Novelas Cortas by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón - HTML preview

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He went off immediately.

23. Los demás.

The others.

Por lo demás.

As for the rest.

Las demás mujeres.

The rest of the women.

24. Se puso de mal humor (cf. 5).

He became ill-humored.

25. Siete u ocho.

Seven or eight.

Seis o siete.

Six or seven.

26. Lo hizo en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

He did it in an instant.

27. Amadlo.

Love him.

Amaos (cf. note 30, 5).

Love each other.

28. ¿De qué se trata?

What is the question?

29. Me tendió la mano (cf. note 4,5).

He held out his hand to me.

30. Se lo digo a V. (cf. note 4, 6).

I tell you it.

No pudo dár se lo.

He could not give it to him.

Page 5. (Review 13, 12).

31. Se puso a cavilar.

He began to reflect.

32. Voy a hacerlo.

I am going to do it.

Iba a hablar.

He was going to speak.

33. Pasado mañana vendrá.

He will come day after to-morrow.

34. Quedaremos en lo dicho.

We will abide by what we have said.

35. Según supo después.

According to what he learned later.

36. Por allí va.

Thereabouts he goes.

Por aquí.


37. De vez en cuando viene.

From time to time he comes.

Page 6.

38. A fuerza de trabajar.

By dint of laboring.

39. A eso ( or cosa) de las diez.

At about ten o'clock.

A las cinco.

At five o'clock.

A la una y media.

At half-past one o'clock.

40. Habla ( familiar form).


No hables (cf. note 6, 7).

Don't speak!

41. ¿ En qué piensa V.?

Of what are you thinking?

Page 7. (Review 32, 18, 35).

42. ¿Qué quiere decir?

What does he mean?

43. Todo el que habla.

Every one who speaks.

44. Se hablan unos a otros.

They speak to each other.

45. No tiene hambre.

He is not hungry.

Tenía frío.

I was cold.

46. Se parece a mí.

He resembles me.

Me parece (a mí).

It seems to me.

47. Mi libro y el de mi hermana.

My book and my sister's.

Mi madre y la de V. (cf. 7).

My mother and yours.

48. Estará dentro de la casa.

He must be inside the house.

Page 8. (Review 44, 30, 11, 15, 7).

49. A poco se fué (cf. 142).

In a little while he went off.

50. De pronto vino.

Suddenly he came.

51. Lo dijo repetidas veces.

He said it many times.

Page 9. (Review 20).

52. V. se equivocaba.

You were mistaken.

53. Después de hablar le.

After speaking to him.

Al decir esto, se fué.

On saying this, he went off.

N.B. In Spanish the infinitive is used after prepositions instead of thepresent participle as in English.

54. Soy un héroe.

I am a hero.

Somos unos héroes.

We are heroes.

Oyó unos tiros.

He heard some shots.

55. Poco a poco.

Little by little.

56. Era de día.

It was day.

Page 10. (Review 53, 13, 39, 28).

57. Acabo de llegar.

I have just arrived.

Acababa de hablar.

I had just spoken.

58. Desde luego se fué.

He went away immediately.

59. Debo hablar.

I must ( or am to) speak.

Debía hablar.

I was to speak.

Debí hablar.

I had to speak.

Él debía de ser (conjectural).

It must have been he.

60. Me despedí de él.

I took leave of him.

61. Vino otro.

An other came.

Page 11. (Review 9, 32, 53, 36).

62 Luego que vine.

As soon as I came.

63. Detrás de la casa está (cf. 48).

It is behind the house.

Page 12. (Review 61, 53, 6, 13).

64. Se volvió loco.

He went mad.

65. Lo mataron a golpes.

They killed him with blows.

66. Tuvo que hacerlo.

He had to do it.

67. Tenga V. cuidado.

Take care.

68. Delante de la casa.

In front of the house.

69. No cabe duda.

There is no doubt.

Page 13.

70. Se fué al día siguiente.

He went away next day.

Page 14. (Review 6, 12).

71. No hace calor; hace frío (cf. 45).

It is not warm; it is cold.

Page 15. (Review 61, 18, 30, 12, 53, 54).

72. ¡ Que venga!

Let him come!

73. Lo siento mucho.

I deeply regret it.

Page 16. (Review 61, 59, 39).

74. Debajo de otro árbol (cf. 61).

Under another tree.

75. Digámoslo así.

Let us say it thus.

76. Isabel y Carlos.

Isabella and Charles.

Carlos e Isabel.

Charles and Isabella.

77. He aquí el libro.

Here is the book.

He lo aquí.

Here it is.

N.B. He aquì is equivalent to the French voici, voilà.

Page 17. (Review 9, 22, 42, 39, 70).

78. Soy yo.

It is I.

79. Me voy.

I am going away.

Se fué.

He went away.

80. Hay tres amigos.

There are three friends.

Hubo un hombre.

There was a man.

Un hombre como los hay en África.

A man such as there are in Africa.

8l. En cuanto a mí.

As for me; as far as I am concerned

82. Vámonos (cf. note 31, 4).

Let us go away.

83. Después de eso.

After that.

Page 18. (Review 39, 66, 7, 15, 16).

84. Hice fuego.

I fired.

Page 19. (Review 53, 48, 32, 41).

85. Una idea cualquiera.

Some idea or other.

Cualquier hombre.

Any ( or every) man.

86. Soy músico (sastre, etc.).

I am a musician (tailor, etc.).

Page 20. (Review 18, 41, 29, 1, 48).

87. Dió voces.

He shouted.

Page 21. (Review 29, 39, 23, 48, 80, 18, 15, 83).

88. Sigo hablando.

I go on talking.

Siguió hablando.

He continued talking.

Page 22. (Review 15, 39, 53, 22, 54, 32).

89. Me acuerdo de eso.

I remember that.

90. Dormía.

He slept.

Se durmió.

He fell asleep.

91. Dió la una (cf. 39).

It struck one.

92. A su alrededor.

Around him.

93. ¿Qué ha sido de él?

What has become of him?

94. ¿Qué hacer?

What is ( or was) to be done?

Page 23. (Review 64, 86, 50, 72).

95. Hace falta una corneta.

A cornet is lacking, or is needed.

96. No bien dejé de hablar.

No sooner did I cease to speak.

Déjate de monadas.

Cease your grimaces.

97. Se levantó.

He rose.

Page 24. (Review 48, 13, 8, 27).

98. Ha de ir (cf. note 3, 3).

He must ( or is to) go.

99. Vino a dármelo.

He came to give it to me.

N.B. The infinitive expressing purpose is regularly preceded by para,but after verbs of motion by a.

Page 25. Review 77, 47, 64, 29, 88).

Page 26. (Review 9, 61).

100. No encuentra nada que admirar.

He finds nothing to admire.

101. Cerca del lecho.

Near the bed.

Page 27. (Review 77, 23, 14, 81, 9, 47, 18).

102. Aquél es desgraciado,

The former is wretched,

éste es feliz.

the latter is happy.

Page 28. Review 15, 61, 97, 89).

103. Tal vez.


104. Hay que hacerlo.

It is necessary to do it.

Page 29. (Review 12, 9, 98).

105. No le hizo caso.

He paid no attention to him.

106. No está ya en el mundo.

He is no longer in the world.

Ya no está aquí.He is no longer here.

He is no longer here.

Page 30. (Review 23, 27, 7).

107. No tengo nada que ver con él.

I have nothing to do with him.

108. He aquí en lo que piensa.

That is what he is thinking of.

Eso es de lo que hablaba.

That is what he was talking of.

Page 31. (Review 1, 15, 12, 79, 82, 46).

109. Le tocó hablar primero.

It fell to him to speak first.

Me toca hacer esto.

It is my duty to do this.

110. Mi mujer siempre tenía razón.

My wife was always right.

Page 32. (Review 1, 78, 106, 80, 62, 46).

111. Ahora bien.

Now then!

112. Lo hice de nuevo.

I did it again.

113. Lo hizo otra vez.

He did it a second time.

Page 33. (Review 39, 15, 61).

114. A fuer de legítimo boticario.

After the manner of a genuine apothecary.

115. Vino un tal García.

A certain García came.

116. Con el libro o sea con el manuscrito.

With the book or with the manuscript.

117. A las nueve en punto (cf. 39)

At nine o'clock sharp.

118. Yo me encargo de ello.

I will undertake it.

119. Tuvo más de veinte.

He got more than twenty.

120. Ya lo creo.

I quite believe it.

Page 34. (Review 98, 9).

121. Nos pasamos a los carlistas.

We went over to the Carlist party.

122. Les dió de comer.

He gave them a dinner ( or something to eat).

123. Ni uno vendrá.

Not one will come.

Page 35. (Review 15, 9, 6, 46, 7, 23, 99, 80).

124. Diez franceses, todos ellos oficiales.

Ten Frenchmen, all of them officers.

Page 36. (Review 12, 119, 101, 6, 61, 97).

125. Vino el mismo rey.

The king himself came.

126. Viene ahora mismo.

He is coming even now.

127. Me doy por vencido.

I acknowledge myself conquered.

Page 37. (Review 17, 15, 99, 6, 75, 80, 21, 53).

Page 38. (Review 28, 15, 83, 35, 88, 12).

128. Vamos a ver (cf. 138).

Let us see.

129. Estuvo a la izquierda.

He was on the left side.

130. Anduvo a ciegas.

He went blindly.

131. Cada cual seguía respondiendo.

Each one went on answering.

Page 39. (Review 129, 54, 53, 116).

132. Es decir que vendré.

That is to say I will come.

133. En tanto que lo hacía.

While he was doing it.

En tanto.

During this time.

En esto.

At this moment.

134. ¿Qué hora es?

What time is it?

Page 40. (Review 39, 97, 72, 133, 53, 48, 112).

135. Se puso de pie (cf. 143).

He stood erect.

136. Lo hicieron pedazos.

They tore it into pieces.

137. Se dejó ver.

He let himself be seen.

N.B. The dependent infinitive often has passive value.

Page 41. (Review 53, 72, 32, 133, 119, 27, 124, 40).

138. A ver cómo lo hace (cf. 128).

Let us see how he does it.

¡A ver!

Let us see! Here! Come!

139. Vino en pos de

He came after me ( or in my tracks)

140. No tengo para qué hacerlo.

I have no reason for doing it.

141. Dió un paso atrás.

He took a step backward.

Page 42. (Review 23, 3, 9).

142. De allí a poco murió (cf. 49).

He died a little time after that.

Page 43. (Review 32, 9, 78, 71, 39).

Page 44. (Review 95, 101, 72, 138, 40, 32, 23, 123, 39, 56, 132, 99).

143. Caminaba a pie (cf. 135).

He went on foot.

144. Lo hizo a fin de irritarme.

He did it in order to anger me.

145. Eso no hace al caso.

That is not to the point.

Page 45. (Review 129, 80, 15, 110, 7, 72, 133, 137, 105).

146. Se fué el año pasado.

He went off last year.

Page 46. (Review 40, 9, 53, 137, 32, 96).

147. Me dió a entender.

He gave me to understand.

Page 47. (Review 68, 119, 80, 47, 25, 81, 16).

Page 48. . (Review 27, 119, 47, 59, 80, 98).

148. O algo por el estilo.

Or something of the kind.

Page 49. (Review 30, 141, 53, 65).

149. Cuento con él.

I count on him.

Page 50. (Review 83).

150. Como íbamos diciendo.

As we were saying.

Page 51. (Review 83, 133, 53, 113, 98, 80).

Page 52. (Review 53, 29, 133, 74, 80, 99, 61).

151. Se vestía lujosa y elegantemente.

He dressed luxuriously and elegantly.

Page 53. (Review 3, 53, 135, 113).

152. Cual si hubiese visto.

As if he had seen.

Page 54. (Review 88, 113, 81, 12, 77).

153. No tengo nada que hacer.

I have nothing to do.

Page 55. (Review 40, 53, 32, 61).

154. A mi ver es así.

In my opinion it is thus.

Page 56. (Review 16, 99, 88, 150).

155. Buenas noches.

Good night!

156. ¡ Qué diablo! (cf. note 62, 3).

Zounds! The deuce!

Page 57. (Review 50, 12, 52, 6).

Page 58. (Review 47, 15, 119, 99).

157. Ya ve V. (cf. 120).

Now you see.

N.B. Ya is often merely emphatic.

158. ¿Qué le parece a V. eso?

How does that strike you?

Page 59. (Review 101, 32, 53, 137, 38, 143, 83).

159. A pesar de esto.

In spite of this.

160. Me llamo Juan.

My name is John.

161. Volvió a los ocho días (cf. 49).

He returned after a week.

162. Anduvo desde Madrid hasta París.

He walked from Madrid as far as Paris.

Page 60. (Review 38, 29, 112, 53).

Page 61. (Review 16, 31).

163. Se asió de mi mano.

He seized my hand.

Page 62. (Review 103, 41, 7, 53, 83, 22).

Page 63. (Review 12, 160, 133, 101, 61, 35, 50, 31).

164. A pesar nuestro, lo oímos (cf. 159).

In spite of ourselves, we heard it.

165. De cuando en cuando.

From time to time.

Page 64. (Review 66, 23, 5, 161, 8, 57).

Page 65. (Review 18, 6, 23, 53, 50, 133, 147, 59, 65).

Page 66. (Review 136, 30, 83, 62, 119).

166. Es cuanto tengo.

That is all I have.

Page 67. (Review 29, 6, 28, 35, 9, 47).

Page 68. (Review 65, 122, 162, 61).

167. Me sirve de cocinero.

He s