Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Keeper Of My Dreams


When My Pretty Lotus is not with me to share

my days and nights,

My life is all incomplete for she was my heart

and showed me lights.


We were two separate bodies with one soul

enjoying our family life,

Without her I merely existed from day to day

but in my strife.


I have lost all that I once had and it is now

very hard to sustain.

All that I have been searching has gone,

nothing to contain.


She is the keeper of my dreams and holds my

 heart in her hand,

I wanted to spend all my life with her but now

 I can’t stand.


We proudly stood beside each other through

 thick and thin,

We made our life full of meaning and glory and

kept up our chin.


Throughout our family life we knew our goals

that came our way,

The special love we shared with each other

 guided us, every day.


The journey of our love life started long ago at

 a special place,

This journey became a destination completed

 with embrace.


Living forever was what we wanted to happen

 to us in the end,

But our hearts could not find that goal and I

lost my dearest friend.






When we met for the first time, I could see,

That we were made for each other to be free.


She was so gentle and kind, her smile so true,

When she first held my hands, I just saw



A lot of time has gone by, through great

laughter and some tears,

Those days I am going to cherish, for years

upon years.


The worthy memories we have had, shall never


For those are the golden steps, that we had


We loved all our past, my future isn’t that


I am anxiously waiting for what might appear.


My house is not a home, no more laughter and

children not near,

Nothing seems to work  because her sweet

voice I can’t hear.





My Pretty Lotus was my strength, health and


She was my sunshine, my world and my only


My everything is gone and I’ve lost all my

heart’s desire,

She was my greatest support and provided me

best attire.

