Love Is Fire Love Is Flame by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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So my readers can clearly see now that

our marriage was like a house under

constant construction and each year we

saw the completion of new rooms, new

space and new developments. Of

course, our first year of marriage may

have been only a tiny cottage but it

grew into a huge and rambling mansion

in half a century. This was named

BASERA, a nest.

There were some crannies and storage

spaces, some of them dusty and

abandoned, some containing a few

unpleasant relics, we wished we had

not found, but all of these were not any

big things to give us any undue

headaches and worries. We either threw

those unpleasant relics out or took

them to our goodwill and made them


In reality, our marriage was a good one

with a lot of rejoicing, many pleasant

moments and an eventful experience

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that gave us joy and bliss at all times.

We took our marriage as a balancing

act and we were always dependant of a

high tolerance for irritation.

As Stevie Winwood song says “You have

to roll widdit, baby.” So all our married

life we learned to roll along and enjoy

our family life as best as we could.

There are no regrets and we have been

fully content. If anyone asked us to

wish for any more happiness, together

we would have said loudly, “What more

would we wish for when we had

everything we wanted!”

This was our blissful expedition and we

loved every moment of this joyous

journey. We found that it was more

blessed to give than to receive. We gave

our all to each other and to all our

loved ones and received the best from

each other and everyone.

This was the true love story of Saroj

and Lakhan from February 14th 1959 to

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March 14th 2013 and it would keep

moving on this romantic path forever.

I have been creating these poems at

least one a day from the day I said my

final farewell to my beloved wife Saroj,

My Pretty Lotus. This creativity has

given me some energy to move on with

my life. This creativity will continue

until I live or until I can do it sensibly.

Our final home at Bellbowrie was the

last and final home or our aashiyana

we constructed for us. This place

afforded us mements of privacy and

romance that we found so vital to our

own well-being. We learnt to appreciate

the beauty, goodness and truthfulness

in every inch of this place called our

home, our Basera, our Nest.

A man is sometimes unable to fully

understand a woman and her feelings

but the two of us; we were different

because we could talk about everything

and anything with care and control.

She was a wonderous storyteller and I

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would listen to her very intently for

hours enjoying each exciting tale. I will

miss all these.

There were times when she firmly

believed I knew all her thoughts before

she spoke them and that she also knew

all my spontaneous reactions, thoughts

and comments as the only man she

loved. We always understood each other

and our words as clearly as the blue

summer sky and our thoughts as

interlaced as the strong nylon twined

angler’s net.

I loved her very dearly and I never

wanted to see her unhappy but she did





frustrated during her final days of living

because of her untreatable ill health.

That was our life and now I am alone

and lonely but her soul has merged

with mine to keep me going as long as I

possibly can maintain myself.

We loved, we laughed, we worked, we

went for many rides but by being

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together for fifty-five years, we created a

unique unity of our heart and soul to

let us grow as a loving and

compassionate couple. These aspects of

our life are very hard to let go.

However, now without her knowing

what I should be doing and my actually

doing it is proving very hard, fearful

and painful. So I keep praying to God

Almighty to erase all my fears and pains

and replace my worries with trust in

myself and in the Supreme Power.

Then I know I have to join her

eventually, My Pretty Lotus but we may

be dwelling in different abodes. Then

my relief would wash over like a spring


If all these feelings and emotions are

part of my dream then I do not ever

want to wake up. When the heart aches

and the pain of the loss of our

treasured and precious treasure hurts

then the words spill out like water from

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a toppled jug to become creative


All these make a lot of difference to the

total healing process and I am glad that

I have used my time, talent and effort to

reflect on the fond memories of my

pretty lotus, my beloved wife, Saroj.

Yes, my Saroj taught me many things

but the one lesson I treasure the most

is the quality of mercy. She could recite






meticulously that I would be totally

mesmerised by her presentation.

Mercy has always been better than

pride for me ever since her first lesson.

People will say they do things with

which you will take umbrage, but it is

always better to err on the side of


“Mercy gives, where pride takes,” said

My Pretty Lotus.

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In my various creative moods am I

brooding because it is often said

that brooding was for melancholy

poets not for men like me who

have actually accomplished a few

good things in their life. When

there was ever a problem in front

of me, I always liked to throw

myself on top of it and wrestle it to

the ground and never brood about

it. Why should I brood now when I





beloved wife?

What was her age when she

passed away? I think it is such a

pity that she left us so very young

at 72 and a half. I have found that

one seems to understand what one

is really made of as the years pass





Consequently, my learning is a lot

healthier after her departure

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because I am able to reflect on

many of her admirable human


There is too little time to make use

of what we learn, since the time





thought to the next, and then one

passes away itself. However, do

these experiences really teach us

anything at all? They have been

educating me in various ways but

it is hard to explain.

I now think that not everything

that can be counted, counts any

more for me, and what is more,

not everything that count in my

life can be counted that easily. I

have lived long enough to amass a

wealth of many painful regrets but

multiple fond memories. There

were some odd moments in my life

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that sounded like the hive of bees

was poked with a sharp stick to let

the sweet honey makers sting me

deep to leave an unbearable pain

and stress but I had the stark

motivation to move on with my life;

thanks to intervention of My Pretty


After one loved one passes away

we all have to travel alone and I

am now doing exactly that very

reluctantly. I think another’s

experiences may touch us, and

may be, teach us a lot more about

ourselves. I am learning more now

than ever before in my life. Love is

like war, easy to begin, hard to

end. In my next life I do not want

to love and do not have kids.

Firstly, love hurts when it is lost

and secondly, kids ruin your life

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by being takers, takers and takers

all your life rather than wise givers

for your happy living. When I am

given the opportunity to rub all

memories of my life and start

afresh again, I would love the life

of a hermit. This sounds crazy but

only life experiences give you such

odd feelings.

If I did not make these comments,

I would not be expressing my

internal thoughts into truthful

words. So for the people who are

reading these heartfelt comments

should reflect on all the pain,

suffering and hardship I have

endured all my life. There are

regrets. There is joy. There is

repentance. But I am content. Let

me go and rest for a while till I

collect my courage to go on.

Ram Lakhan Prasad.

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