Technology Books
Optical Injection-Locking of VCSELs
A study on the optical injection-locking of a semiconductor laser diode which emits laser beam from the top surface.
Ballistics Image Processing and Analysis for Firearm Identification
An overview on the study and the handling of ballistics images for firearm identification.
Stabilization of saturated switching systems
A study in balancing the capacity of saturated switching systems.
Effect of Switchover Time in Cyclically Switched Systems
A brief study on the possible effects on the time duration for a server to switch (after service completion) to a different queue on Cyclically Switched Systems.
Nonlinear Dynamics of Cantilever Tip-Sample Surface Interactions in Atomic Force Microscopy
A study on Cantilever Tip-Sample Surface using a Atomic force microscopy (AFM) or scanning force microscopy (SFM) is a very high-resolution type of scanning probe microscopy
Integrated Vehicle Health Management for Solid Rocket Motors
An overview on the maintenance of Solid rocket motors (SRMs) which are an integral part of human space flight providing a reliable means of breaking away from the Earth's gravitational pull.
Micromachined Arrayed Capacitive Ultrasonic Sensor/Transmitter with Parylene Diaphragms
A study on the Ultrasonic sensors/transmitter to generate high frequency sound waves and evaluate the echo which is received back by the sensor.
The Evolution of Theory on Drain Current Saturation Mechanism of MOSFETs from the Early Days to the Present Day
The expansion on the Theory of Drain Current Saturation Mechanism on its transistor with applications for amplifying or switching electronic signals.
Kalman Filtering Based Motion Estimation for Video Coding
Applications of Kalman filtering based motion estimation for video coding.
Extended Kalman Filter Based Fuzzy Adaptive Filter
Applications of the Extended Kalman Filter to Fuzzy Adaptive Filter