Spanish Tales for Beginners (Cuentos en Español para Principiantes) by Dr. Elijah Clarence Hills - HTML preview

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pecuniario -a, pecuniary,financial.

pecho, m. , breast, lung; depechos á, leaning against.

pedazo, m. , piece.

pedir (i), to ask (for); pedir á,to ask of; pedir por, to intercedefor; pedir prestado,to borrow.

pedrería, f. , precious stones.

Pedro, m. ( prop. noun), Peter.

pedrusco, m. , big stone.

pedúnculo, m. , stem, peduncle.

pegar, to attach, stick, strike,give ( a blow, slap, etc. ); pegarel tiro á, to shoot.

pegue, -es, etc. , pres. subj. ofpegar.

pegué, pret., 1st pers. sing.,of pegar.

pelear, to fight.

peligro, m. , danger, peril.

peligroso -a (para), dangerous(to), perilous (to).

pelo, m. , hair.

pelota, f. , ball; jugar á lapelota, to play ball.

pena, f. , punishment, sorrow,trouble.

pendón, m. , standard.

penetrar, to enter, penetrate; penetrar por, to passthrough.

penitencia, f. , penance.

penitente, penitent.

penosamente, painfully.

penoso -a, laborious, difficult.

pensamiento, m. , thought.

pensar (ie), to think, plan; pensar en, to think of.

pensativo -a, in thought, pensive.

peña, f. , rock.

peñasco, m. , rock, crag, rockyledge.

peor ( comp. of malo), worse,worst.

Pepa, f. ( prop. noun: a colloquialform of Josefa," Josephine"), Josie.

Pepilla, f. ( dim. of Pepa),(little) Josie.

pepita, f. , seed.

Pepita, f. ( dim. of Pepa),(little) Josie.

Pepito, m. ( prop. noun: adim. of Pepe, which is, inturn, a colloquial form ofJosé,

" Joseph"), (little) Joe.

pequeñito -a ( dim. of pequeño),very small, verylittle.

pequeño -a, little, small.

pequeñuelo -a ( dim. of pequeño),little, little fellow.

pera, f. , pear.

peral, m. , pear-tree.

percibir, to receive, perceive.

perder (ie), to lose; perder devista, to lose sight of.

pérdida, f. , loss.

perdón, m. , pardon; ¡perdón! forgive me!

perdonar, to pardon, forgive.

peregrinación, f. , journey,pilgrimage.

peregrino -a, m. and f. , pilgrim.

peregrino -a, wandering.

Pérez ( prop. noun).

perezoso -a, indolent, idle.

perfección, f. , perfection; á laperfección, to perfection.

perfectamente, perfectly.

perfecto -a, perfect.

perfil, m. , profile.

perfumar, to perfume.

perfume, m. , perfume.

pergamino, m. , parchment( made of pig-skin, and usedfor important documents onaccount of its durability).

periódico, m. , newspaper.

perjuro -a, false, perjurer.

perla, f. , pearl.

permanecer, to remain.

permiso, m. , permission.

permitir, to permit; ¡no lopermita Dios! God forbid!

pero, but.

perro -a, m. and f. , dog;" perro chico," copper coin=5céntimos; " perro grande"=10céntimos.

perruno -a, canine.

perseguir (i), to pursue, runafter.

persistencia, f. , persistence; con persistencia, persistently.

persona, f. , person; personas, plur. , persons, men andwomen.

personaje, m. , character, person.

personal, personal.

personificación, f. , personification.

pertenecer, to belong.

Perú, m. ( prop. noun), Peru.

pervertir (ie), to pervert.

pesado -a ( past part. of pesar),heavy, tedious; lopesado de una faena, thetediousness of a task.

pesar: á pesar de, in spite of; á pesar mío, in spite of myself.

pesar, to weigh, cause regret.

pesaroso -a, sorrowful.

pesca, f. , fishing, catch (offish); pueblo de pesca, villageof fishermen.

pescador, m. , fisherman; pescadorde caña, one whofishes with a rod.

pescar, to fish, catch.

pesebre, m. , manger, stall.

peseta, f. , silver coin worthabout twenty Americancents (1 peseta = 100

céntimos. The peseta is themonetary unit of value inSpain).

peso, m. , weight, dollar.

pestillo, m. , door ( or window)latch.

pez, m. , fish.

¡pí, pí! peep, peep!

piadoso -a, pious.

piano, m. , piano.

picacho, m. ( aug. of pico),lofty peak.

picar, to bite.

picardía, f. , knavery, offensiveterm.

picaresco -a, roguish.

pícaro -a, m. and f. , rascal.

pícaro -a, sly, rascally.

pico, m. , peak, beak, mouth( of birds); callar su pico,to cease their twittering.

pido, -es, -e, etc. , pres. ind.of pedir.

pie, m. , foot; á los pies de, atthe foot of; ponerse de ( oren) pie, to stand up.

piedad, f. , pity.

piedra, f. , stone.

piel, f. , skin, leather, fur.

pienso, m. , feed ( of horsesand mules).

pierdo, -es, -e, etc. , pres. ind.of perder.

pierna, f. , leg; dormir á piernasuelta, to sleep soundly.

pieza, f. , piece, room; piezasde canto, snatches of song.

pilar, m. , pillar.

Pilonga, f. ( prop. noun).

pillar, to catch.

pim, pam, pum, bang, bang.

pimienta, f. , pepper.

pintar, to paint, describe.

pintorescamente, picturesquely.

pintoresco -a, picturesque.

piqueta, f. , pickaxe.

pirámide, f. , pyramid.

pisada, f. , footstep, tread,stamping, sound of hoofs.

pisar, to tread (on), stepupon, walk on.

piso, m. , ground, floor, story; piso bajo, ground ( or first)floor; primer piso, secondfloor ( or story).

placer, m. , pleasure.

plan, m. , plan.

plana, f. , page; enmendar laplana, to correct.

planta, f. , plant; echar plantas,to boast.

plantar, to plant, leave in thelurch; plantarse, to take aposition, reach.

plata, f. , silver.

platicar, to chat, talk.

plato, m. , plate.

playa, f. , shore.

plaza, f. , central square ( or"plaza"), market-place,place.

plazo, m. , time, term.

plegaria, f. , prayer.

pluma, f. , feather, pen.

población, f. , town, city.

poblar (ue), to people; poblarse,to fill up (withpeople), people.

pobre, poor.

pobreza, f. , poverty.

poco -a, little, ( plur. ) few; adv. , little, a little, notvery; á poco, in a littlewhile, soon afterward; ápoco más, a little more and,almost; poco á poco, littleby little, slowly.

podenco -a, m. and f. , hound.

poder, m. , power.

poder, to be able, can, may; á más no poder, to theutmost, exceedingly; nopodía (pudo) menos de,he could not help; comopuede, as best he (she, it)can.

poderoso -a, mighty, powerful,able.

podría, etc. , cond. ind. of poder.

poema, m. , poem.

poesía, f. , poetry, poem, verse.

poeta, m. , poet.

poético -a, poetic.

polaina, f. , legging; calzarpolainas, to be rustic ( lit. ,to wear leggings); mojárselelas polainas al Santo, torain ( lit. , to wet the Saint'sleggings).

policía, f. , policing, policesupervision.

político -a, political.

polizonte, m. , policeman.

polvo, m. , dust.

pollo -a, m. and f. , chick,chicken.

polluelo -a, m. and f. ( dim.of pollo), little bird, chick.

pompa, f. , pomp.

pon, imperat. sing. of poner.

ponderar, to enlarge upon,emphasize.

pondré, pondrás, etc. , fut.ind. of poner.

poner, to put, set, set up, lay( eggs), make; ponerse, toput on, set ( as the sun), become,turn; ponerse á, toset one's self at, begin to; poner á que, to bet that; ponerse á ( or de) pie, tostand up.

ponga, pongas, etc. , pres.subj. of poner.

pongo, pones, etc. , pres. ind.of poner.

popa, f. , stern ( of a ship); depopa, astern.

popular, popular.

poquillo -a ( dim. of poco),little, very little.

por, for, by, through, to, over,on account of, with regardto, as a; por ... que, however; ¿por qué? why?; porahí ( or allí), over there; por más que, although; porsi, lest, for fear that.

porción, f. , portion, number.

porfía, f. , insistence, persistence; á porfía, in rivalry; meterse en porfías, toargue.

pórfido, m. , porphyry.

porque, because, so that.

portal, m. , doorway.

portamonedas, m. , pocketbook.

portero, m. , janitor, gatekeeper.

portezuela, f. ( dim. of puerta),door ( of a railwaycoach), carriage door.

portillo, m. ( dim. of puerto),gate ( small gate in thewall of a city).

porvenir: lo porvenir, thefuture ( lit. , the to-come).

pos: en pos de, after.

posada, f. , inn.

posar(se), to rest, light, alight.

poseer, to possess.

posesión, f. , possession.

posible, possible.

posición, f. , position, situation.

positivo -a, positive.

poste, m. , post.

postres, m. plur. , dessert; variospostres, several kindsof dessert.

postura, f. , position, posture.

potencia, f. , power, faculty.

potente, powerful, strong.

práctico -a, practical, practicable.

pradera, f. , meadow.

praderita, f. ( dim. of pradera),little meadow.

prado, m. , meadow; el Prado,a broad, central avenue inMadrid.

precaución, f. , precaution.

preceder (á), to precede.

precepto, m. , precept.

precio, m. , value, price; subidoprecio, high price.

precioso -a, beautiful, precious.

precipitadamente, hastily, precipitously.

precisar, to oblige.

preciso -a, necessary; lo precisopara, only what wasnecessary in order.

precursor, m. , precursor, herald.

predestinar, to predestine.

predicador, m. , preacher,(one) who preaches (subirseá predicar is used figurativelyin the sense of subirseá la cabeza, "to go to one'shead,"—as wine,—

probablybecause the preachergoes to the head of thechurch, or because winemakes one talk).

predicar, to preach.

preferencia, f. , preference.

preferir (ie), to prefer.

prefijar, to appoint, designate.

pregón, m. , public proclamation.

pregonar, to proclaim, callout.

pregunta, f. , question; haceruna pregunta, to ask aquestion.

preguntar (á), to ask (of).

premio, m. , prize; premiogordo, first prize.

prenda, f. , treasure, pledge; en prenda, as security.

prender, to arrest.

preocupar en, to preoccupywith; preocuparse de, toworry about.

preparar, to make ready, prepare.

presa, f. , catch, prey; hacerpresa en, to take hold of,seize.

presagio, m. , omen, presage; mal presagio, evil omen.

presea, f. , jewel.

presencia, f. , presence.

presenciar, to witness.

presentar, to present, offer.

presente, m. , present.

presentimiento, m. , presentiment.

preservar, to save, preserve.

prestar, to lend; prestar oído,to listen attentively; pedirprestado, to borrow.

presumido -a ( past part. ofpresumir), vain, presumptuous.

presunto -a, alleged.

pretender, to pretend, claim,attempt.

pretendiente (á), m. , suitor(for).

pretensión, f. , pretension.

pretextar, to give as a pretext,pretend.

pretil, m. , balustrade.

prevención, f. , police station.

prevenido -a ( past part. of prevenir),prepared, cautious.

primavera, f. , spring.

primaveral, of spring.

primer(o) -a, first.

primo -a, m. and f. , cousin.

primogénito -a, first-born.

primor, m. , skill, beauty; primores, plur. , beautifulthings, exquisite creations.

primoroso -a, exquisite, dexterous.

princesa, f. , princess.

principal, important, principal; lo principal, the importantthing.

príncipe, m. , prince.

principiar, to begin.

principio, m. , beginning; alprincipio, at first.

prisa, f. , haste; á prisa, deprisa, fast; tener prisa, tobe in a hurry.

prisión, f. , prison.

privar, to deprive.

privilegio, m. , privilege.

probable, probable.

probar (ue), to try, prove,taste; probar de, to try,sample.

procedente (de), coming(from), gotten (from).

proceder, to proceed, come.

procurar, to try, procure.

prodigioso -a, marvelous,prodigious.

producir, to yield, cause, produce.

produje, -iste, -o, etc. , pret.ind. of producir.

profeta, m. , prophet.

profundamente, deeply, profoundly.

profundidad, f. , depth.

profundo -a, deep, profound.

prolongar, to protract, prolong.

prometer, to promise.

prometido -a, m. and f. , betrothed.