Deep Analytics: Technologies for Humanity, AI & Security by Sumit Chakraborty, Suryashis Chakraborty, Kusumita - HTML preview

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Skill-style-support Analytics

img66.pngNew skills developments for EV drivers, battery charging stations and traffic controller

o Data visualization and data analysis Information and communication technology,

o Battery charging

o Coordination and integration in traffic control;

o knowledge of operation and best practices of vehicle manufacturing, robotics, technical, system administration, management, governance, supply chain management;

o New skills developments for train drivers and traffic controller

o Data visualization and data analysis (e.g. fault tree, FMEA, TFPG)

o Information and communication technology,

o Coordination and integration in traffic control;

img66.pngStyle : Project management by objectives, shared vision and goal setting; leadership, shared vision, goal setting, intelligent communication, risk assessment and mitigation, innovation project management; energy efficientimg74.pngdriving style, operation management by objectives, shared vision and goal setting

img66.pngSupport : proactive, reactive, preventive and breakdown maintenance of EVs system (e.g. mechanical, electrical, electronics and IT schema); proactive, reactive, preventive and breakdown maintenance of RailTech system (e.g. mechanical, electrical, electronics and IT schema;

img66.pngAudit gaps in skills, style and support through rational talent acquisition, retention and training strategies.


Finally, Dr. Prakash is discussing on ‘skill-style-support’ for logistics security. The workforce involved in EVs innovation are expected to develop different types of skills in technical (e.g. battery charging, solar power, hybrid vehicles), management and system administration domains such as research and development, maintenance support, knowledge management, system design, process innovation and project management. The system administrators should have leadership skill in smart thinking, communication, coordination and change management. The workforce can develop skills through effective knowledge management programmes. An effective knowledge management system supports creation, storage, sharing and application of knowledge in a transparent, collaborative and innovative way. The diffusion of EVs innovation demands the support of effective leadership style. It is really challenging for the project leaders to implement top technology innovations physically and practically. Top management should be able to tackle the complexity of system implementation with the support of efficient teams.

It is essential to develop multiple skills in new EVs system development through proper coordination among design and supply chains. The basic objectives are to maximize fit with the needs of the drivers, ensure quality assurance and control R&D cost. It is an interesting option to get the suppliers and the drivers in the development process. It is really challenging to develop a complex EV system through a sound knowledge base and problem solving capability.

What should be the right organization model for this technological innovation? A traditional functionally centered organization model may not be suitable for supporting end-to-end business processes. Such process management is more than a way to improve the performance of individual processes; it is a way to operate and manage a business. An enterprise that has institutionalized process management and aligned management systems to support is a process enterprise. It is centered on its customers, managed around its processes and is aligned around a common, customer oriented goal. The business models of EVs require the support of a process enterprise structure enabled with advanced information and communication technology. The structure should have project, design, production, supply chain management maintenance, human resource management, sales & marketing and finance cells. The structure should be governed by an executive committee comprising of CEO and directors. The process managers should be able to identify core processes in the value chain; communicate throughout the organization about these critical processes; create and deploy measures regarding end-to-end process performance and define process owners with end-to-end authority for process design, resource procurement, process monitoring for redesign and improvement.

The structure of process enterprise requires a collaborative and cooperative work culture. Top innovations need proactive, reactive and preventive support for proper technology management.

What should be the innovation model for effective diffusion of Railtech security? Is it possible to adopt K-A-B-C-D-E-T-F model? The workforce involved in RailTech innovation are expected to develop different types of skills in technical (e.g. MIS, information and communication technology), management and system administration domains such as research and development, maintenance support, knowledge management, system design, process innovation and project management. The system administrators should have leadership skill in smart thinking, communication, coordination and change management. The workforce can develop skills through effective knowledge management programmes. An effective knowledge management system supports creation, storage, sharing and application of knowledge in a transparent, collaborative and innovative way. The diffusion of RailTech innovation demands the support of effective leadership style. It is really challenging for the project leaders to implement top technology innovations physically and practically. Top management should be able to tackle the complexity of system implementation with the support of efficient teams.

It is essential to develop multiple skills in new RailTech system development through proper coordination among design and supply chains. The basic objectives are to maximize fit with the needs of the drivers, ensure quality assurance and control R&D cost. It is an interesting option to get the suppliers and the train drivers in the development process. It is really challenging to develop a complex RailTech system through a sound knowledge base and problem solving capability.