tapar, to cover, protect.
tapia, f. , wall ( the tapia is awall of dried mud or clay,about a garden or yard).
tapicería, f. , tapestry.
tapiz, m. , tapestry, hangings.
tapizar de, to cover with ( aswith tapestry).
taquilla, f. , ticket-office.
tararear, to hum.
tardar, to delay; no tardaráen hacerlo, it will not belong before he does it.
tarde, f. , afternoon, earlyevening; por la tarde, inthe afternoon.
tarde, late.
tarea, f. , task.
taza, f. , cup.
te, you, thee; to you, to thee;yourself, thyself.
teatro, m. , theater.
tecla, f. , ( piano) key.
teclado, m. , keyboard.
techado, m. , roof.
techo, m. , ceiling, roof.
teja, f. , tile.
tela, f. , cloth.
telegrama, m. , telegram.
temblar (ie), to tremble.
temblón, -ona, trembling,tremulous, shaking.
temblor, m. , trembling.
tembloroso -a, tremulous,trembling.
temer, to fear.
temeroso -a, fearful.
temible, dreadful, terrible.
temor, m. , fear.
temperatura, f. , temperature.
tempestad, f. , storm, tempest.
templo, m. , temple, cathedral.
temporada, f. , space of time; una temporada, for sometime.
temprano, early; mañana temprano,tomorrow morning; temprano y con sol, brightand early.
ten, imperat. sing. of tener.
tenaz, persistent, tenacious.
tenazmente, persistently, tenaciously.
tender (ie), to stretch out,hold out, spread, direct.
tendré, -ás, -á, etc. , fut. ind.of tener.
tenedor, m. , fork.
tener, to have, hold, keep; tenerse, to hold, stop; tenerpor, to consider; tener razón,to be right; tener frío(calor), to be cold (warm); tengo que hacerlo, I haveto do it, I must do it; ¿quétienes? what is the matterwith you?
tenga, -as, etc. , pres. subj. oftener.
tengo, tienes, tiene, etc. , pres.ind. of tener.
teniente, m. , lieutenant.
tenor, m. , tenor.
tentar (ie), to try, tempt; tentadopor, tempted to.
tenue, thin, faint.
teñir (i), to color, dye.
tercer(o) -a, third; tercero deartillería, third regiment ofartillery.
tercio, m. , third.
terciopelo, m. , velvet.
Teresa, f. ( prop. noun), Theresa.
terminar, to finish, end, terminate.
término, m. , end, term, word.
terno, m. , oath.
ternura, f. , tenderness, affection.
terquedad, f. , stubbornness,obstinacy.
terraplén, m. , terrace.
terreno, m. , ground, region.
terrestre, earthly, terrestrial.
terrible, terrible.
terror, m. , terror.
terso -a, smooth, polished.
tesoro, m. , treasure.
testamento, m. , will.
testero, m. , head, front ( of ahouse, etc. ); en el testero,in front, at the head ( of theroom).
testimonio, m. , testimony.
tez, f. , complexion, color offace.
ti, you, thee; yourself, thyself.
tibio -a, warm, tepid.
tiempo, m. , time, weather; al poco tiempo, in a shorttime; á un tiempo, at thesame time.
tienda, f. , shop, store.
tienes, tiene: see tengo.
tierno -a, tender.
tierra, f. , earth, land; tierrafirme, main-land.
tiestecillo, m. ( dim. of tiesto),little flower-pot.
tiesto, m. , flower-pot.
tiito, m. ( dim. of tío), dearuncle.
timbre, m. , ring, sound, tone.
tímidamente, timidly.
tímido -a, timid.
tinieblas, f. plur. , darkness.
tinte, m. , tint; tintes rojizos,a reddish color.
tintero, m. , ink-stand; comotinteros, as black as ink.
tinto -a, red ( wine).
tío -a, m. and f. , uncle, aunt; ¡tío ladrón! you old thief!( here, as often, tío -a isa familiar, sometimes contemptuous,term of addressapplied to old people. Whenso used, it is generally pronouncedtió -á).
tiple, m. , soprano.
tirano -a, m. and f. , tyrant.
tirar, to throw, throw away,pull, draw; tirar de, topull (at), draw.
tiro, m. , throw, shot; pegarel tiro á, to shoot.
tirón: de un tirón, at onestretch.
título, m. , title.
toca, f. , hood.
tocar, to touch, play ( a musicalinstrument), ring, toll.
tocino, m. , bacon.
tocón, m. , stub.
todavía, still, yet.
todo -a, all, every, everything; todo un, a whole; con todo, withal, however; del todo, altogether; sobretodo, especially; todos losdías, every day.
toledano -a, Toledan, of Toledo.
Toledo ( prop. noun), Toledo( situated near the centerof New Castile [Castillala Nueva], on the riverTagus [Tajo]; population,about 25,000; the capital ofSpain in the time of theRoman empire and theWest-Gothic rule, and capitalof Castile until supersededby Madrid in the sixteenthcentury).
tolerancia, f. , indulgence, toleration.
tolerante, indulgent, tolerant.
tomar, to take, take on; ¡toma! take it! here! well!; tomar la puerta, to passthrough the gate.
Tomás, m. ( prop. noun),Thomas.
tomate, m. , tomato.
tonada, f. , song; tonada dela nana, lullaby song.
tono, m. , tone, tone of voice.
tontería, f. , nonsense.
tonto -a, m. and f. , fool.
tonto -a, foolish, silly.
tontuna, f. , foolishness.
Tony ( prop. noun).
toque, m. , stroke, ringing ( ofthe bell).
toque, -es, -e, etc. , pres. subj.of tocar.
tordo -a, dapple-gray.
tormento, m. , torment; dartormento á, to torture.
tornar(se), to return, restore; tornar á hacer una cosa, todo a thing again.
torno: en torno de, about; entorno suyo, about him (her, etc. ).
toro, m. , bull; toros, bullfights.
torpe, stupid.
torre, f. , tower.
torrente, m. , torrent.
Torres-Nobles ( prop. noun:lit. , Noble Towers).
torta, f. , cake ( small andround).
totalmente, completely, totally.
trabajador, -ora, m. and f. ,workman, working woman.
trabajar, to work.
trabajo, m. , work, trial.
tradición, f. , tradition, legend.
traer, to bring, bring back,carry, keep.
traficar, to trade.
tráfico, m. , trade, traffic.
trágico -a, tragic.
trago, m. , drink, draught.
traiga, traigas, etc. , pres. subj.of traer.
traigo, traes, etc. , pres. ind.of traer.
traje, m. , clothes, suit ofclothes, gown.
traje, -iste, -o, etc. , pret. ind.of traer.
trampa, f. , trap.
tranquilamente, calmly, coolly.
tranquilidad, f. , calmness,tranquillity.
tranquilizar, to calm, pacify,tranquilize.
tranquilo -a, quiet, tranquil.
transeunte, m. and f. , passer-by.
tránsito, m. , passage, way.
transparente, transparent.
transponer, to transfer, carryback, sink behind.
trapero -a, m. and f. , ragpicker.
tras, after, behind.
trasegar (ie) á, to pour into.
trasero -a, hind; cuarto trasero,hind quarters.
trasluz: mirar al trasluz, tohold between one and thelight.
trasplantar, to transplant.
trasunto, m. , likeness.
tratante, m. , dealer.
tratar, to treat, conduct; tratar (de), to try (to); tratarse, to have socialrelations with each other; tratarse (de), to discuss, bethe question.
trato, m. , deal.
través: á través (de), through.
travesura, f. , cunning.
travieso -a, mischievous.
trayendo, pres. part. of traer.
traza, f. , appearance; trazas, plur. , the appearance.
trece, thirteen.
treinta, thirty.
tremendo -a, fearful, awful.
tremolarse, to wave.
trémulo -a, tremulous.
tren, m. , train.
trenza, f. , tress, braid.
trepar por, to climb up.
tres, three.
trescientos -as, three hundred.
trigo, m. , wheat, grain.
trimestre, m. , three months.
trinar, to trill, warble.
trino, m. , trill, warbling.
triste, sad, mournful, gloomy,dull.
tristemente, sadly.
tristeza, f. , sadness, sorrow.
tristísimo -a ( from triste),very sad.
triunfo, m. , triumph.
trompeta, f. , trumpet; m. ,trumpeter, bugler.
trompetear, to announce ( aswith a trumpet-call).
tronco, m. , trunk.
tronchar, to cut off, break off.
tropel, m. , confusion, crowd; en gran tropel, tumultuously.
tropezar (ie), to stumble; tropezar con, to stumbleagainst, happen to cometo, meet, find.
tropezón, m. , stumble, slip; fingir un tropezón, to pretendthat he stumbled.
trozo, m. , piece, fragment,snatch.
trucha, f. , trout.
tu, your, thy.
tú, you, thou.
tumba, f. , tomb.
tumbaga, f. , tombac-ring ( thetumbaga metal is an alloyof gold, silver and copper.It is believed by some thata tombac-ring, by breaking,will warn its wearer of comingdanger).
tumbarse, to throw one's selfdown.
tumbo, m. , rocking, rockingwave.
tunante, m. , rascal.
tuno -a, m. and f. , rogue.
tupido -a ( past part. of tupir),dense, thick.
turba, f. , crowd, throng.
turbante, m. , turban.
turbar, to disturb.
turbulento -a, tumultuous,noisy, turbulent.
turista, m. and f. , tourist.
tutear, to address ( a person)with tú, speak familiarly.
tuve, -iste, -o, etc. , pret. ind.of tener.
tuyo -a, your, yours; thy,thine.
ú, or ( used before initial o).
Ud. = usted; Uds. = ustedes.
ufano -a, proud.
Ulises, m. ( prop. noun), Ulysses.
últimamente, recently, lately.
último -a, last; por último,finally.
umbral, m. , threshold.
un, una, a, an; unos, some; unos cuantos, a few; unosá otros, from one to theother, to one another.
unánime, unanimous, withone voice.
únicamente, only, merely.
único -a, only; lo único, theonly thing, all.
uniforme, uniform, unceasing.
unir, to unite, connect, bring( or hold) together.
universo, m. , universe.
un(o), -na, one; uno y otro,each (one), both; cientopor uno, a hundred fold.
uña, f. , nail ( of finger or toe),claw.
usar, to use; usar de, to makeuse of.
uso, m. , use; al uso, after thefashion.
usted ( plur. , ustedes), you.
usura, f. , interest, usury.
utilizar, to make use of, utilize.
uva, f. , grape.
v (ve), f. , the letter v.
V. = usted; VV. = ustedes.
va, vas: see voy.
vaca, f. , cow, beef.
vacilar, to hesitate, vacillate.
vacío -a, empty.
vagamente, vaguely.
vago -a, vague.
vagón, m. , (railway) coach.
vajilla, f. , table-ware, dishes.
valdré, -ás, -á, etc. , fut. ind.of valer.
Valencia, f. ( prop. noun: cityon the eastern coast ofSpain; population, about225,000).
valer, to be worth, win.
valeroso -a, brave, valorous.
Val-frío, m. ( prop. noun: lit. ,cold valley).
valga, -as, etc. , pres. subj. ofvaler.
valgo, vales, etc. , pres. ind. ofvaler.
valiente, brave, valiant.
valija, f. , bag.
valor, m. , value, courage.
valsar, to waltz.
valle, m. , valley.
vamos, vámonos: see ir.
vanguardia, f. , vanguard.
vanidad, f. , vanity.
vanidoso -a, vain.
vano -a, vain.
vapor, m. , steam, steamboat.
vaquero, m. , cowboy; adj. , ofa cowboy; estribo vaquero,cowboy-stirrup.
vara, f. , yard. ( the vara = about 32.9 inches).
varios -as, various, several.
varonil, masculine.
vaso, m. , glass.
vasto -a, vast.
vaya, vayas, etc. , pres. subj.of ir.
Vd. = usted; Vds. = ustedes.
ve, imperat. of ir.
vecino -a, m. and f. , neighbor,resident.
vecino -a, neighboring; vecinode, near.
vehemencia, f. , vehemence.
vehementísimo -a, most vehement.
veinte, twenty.
veinticinco = veinte y cinco,twenty-five.
vela, f. , candle, sail; hacerseá la vela, to set sail.
velar, to remain awake, towatch (over); velar por, towatch over.
velo, m. , veil.
veloz, swift.
velozmente, swiftly.