When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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Many have told me that time would ease

my loss and pain

But it is very sad that every day I feel the

same deep pain

Whenever I wake up in the morning I try

to reach for you

My pillow is soaked with my tears like the

morning dew


I was devastated when you fell ill but felt

we could beat

With the effort we put in together it

seemed a small feat

Your passing away now is unbearable,

means much more

I never thought that this tragedy would

knock on my door


We loved our family life and wanted more

time together

With my care I thought every day you

were getting better

Rain or shine we knew well our living was

lined with gold

We talked of all our future plans of

together growing old


We prayed hard so that we would be able

to survive this

We laughed and played and loved each

other with a kiss

We kept thinking that we would win our

battle for sure

I now hope a miracle came and the

doctors found a cure


When your life support needed to be

turned off at last

I kneeled down at your bed side and

renewed the past

I told you to sail calmly through the ocean

to your home

With my tears rolling down the cheek I

left you all alone


Neither I nor anyone else could do

anything to revive you

I walked out of the emergency all alone

after loosing you

That sorrow and loneliness have been

with me ever since

My heart keeps weeping and I find it very

hard to convince.