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30th June 2014.

2 Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad

Love Is Fire Love Is Flame

Reflections of a Beautiful Family


The sun rose above the hills in my


As the joy of my heart sped for more


Rays of warmth and love rose high and


When My Pretty Lotus came in home to


Together we saw fresh dew upon the


Birds chirped, butterflies flew to over


I watched her gently moving around in

the day

My love got deeper and deeper living


I enjoyed the stillness and calm for so


Watching as she smiled and sang a


3 Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad

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She brought me fame and wealth


Like a slow flowing traffic of the


My heart and soul kept flowing with a

lot of joy

I smiled and I quietly reflected all to


I was handed a sweet princess to give


A sweet princess for my love life to


I took a vow to myself to be her

charming prince

She enriched my life and let me


Love her and always cherish her was

the way

Until my last breath and until my last


I kept all my vows and lived a full family


I let her reign as my queen and be my


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When she was gone, I made a promise

in my mind

I’ll treasure all fond memories that I can

possibly find

Fifteen months have gone by but I’m

still grieving

My love’s like war it was easy to begin

but never ending

I’ve fond reflections of all those

beautiful moments

I’ve created many poems but have no

further comments.

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Saroj Kumari Devi was born on 15th

August 1940 in Nasinu in Fiji and her

parents Chandar Pal Sharma and Lila

Wati Singh bestowed her with a name

that meant pretty Lotus. Saroj received

her initial formative, primary and

secondary education at the Dudley

House in Toorak Suva as a boader and

her initial tertiary education was

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conducted at the Fiji Advanced College

of Education and then at the

University of the South Pacific. She

completed her other graduate courses

at the Brisbane Advanced College of

Education and Queensland University

of Technology. (Cert Ed., B.Ed., Dip

Ed. and B.T.)

Saroj was professionally prepared as a

teacher and she taught successfully at

various primary, seconday and tertiary

instituions of Fiji and Australia from

1960 to 2002. In her forty-two years of

active participation in educational

work force, she held various positions

of responsibility. She was a Teacher,

Assistant Head Teacher, Head of









Saroj was married on 19th January

1964 to Ram Lakhan Prasad, her

College Mate, and they together

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developed a pleasant family life with

four married children and eight grand


My Saroj came to me as a radiant star

of my life and my sky of life got

brighter and brighter every day. My

life became a chain of miracles that

gave me multiple glimpses of Heaven.

In simple terms, we two were just right

for each other with our deep love and

strong abiding.

I never called myself a saint but I was

a loyal, faithful and honourable

husband to my wife who I always

defended, honoured and treasured.

She filled me with eternal joy and

while my life was hers, her life was

mine. She made me like her life, she

liked my life, and so we liked the way

one day flawed into the next.

We felt that there was nothing wrong

in enjoying life if we were able to do

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so. The days of our life was happy, we

were content, our days used to be full,

pleasant, racing, gaming and loving

until I lost her forever. When she was

gone, I felt empty, tired and all alone

because not only she was a shining

light of my life but also because she

was an angel always ready to give and

never expect any reward.

My Saroj passed away on 14th March

2013 after a short illness and was

finally laid to rest at the Centenary

Memorial Gardens in Brisbane on 16th

March 2013. Some people mourn the

loss of their dear one for a year but my

pain and sorrow are so deep rooted

that they would last until I too move to

join her somewhere in the unknown.

How that warm sunny day had

irrevocally changed all my life is very

difficult to describe in words. I could

never sustain the pain of my tragic loss

then and have found that that deep-

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seated pain would never go away. It

got engrained into my bone. I have

still not been able to fully understand

and fatham whether it was my loss, my

guilt, the natural injustice, my anger,

my pain or my fear that is keeping my

grief fresh. However, I have gathered

that one has to deal with what one


There is no safe place to hide from

desolation that is burrowed in the

deepest part of your heart. One part of

me said that the past was done and

over, only my pain and hatred of

loosing my beloved remained with

endless regrets and I had many

questions with no easy answers.

One of the greatest mistakes the

people sympathising with me made

after my loss was to say that time was

natures’s way of healing and keeping

everything from happening to my

disadvantage but they did not know

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that life had too many darker corners

where emotions and sorrows could

safely hide and torture you. So I was

meant to look hale and hearty after

burying the hatchet so to speak. How

could I be suddenly infused with

icewater in my veins and forget my

pain, sorrow, loneliness, troubles,

threats and weaknesses?

I was supposed to take one look at my

future and forget my past to build my

present but I did not and could not

gather enough strength to change so

drastically. So I decided to detach all

physical relationship and learn to live

with the soul of my Pretty Lotus for

the rest of my life. I did not want to

forget anything, especially all the fond

memories of over half a century of

togetherness. I chose to awaken my

creative skills and senses to poetically

express my feelings.

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Over the last fifteen months, I have

done just that and intend to continue

doing so to keep myself emotionally

attached to the soul of my beloved

wife. I see that there is nothing absurd

about this human conduct because my

wounds have neither festered nor

healed and I cannot leave my past in

the path where it all happened.

Now I think I have mastered a special

gift and that is that I have the ability to

see things as they really are. I thank

my beloved wife for this sewa change

in me. My family life that was my

charm is no more with the strong

pillar of strength that has gone forever

but I am not going to let her down and

give up. I shall overcome, endure and

then join my Pretty Lotus when the

time comes.

She would be remembered for many of

her super human qualities such as her

quality of mercy, her extreme

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kindness, unconditional, instinctual

and realistic love and the elements of

share and tender loving care.

Our souls were one, Saroj and I, and

we both knew it. From the beginning

of our love life, we recognized that we

were part of each other and parting

was not in our agenda but when it did

happen, I was torn and broken. My

heart seems to collapse and my body

became numb but some how or the

other I kept moving like a corpse.

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Creativity Continues…