Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Where art thou my life, my wife and my

broken heart and soul?

You left me with no words of explanation and

didn't give any goal.

Your gentle word spurts out like a spark of

light, keeps illuminating my soul,

Each of your voice and sound goes deeper,

that gives me a lot of console.


There is no corner, no dark place in my heart

your love cannot fill,

If my ocean of love starts causing waves, it's

your love that makes them still.

You always speak to me, in sweet and honest

words with truth,

Your caring heart keeps out the pain, your

love's my ultimate booth.


So thank you my Love for being still there and

supporting my life,

I know not how I'll do the same for you when

we meet in our next life.

When I'm with your pleasant memories

eternity's only a step away,

My love swells and continues to grow, with

each of the passing day.


This treasure of your true love I still cherish

within my bow,.

How much I still adore you I do not think

anyone will ever really know.

All your images bring joy to my heart as I used

to feel before,

With each touch of the photo frames I love you

more and more.


We never said a proper word of goodbye when

at last we did part,

I now know I always held you very dearly,

deep inside my heart.

Now I live by these few precious words, I want

you to hold true,

Life was very short for us but forever and

always, I still love you.





It was all because of you that my entire world

became a whole,

It was because of you that real love has always

lived in my soul.

It was because of you I now have happiness

and laughter in my eyes,

It was because of you I am no longer afraid of

any good-byes.

You were my strongest pillar and my solid

brick of strength,


We traveled through all seasons and great

times of length.

My love for you has been pure boundless

through space and time,

It grew stronger everyday with the knowledge

you'll always be mine.

At the temple of marriage I willingly and

joyously said 'I do',

I have received everything in life and it was all

because of you.

The real reason for my lamenting now is very

hard to explain,

There are no regrets, no ifs and buts and

nothing to complain.





All that I ever wanted was to be part of her

and be in her heart,

I longed to be with her for us to be together to

never be apart.

Neither me nor anyone else in the world could

even compare,

She was perfect and so was our love that we

were going to share.

We have had so much more in our life than I

ever thought we would,

I loved her unconditionally and more than I

ever thought I could.

I gladly promised to share with her all that I

had to give,

I always said I would do anything for her for

" as long as I live'.

In her sparkling eyes I saw our present, our

future and our past,

By the way she cared and looked at me I knew

we would last and last.


I hoped and was certain that one day she

would come to realize,

My Pretty Lotus was perfect whenever I saw

her through my eyes.

The writings in the books of love and the calls

of the lovers,

Were proved wrong when My Pretty Lotus left

our covers.





I cannot ever imagine that this world will ever

fully understand,

How My Pretty Lotus touched my entire life to

make me stand.

Therefore let me reveal how special My Pretty

Lotus was for me,

She was a bright lamp on the dark night and a

shinning star for me.

Neither any friends nor any family members

could fully comprehend,

The power of her that made my dreams come

true in the end.

My beloved opened her heart to love and be

loved with pride,

My beloved never gave me a chance to

complain until she died.

She always allowed me to experience what's

very hard to find,

That unconditional love that existed in my

body, soul and mind.

I never thought I could ever feel all the love

that I had to give,

During her last days she never realized she

lost her will to live.

When the medical world gave up she told me

she was going,

Having her in my life she completed to fulfill

every part of my living..

