Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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My love has been like the lumps of diamond

and gold,

It’s hard to understand, even get it and hard

to hold.

Of all the people I met, the one I cannot ever


I chose her, I loved her and she was the fist

 love I met.

I even believed that she was the one created

for me,

God knew that I will love her best and she’d

love me.

I loved her in the spring when all was green

 and new,

I loved her in the summer when the sky was

all blue.

I loved her in the autumn when the leaf went


I loved her in the winter when some snow fell


I loved her when I was happy even when I was


I loved her when I was good, even when I was


I loved her when she was pretty or the face

was plain,

I loved her when I was happy or when I was in


She loved me in the rain, in thunder or in

 shining sun,

She loved me everyday, after all was said and


We would love each other until all our life is


I want to always say one thing and that’s I love









I’ve never made promises that were fictional

and false for my love,

I never said that I would bring the stars and

the moon for my love.

I’ve heard people say they’d climb the highest

peak for their love,

There are others who have said they would

swim the deepest ocean for their love.

Of course, some people say they would cross

the widest river for their love,

And yet some say that they would walk the

hottest desert for their love.

I made no such odd promises and yet my love

 trusted me and joined me,

For she was the one who understood the true

meaning of love and taught me.

She made me whole to capture my heart and

 touched my soul,

She was the one who stepped out and made

my dreams come true and whole.

She gave me new hopes, showed me the path

to love, joy and happiness,

She became all my reasons to live and be

passionate to seek tenderness.

She came into my life to give me tender loving

 care and made me complete,

So much so that for fifty years when I saw her,

my heart kept skipping a beat.

I soon learnt to define real beauty totally in

body, soul and mind,

Her soft sweet voice, her gentle face and pride

I will never find.

For me my beloved was the one God sent from

the heaven above,

She was the angel I needed for reform and I

was allowed to love.

