Novelas Cortas by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón - HTML preview

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boquete m. gap, narrow entrance.

bordar to embroider.

bordo board (of ship).

borrar to blot, efface.

borrego lamb.

borrico donkey.

borroso indistinct.

bota boot.

bote m. glazed earthen vessel.

botella bottle.

botica apothecary's shop.

boticario apothecary.

bóveda vault, arch.

brazo arm.

breña craggy, broken surface.

breñal briery or brambly ground.

bribón m. rascal.

brillante brilliant.

brillar to shine.

brillo brilliancy.

brindar to toast (with wine), vr. to offer.

brindis m. toast.

brisa breeze.

brocal m. curbstone of a well.

brotar to germinate, break out.

bruma haziness, mist.

buenamente easily, by fair means.

buenaventura fortune-telling.

bueno good.

buey m. ox.

buitre m. vulture.

bullicioso noisy.

buque m. vessel.

burgomaestre burgomaster.

burla jest, mockery.

burlar to jest, mock, hoax; vr. to jest, mock, laugh at.

burro donkey.

busca search.

buscar to seek, search.

butaca easy-chair.


ca why! why no! really!

cabal exact, perfect, accomplished.

caballería cavalry, horses.

caballero horseman, knight, gentleman, sir.

caballo horse.

cabaña cabin, hut.

cabello hair.

caber to be contained, find room, —— duda to be doubtful.

cabeza head.

cabo chief, leader, corporal, end, stem, cape.

cabra goat.

cabrero goatherd.

cada each, every; —— cual each one.

cadáver m. corpse.

cadena f. chain.

caer to fall; vr. to fall; —— en algo to understand.

café m. coffee, coffee-house.

caid ( Arabic) commander of a fort.

calabacera pumpkin vine.

calabaza pumpkin.

calabozo dungeon.

calavera skull.

calceta stocking, thread under-stocking.

calcular to calculate.

cálculo calculation.

calentar to warm, heat.

calentura fever.

calidad f. quality.

caliente hot, fiery.

calma calmness.

calmoso calm.

calor m. heat.

calumniador slanderer.

caluroso warm, hot.

calva bald spot.

calzón m. breeches.

callar to keep silence, to pass over in silence, vr. to be silent.

calle f. street.

callejón m. lane, alley.

callejuela lane, alley.

cama bed.

camarada comrade.

cambalache m. exchange, barter.

cambiar to change, exchange.

cambio change, exchange; en —— instead.

camilla ( dim. of cama) pallet.

caminante wayfarer.

caminar to travel, walk, march.

caminata long walk, journey.

camino road, way; —— real, highway

campamento camp, encampment.

campana bell.

campanada sound of a bell.

campaña campaign.

campar to encamp.

campear to excel, be eminent.

campeón champion.

campesino-a rustic, peasant.

campiña arable land, campaign.

campo country, field.

canas f. pl. gray hair.

canalla f. rabble, m. rogue.

cáncer m. cancer.

canción f. song.

candil m. hanging kitchen lamp.

cansar to weary.

cantar to sing.

cántico canticle, hymn.

cantidad f. quantity, number.

canto singing, song.

caña cane, reed.

cañada dale, glen.

cañón m. tube, cannon, barrel.

cañuto tube.

caos chaos.

capa cloak.

capaz capable.

capellán chaplain.

capilla chapel.

capital m. sum of money at interest; f. capital ( chief city).

capitán captain.

capitanía captaincy, captain's office.

capitulación f. capitulation, agreement.

capote m. cloak, rain coat.

capricho caprice.

caprichoso capricious.

captura capture.

capucha hood, cowl.

cara face.

cárabo Moorish sail-and-row-boat.

carácter character.

carámbano icicle.

carbón m. charcoal.

carbunclo carbuncle.

carcajada burst of laughter.

cárcel f. prison.

cardenál cardinal.

cardenalicio pertaining to a cardinal.

cárdeno livid.

carecer to lack, want.

carencia want, lack.

carga load.

cargar to load, burden.

cargo charge, care; hacerse —— to keep in mind.

caricia caress.

caridad f. charity.

cariño affection.

cariñoso affectionate.

carlista cf. note 3, page 16.[**page references?]

Carlos Charles.

carnaval m. carnival.

carne f. flesh, meat.

carnestolendas f. pl. shrovetide.

caro dear.

carrera career, course.

carruaje m. carriage, vehicle.

carta letter.

casa house.

casadero marriageable.

casar to give in marriage; vr. to get married.

cascada cascade.

casería country house.

casero domestic.

casi almost.

casino café.

caso case, occasion, attention, position; hacer —— to pay attention.

castellano Castilian.

castidad f. chastity.

castigar to chastise, punish.

castillejo small castle.

castillo castle.

casualidad f. chance.

casualmente by chance.

casucha wretched hut.

catalán, -a Catalan, of Cataluña.

catar to taste, examine; cata aquí lo!

catedral f. cathedral.

católico Catholic.

catorce fourteen.

caudal m. property, fortune.

causa cause; a —— de because of.

causa-habientes ( legal) the parties concerned.

causar to cause.

cauteloso cautious.

cautivo captive.

caverna cavern.

cavidad f. cavity.

cavilación f. reflection.

cavilar to consider, hesitate.

caviloso thoughtful, perplexed.

caza chase.

cazador hunter, cavalryman.

cebada barley.

cebón m. fattened bullock, hog.

ceder to yield.

cedro cedar.

cegar to blind.

celda cell.

celebrar to celebrate, praise, rejoice.

célebre famous.

celeste celestial, heavenly.

celo zeal; pl. jealousy.

cena supper.

cenar to sup.

cénit m. zenith.

ceniza ashes.

censo lease.

centenar m. a hundred.

centenario centenary, a hundred years old.

centinela m. f. sentry, sentinel.

centro center.

centuria century.

cera wax.

cerca near.

cercado inclosure, wall.

cercanías f. pl. environs.

cercano near.

cercar to seek.

cerebro brain.

cerrar to close, obstruct.

cerrazón f. cloudy weather.

cerro hill.

certificar to certify, register.

cerval pertaining to a deer.

cesar to cease.

cetro scepter.

cicatriz f. cicatrice, scar.

ciego blind, á ciegas blindly.

cielo heaven, sky.

cien (= ciento) hundred.

ciencia science.

ciento hundred; por —— percent.

cierto certain; de —— with certainty.

cigarro cigar.

cimiento foundation.

cinco five.

cincuenta fifty.

cínico cynical.

circular to circulate.

círculo circle.

circundar to surround.

circunstancia circumstance.

circunstantes bystanders.

cirio wax candle.

cisura incision, cut.

cita citation, appointment.

ciudad f. city.

civilizar to civilize.

claridad f. clearness.

claro clear.

clase f. class, rank.

clavar to nail, fix.

clemente clement, merciful.

cobarde coward, timid.

cobardía cowardliness.

cobijar to cover.

cobrar to recover, collect money.

cobre m. copper.

cocina kitchen.

cocinero cook.

codicioso covetous.

cofradía confraternity.

coger to catch, lay hold of, take up.

cohonestar to give an honest appearance to.

cola tail.

colegio school.

cólera anger.

colgadura hanging, tapestry.

colgar to hang.

colmar to overwhelm, heap up.

colocación f. situation, employment.

colocar to collocate, place.

colonia colony.

colono colonist, settler, farmer.

colorado ruddy.

colorar to color.

columna column.

columpio swinging.

comandante commander, major.

comarca district.

combatir to fight.

combustible m. fuel.

comensal m. table companion, fellow-guest.

comenzar to begin.

comer to eat.

cometer to commit.

cómico comic.

comida dinner.

comienzo beginning.

comitiva suite, retinue.

como how, as, like, when.

compadre godfather, friend.

compañero companion.

compañía company.

comparar to compare.

compensar to compensate.

competente competent.

complacer to please; vr. to take pleasure.

complaciente obliging.

completar to complete.

completo complete.

componer to compose.

comportamento conduct.

composición f. composition, grouping.

comprar to buy.

comprender to comprehend.

comprobación f. corroboration.

comprobar to verify.

comprometer to compromise.

compromiso compromise, promise.

compuesto composed; compound.

común common.

comunicar to communicate.

comunidad f. community.

con with; —— que so then.

concavidad f. concavity.

concebir to conceive.

concejal member of a council.

concentrar to concentrate.

conciencia conscience, consciousness.

concierto concert.

conciliar to conciliate, reconcile.

concluir to conclude, end.

concurso concourse, crowd.

concha shell.

conde count.

condena condemnation, sentence.

condenación f. condemnation.

condenar to condemn, damn.

condensar to condense.

condiscípulo fellow-scholar.

conducir to conduct.

conducta conduct.

conejo rabbit.

conferencia conference.

confesar to confess.

confianza confidence.

confiar to confide.

confín m. confine, boundary, limit.

conforme in agreement, agreed.

confundir to confound.

congénito congenital, innate.

conjuro conjuration, exorcism.

conmigo with me, with myself.

conmover to move.

conocer to know, recognize.

conocimiento knowledge, consciousness.

conque (= con que) so then, so.

conquista conquest.

conquistador conqueror.

consagrar to consecrate, devote.

consecuencia consequence.

conseguir to attain, obtain, succeed.

consejo counsel, advice, council.

conservar to preserve.

considerar to consider, view.

consigna watchword, order.

consigo with himself, herself, themselves.

consiguiente consequent; por —— consequently.

consistir to consist.

consolar to console.

consorcio partnership, society.

consorte consort, partner.

constar to be evident or certain.

construcción f. construction, edifice.

construir to construct, build.

consuelo consolation.

cónsul consul, member of the tribunal of commerce.

consumir to consume.

consumo consumption.

contar to count, recount, relate.

contemplar to contemplate.

contener to contain, repress.

contentar to content.

contento content; m. pleasure.

contestación f. answer.

contestar to answer.

contigo with thee (you).

continente continent.

continuar to continue.

continuo continuous.

contra against.

contraer to contract.

contrario contrary.

contrata contract.

contratiempo misfortune, mischance.

contribución f. tax.

convencer to convince.

conveniente useful, fitting, proper.

convenir to agree, fit, suit.

convento convent.

convertir to convert.

convicto convicted.

convidar to invite.

convoy m. convoy, escort, train.

copa cup.

copla couplet, ballad, song.

corazón m. heart.

cordillera chain of mountains.

corneta cornet; —— de llaves cornet-à-pistons.

corona crown.

coronar to crown.

coronel colonel.

coronilla crown of the head.

corral m. yard.

correo mail, post-office.

correr to run.

correspondiente corresponding, appropriate, own.
