Novelas Cortas by Pedro Antonio de Alarcón - HTML preview

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pelea fight, battle.

pelear to fight.

peletería fur trade.

peligro peril.

pelo hair.

pellizco pinch.

pena pain, penalty.

pender to hang.

penetrar to penetrate.

penitencia penitence.

penitenciario priest, confessor.

penoso painful.

pensamiento thought.

pensar to think.

penumbra half shadow, space dimmed by an eclipse.

peña rock; peñón ( aug. ) bowlder, rocky hill.

peón day laborer.

peor worse, worst.

pepita kernel, seed.

pequeñez f. littleness.

pequeño small.

percibir to perceive, receive.

perder to lose.

perdón m. pardon.

perdonar to pardon, spare.

perdurable perpetual, lasting.

perecer to perish.

peregrinación f. wandering.

peregrino strange, rare; pilgrim.

perfidia perfidy.

perfumar to perfume.

pergamino parchment.

periódico newspaper.

perjuicio prejudice, harm.

perla pearl.

permanecer to remain.

permiso permission.

permitir to permit.

pero but.

perpetuo perpetual.

perro dog.

perseguir to pursue.

persiana Venetian blind.

persona person.

personaje m. personage.

perspectiva perspective.

pertenecer to belong, pertain.

pesadilla nightmare.

pesado heavy.

pesantez f. weight, heaviness.

pesar to weigh; a —— de in spite of.

pesca fishery.

pescador fisherman.

pescuezo neck.

peseta silver coin ( one fifth of a Spanish dollar).

peso weight.

pestañear to move the eyelashes, blink.

petrificar to petrify.

petulancia presumption, impertinence.

piadoso pious, merciful, compassionate.

picapleitos pettifogger.

picar to prick, sting, mince, nibble.

picardía rascality, deceit.

pícaro knavish, roguish, villainous.

pichón -a pigeon, dove, darling.

pie m. foot.

piedad f. piety, pity.

piedra stone.

piel f. skin, fur.

pierna leg.

pimiento red pepper.

pinchazo pricking, goading, stab.

pintar to paint.

pintor painter.

pintoresco picturesque.

pintura painting.

pipa pipe.

pira pyre, fire.

pirámide f. pyramid.

pirata m. pirate.

pisar to trample, tread.

piso story, floor; —bajo lower floor.

pistola pistol.

pistoletazo pistol shot.

placer m. pleasure.

plácido placid, gentle.

plan m. plan.

planeta m. planet.

planta plant.

plantificar to plant.

plata silver.

plática talk, conversation.

plato dish, plate.

playa shore.

plaza square, place, fortified place.

plazo term, time set.

plazoleta (dim.). See plaza.

plomo lead.

pluma feather, pen.

población f. population, small town.

pobre poor.

poco little, few; a — soon, in a little while.

poder to be able; vr. to be possible; m. power.

podrir to decay, rot.

poema m. poem.

polaco Polish, Pole.

polca polka.

policía police, policing; cleaning.

politico political.

polizonte police officer.

polo pole.

polonés -a Polish.

polvo dust.

ponderación f. laudation.

ponedora (f. adj.)laying eggs.

poner to put, set, place; vr. to become, begin.

pontífice pontiff.

pontificio pontifical.

popa poop, stern.

por for, by, through, on account of; por qué why; por ... que however.

pormenor m. detail.

porque because; porqué, why.

portal m. porch, entry.

porte m. bearing, demeanor.

portezuela ( dim). See puerta.

porvenir m. future.

pos; en pos de after, behind.

posadero innkeeper.

posdata postscript.

poseedor possessor.

poseer to possess.

posesión f. possession.

posible possible.

posta stagecoach, post

posterioridad f. posteriority.

postrar to prostrate.

postre; a la — at last.

postura posture.

potable potable, drinkable.

potro colt.

pozo well.

precedente preceding, foregoing.

precio price.

precioso precious, pleasing.

precipitar to precipitate.

preciso necessary; precise.

precoz precocious.

predicador preacher.

preexistencia preëxistence.

pregonar to proclaim.

pregunta question.

preguntar to ask, inquire.

prenda pledge, treasure, beloved object.

prendar to charm, impassion.

prender to catch, seize, arrest.

preñado productive, teeming.

preocupación f. prejudice.

preocupar to preoccupy.

preparar to prepare.

presagiar to presage, forebode.

prescribir to prescribe.

presencia presence.

presenciar to be present.

presentación f. presentation, introduction.

presentar to present.

presente m. present, gift.

presentimiento presentiment.

presentir to have a presentiment.

preso -a ( from prender) prisoner.

prestar to lend.

prestigio prestige.

presto soon, quickly.

presumir to presume, claim; — de to claim to be.

presunto presumed, presumptive.

pretensión f. pretension, expectation.

pretexto pretext.

pretil m. battlement, breastwork.

prever to foresee.

primavera spring.

primero first.

primitivo primitive.

principado principality.

principe prince.

principiar to begin.

principio beginning, principle.

prisa haste, promptness, celerity; de — in a hurry.

prisión f. prison, imprisonment, capture.

prisionero -a prisoner.

prisma m. prism.

pristino pristine, original.

probar to prove, try.

problema m problem.

procaz forward, petulant, insolent.

procedencia source, derivation.

procedente proceeding.

proceder to proceed.

prócer man of distinction.

proceso lawsuit.

procurar to try; procure; take care.

producir to produce.

productivo productive.

proferir to utter.

profesar to profess; to enter a religious order.

profesión f. taking of holy vows.

profeta prophet.

profundo profound, deep.

prójimo fellow-creature.

prolongar to prolong.

promesa promise.

prometer to promise.

pronosticar to predict.

pronto prompt, quickly; de — suddenly; por lo — for the present.

pronunciar to pronounce, to issue a political manifesto.

propicio propitious, favorable.

propietario proprietor.

propio proper, own, same, pertaining to oneself, peculiar.

proponer to propose, purpose.

proporcionar to furnish.

propósito purpose.

proseguir to pursue, continue.

proteger to protect.

protestar to protest.

proverbio proverb.

providencia providence.

proximidad f. proximity.

próximo next, near, nearest.

proyecto project.

prudencia prudence.

prueba proof.

publicar to publish.

público public.

puchero kettle, earthen pot, meat boiled in same.

pueblo people, village.

puente m. f. bridge.

puerta door, gate; puertecilla ( dim. ).

puerto port, narrow mountain pass.

pues then, therefore, well then; —— bien well then, well.

puesto post, place, retail store.

puesto que since.

pugnar to fight.

pulcro neat.

pulmón m. lung, lungs.

pulso pulse, firmness of hand; a —— with the strength of the hand.

punta point.

punto point, place; stitch; instant.

punzar to prick.

puñada fisticuff, blow.

puñado handful; puñadillo ( dim. ).

puñal m. dagger.

puñetazo blow with the fist.

puño fist.

purgar to purge, expiate.

puro pure.

púrpura purple.


qué what, how.

que which, who, what, that, for, since; a —— in order that; qué what, how.

quebrantar to break.

quedar(se) to stay, remain; —— en algo to abide by something.

quehacer m. business, duty.

queja lament.

quejar vr. to complain.

quemar to burn.

querellante plaintiff.

querer to wish, love.

quien, quién who, whom, which.

quijotesco Quixotic.

quimérico chimerical, extravagant.

quince fifteen.

quinientos, -as five hundred.

quinta conscription.

quinto conscript.

quitar to take away, remove.

quizá, quizás perhaps.


rabadilla handle.

rabiar to rage, go mad.

ración f. ration.

rada anchoring ground.

ráfaga violent squall of wind.

ramaje m. branches.

ramo branch, specialty, line.

Ramón m. Raymond.

rana frog.

rápido rapid.

raro rare, strange.

rascar to scratch.

rasgar to tear, rend.

rastro sign, trace.

ratero creeping, servile, vile.

rato while, space of time.

rayar to dawn.

rayo ray, thunderbolt.

raza race.

razón f. reason, account, right.

razonamiento reasoning.

real royal.

real m. small coin ( one fourth peseta).

realce m. luster, splendor; dar —— to set off.

realidad f. reality.

realista royalist.

realizar to realize.

reanudar to tie again, rejoin.

rebajar to abate; vr. to condescend.

rebelión f. rebellion.

rebosar to run over, overflow.

rebuznar to bray.

recado message, implement.

recapacitar to recall.

recaudador tax collector.

recibimiento reception.

recibir to receive.

recibo receipt.

recién recently ( used only before past participles).

reciente recent.

recio stout, rude.

recíproco reciprocal.

recobrar to recover.

recoger to take back, pick up.

recolección f. gathering, harvest.

recomendar to recommend.

recompensa recompense.

recomponer to recompose, restore.

reconciliar to reconcile.

reconocer to recognize.

reconquistar to reconquer.

reconvención f. reproach, recrimination

reconvenir to reproach.

recordar to recall, remember.

recorrer to run through, traverse, review.

recreo recreation.

recuperar to recover.

rechistar to mutter, protest.

red f. net.

redactar to edit, compose.

redentor m. redeemer.

redimir to redeem.

rédito revenue, rent.

redoblar to strengthen, fortify.

redoma phial.

redondel m. circle.

redondo round, rotund.

reducir to reduce; confine.

referir(se) to relate, report; allude, refer.

reflejar to reflect.

reflejo reflex, reflection.

reflexionar to reflect.

refrán m. proverb.

refrescar to refresh.

refugiar vr. to shelter oneself, to take refuge.

refulgencia f. refulgence, splendor.

regalado pleasant.

regalar to regale, please, present.

regalo gift.

regar to water, irrigate.

regidor magistrate, alderman.

regimiento regiment.

registrar to examine.

regla rule; en —— in due form.

regocijar to rejoice, cause joy.

regocijo joy, pleasure.

regresar to return.

regular regular, natural, ordinary.

rehusar to refuse.

reinar to reign.

reino kingdom, reign.

reír(se) to laugh.

reiterar to reiterate.

reja window grating; plowshare.

relación f. relation; narration.

relacionado having connections.

relamer(se) to lick, smack.

relato recital.

religiosidad f. piety.

religioso religious; m. monk, friar.

reliquia holy relic.

reloj m. watch, clock.

reluciente shining.

remanecer to remain, reappear.

remate m. end.

remedio remedy.

remitir to remit, transmit.

remolacha beet root.

remoto remote.

remover to move, stir.

renacer to be born again.

rendido worn out, exhausted.

rendir to render, surrender.

renegado apostate.

renegar to curse.

rengífero reindeer.

renglón m. line.

renta income, rent.

renunciar to renounce.

reparar to repair, stop, notice, give heed, consider.

repartir to distribute.

repetir to repeat.

repique m. chime, ringing.

replegar to fall back.

repleto full.

replicar to reply.

reponer to refill.

reposar to repose.

representante representative.

representar to represent.
