—

día# in these days

#hoyo# hole, pit

#hubo# (

3d pret. of

#haber#) there was

#hueco# hollow; depths

#huella# footprint

#huesa# grave

#huir# flee, fly, slip away

#humanidad# humaneness, kindness

#húmedo# damp, humid

#humildad# humility

#hundir# hurl, throw, beat down; #-se# sink





#idiotez# idiocy

#idolatrar# idolize

#iglesia# church

#ignorar# ignore; not to know; #-se# be unknown

#igual# equal; alike

#igualdad# equality

#ileso# sound; without blemish

#ilusorio# illusory, deceptive

#ilustre# noble, illustrious



image, picture

#imbécil# imbecile; simple

#impedir# prevent, stop



impetus; impetuosity

#impío# faithless; wicked

#imponer# impose

#importar# be important; #no importa# no matter

#imprimir# impress, stamp

#incapaz# incompetent, unfit

#incentivo# encouragement

#inclinación# inclination, love

#inclinar# bend, bow

#incluir# include

#incorporarse# sit up in bed

#indagación# investigation

#indicar# mean, indicate



temper; nature

#indudable# indubitable, certain

#indulgencia# indulgence, toleration

#inerte# inanimate, lifeless

#infalible# infallible, sure

#infame# infamous

#infantil# childish; #amor —# love of childhood

#infausto# unlucky, ill-fated, ill-starred

#infecto# infected, tainted

#infelicidad# misfortune

#infeliz# unfortunate; unfortunate man; #alguna —# an unhappy woman

#infiel# disloyal, faithless; infidel

#infierno# hell

#informarse# inquire, ask

#ingrato# ungrateful

#inmaculado# immaculate

#inmediato# adjoining, next

#inmolar# sacrifice

#inmóvil# motionless

#inmovilidad# immobility

#inquietud# solicitude, anxiety, worry; #estar con —# worry, be anxious

#insensato# foolish; fool

#inspirar# inspire, inspire in



instant, moment; #en el —# at once, immediately

#instar# urge

#insufrible# intolerable

#intensidad# intensity

#intentar# try; intend to do

#inundar# inundate, flood

#inútil# vain, useless

#inverosímil# improbable

#invocar# invoke, call

#ir# go, be,


.; #— a# be about to; #— a parar# lead to, come toan end; pierce; #van llegando# they keep arriving or

continue toarrive; #se fué retirando atrás# kept drawing back; #va mi vida# my lifeis at stake; #-se# go away, disappear

#ira# fury, rage, passion; #-s# anger

#iracundo# passionate

#irritado# angry

#irritarse# get angry, become furious

#izquierdo# left; #a la izquierda# at the left


#jamás# ever, never




#jerga# coarse cloth

#Jesús# Heavens; Heaven help me

#Jope, Japa# Joppa (

ancient seaport of Jerusalem and importantcommercial center in the time of the Crusades. Modern Jaffa


#jornada# journey

#joven# young; young man

#joya# jewel, piece of jewelry

#júbilo# joy

#judío# Jew

#juez# judge

#jugar# play

#juicio# judgment

#junta# council, meeting

#juntar# assemble, amass, get together; summon

#junto (a)# near, at the side of; #-s# together

#jurar# swear, vow

#justicia# justice; #en —# rightly

#juventud# youth

#juzgarse# consider oneself


#labio# lip; tongue



needlework, embroidery

#lado# side; #por este —# this way

#lágrima# tear

#lana# wool; garment of wool



incident, happening; conflict, struggle; critical moment

#lanzar# hurl, throw; give off, reflect; utter violently

#largo# long

#lástima# pity

#lastimarse# be sorry, grieve, regret

#lateral# at the side (

of the stage


#latir# beat, palpitate

#lazo# bond

#leal# loyal; loyally

#lecho# bed

#leer# read

#lejano# distant

#lejos de# far from

#lengua# tongue



language, speech, manner of speech

#lentamente# slowly

#lento# slow

#lerdo# slow, heavy; #lerdas# dawdlers

#letra# letter; writing, handwriting

#levantar# raise; #-se# arise



law, religion, loyalty; #sin —# faithless, treacherous

#liberal# generous

#libertad# liberty

#libertar# free, rescue, set free

#líbico# Libyan; #líbica región# Northern Africa (

Libya was the ancientname of Northern Africa


#librar# free, save, protect.

#libre# free; at will; released; libertine, licentious

#licencia# permission

#lícito# permissible



fight, struggle, conflict, duel

#lidiar# fight

#lienzo# linen cloth, piece of linen

#ligar# bind

#limitar# limit; #-se a# do no more than; #— términos a# formboundaries of, bound

#limpiar# wipe, cleanse

#lindo# pretty

#lisonjero# flattening, complimentary

#liviano# light; fickle, faithless

#lo que# what; how much; as long as

#lobreguez# darkness

#loco# mad, insane; foolish

#lograr# gain, succeed, be able to; #— de# convince, persuade; #— quediga mi lengua# get my tongue to say; #— vencer# have gained thevictory; #no he logrado que deis# I have not succeeded in getting you togive

#lucero# morning star; #-s# eyes (



#lucha# struggle

#luchar# struggle

#luego# then, soon, next



place; village; stead; #dar — a# result in

#lujoso# luxurious

#luna# moon; moonlight; #la — media# crescent (

device on theMohammedan standard


#lustro# lustrum (

period of five years






#llamar# call, summon

#llanto# weeping; tears

#llegada# arrival

#llegar# arrive, reach, come, enter,


; #-se# approach; #— abrindar# go so far as to offer, even offer; #— a enterarse# come toknow, find out at last; #— a saber# find out, discover; #si lo llego apensar# should I ever think that; #si llegaseis a conocer# if you couldonly know; #os llega funesto# a disastrous end awaits you; #en llegando#on his arrival

#lleno# full, filled

#llevar# take, carry, bear; lead: wear; live; get away; #— de# live,spend in; #-se# carry away, lead along;

#— me a casar# take me to themarriage altar; #— a cabo# carry out; #el alma se llevan# they take myspirit with them

#llorar# weep, weep for, lament; #llorando# in tears

#lloro# weeping, tears


#madre# mother; Virgin Mary

#magra# rasher, slice of ham, pork



evil; misfortune



bad, badly; hardly, scarcely

#maldecido# accursed

#maldecir# execrate, imprecate, curse

#maldición# curse, malediction

#maldito# accursed

#malogrado# unfortunate

#maltratar# maltreat, abuse

#malvado# wicked

#manar# flow

#mancebo# youth, young man

#mancha# stain, blot, blemish

#manchar# stain

#mandar# order, command; cause; #— sepultar# have buried

#manera# manner; #de aquesa —# like that, in that condition; #de —que# such that

#manifestar# prove




#mansión# abode, place of habitation

#mantener# keep, maintain, retain

#mañana# morning, to-morrow

#maquinalmente# mechanically

#maquinar# plan, contrive



sea #maravillado# amazed, filled with wonder

#maravillar# surprise

#marcar# impress, brand

#marcial# military

#marchar# go away, depart, leave, #-se# go away, go off


m., f.

margin, bank

#marido# husband

#martirio# torture, martyrdom

#mas# but

#más# more, most; higher; moreover; still more; #no —# no longer; #—que, — de# more than; #no hay —

# there is no other; #por — que#however, however much

#máscara# mask

#matar# kill; #— de celos# afflict with jealousy

#materno# maternal

#mayor# greater, greatest

#mazmorra# dungeon

#médico# doctor

#medio# middle, midst

#meditar# meditate, reflect

#mejor# better; greater

#mella# indentation, impression

#menear# move, stir



need, necessity; #ser —# be necessary

#mengua# shame

#menguado# diminished; unhappy; #hora menguada# in a fatal moment

#menor# lesser, smaller

#menos# less; except; #lo —, al —# at least

#mensajero# messenger

#mentar# mention, relate

#mentido# false

#mentir# lie

#mentira# lie; #es —# it is not true




#merced# mercy; favor, kindness; #— a# thanks to; #hacer —# benefit

#merecer# merit, deserve, claim

#mesa# table

#mezclar# mix

#miedo# fear

#mientras# while, whilst; as long as

#milagro# miracle

#mirad# (

imper. 2d pl. of

#mirar#) bear in mind, consider

#mirada# glance, look, gaze

#mirar# see, look at; bear in mind, remember; #— por# look out for;#miren# just look; #-se# look at oneself, be reflected

#miserable# wretch, miserable fellow

#mísero# wretched

#mismo# same; very; #por lo —# therefore

#misterio# mystery

#mitad# middle, half

#mitigar# mitigate, appease

#mocedad# youth

#moderar# moderate

#modo# way, means; #¿de qué —?# in what way, how?

#modorra# drowsiness

#monstruo# monster, wicked person


small town in Catalonia, between Saragossa and Barcelona

#morada# abode, dwelling

#morder# bite; #— la tierra# bite the dust

#morir# die; kill; #más que a —# far worse than death

#morisco# Moorish; Morisco

#moro# Moor, Moorish

#mortaja# shroud

#mostrar# show

#muchacho# boy

#mudanza# change (

of mind or purpose


#mudar# change; #— de casa# move into another house

#mudo# dumb, mute



. death; #de —# mortal

#muerto# dead; #el —# the dead man



woman, wife

#mundo# world

#muralla# wall; rampart


(ger. of

#morir#) dying, in mortal pain

#muro# wall

#musulmán, -a#, Mohammedan


#nacer# be born, come into the world; spring; grow; #al —# at birth;#anticipado al —# present before birth, prenatal; #¿de qué ha nacido?#what has been the cause of?

#nada# nothing

#nadie# no one

#narcótico# narcotic, sleeping potion




#naturaleza# nature

#necesitado# needy; one in need of

#necesitar# need, have need of

#necio# foolish; fool

#negar# deny, refuse

#negociar# negotiate; #— con# induce

#negro# black, dark; sad, gloomy; hostile

#ni# neither, either; even; #— … —# neither … nor; #— siquiera#not even




#niño, -a# boy, girl

#noble# noble; nobleman

#nobleza# nobility, generosity



night; #esta —# to-night; #esta — misma# this very night




#norabuena (en hora buena)# all right; good!

#noticia# news, account, information, announcement

#notorio# notorious

#novedad# novelty; news; #¿es —?# is it unusual? #¿es — que?# is it asecret that?

#novio, -a# bridegroom, bride; #¿qué trazas éstas de novias?# isn't shea fine bride? (





cloud, mist

#nueva# news, tidings

#nuevo# new

#nunca# never, ever


#o# or, either

#obedecer# obey

#obligación# obligation, duties

#obra# work

#obrar# work; bring about

#obsequioso# obliging, courteous

#ocasión# chance, opportunity

#ocultar# hide, conceal

#oculto# hidden; secretly

#ocupar# occupy; #-se de# busy oneself with, give oneself up to; #ocupadla silla# sit down, be seated

#odiar# hate

#odio# hate, hatred

#odioso# hateful

#ofender# insult, outrage; be offensive; trouble

#ofensa# offence, insult; #hacer — de# feel offended by

#ofrecer# offer; be willing

#ofrecimiento# offer; promise

#ofrenda# votive offering; sacrifice

#oído# ear

#oír# hear, listen to

#¡ojalá!# would that they had!

#ojo# eye

#olvidar# forget

#opinión# reputation, good name

#oponerse a# oppose

#oprobio# shame

#opulencia# opulence, luxury

#opulento# wealthy




#ordinario# ordinary; #de —# regularly

#orgullo# pride

#orgulloso# proud

#orilla# bank, shore; edge, brink; bounds; #-s# on the edge, brink (of)

#osar# dare

#ósculo# kiss

#oscuro# dark

#otorgar# grant

#otro# other


#pacífico# peaceful

#padecer# suffer, endure



suffering, sorrow

#padre# father; #-s# parents; #el — nuestro# the Lord's Prayer

#paga# payment

#pagar# pay; repay; pay for

#paisano# countryman; fellow countryman

#paja# straw




#palabra# word; promise

#palma# palm; hand; #-s# palm leaves; hands

#palpitar# beat, palpitate



bread; #a —# on bread

#par# even; #abrirse de — en —# be thrown wide open

#para# for; in order to; as; #— con# compared with; #—siempre#forever; #— que# in order that

#paradero# whereabouts

#parado# standing still, stopped short

#páramo# desolate plain, desert

#parar# stop; be; reside, live; #-se# stop; #ir a —# pierce; #en estoparan# this is the end of

#parecer# seem; appear; #¿qué os parece#? how do you like?

#parecido# resembling; #todo —# closely resembling, very much like

#párpado# eyelid



part; place; #por otra —# moreover

#partida# parting, departure

#partido# match, game

#partir# depart, leave, set out; split, divide

#pasar# pass, happen; suffer; #— con# happen to; #— por# pass by; callat; #lo que pasa# what is going on

#pasión# passion, love

#paso# step

#patria# native country






#pecho# breast; heart; #de — blando# tender-hearted

#pedazo# piece; #-s del corazón# beloved ones

#pedir# ask for, call for, demand; #pidiendo a voces# calling loudly for

#peligro# danger

#pena# pain, sorrow, grief, suffering, affliction, regret; #-s#distress; #en — de# in punishment for

#pender de# depend on

#pensamiento# thought, mind

#pensar# think, intend, expect

#pequeño# little, small

#percibir# perceive, feel; smell

#perder# lose; destroy, ruin; #-se# be lost

#pérdida# loss

#perdonar# pardon

#perecer# perish, die

#peregrino# strange; pilgrim

#pérfidamente# perfidiously, through


by treason

#pérfido# perfidious, unfaithful; traitor

#perjuro# perjured; disloyal, unfaithful

#permitir# permit; #permita Dios# God grant

#perseguir# pursue

#persona# person; #-s# cast, characters (

in a play

); #tu —# you

#persuadirse# be persuaded





sadness, sorrow, grief; displeasure

#pesar# weigh, be heavy, grieve



sorrow, grief

#pestañear# blink

#piadoso# pitiful, merciful




#piedad# pity, mercy

#piedra# stone

#pieza# piece; room; #buena — a# shameless creature




#pintar# paint; describe

#pisada# footstep

#pisar# tread upon, trample; despise; cross




#planta# sole of the foot; foot

#plantar# set up

#plática# talk; #— sin provecho# idle, useless talk

#plazo# term, time set; #corrido el —# the expiration of the time set

#plegaria# prayer

#poblador# founder, settler

#pobre# poor

#pobrecillo# poor fellow

#pobrecito# poor fellow

#poco# little, small, few; #— ha# a short time ago

#poder# be able, can, may,


, be able to do; #hasta — salir# untilhe was able to get out




#poderoso# powerful, strong; wealthy

#pomito# small flask, vial

#poner# put, set, fix, put on; #— en# give, offer; #— término#terminate; #— hecha una imagen# make pretty as a picture; #pon aquí#give me

#por# for, because of, out of, as, by way of, in order to, in the nameof, through, in; #— ahora# for the present; #— allá# thereabouts; —#allí# along there; #— aquí cerca# in this vicinity; #— dentro#within, from within; off the stage; #— este lado# this way; #— él# asfar as he is concerned; #— sí# in itself; through his own efforts; #—la noche# at night; #— ser# because I am; #— más que# however, howevermuch

#porque# because, for, in order that

#¿por qué?# why



cause, reason

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