When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Gets Going by Dr Ram Lakhan Prasad - HTML preview

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The beautiful pond of My Pretty

Lotus now stands alone,

I am missing the one who nurtured

it but now she is gone,

The Lotus is still blooming, and the

moments still wind

But the rain is like tear drops, for

the one left behind.


The hot sun is waiting to take the

gar den’s beauty away,

The fond memories of my Lotus

are in my heart to stay,

She loved every flower even some

that were just weed,

So much love she had planted here

with each little seed.


But just like her pretty flowers she

was part of God’s plan,

So when it was her time to go he

took her to her new clan.

He looked through my garden and

searched for the best,

That was when he found My Lotus,

it was her time to rest.


It was hard for all those who

loved her, to just let her go,

God had a spot in his garden that

needed a gentle show

So when I started missing My

Pretty Lotus, I just had to wait,

When God has a spot in his

garden, She’ll meet me at the


