Deep Analytics: Technologies for Humanity, AI & Security by Sumit Chakraborty, Suryashis Chakraborty, Kusumita - HTML preview

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Event : Technology for humanity and global security summit Venue: Financial security hall, Technology park : Sanada Time Schedule : 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. , 17.8.2020

Agents : Representatives of various global organizations (Global nations, global financial organization, global economic forum), Technology management experts from science and technology forums, financial engineers, scientists, representatives and ministers from the departments of finance of developed, developing and underdeveloped countries, CEOs of financial corporations, business development consultants, reprentatives from NGOs.

Topic of discussion and key focus areas: financial security, fault attacks, proof of works, block chain, mobile commerce.

Keynote speakers: Prof. S. Ramaswamy, Prof. Daniel Parker, Prof. G. Nissim, Prof. Harry Goldwasser, Prof. M. Sandholm, Dr. Richarson, Dr. Nakamoto, Dr. Shi, Dr. Sarapova



Scope Analytics

Agents: Scientists, system analysts, financial analysts;

Moves : Critical success factors analysis, Requirements management;

Security parameters: Define a set of sustainable development goals for financial security.


img31.pngFinancial services (postal, mutual fund, bond)


img31.pngInsurance (general, life, health)

img31.pngRetirement planning

img31.pngStock and derivatives trading


Dr. Parker is analyzing financial security from the perspectives of technology, business and government. The emerging technology is analyzed through ‘7-S’ model : Scope, System, Structure, Security, Strategy, Staff-resources and Skill- Style-Support.. The technology is applicable to various interesting areas such as anti-money laundering, insurance, stock trading, portfolio management, crypto currencies, banking and financial services. The system for the technology has been analyzed in terms of business analytics, big data analytics, data visualization and performance scorecard. Structure is focused on computing, data, networking and application schema of financial system. Security explores various aspects of fairness, correctness, authentication, authorization, correct identification, privacy and audit of financial data. The strategy of innovation, adoption and diffusion debates whether the technology is an evolution or revolution through SWOT analysis and technology life-cycle analysis. The technology is at emergence phase of S-Curve. It has been evolving with advancement of digital technologies such as web, cloud computing, internet, mobile communication, tablets, laptops and desktop computers and intelligent software (e.g. analytics, data visualization). On the other side, the technology is facing several challenges today in terms of regulatory compliance and creation  of new job opportunities. The technology demands the availability of skilled resources such as business analysts, big data analysts, digital system administrators and support staff.