Songs Of My Soul by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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I wish if I could make the time stand still and

 freeze it there,

At the pleasant village where together we

spent our first year.


That was the place we learnt to hold each

other, close and near,

Those were the days of our life where our love

bloomed clear.


We swang in each other’s arms, where we

always meant to be,

We were filled with the perfect love that she

had given to me.


Our bond of love was so strong and each of

our hold so tight,

I knew My Pretty Lotus was the one; she was

my Mrs Right.


There all our blessings came from our elders

and from up above,

It was there we found ourselves and celebrated

 our true love.


That firm foundation of love and affection

entwined us as one,

We began sailing plainly on the journey we

had just begun.

Now I am left in the wilderness I long to find

all that togetherness,

All the true and eternal love she left for me

with so much happiness.





A rose peeps out from beneath my blanket

that is fine and pure white,

It reaches toward me for some warmth, for

heat and for some light.

It's the symbol of my love and it grows

stronger still despite the surrounding cold,

My heart is all hers, bartered and gone but it

is still longing in the fold.

The petals shine with the morning dew on

them but its stem grows stiff and strong,

It stands strong through the freezing cold and

it stands all the winter long.

That is my love and I long for her and for her

soft touch and smile,

I now miss the way she smiled, the separation

gets longer every mile.

My rose stretches through the snow it reaches

toward the sun,

And now without her the colour is gone and

the petals are no fun.

But as we dream, and as we talk, my rose

comes back to life,


All my pains now melt and go away as she

takes away my strife.

Spring is here and the roses grow abound so

we are now one,

We are together, we are in love and the dream

is now done.

I dream of my future, it is my lonely life that

maybe long and true,

This is the time where all I need is comforting

words from all of you.

I see the time when winter will come, as

winters tend to do,

My love may turn cold but we still live and I

love you know who.

And so we live, with our love and a life of not

much to see,

With distance love and our shattered life,

happy together we can‟ t be.

I see my rose a bit older now, but still strong

with fresh new leaves,

I see it growing in my garden, tall and strong

reaching to the eaves.

We are now old, as years have passed but in

our dreams together dwell we,

Our love has strengthened more and today it

is as strong as it can be.

Love never dies and true love always blooms


Our love lives for us and we have done very
