Quality Life (Hindi) by Sirshree - HTML preview

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Power of Happy Thoughts

First time in the world a book released in more than 111 cities across India on 11/11/2011
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Through this book, Sirshree—author of several bestselling books translated in more than eleven languages—imparts 7 Thought Rules to help create a perfect life. Sirshree, who is a master of practical spirituality, helps you attain the source of the highest creation within you through 7 Source Tools. When the Source within you is accessed, harnessing the power of your thoughts, feelings, and actions becomes effortless, leading to enhanced physical vitality, financial abundance, social harmony, mental discipline and spiritual growth.

Praise for the book:
“Human action comes from human motivation… human thought. So that is the power of happy thoughts. These are very right words. Many problems today exist because of negligence of inner peace. So first create inner peace through happy thoughts, which shall then guide even science and technology in the internal world.”
- His Holiness The Dalai Lama

“The Source is an admirable book. It contains a large number of examples which Sirshree gives from daily life as well as questions and answers. Efforts of this nature are important and I wish it was done on a much larger scale using technology so that value systems are understood since it is these values that are ultimately the base of all religion. The base of all religion is not theology or philosophy or rituals; what really matters is that the thought behind all these should be Happy Thoughts.”
- Prof M.G.K Menon, renowned scientist

“The uniqueness of this book is that it shows you how to create the right thoughts from inside and handle negativities by tapping the Source within.”
- Shah Rukh Khan, famous Bollywood actor

Self Development to Self Realization

“Those who know the laws of life completely, don’t aim small.”
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Self Encounter is a unique book of its kind that helps you to encounter yourself and bring in total transformation in all facets of your life.

This bestseller book provides an insight into each of the five aspects of your life, i.e. physical, mental, social, financial, and spiritual. It also describes how to transcend the whole gamut of feelings encountered within the process of self-development to self-realization. Whether you want to stay fit, grow rich, be calmer and sharper mentally, socialize better, or elevate yourself spiritually, you shall get the solution to all your needs. The book also emphasizes that understanding is central to determining the path of Truth and shows the way to attain the Supreme Truth.

From doing meditation to being meditation
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Meditation is a attribute of the Self. This is a comprehensive book on meditation, which guides you on the path of meditation; whether you are a beginner, a seeker, a disciple or a devotee. Answers are given to questions of seekers according to their level at each stage.

It ultimately reveals that meditation is our true nature and takes the seeker on a journey of spiritual evolution from:
- Doing meditation to being meditation
- Being aware to being aware about awareness
- Putting efforts to being effortless
- Being aware of time and space to taking you beyond time and space

Through the 222 answers this book covers all the aspects of true meditation, especially, filtering out the unnecessary that have mired so many seekers on this path. The benefits accrue in all aspects of balanced living as a bonus. But the focus throughout the book is maintained on the ultimate purpose of meditation.

Some of the questions at various stages are:
- What is meditation and what is not meditation?
- What is the significance of time, posture, place, and method for meditation?
- What are the physical, mental, and spiritual benefits of meditation?
- What is the difference between contemplation and meditation?
- Why do we like to sleep so much?
- What is Self-Meditation?
- What are the obstacles to Self-Meditation?
- How do I tackle thoughts during meditation?
- What is the importance of understanding in meditation?
- What is samadhi?

Achieving and Inspiring Others to Achieve Success in All Five Realms of Life
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Success is your nature and you are programmed for success. From this premise, you can happily begin the journey of Complete Success. When you achieve material success, develop all your skills and also attain spiritual success, that’s when you attain Complete Success. And that’s exactly what this book will help you to achieve. But that’s not all. When you spread your joy and also inspire others to attain complete success, that’s when you fulfill the Ultimate Purpose of Success. So, go ahead and reach the summit of the highest success possible. The world is waiting for you.

The power of self talk

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Nobody and nothing in the world has the power to make you happy or unhappy. It’s only you who can do that. Or rather it is the self-talk that goes on within your mind that makes you feel the way you do. And that’s not all. It’s you who creates your world through your self-talk. Prosperity or poverty, success or failure, happiness or sadness, health or disease, good relations or bad are all a result of your belief system. To turn your beliefs into positive and beneficial ones, you need to consciously change your self-talk. Your self-talk makes or breaks your world; then why not use it to create the best things for you? This is exactly what this book teaches you in a very interesting way. Let the magic of self-talk work in your life to make it a supreme life as well as to make your world beautiful.