Love Is Fire Love Is Flame by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Dream To Forever Last

When my days are darker and the

nights are cloudy

Heart pains, eyes search and my

head goes all giddy

There’s nothing to do but think of

you and only you

I reach out wanting to see that

light that brings you

I get the glare and the shine but I

still can’t find you

I want to hear the sweet voice that

tells me it’s you

I’d like to hold you tight and get

the same embrace

When I get nearer I see you and I

in different place

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You’re in heaven and I’m still

dwelling in sinful hell

My wish is to hold your hand cos

I’ve stories to tell

When I open my eyes to begin the

tales of our past

I know it is only a dream but hope

it to forever last.

You’ve become but a distant fond

memory of the past

The flashbacks and the

foregrounding all make a blast

They haunt and force me to hum

that often sung song

The parted soul would meet one

day right or wrong.

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That Is Lakhan’s Life

I wrote a name in the sky during

my college days

I saw that the strong wind came

and blew it away

Then I wrote that same name in

the sand some days

The waves of the ocean came and

washed it away

On parting, I wrote that name in a

hearty place

I made it sure that forever that

name would stay

Did I tell her that I liked her? Yes I


Did I tell her that she was an

angel? Yes I did.

Did I tell her that we could live

together? Yes I did.

Did I tell her that she was pretty?

Yes I did.

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If I did then why are we so far

away now? Fate!

I am here and she is there, that is

not great!

We parted one morning because of

health differences

We promised to be connected

without any inferences

Life was shattered without any

physical relationship

I am crying my heart begging for

the same friendship

She is far and unable to hear all

my intimate calls

My days pass with painful cry and

very mighty falls

I wear a fake smile to hide my

world torn apart

Underneath that dismal smile is a

broken heart

All fond memories haunt me now I

made a mistake

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Why did I let her go but put more

care I could take

All those golden memories are

slowly fading away

Time moves on and I am repenting

it all the way

The Pretty Lotus shall never meet

me, it seems

Time moved and over half a

century now beams

We had great feelings for each

other all along

On my deathbed I will repent with

my sad song

It now seems I hurt the one I

loved, I know not why

I am so distraught and lonely, I

still know not why

All hopes have faded and all

reunion has gone

Will I ever get over the great loss I

have done?

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Rose was the pretty flower once in

my life

Lotus replaced my pond and

became my wife

My pretty lotus gave me true gift of

my life

She loved me dearly and was a

devoted wife

No one will ever replace her

company in my life

This world is now all illusion and is

full of strife.

For all my friends I have this new


True love is a bright light in a dark


Faithful lovers keep that alight and


It is a sweet fragrance that needs


So keep a bit of space in your

heart my dear

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Let this eternal love flourish

forever without fear.

Our emotions will recognize no

barriers I say

It will jump, leap and penetrate

space all day

True lovers have no hurdles,

fences and walls

They show their tender loving care

at all calls

Lovers are more alike than unlike

this I know

Lovers see themselves in each

other and grow.

Now that we cannot be lovers,

husband and wife

Saroj in heaven, me in hell and

that is Lakhan’s life.

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To Love And Cherish Her Again

The time has come to turn back

the clock

Let me go back to that early college


She said I could be her prince of

the block

To live a long family life and enjoy

all day

She wanted me to build a home in

a village

Ask all our friends, family and

others to see

On that farm we would enjoy all

our tillage

That’ll be the heaven to live and

die with me

So I wedded my princess and

brought her home

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She loved the company and gave

me all the joy

We flew, travelled; we sailed to sit

in the dome

She bore children raised them with

special ploy

We worked well and retired to live

a happy life

Life was treating us well on all

moves and steps

She was gone when a lightening

struck our life

I tried to save her and prayed hard

on all steps

God stole her soul and planted it

in the heaven

I was left at home to repent, cry

and to mourn

I was left to start a life anew away

from heaven

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It wasn’t that simple to live even if

I was reborn

So I planted a rose in the garden of

my sad heart

To ensure she lived there to smell

the fragrance

There wouldn’t be any thorns to

pierce our heart

No tears to dim the eyes with sad


I pledged to see there were no

stones in the path

No bruised feet here and no sad

goodbyes forever

Our new life will be plain sailing

for our new bath

We’d clean both our souls to let

them live forever

My daily prayer now is not to turn

the clock back

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The time that has passed should

never bother me

Thorns and rocks that lie ahead be

placed in sack

Thrown in the deep sea and let her

live with me

The past gone days become all her

fond memories

Her soul to merge within me and I

live my life again

I want to be the charming prince of

her memories

To love and cherish her for the rest

of my life again.

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How Can I Thank Her?

Years have passed when I had a

perfect addition to my life

She entered my heart and proudly

become my lovely wife

She was fair and had a light skin

but no curls no wavy hair

Her living was straight and bright

and her conduct was fair

It was her mystic smile so

meaningful clear and delightful

It was her shinning eyes so pretty

charming and beautiful

She brought that evergreen smile

to my face I remember

Her internal beauty won my heart

at first sight I consider

She had the right wit and the

humour for my love to swell

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I made up my mind to ask her that

in my heart she to dwell

She had her way about so I fell to

my knees and confessed

Like my mentor, she raised her

hands to make me blessed

There were many reasons for my

love I gave her a bunch

The flowers in that bunch could

not meet her pretty face

We were married and she came to

me with a nice crunch

Our life moved smoothly as if it

was tied with golden lace

It was my fortune to have her in

my life as a pretty wife

We were always proud with our

choice to love and live

She loved and tamed me to make

the prince of her life

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We had a lot to share with each

other had more to give

She became my sweet heart and

the only love of my life

Although we were opposites, we

became a beautiful pair

Life was happy the Pretty Lotus

remained my lovely wife

We lived a long and pleasant life

and had a lot to share

When everything was cool and

charming, lightening struck

My whole life came to an end when

she was called to rest

I couldn’t impress the taker of life

as if I ran out of all luck

The love and laughter all ended

and there wasn’t any fest

There’s one good feeling I had for

she admired my poems

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She was the strength for all my

success and achievements

Without her in my life, I couldn’t

have written such poems

All that is created is only for her

and for her achievements

Without her support, I would have

been a zero in my life

She made me a hero of her heart

and made me so gentle

She knew what to do in all the ups

and downs of our life

I’d like to thank her by putting this

poetry on my mantle.

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Love is Fire Love is Flame

Love is fire love is flame play it

right it is the best game

To love and to cherish that love is

a vital human claim

If there is a face, I want to see and

treasure in my life

If there’s a smile that made all the

difference to my life

My Pretty Lotus had all of it and a

lot more I admired

All were perfect and touched me

deep that I desired

First thing in the morning when I

heard her sweet voice

The last thing at night was sweet

dreams of my choice

The brush of her hair and the

touch of her warm hands

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The thought of times spent

together lovingly never ends

That is why I say love is fire love is

flame it burns all day

So to love and cherish that love is

deep when she’s away

If there is one joy, one love that I

never ever want to part

It’s the deep love of my Pretty

Lotus that’s filling my heart

She was my special love, my world,

my heart, my soul and all

If time could tarry a little, I could

freeze my love and call

Why aren’t you in my arms darling

where we ought to be

You are still here deep in my heart

where no one can see

You are gone but your fond

memories are here with me

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My life is filed with that deep love

that you had given me

Our bond was so strong and all

our hold so tight and right

That I feel you are my only star

that is shinning so bright

All your blessings are always with

me coming from above

To love and to cherish you I have

found my one true love

Our life was entwined as one when

our love journey began

We knew our love was fire and love

was flame thus we sang

My heart is now so cold and gone

hard like rock and stone

It sits all day thinking of you,

closed and quiet when alone

My day rolls and I get this fear

that my heart will disappear

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Love Is Fire Love Is Flame

Then the night comes and that fire

and flame give me fear

Five hundred days have passed

and time has left me all bare

I still want to love and cherish my

love and that’s what I care

When I look back I now find my

heart is dark as black as coal

The fond memories put you in my

chest where there’s a hole

My laptop says I am a robot and

my heart should be steel

There should not be any pain and

sorrow that I could feel

When my love is fire and love is

flame the heart can burn

It still wants to love and cherish

and wants you to return

Lakhan’s heart though dark and

cold, is still open and bold

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Love Is Fire Love Is Flame

It wants to still burn with that love

that my Saroj had in fold.

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