Deep Analytics: Technologies for Humanity, AI & Security by Sumit Chakraborty, Suryashis Chakraborty, Kusumita - HTML preview

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Scope Analytics

Agents: System analysts, business analysts, scientists, engineers;

Moves : Critical success factors analysis, Requirements management;

Security parameters: define a set of sustainable development goals to ensure education security in synchronization with other security parameters (financial security, social security, nutrition, garments, healthcare, energy, communication, logistics)

Application domains: child education (pre-primary, primary, secondary, higher secondary), higher education (graduation, post graduation), adult education, continuity education, education for special children (e.g. learning disability, physically challenged, mentally challenged, depression, Dyslexia)

Objectives : Skill development

img31.pngQuantitative and verbal skills, languages (mother tongue, foreign languages), common sense economics, general knowledge, decision making capabilities, analytical and logical reasoning, vocational skill;

img31.pngSports and games (indoor and outdoor games, yoga, meditation);

img31.pngExtracurricular activities (debate, music, dance, general knowledge, event management, social works)

img31.pngHuman values (morality, attitude, behavior)

img31.pngCreativity and innovation


  • learning with fun
  • simulated learning environment
  • multi-dimensional education methodologies (written test, quiz, case discussion, story telling, role playing, project, research, assignments, consulting, experiment, practical lab works)


Prof. Diana Fisher is presenting the scope of education security globally. Education is fundamental building block for achieving full human potential and promoting global development. Providing universal access to quality education is the key challenge to our society in terms of economic growth, social justice and equality, scientific advancement, national and global integration and cultural preservation. Universal high quality education is the best way forward for developing and maximizing rich talents and resources for the good of the individual, the society, the country and the world. Our ability to provide high quality educational opportunities to the young community will determine the future of our world. The global education development agenda is to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote life-long learning opportunities for all. Such a challenging goal demands fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of global education system. It is important to solve a set of critical fundamental problems to implement global education policy effectively?

img31.pngWhat is the scope of global education policy: What is the goal and shared vision?

img31.pngEducation for all : discriminately or non-discriminately?

img31.pngEducation is a life-long learning process (child education, adult education, continuity education, education for special children).

img31.pngContribute, contribute, contribute: apply knowledge rationally, analytically, logically with positive attitude.

img31.pngReduce the weight and load of schoolbags anyway by how or by cook!

img31.pngWhat is the design of to-be flexible education system? What are the gaps, loopholes and open points of as-is education system?

img31.pngWhat is the structure of future education system and the regulator for effective creation, storage, transfer and application of knowledge?

img31.pngHow to ensure and verify the security intelligence of future education system?

img31.pngWhat is the strategy of knowledge management in education policy? What is the strategic roadmap to implement a rational education policy? How to explore collective intelligence, collaborative intelligence, machine intelligence, business intelligence (i.e. corporatization / commercialization of education) and security intelligence concurrently?

img31.pngWhat are the criteria of staff-resources fit for the education policy: man, machine, material, method (i.e. process innovation) and money (fund)? What are the optimal mix of education methodologies, right education materials and fund allocation protocols?

img31.pngWhat are the skills, style (TQM: Total Quality Management) and support essential to implement the education policy? What should be the right education technology?