Novelas Cortas by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón - HTML preview

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extrañar to find strange, wonder at.

extraño strange, foreign, singular.

extremo extreme; m. extreme.


facción f. faction, insurrection, insurrectionary party.

faccioso rebellious, insurgent.

fácil easy, probable.

facineroso wicked, criminal.

facha appearance, aspect.

faena task, labor.

faja sash, band, belt.

falda skirt, lap.

falsario falsifier.

falso false.

falta want, lack.

faltar to be wanting, fail to keep a promise.

faltriquera pocket.

falucho sailboat.

fallecer to die.

fama fame.

familia family.

famoso famous.

fandango fandango ( Spanish dance).

fanega acre, bushel.

fantasma m. phantasm, vision.

farmacéutico druggist.

fatiga fatigue.

fatigar to fatigue.

fatuo fatuous, vain, false; fuego —— ignis fatuus, will o' the wisp.

faz f. face.

fe f. faith, certificate; a —— mía upon my honor; a —— que in truth.

febrero February.

fecundo fruitful, fertile.

fecha date.

fechoría action, misdeed.

fehacientes ( faith-inspiring) conclusive.

felicidad f. happiness.

felicitar to congratulate.

feligresía parish.

feliz happy.

feo ugly.

Fernando Ferdinand.

fervoroso fervent.

festonear to festoon.

fianza guarantee, security.

fiar to trust, intrust.

fiebre f. fever.

fiel faithful, loyal.

fiera wild beast.

fiesta feast, festivity.

figle m. ophicleide ( wind instrument).

figura figure, shape.

figurar to figure, represent, imagine.

fijar to fix, fasten.

fijo fixed, firm.

fila line of soldiers.

filiación f. description.

fin m. end; en ——, por —— finally, lastly, in fine; a fin (de) in order.

fingir to feign.

fino fine, delicate, polite.

firmamento firmament, sky.

firmar to sign, subscribe.

firme firm, strong.

fisco fisc, exchequer.

físico physical.

fisonomía physiognomy.

flaco lean.

flamenco Flemish.

flámula banner.

flojo lax, feeble.

flor f. flower.

flotante floating.

fluir to flow.

foco focus, center.

fondo bottom, back, background; a —— thoroughly.

forastero stranger.

forma form.

formación f. formation.

formal genuine, serious, grave.

formar to form.

formalidad f. seriousness.

fortificar to strengthen, fortify.

fosfórico phosphoric, phosphorescent.

fracasar to shatter.

fracturar to break.

fragmento fragment.

fraile friar; frailuco ( bad) friar.

francachela revelry, intemperance.

francés, -a French.

Francia France.

Francisco Francis.

francmasón freemason.

frase f. phrase, sentence.

fratricida fratricidal.

frecuente frequent.

freír to fry.

frenético frantic.

frente f. front, forehead; —— a, facing.

fresal m. strawberry plant.

fresco fresh, cool.

frescura freshness, impudence.

frío cold, frigid, m. cold, chill.

frito ( from freír) fried.

frívolo frivolous.

frontera frontier.

fruta fruit.

fruto fruit.

fuego fire.

fuer; a fuer de, in the manner of.

fuera without, outside; ¡fuera! away with; por ——, outside.

fuerte strong, vigorous, forcible.

fuerza force, strength, violence; a —— de, by dint of.

fugitivo fugitive.

fulano, -a, such a one, so-and-so.

fulgente brilliant.

fulgor m. splendor, resplendence.

fulgurar to shine, emit flashes.

fulminante fulminating, thunder-striking, flashing.

fumar to smoke.

fundamento foundation.

fundar to found, establish.

fundir to melt, fuse.

fúnebre mournful, funereal.

furia fury.

furioso furious.

furor m. fury.

fusil m. gun.

fusilar to shoot.


gabacho Frenchman ( term of derision).

gabinete m. cabinet, small room.

galera wagon, stagecoach.

gallego Galician.

gallina hen.

gana appetite, desire, pleasure.

ganado cattle.

ganancia gain.

ganar to gain, win.

garrapato pothook.

gastar to spend.

gatillo trigger.

gato, -a cat.

gemir to groan.

gendarme civil guard, guardsman.

género genus, kind.

generoso generous.

genio genius, temper.

gente f. people, (troops).

gesto gesture.

girar to gyrate, turn round.

gitano gypsy; gitanico ( dim. ).

globo globe.

gloria glory.

glorioso glorious.

gobierno government.

golpe m. blow; golpecito ( dim. ) tap.

gollería dainty, excess in eating.

gordo fat, corpulent.

gorjeo quaver, chirp.

gorra bonnet, cap.

gorro cap.

gozar to enjoy.

gozoso joyous.

gracia grace, pardon; pl. thanks.

grado degree.

graduar to grade, estimate.

granadero grenadier.

granadino of Granada.

grande (gran) great, big, grown-up.

grandeza grandeur, greatness.

grandioso grand, magnificent.

grano grain.

gratuito gratuitous.

grave weighty, serious, grievous.

gremio guild.

grillo cricket; pl. fetters.

gris gray.

gritar to cry.

gritería outcry, yelling.

grito cry, shout.

groenlandero of Greenland.

Groenlandia Greenland.

grosero coarse, rough.

grotesco grotesque.

grueso bulky, large, coarse.

grupa back ( of horse).

grupo group.

gruta grotto.

guante m. glove.

guardar to guard, keep, put away; vr. to be upon one's guard.

guardia guard, watch.

guardián m. keeper, guardian.

guarida lurking place, lair.

guerra war.

guiar to guide.

guillotina guillotine.

guindilla small red pepper; m. policeman ( slang).

guiñar to wink.

guisa guise; a —— de, by way of.

guisar to cook, prepare.

guitarra guitar.

gustar to taste, like, please.

gusto taste, pleasure.


haber to have, to be; —— de, to have to, be going to; hay, etc. there is.

habitante m. inhabitant, dweller.

habitar to inhabit.

hábito dress, habit.

habla speech, language.

hablar to speak.

hacer to do, make; vr. to become; hace (etc.) ago.

hacha ax, hatchet.

hachazo blow with an ax.

hacia toward.

hacienda landed property, wealth.

hallar to find.

hallazgo (lucky) find.

hambre f. hunger.

hambriento hungry.

haraposo ragged.

harto enough, quite.

hasta until, as far as, up to, even.

hato clothes, provisions, bundle.

he (—— aquí) behold, here is.

hebreo Hebrew.

hecho feat, deed, fact.

helada frost.

helar to freeze.

heredad f. cultivated ground.

heredar to inherit.

heredero, -a heir.

herencia heritage.

herir to wound, strike.

hermano, -a brother, sister.

hermoso beautiful.

héroe hero.

heroico heroic.

heroísmo heroism.

hético hectic, consumptive.

hielo ice, frost.

hierba grass.

hierro iron.

higo fig.

higuera fig tree.

hijo, -a son, daughter; pl. children.

hilar to spin.

hilo thread.

himno hymn.

hipócrita m. f. hypocrite.

hipótesis f. hypothesis.

hisopo holy water sprinkler.

historia history, story; historieta ( dim. ) tale.

hogar m. hearth, home.

hoguera bonfire.

hoja leaf.

hola holla!

hollar to trample, tread on.

hombre man.

hombro shoulder.

hondo profound, deep.

honesto honest.

honrado honest, honorable.

honrar to honor.

honroso honorable.

hora hour, o'clock.

horca gallows.

horizonte m. horizon.

hormiga ant.

hormigón m. fine plaster.

hornilla stew hole ( over hearth).

horrorizar to horrify.

horroroso horrid.

hortelano gardener, horticulturist.

hospedaje m. lodging, hospitality.

hoy to-day.

hoyo hole, pit, dimple.

hueco hollow.

huérfano, -a orphan.

huerta orchard, garden.

hueso bone.

huesped, -a guest.

hueste f. host.

huevo egg.

huir to fly.

humanidad f. humanity.

humano human, humane.

humedad f. humidity.

humildad f. humility.

humilde humble.

humillar to humble.

humo smoke, fume.

humor m. humor, liquid.

hundir to submerge, sink.

huracán m. hurricane.


idéntico identical.

identificar to identify.

idioma m. language.

iglesia church; iglesita ( dim. ).

ignorar to be ignorant of, not know.

igual equal.

ilimitado limitless.

iluminar to illuminate.

ilusión f. illusion.

ilustre illustrious.

imaginar to imagine.

imbécil imbecile, foolish; m. fool.

imitar to imitate.

impaciente impatient.

impedir to impede, prevent, hinder.

imperar to rule.

imperio empire, authority.

imperioso imperious.

impertérrito intrepid.

impío impious.

imponente imposing.

imponer to impose.

importancia importance.

importar to import, matter.

impropio improper, unfit.

improvisar to extemporize.

impulsar to impel, push.

impunidad f. impunity.

inacción f. inaction.

incendiar to kindle, set on fire.

incentivo incentive, incitement.

incesantemente continually.

inclinar to incline, lean.

incluso inclosed, included.

incoar to begin.

incomodar to disturb, inconvenience.

inconcuso indisputable.

incorrupto unspoiled.

incrustar to incrust, grow fast.

indecente indecent, improper.

indecible inexpressible, unspeakable.

indefinido indefinite.

independencia independence.

independiente independent.

indicación f. indication, hint.

indicar to indicate.

indiferencia indifference.

indignar to irritate, provoke.

individualizar to individualize.

índole f. nature.

indudable undoubted, beyond doubt.

indulgencia indulgence.

indulto pardon.

inerme unarmed, disarmed.

inescrutable inscrutable.

inextinguible inextinguishable.

infalibilidad f. infallibility.

infame infamous.

infantería infantry.

infantil infantine, childish.

infeliz unhappy.

infierno hell.

infinito infinite.

inflamar to inflame.

informe m. information.

infortunado unfortunate.

infortunio misfortune.

infundir to infuse, inspire.

inglés, -a English.

ingratitud f. ingratitude.

inhumanidad f. inhumanity, cruel act.

ininteligible unintelligible.

injusticia injustice.

inmediaciones f. pl. vicinity.

inmediato immediate.

inmensidad f. immensity.

inmenso immense.

inmortal immortal.

inmortalidad f. immortality.

inmotivado without motive, ungrounded.

inmóvil motionless.

inmovilidad f. immobility.

inofensivo inoffensive, innocent.

insecto insect.

insensato mad, senseless.

insigne notable, great.

insignia badge, insignia.

insoportable insupportable.

inspirar to inspire.

instante m. instant.

instintivo instinctive.

instruir to instruct, educate.

insultante insulting.

insulto insult.

insuperable insuperable, insurmountable.

intenso intense.

intento purpose, design; de —— on purpose.

interés m. interest.

interesante interesting.

interior interior, internal.

interlocutor m. speaker.

interponer to interpose.

intérprete m. interpreter.

interrogar to question.

interrumpir to interrupt.

intervalo interval.

intervenir to intervene, take part.

intimar to intimate, to be intimate.

inundar to inundate.

inusitado unusual.

inútil useless.

invadir to invade.

invasor m. invader.

inventar to invent.

invierno winter.