Deep Analytics: Technologies for Humanity, AI & Security by Sumit Chakraborty, Suryashis Chakraborty, Kusumita - HTML preview

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What must be done to realize the future vision of EVs? It is essential to manage the fit among the design of EVs, energy and communication infrastructure and corporate governance; form coalition of the stakeholders; explore intelligent mechanisms and build a broad consensus around a common vision. There are critical issues such as purchasing dynamics and shared mobility. The preference of young generation has been changing. It is also essential to define a rational Govt. policy for the innovation, adoption and diffusion of EVs such as development of battery charging infrastructure, rationalization of profit margin of the manufacturers and dealers of EVs and reduction of tax. It is also necessary to stimulate the political support and consumer demand through SWOT analysis, what is at stake and what is possible, threats analysis and risk mitigation strategies. It may be interesting to launch a set of pilot projects at sufficient scale and investment to enable the integration of the key innovative solutions of electrical and hybrid vehicles. The aforesaid problem is an extremely complex issue in the world since we are not rich and blessed with adequate supply of natural resources in oil and gas sector; the situation demands proper coordination and integration among seven ‘S’ factors of deep analytics.

How to manage evolution of technological innovation in RailTech security and safety, specifically for long distance trains? The nature of innovation is expected to shift after the emergence of a dominant design. The pace of improvement of RailTech performance should be monitored properly. The evolution of this innovation is influenced by intersecting trajectories of performance as demanded by the drivers and the performance supplied by RailTech system. The diffusion of innovation depends on how the new technology will spread through a population of potential adopters globally. The present work considers only a specific area of RailTech with focus on DAS and real-time fault diagnostics from the perspectives of MIS. It is really an interesting and potential research agenda. It is possible to extend this study in various ways. Is it rational to imagine a train as a block chain? There are other various issues of RailTech safety and security such as consistency in train length, fire hazards, food poisoning, health & hygiene issues, anti-collision devices, modernization of rail signaling system, smart coaches, smart grid, black box, use of CCTV/Wi-Fi/Webcam, unmanned level crossing, passengers crossing railway tracks while talking on mobile phones, derailment of trains due to cracks in tracks or poor maintenance, rushing attacks, non-availability of overbridges, footbridges and skywalks and miscellaneous flaws in mechanical, electrical and civil infrastructure. Is it possible to extend this study to the decision making problems of external and home affairs ministries in corporate governance such as human traffic and refugees control in a country? An intelligent rail budget is expected to address all these issues rationally.



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