Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Can you come a little close my dear for I want

to whisper in your ear,

I want to tell you this once again so that no

one is able to hear.

Because what I want to say is precious and it’s

just between we two,

I just wanted you to know how much I loved

 the things you used to do.





My Pledge of Love


On 19th January 1964 I made a vow, to no one

 but My Pretty Lotus,

I pledged my love to her forever to be true to

My Pretty Lotus.

I remember pledging to take care of her and

treating her right,

I sat beside My Pretty Lotus in the temple for

the vows that night.


The priest asked me to feed her and clothe her

and keep her warm,

I pledged to hug her, love her dearly, give

shelter in the storm.

I was ready to help My Pretty Lotus and guide

her along a clear path,

I was prepared to protect her and shield her

from any angry wrath.


I vowed to listen to all her problems and help

solve them too,

I vowed to make her a rainbow and let the

shining sun shine through.

I solemnly promised to take her side even if

she was wrong,

This I did voluntarily just to prove that our

love was strong.


I promised to make a pond and plant lotus

and make them grow,

I told her that they will be a symbol of love

that only we'll know.

I told her that I would whisper her name when

no one was near,

I would say My Pretty Lotus so low that only

she could hear.


While going home the next day I told her of my

love even if ever apart,

My Pretty Lotus kissed me and said she knew

that we were one in our heart.

So on a hot summer's night long long ago, we

sealed our love as we came to know,

Just what and how it was that made us feel,

 to be drawn to each other we didn’t know.


That event set our pulses with speed to race

whenever we gazed at each other's face,

We kept our journey going and made great

turns and stops but won all the race.

Although we were only as naïve as a child yet

even then it could drive us all wild,

In our pursuit for excellence we raised our

four children and gave them unending field.


We will never know the hows and the whys

because we got lost in each others eyes,

We loved our children and our grand children

and tried hard to let them rise.

But when we got going with love and bliss I

learnt that I had found my Perfect Miss,

Our family life was a total contentment and

there never was anything amiss.


My city girl came in my arms in rural lane I

hugged her tightly never let her go again,

There were many ups and downs in the lane

we managed to resolve and march on again.

How can I describe our love when she's gone?

Was it a romantic love, all hearts and flowers?

I now have no time to stand still for showers

so I cannot count the happy days and hours.


We spent all our family life in self indulgent

wishes and kept thinking of long awaited


We found that our love kept growing and that

kind of love this world misses.

Of course, there were sweet embraces and

tender sighs and gazing into love filled eyes,

Our love was the one that cared and knew but

saw ahead beyond for many lives.


Oh yes, we led that kind of love with passion

and had ecstasy that knew no ration,

We had no love for the outer skin but dived

into each other deep within with passion.

We had that shuddering nerve-tingling feeling

and climax with our senses reeling,

We had that love, the spirit and the soul that

make the inner self healing.


What a wondrous joy we discovered when we

sweetly surrendered to each other,

That was built on our trust and empathy, a

love that people saw as meant for each other.

The love that we shared in all these times and

events came to a sudden halt,

When the ring of love and passion was taken

out from us to put it on sour salt.


My Pretty Lotus departed with no words and

took nothing with her but her glories,

That was the love no one needs to doubt but

how can I live with all those worries?