World Wide White Revolution by White Warrior - HTML preview

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Hoofdstuk 6.1 Resultaat meeting Paul en Igor


"As discussed before here are the mainpoint of our gettogether in England, first of all we like to state that we are both seriously considering to give the Revolution a go but not before we have seen that there is widespread and serious support across the Continent for this Plan.

Secondly in this meeting but also with some discussions with police and military guys who are totally trusted by the way and will be second Phase guys if we go through with this, it is very clear that it will need a lot of planning and preparations without the system to detect us if we want to have any chance to succeed.

Mainpoints:  -not 4 but 5 phases,  with clear trigger point so that any cell or lonewolf will know what stage we are in without having to risk detection by looking to contact other White Warriors.

-Not 1 but 2 Maintargets

-Distribute weapons only when it is totally necessary and with no chance for detection.

-Create and store the required books, maps and guidelines so they can distributed on the Bigday itself.

-1 set of WhiteWarrior demands which have to distributed WIDELY on the day itself or maybe 1 day in advance not any sooner, and all whitewarriors have to demand the same set of demands so there will be a clear demand no matter who and where they ask!

-NO electronic communications without rigorous effort not to be detected and or linked to other White Warriors or anything Nationalistic or Extremism on the internet or otherwise (other then normal, if one already is in an extreme group no need for change you know you are monitored already).

-Amnesty in the All White state for ALL AND ANY Whites who fought on our side of the Revolution no matter how cruel or hard their deeds have been on the Bigday or the following guerillawar.

- Select 1 multicultural city, for propaganda purposes by creating the conditions that it will be a killing zone for whites.  While next day a White Warrior army with seized  equipped will liberate the whites of the city and make sure to videotape this professionally. Distribute this nicely edited video to show too all European people.

Use this for the duration of the war and after that to make sure they wont forget the horrors they have done to us.


These are some of the point what we came up with, but before we can commit to anything there will have to be a meeting among us and anyone who can and is allowed in the first phase, to set the final parameters for the preplanned structure including the phase system. Igor has 3 or 4 guys from Military and police who can supply modern and traditional tactics as well as weapon expertise, Henk has to be there, like Paul and Igor as well at least 1 other preferred White Warrior so we can discuss and set the actual battle plan and time line, in order to succeed we think we need 3 years for setting up the human structure across different nations and the actual recruiting in different phases. This timespan gives us also plenty of time to seize weapons and distribute across the continent without creating suspicion of a European wide plan for future Revolution.

Also have plenty of opportunity to transport weapons, and media pamflats while choosing the ideal transport opportunities instead of having to take unnecessary risk because of distribution in time constraints.

End communications kindly respond by posting file on different google indexed filesharingsite using 4th code as filename and 5th code as encryption key. Posting in 48 hours from the posted date of this actual upload!"

Verder stond er niets in over de avonturen die de twee zonder twijfel hadden meegemaakt die avond, het bestandje bevatte in ieder geval een paar serieuze punten de 2 leken het nog te menen ook. Ze wisten alletwee niet waar ik woon dus ik kan gewoon niet meer reageren en zo dit hele bizarre plan dood laten gaan. Zodat er niemand zou sterven. Geen nucleaire reactors zouden ontploffen. Tja Jezus daar had ik dus gewoon overheen gelezen nu willen ze nog een kernramp creëren, iedereen in Europa radioactief. Zou de EU wel leuk vinden kan je iedereen van ver af al zien omdat ze licht geven.

Nou ja zal wel meevallen ook Tsjernobyl heeft officieel nog geen 200 doden opgeleverd en de radiatie van de Amerikaanse bommen op Japan ook slechts enkele honderden doden. Maar die dingen zullen wel beveiligd zijn met hekken, muren mijnvelden en gewapende militairen.......

Een lijstje met eisen was misschien nog wel het beste suggestie, aangezien er totaal geen communicatie zal zijn voor de Bigday en daarna waarschijnlijk ook niet met uitzondering van de veroverde gebieden. Zo zal iedereen dezelfde eisen hebben en is er een framework waar de cellen en lone wolfs op kunnen terugvallen, zodat ze weten waar een vrij plaats zal zijn voor Blanke outcasts zoals zei zelf.

 Met 48 uur om te reageren had Henk nog zat tijd om een weloverwogen en korte reactie te geven, met een ontmoeting in het verschiet is de grootste vraag of hij ermee doorging of niet, en of ze snel een meeting zouden houden of niet. De rest van de punten zouden sowieso besproken worden tijdens de meeting.

