religioso -a, religious.
reloj, m. , clock, watch; relojde bolsillo, watch.
relucir, to shine forth.
relleno -a ( intensive form oflleno), stuffed.
remanso, m. , dead water, pool.
remedar, to imitate.
remediar, to help, remedy.
remedio, m. , help, remedy; nohay más remedio, it cannot be helped.
remembranza, f. , remembrance,memory.
remendar (ie), to mend, patch.
remo, m. , oar.
remontar, to raise; remontarse,to rise (again); remontarel vuelo, to fly up.
remordimiento, m. , remorse; remordimientos, plur. , feelingsof remorse.
remoto -a, remote.
remover (ue), to move, disturb.
rendija, f. , crack.
rendirse (i), to yield, surrender.
renglón, m. , line; á renglónseguido, straightway.
renovación, f. , renewal.
renovar (ue), to renew.
renunciar (á), to forego, giveup, renounce.
reojo: de reojo, askance, outof the corner of one's eye.
reparar (en), to observe, notice.
repente: de repente, suddenly.
repentinamente, quickly, suddenly.
repetido -a ( past part. of repetir),repeated; repetidasveces, time and time again.
repetir (i), to repeat, relate.
repisa, f. , ledge, bracket-shelf.
replicar, to reply.
reponer, to replace, recover,reply.
reposo, m. , repose, rest.
representar, to represent, present.
reprimir, to suppress.
reproducir, to reproduce.
reptil, m. , reptile.
república, f. , republic.
repuesto -a, past part. of reponer.
repulsivo -a, repulsive.
repuse, -iste, -o, etc. , pret.ind. of reponer.
requerir (ie), to require.
requiebro, m. , compliment,loving words.
requiem: see misa.
resaltar, to hop about.
resbalar, to slip; resbalar por, to run down ( as tears).
rescatar, to recover.
reservar, to reserve.
resguardar, to protect.
resignar, to resign.
resistir (á), to resist, refuse.
resolución, f. , decision, resolution.
resolver (ue), to resolve; resolverse á, to decide upon,resolve to.
resonar (ue), to resound.
resoplido, m. , snort.
respectivo -a, respective.
respetable, respected, considerable.
respetar, to respect.
respetuosamente, respectfully.
respirar, to breathe, breatheforth.
resplandecer, to shine, glow.
resplandor, m. , light; resplandores, plur. , light, radiance.
responder, to answer, respond.
respuesta, f. , reply, response.
restablecer, to re-establish, recover; restablecerse, to recover,get well.
restante, remaining.
restar, to remain.
restregar, to rub.
resuelto -a ( past part. of resolver),resolved, resolute.
resultar, to result, be found,become.
resumen: en resumen, inshort.
resumido -a ( past part. of resumir),abridged; en resumidascuentas, after all.
retama, f. ; retama macho,(Spanish) broom.
retardar, to delay, retard.
retener, to keep, retain.
retirada, f. , retreat, withdrawal.
retirarse, to withdraw, retire.
retorcerse (ue), to twist,wind.
retratar, to picture, depict.
retrato, m. , likeness, picture.
retribuir, to remunerate; retribuidocon, with a salaryof.
retroceder, to draw back, fallback, recede.
reunir, to assemble, gather,pile up ( a fortune); reunirse,to gather; reunirsecon ( or á), to join.
revelar, to disclose, reveal.
revendedor, -ora, m. and f. ,dealer.
reventar (ie), to burst, exhaust.
revestir (i), to clothe, cover.
revolcadura, f. , place wherean animal has rolled ( or wallowed).
revolcarse (ue), to wallow,roll about ( or over).
revolotear, to fly about, flutter,hover.
revólver, m. , revolver.
revolver (ue), to turn about.
revoque, m. , ( coat of) plaster.
rey, m. , king.
rezar, to pray.
ría, rías, ría, etc. , pres. subj.of reir.
riada, f. , flood, freshet.
ribazo, m. , cliff.
rico -a, rich.
ridículo -a, ridiculous.
riendo, pres. part. of reir.
riesgo, m. , risk, danger; conriesgo de, to the risk of.
rijo, riges, -e, etc. , pres. ind.of regir.
rima, f. , rhyme ( or rime).
rincón, m. , corner.
rindo, -es, -e, etc. , pres. ind.of rendir.
río, m. , river; río abajo, downthe river; río arriba, up theriver.
río, ríes, ríe, etc. , pres. ind. ofreir.
rió, pret., 3d pers. sing., of reir.
risa, f. , laughter.
risueño -a, smiling.
Rita, f. ( prop. noun: a colloquialform of Margarita," Margaret"), Maggie.
rizar, to curl, ruffle.
ro: ¡á la ro, ro! rock-a-by!
robar (á), to steal (from),rob (of).
robo, m. , robbery, theft.
robusto -a, strong, robust.
roca, f. , rock.
roce, m. , rustling.
rocío, m. , dew.
rodar (ue), to roll, wanderabout; hacer rodar, to roll.
rodear, to surround, moveabout; rodear de, to surroundby.
rodilla, f. , knee; de rodillas,on one's knees.
rogar (ue), to ask, beg.
rojizo -a ( from rojo), reddish.
rojo -a, red.
Roma, f. ( prop. noun), Rome.
romance, m. , ballad.
romanza, f. , romance, song.
romper, to break, tear; romperá sollozar, to burst outsobbing.
roncar, to snore.
ronco -a, hoarse.
Ronda, f. ( prop. noun).
ronquido, m. , snoring.
ropa, f. , clothing, clothes.
ropaje, m. , drapery.
ropero, m. , clothes-press.
ropón, m. , gown.
rosa, f. , rose.
rosal, m. , rose-bush.
rosario, m. , rosary ( a rosaryconsists of 5 "decades,"or groups of beads.
Each"decade" contains 10 smallbeads and one large bead.For each small bead theprayer beginning Ave María[" Hail Mary"] is said, andfor each large bead the PadreNuestro [ which contains danoshoy nuestro pan...]).
rostro, m. , face, countenance.
roto -a ( irreg. past part. ofromper), broken, torn.
rozar, to scrape, tickle.
rubicundo -a, ruddy.
rubio -a, fair.
rudo -a, rough, rude.
rueda, f. , wheel.
ruego, m. , request, entreaty.
rugido, m. , roar.
rugir, to roar.
ruido, m. , noise; sin ruido,noiselessly.
ruin, vile.
ruiseñor, m. , nightingale.
rumor, m. , sound.
rústico -a, rustic, unpolished.
sábado, m. , Saturday, Sabbath.
sábana, f. , sheet.
saber, to know, know how to,understand, learn, find out; á saber, to-wit, namely.
sabiduría, f. , wisdom.
sable, m. , sabre.
sabor, m. , taste, flavor.
saborear, to relish, enjoy.
sabré, sabrás, etc. , fut. ind. ofsaber.
sacar, to take out, pull out,bring out, ask ( to dance),get, get back, hatch ( eggs); sáqueme, bring out for me,show me.
sacerdote, m. , priest.
saco, m. , sack; saco de noche,traveling bag.
sacre, m. , falcon.
sacrificar, to sacrifice.
sacrificio, m. , sacrifice.
sacudida, f. , jerk.
sacudir, to shake, give ( ablow with a whip).
sagrado -a, sacred.
sagrario, m. , sacrarium or innermostsanctuary ( wherethings of especial sacrednessor great value are kept).
sal, f. , salt.
sala, f. , reception-room, hall(= large public room).
Salamanca, f. ( prop. noun).
salario, m. , salary.
salchichón, m. , large (Bologna)sausage.
saldré, saldrás, etc. , fut. ind.of salir.
salga, salgas, etc. , pres. subj.of salir.
salgo, sales, etc. , pres. ind. ofsalir.
salida, f. , exit, way out.
salir, to come out ( or forth),go out, get out, start, rise( of the sun, etc. ); salir á lacalle, to go out on thestreet; salir al paso, tocome out to meet; salir de,to come ( or go) out of,leave.
Salitre, m. ( prop. noun: lit. ,saltpeter).
salón, m. , (large) room, drawing-room,reception room; salón del Prado, a part ofthe Prado avenue ( wherethere are many benches andchairs, and where one maywatch the fountains playor listen to the music).
salpicar, to spatter, sprinkle; salpicar sus palabras confuertes interjecciones, tointersperse strong interjectionsin one's words.
saltadero, m. , coop.
saltar, to leap (over), jump,hop.
salto, m. , jump, leap; de dossaltos, with two leaps.
salud, f. , health.
saludar, to salute.
salutación, f. , salutation.
salvación, f. , salvation, cure.
salvador, m. , savior.
Salvador, m. ( a proper noun).
salvaje, savage.
salvajemente, savagely.
salvar, to save, pass over.
salvo -a, safe.
San: see santo.
sangre, f. , blood; sangre fría,composure, coolness.
San Juan de Alfarache, m. ( prop. noun), Saint Johnof Alfarache.
sano -a, sound, healthy; sanoy salvo, safe and sound.
Santiago, m. ( prop. noun:lit. , Saint James), James.
santo -a, holy, blessed,saint.
santuario, m. , sanctuary ( thatpart of a Christian churchin which the altar is placed).
saque, -es, etc. , pres. subj. ofsacar.
saqueo, m. , pillage, plunder.
sarmiento, m. , runner, shoot.
sarraceno -a, Saracen, Mohammedan.
sarta, f. , string ( of beads,pearls, etc. ).
sartén, f. , frying-pan.
Satanás, m. , Satan.
satisfacción, f. , satisfaction.
satisfacer, to satisfy.
satisfecho -a ( past part. ofsatisfacer), satisfied.
sauce, m. , willow.
sazón, f. , season; á la sazón,at that time.
se, himself, herself, itself,yourself; themselves, yourselves;to himself, to herself, etc. ; each other, oneanother.
se = le or les, in se le, se la, se lo, se los, se las.
sé, imperat. of ser.
sé, sabes, etc. , pres. ind. ofsaber.
sea, seas, etc. , pres. subj. ofser.
secano -a, not irrigated, dry.
secar, to dry.
seco -a, dry.
secreto -a, secret.
secundar, to second, aid.
sed, f. , thirst; tener sed, to bethirsty.
seda, f. , silk.
sedería, f. , silks.
sedoso -a, silken, glossy.
seducir, to seduce.
Segovia, f. ( prop. noun).
seguida: en seguida, de seguida,immediately, next.
seguir (i), to follow, continue,go on, follow up, carry out; seguido de, followed by.
según, according to, as.
segundo, m. , second.
segundo -a, second.
seguramente, certainly, surely.
seguridad, f. , certainty, positiveness.
seguro -a, sure, secure, accurate; de seguro, surely,certainly.
seis, six.
selva, f. , forest.
sello, m. , seal, stamp, mark.
semana, f. , week.
semblante, m. , countenance,face.
semejante, like, such a; semejanteá, like, similar to.
semilla, f. , seed.
sencillez, f. , simplicity.
sencillo -a, simple, plain.
seno, m. , bosom, lap.
sensibilidad, f. , feeling, sensitiveness.
sensible, sensitive, sensible.
sentado -a ( past part. of sentar),seated, sitting.
sentar (ie), to set, seat, become,fit; sentarse, to sit,sit down, sit up.
sentencia, f. , judgment, sentence.
sentido, m. , sense; buen sentido,common sense.
sentir (ie), to feel, hear, regret.
seña, f. , sign.
señal, f. , sign.
señalar, to mark, point out.
señor, -ora, m. and f. , lord,master, gentleman, sir, Mr.;lady, mistress, madam,Mrs.; los señores, the masterand mistress, Mr. andMrs.; el Señor, the Lord; Nuestra Señora, Our Lady( the Virgin Mary).
señorito -a, m, and f. ( dim. ofseñor), young gentleman,Master; young lady, Miss.
seó, colloquial form of señor; seó guapo, my good fellow.
sepa, sepas, etc. , pres. subj. ofsaber.
separar(se), to separate; separarse(de), to leave.
septiembre, m. , September.
séptimo -a, seventh.
sepulcral, sepulchral.
sepulcro, m. , grave, sepulchre.
sepultura, f. , burial, grave; comprar sepultura, to buya burial right ( for a definitenumber of years, or in perpetuity).
seque, -es, -e, etc. , pres. subj.of secar.
ser, m. , being.
ser, to be; ¿qué será de mí? what will become of me?;