#alegre# glad, joyous, merry, gay, cheerful
#alegría# joy, gladness, merriment
#algo# something; somewhat, rather
#alguien# some one, somebody
shortened from
#alguno# some (one), any (one), one or the other (of two)
#alianza# alliance
#alma# soul
#alquilar# to rent, hire, let
#alzar# to raise, lift
#allá# there, thither (
remote from speaker and hearer
#allí# there (
remote from speaker and hearer
#amar# to love
#amarillo# yellow
#ambos# both
#amén# amen
#amenazador, -ora# threatening, menacing
#amiga# friend
#amigo# friend
#amiguita# little friend
#amiguito# little friend, chum
#amontonar# to heap, pile up, accumulate; #—se# to fly into a passion
#amueblar# to furnish (a house
#andar# to walk, go, move
#aniversario# anniversary
#anoche# last night, last evening
#antes# before; first, sooner, rather; #—— bien# rather; #cuanto —— mejor# the sooner the better
#antojarse# to fancy; to take a notion
#antojo# whim, notion
dim. of
#año# year
#aparente# apparent
#apenas# hardly, scarcely
#apoyo# support
#aprecio# esteem, regard
#aprender# to learn
#apresuradamente# hastily
#apretar# to press, compress, squeeze, pinch, clutch
#aprisionar# to imprison
#apurarse# to worry, be anxious, become nervous
#aquel, aquella# that (
as dem. adj.
#aquél, aquélla# that (
as dem. pron.
#aquí# here
#arder# to burn, blaze
#arma# weapon, arm
#arpía# harpy
#arreglar# to arrange, adjust, fix, put in order, repair
#arrellanarse# to sit at ease, lounge
#arrimar# to place close to; #—se# to draw close to
#arrobamiento# bliss
#arrugar# to wrinkle, corrugate
#asaltar# to assault, strike
#asegurar# to assure; to assert
#así# so, thus, in this way, as it is
#asir# to grasp, seize, take hold of
#asistir# to attend, take part, be present; to belong
#asomarse# to appear, show, come into view
#asustado# startled
#atar# to tie, fasten, hitch
#atender# to attend to, heed, listen to
#atolondrado# confused, bewildered
#atrás# backward(s), back, behind
#atreverse# to dare, venture
#aun, aún# yet, still, even; #aun cuando# even though, although
#aunque# although, even if
#avanzar# to advance
#avenido# agreed, matched; #mal ——# ill-matched, ill-sorted
#avergonzar# to put to shame; #—se# to be ashamed
#averiguar# to ascertain, find out; #es cosa averiguada# the fact is
#avisado# prudent, cautious, sagacious, shrewd
#avisar# to advise, inform, notify
#¡ay!# ah! alas!
#ayuda# help, aid, assistance
#ayudar# to help, aid, assist
mercury, quicksilver; #tener ——# to be agitated
whip, lash; beating, whipping
#azul# blue
#babucha# (Turkish) slipper
#¡bah!# bah! nonsense!
#bailar# to dance
ball, dance
#bailecito# little dance, little ball
#bajar# to go
come down, descend; to be less
lower; to bow
#bajo# low, lower, on the lower floor
#Baltasar# Belshazzar
#barajar# to shuffle (cards); #paciencia y ——# patience and perseverance
#barquero# boatman, ferryman
#bastante# enough, sufficient, considerable; sufficiently, considerably; quite
#bastar# to be sufficient
enough, suffice; #¡basta!# enough!
#bata# dressing-gown, wrapper
#batalla# battle; #—— campal# pitched battle
#bendecir# to bless
#bendito# blessed, saintly; saint
#bien# well; #no ——# hardly, scarcely; #—— a ——# with a good grace, cheerfully; #hombre de ——#
honest man
well-being, welfare; comfort
#blanco# white
#boca# mouth
#bolsillo# pocket
kindness, goodness
#bonito# pretty
#bordado# embroidered; embroidery
#bordar# to embroider
#bota# boot, shoe
#botella# bottle
#brazo# arm
rascal, scoundrel, rogue
#broma# jest, joke, trick, escapade, trouble
#bruscamente# brusquely, abruptly
#brusco# abrupt, brusque, peevish, curt
#bruto# rude, brutal, rough, coarse, uncivil
shortened from
#bueno# good; fine, well
#Burdeos# Bordeaux
#burlarse# to make fun of, ridicule
#busca# search
#buscar# to seek, look for, get, fetch
#butaca# easy chair, chair (in general)
#¡ca!# bah! nonsense!
#cabal# just, exact, correct
#caballerito# little gentleman
#caballero# gentleman, sir
#caballo# horse; #a ——# on horseback
#cabello# hair
#caber# to be contained, held, be within; to be
#cabeza# head
#cabo# end, extremity
#cachaza# forbearance
blow in the face; #andar a -s# to act aggressively
#cada# each, every
#cadena# chain, fetter
#caer# to fall; #—se redondo# to fall flat, collapse; #—— en la cuenta# to comprehend, understand;
#dejarse ——# to drop
coffee; café
#caída# fall
#caja# box
box, drawer
#calaverada# folly, tomfoolery
#calentar# to heat, warm
heat; #hace ——# it is warm
#calzado# shod, in shoes; shoe, boot
#callar# not to speak, be
keep silent, hush, stop talking, keep still
#cama# bed
#cambiar# to change, alter; to exchange
#cambio# change, exchange; #en ——# in turn, on the other hand, in return
#camino# road, way, route, course
#camisa# shirt; chemise
noisy, boisterous person
#campal# pitched (
referring to a battle
#campanilla# bell, door-bell, hand bell
#campanillazo# violent ringing of a bell
#cana# gray hair (
usually in plural
#canario# canary-bird; #¡——!# the deuce!
#cansancio# weariness, fatigue
#cansar# to weary, tire, bore; #—se# to become weary or
#cantar# to sing; to crow
#cántaro# pitcher, jar; #alma de ——# gump, prattler
#canturrear# to hum (a tune)
#capaz# capable, able, competent
#capricho# caprice, whim
#cara# face, features
character; disposition, temperament; stamina
#¡caramba!# ha! plague take it!
#carantoña# caress, endearment; #hacer mimos y -s# to pet and fondle
#cariño# affection, fondness, tenderness
#cariñoso# affectionate, tender
#carta# letter, card
#cartita# little letter, note
#casa# house, home; #en ——# at home
#casamiento# marriage; matrimony
#casar# to marry; #—se (con)# to marry, get married to
#casi# almost, nearly
#casilla:# #sacar de -s# to vex beyond endurance, drive to distraction
#castaño# chestnut tree; #pasar de —— obscuro# to go beyond all reason
#catarse# to look at, behold
#catorce# fourteen
#causa# cause, reason
#cazurro# taciturn, reticent, sulky
#ceder# to yield, give way, concede
#ceja# eyebrow; #ponerse entre —— y ——# to have an eye on
#celebrar# to celebrate, be glad of; to hold (a meeting, conference, etc.
#cena# supper
#cenar# to take supper
#cepillar# to brush
#cepillo# brush
#cerca# near; #—— de# near, near to
#cerrar# to close, shut, lock
#cielo# sky, heavens; heaven
shortened from
#ciento# hundred
#ciertamente# certainly
#cierto# certain; #es lo ——# this is certain; #es ——# it is true
#cifrar# to reckon, calculate; #—— en# to place in, set upon
#cigarro# cigar
#cinco# five
#cintura# waist; girdle, belt; #meter en ——# to put in a strait-jacket; to hold in subjection
#circunstancia# circumstance
#cita# appointment, engagement
#citar# to summon, cite to appear; to make an appointment
#clamar# to cry out, call, clamor
#claro# clear, evident; #—— está# of course
#clavo# nail
#cocer# to cook, boil
#cocina# kitchen
#coger# to catch, seize, take
#coincidencia# coincidence
#cojear# to limp
#cola# tail; consequence; #traer ——# to lead to serious consequences
anger, wrath, choler;
#colgar# to hang, suspend; #—se# to hang one's self; to get caught
#colorado# red
#comer# to eat; #—se# to eat up, consume, devour
#como# as, like, as it; how
#¿cómo?# how?
#comparar# to compare
#complacerse# to take pleasure
#comprender# to understand, comprehend
#con# with; by
#conciencia# conscience
#condenado# confounded
#condenar# to condemn
#conducta# conduct
#confianza# confidence, trust
#confiar# to trust, confide
#confuso# confused
#conmigo# with me
#conmover# to move, affect
#conocer# to know, be acquainted with, recognize; #—se# to be evident, apparent
#conque# so that, so, and so
#conseguir# to secure, obtain, attain, accomplish, get
#consentir# to consent, agree, allow
consideration, regard
#considerar# to consider
#consigo# with one's self, himself, herself, itself, yourself, themselves or
#contaminar# to contaminate
#contar# to count, relate, tell
#contener# to contain, restrain, keep back, control
#contigo# with thee (you)
#contra# against, contrary to
#contrario# contrary; #por el#
#al ——# on the contrary; #llevar la contraria a uno# to oppose one, be vexed with one
#convencer# to convince
#convertir# to convert, change
#conyugal# conjugal
#corazoncito# little heart
#corbata# cravat, necktie
cord, string
#correr# to run, elapse; #no corre prisa# there is no hurry
#corrido# run out, elapsed; #cuarenta (años) muy corridos# well past forty (years)
#corto# short
#cosa# thing, something, affair, fact
#coser# to sew
custom, habit
#costurero# (lady's) work-box
#creer# to believe, think
#criado# (man-)servant
#criar# to rear, educate, bring up, raise; #mal criado# ill-bred
#criatura# creature; infant, child
#cual# which, what; #cada ——# each one, every one
#¿cuál?# which? what? which one? what one?
shortened from
#cualquiera# any, any one, anybody, some one; whatever
#cuando# when
#¿cuándo?# when?
#cuanto# as much as, all that; #en —— a# in regard to, as regards, as for; #-s# as many as; #unos -s# a few
#¿cuánto?# how much?; #¡——!# how much!; #¿-s?# how many?; #¡-s!# how many!
#cuarenta# forty
#cuarto# room; quarter, fourth
#cuatro# four
#cuellecito# little collar, blessed (little) collar
#cuello# neck; collar
#cuenta# count, account; #hacer ——# to bear in mind
#cuerda# cord, string, rope; halter
#cuerpo# body
#¡cuidadito!# take care!
#cumplir# to fulfil, carry out, discharge, satisfy, keep (promise); to fill out, complete (years of age);
#treinta y seis cumpliré# I shall be thirty-six
#curar# to cure, heal
#curiosito# a little curious; neat, tidy
#chaleco# waistcoat, vest
#chancero# joking, jocose; jester, joker
#chanza# jest, joke
#chasco# practical joke, trick; #dar ——# to play a trick on
#chimenea# fireplace, mantelpiece; chimney, grate
#chinela# slipper
#chino# Chinese; Chinaman
#chiquillo# little child
#chiquito# tiny, little
#chisporrotear# to sputter, flicker
#¡chitito!# silence! sh!
#chufa# chufa; #horchata de -s#
#daño# damage, loss, injury, hurt
#dar# to give; #—— con# to hit on, meet; #lo mismo da# 'tis all the same; #¡dale!# well! there it is again!
#de# of, from, by; #nuestra conducta —— mujeres# our conduct as women
#deber# to owe, ought, must, should, be to; #—— de# (
with inf.
) must, ought
#decidir# to decide, determine
#decir# to say, speak, tell
#decoro# decorum, respectability, circumspection, sense of propriety
#decorosamente# becomingly, decorously, properly
#defecto# defect
#defensivo# defensive
#dejar# to leave, let, allow, permit, quit, omit, fail
#del# = #de + el#
#delante# before, in front; #—— de# in front of, before
#delito# crime, offense
#demás# other, rest (
invariable and used only with def. art.
#demasiado# too; too much
#demonio# demon
#dentro# within; behind the scenes; #—— de# within, inside of
#derecho# right, straight; #derecha# right (hand)
#desabrochar# to unbutton, unclasp, unbuckle, unfasten
#desagrado# displeasure
#desaguisado# offense, wrong, outrage
#desaparecer# to disappear
#desasir# to disengage, release, loose
#descarado# shameless, impudent
#descompuesto# disarranged
#desconcertado# disconcerted
#desconfianza# distrust, mistrust
#descubrir# to discover
#descuido# ease, freedom from care, oversight, inattention
#desde# since, from, after
#desdeñosamente# disdainfully, scornfully
#desdicha# misfortune, calamity, ill-luck; #—— es que# it is unfortunate that
#desdichado# unfortunate, unhappy
#desentonar# to get
be out of tune; #—se# to be out of tune; to be rude, coarse, disrespectful
#deshecho# undone, unfastened, untied
#desnudo# naked, bare
#desordenado# inordinate; disheveled
#despacio# slowly
#despecho# dejection; spite, anger
#despego# indifference, coolness, aversion
#después# after, afterward
#destemplanza# disorder, indisposition
#desventura# trouble, mishap, misfortune
#detener# to stop, detain, restrain
#diablo# devil
#diario# daily
#dicha# bliss, happiness, (good) fortune
p.p. irreg. of
#decir#; #-s# the same (
used in stage directions
#dichoso# blissful, happy
#diez# ten
#diferencia# difference
#diferente# different
#difícil# difficult, hard
resignation (from a position)
God; #¡válgame ——!# for Heaven's sake!
#diputado# delegate, deputy, representative
indic. fut. 1st pers. sing. of
#dirigir# to direct; #—se# to go, start, make one's way; to address
#disculpa# exculpation, excuse, apology
#disculpar# to exculpate, excuse
discussion, argument
#disfrazar# to disguise
#disgusto# displeasure, annoyance
#disimular# to feign, pretend
#disponer# to dispose, appoint, arrange
diversion, pastime, amusement
#divertido# amusing, entertaining
#divertirse# to enjoy
divert one's self
#divorciarse# to divorce one's self, secure a divorce
#doble# double
#doce# twelve
#doler# to ache, hurt, suffer pain
#domar# to tame, break in, dominate
#doméstico# domestic
#dominar# to dominate
#donde# where
#¿dónde?# where?
#dormir# to sleep
#dos# two
#duda# doubt
#dudar# to doubt; #a no ——# no doubt
#dulce# sweet
#dulcísimo# very sweet, sweetest
#durante# during
#durar# to last, endure, continue, remain
#e# and (
used before a word beginning with
#¡ea!# come!
#echar# to throw, cast, utter; #—— a# (
followed by inf.
) to start; #—— a perder# to spoil, ruin
#efecto# effect, fact; #con#
#en ——# in fact, indeed, really
#eficaz# efficacious, effective
#¡eh!# eh! here! (I) say! #¿——?# eh?
#ejemplo# example
#ejercer# to exercise, practise
#el# the
#él# he, it; him, it (
after a prep.
#elegir# to elect, choose
#ella# she, it; her, it (
after a prep.
#ellos# they; them (
after a prep.
#embargo: sin ——# however, yet, nevertheless
#emborracharse# to become intoxicated, get drunk
#embudo# trick, fraud; #ley de ——# one-sided law
#empalagoso# cloying, s