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Advancing Propulsive Technology

James Banke

Ensuring proper aircraft propulsion has been a powerful stimulus. In the interwar years, the NACA researched propellers, fuels, engine cooling, supercharging, and nacelle and cowling design. In the postwar years, the Agency refined gas turbine propulsion technology. NASA now leads research in advancing environmentally friendly and fuel-conserving propulsion, thanks to the Agency’s strengths in aerodynamic and thermodynamic analysis, composite structures, and other areas.


Case-11 Cover Image: An NACA cowling on a Northrop A-17A at the Agency’s Langley Laboratory in 1939. The NACA cowling was its signal contribution to integrating propulsive and aerodynamic design. NASA.

Each day, our skies fill with general aviation aircraft, business jets, and commercial airliners. Every 24 hours, some 2 million passengers worldwide are moved from one airport to the next, almost all of them propelled by relatively quiet, fuel-efficient, and safe jet engines.[1]

And no matter if the driving force moving these vehicles through the air comes from piston-driven propellers, turboprops, turbojets, turbofans—even rocket engines or scramjets—the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) during the past 50 years has played a significant role in advancing that propulsion technology the public counts on every day.

Many of the advances seen in today’s aircraft powerplants can trace their origins to NASA programs that began during the 1960s, when the Agency responded to public demand that the Government apply major resources to tackling the problems of noise pollution near major airports. Highlights of some of the more noteworthy research programs to reduce noise and other pollution, prolong engine life, and increase fuel efficiency will be described in this case study.

But efforts to improve engine efficiency and curb unwanted noise actually predate NASA’s origins in 1958, when its predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA), served as the Nation’s preeminent laboratory for aviation research. It was during the 1920s that the NACA invented a cowling to surround the front of an airplane and its radial engine, smoothing the aerodynamic flow around the aircraft while also helping to keep the engine cool. In 1929, the NACA won its first Collier Trophy for the breakthrough in engine and aerodynamic technology.[2]


Air pollution is evident as this Boeing B-47B takes off in 1954 with the help of its General Electric J47 jet engines and Rocket Assisted Take Off solid rocket motors. U.S. Air Force.

During World War II, the NACA produced new ways to fix problems discovered in higher-powered piston engines being mass-produced for wartime bombers. NACA research into centrifugal superchargers was particularly useful, especially on the R-1820 Cyclone engines intended for use on the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress, and later with the Wright R-3350 Duplex Cyclone engines that powered the B-29.

Basic research on aircraft engine noise was conducted by NACA engineers, who reported their findings in a paper presented in 1956 to the 51st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Cambridge, MA. It would seem that measurements backed up the prediction that the noise level of the spinning propeller depended on several variables, including the propeller diameter, how fast it is turning, and how far away the recording device is from the engine.[3]

As the jet engine made its way from Europe to the United States and designs for the basic turboprop, turbojet, and turbofan were refined, the NACA during the early 1950s began one of the earliest noise-reduction programs, installing multitube nozzles of increasing complexity at the back of the engines to, in effect, act as mufflers. These engines were tested in a wind tunnel at Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA. But the effort was not effective enough to prevent a growing public sentiment that commercial jet airliners should be seen and not heard.

In fact, a 1952 Presidential commission chaired by the legendary pilot James H. Doolittle predicted that aircraft noise would soon turn into a problem for airport managers and planners. The NACA’s response was to form a Special Subcommittee on Aircraft Noise and pursue a three-part program to understand better what makes a jet noisy, how to quiet it, and what, if any, impact the noise might have on the aircraft’s structure.[4]

As the NACA on September 30, 1958, turned overnight into the National Aeronautics and Space Administration on October 1, the new space agency soon found itself with more work to do than just beating the Soviet Union to the Moon.

Noise Pollution Forces Engine Improvements

Fast-forward a few years, to a time when Americans embraced the promise that technology would solve the world’s problems, raced the Soviet Union to the Moon, and looked forward to owning personal family hovercraft, just like they saw on the TV show The Jetsons. And during that same decade of the 1960s, the American public became more and more comfortable flying aboard commercial airliners equipped with the modern marvel of turbojet engines. Boeing 707s and McDonnell-Douglas DC-8s, each with four engines bolted to their wings, were not only a common sight in the skies over major cities, but their presence could also easily be heard by anyone living next to or near where the planes took off and landed. Boeing 727s and 737s soon followed. At the same time that commercial aviation exploded, people moved away from the metropolis to embrace the suburban lifestyle. Neighborhoods began to spring up immediately adjacent to airports that originally were built far from the city, and the new neighbors didn’t like the sound of what they hearing.[5]


A jet engine is prepared for a test in 1967 as part of an early noise research program at Lewis Research Center. NASA.

By 1966, the problem of aircraft noise pollution had grown to the point of attracting the attention of President Lyndon Johnson, who then directed the U.S. Office of Science and Technology to set a new national policy that said:

The FAA and/or NASA, using qualified contractors as necessary, (should) establish and fund . . . an urgent program for conducting the physical, psycho-acoustical, sociological, and other research results needed to provide the basis for quantitative noise evaluation techniques which can be used . . . for hardware and operational specifications.[6]

As a result, NASA began dedicating resources to aggressively address aircraft noise and sought to contract much of the work to industry, with the goals of advancing technology and conducting research to provide lawmakers with the information they needed to make informed regulatory decisions.[7]

During 1968, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) was given authority to implement aircraft noise standards for the airline industry. Within a year, the new standards were adopted and called for all new designs of subsonic jet aircraft to meet certain criteria. Aircraft that met these standards were called Stage 2 aircraft, while the older planes that did not meet the standards were called Stage 1 aircraft. Stage 1 aircraft over 75,000 pounds were banned from flying to or from U.S. airports as of January 1, 1985. The cycle repeated itself with the establishment of Stage 3 aircraft in 1977, with Stage 2 aircraft needing to be phased out by the end of 1999. (Some of the Stage 2 aircraft engines were modified to meet Stage 3 aircraft standards.) In 2005, the FAA adopted an even stricter noise standard, which is Stage 4. All new aircraft designs submitted to the FAA on or after July 5, 2005, must meet Stage 4 requirements. As of this writing, there is no timetable for the mandatory phaseout of Stage 3 aircraft.[8]

With every new set of regulations, the airline industry required upgrades to its jet engines, if not wholesale new designs. So having already helped establish reliable working versions of each of the major types of jet engines—i.e., turboprop, turbojet, and turbofan—NASA and its industry partners began what has turned out to be a continuing 50-year-long challenge to constantly improve the design of jet engines to prolong their life, make them more fuel efficient, and reduce their environmental impact in terms of air and noise pollution. With this new direction, NASA set in motion three initial programs.[9]

NASA’s first major new program was the Acoustically Treated Nacelle program, managed by the Langley Research Center. Engines flying on Douglas DC-8 and Boeing 707 aircraft were outfitted with experimental mufflers, which reduced noise during approach and landing but had negligible effect on noise pollution during takeoff, according to program results reported during a 1969 conference at Langley.[10]

The second was the Quiet Engine program, which was managed by the Lewis Research Center in Cleveland (Lewis became the Glenn Research Center on March 1, 1999). Attention here focused on the interior design of turbojet and turbofan engines to make them quieter by as much as 20 decibels. General Electric (GE) was the key industry partner in this program, which showed that noise reduction was possible by several methods, including changing the rotational speed of the fan, increasing the fan bypass ratio, and adjusting the spacing of rotating and stationary parts.[11]

The third was the Steep Approach program, which was jointly managed by Langley and the Ames Research Center/Dryden Flight Research Facility, both in California. This program did not result in new engine technology but instead focused on minimizing noise on the ground by developing techniques for pilots to use in flying steeper and faster approaches to airports.[12]

Quiet Clean Short Haul Experimental Engine

A second wave of engine-improvement programs was initiated in 1969 and continued throughout the 1970s, as the noise around airports continued to be a social and political issue and the FAA tightened its environmental regulations. Moreover, with the oil crisis and energy shortage later in the decade adding to the forces requiring change, the airline industry once again turned to NASA for help in identifying new technology.

At the same time, the airline industry was studying the feasibility of introducing a new generation of commuter airliners to fly between cities along the Northeast corridor of the United States. To make these routes attractive to potential passengers, new airports would have to be built as close to the center of cities such as Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. For aircraft to fly into such airports, which would have shorter runways and strict noise requirements, the airliners would have to be capable of making steep climbs after takeoff, quick turns without losing control, and steep descents on approach to landing, accommodating short runways and meeting the standards for Stage 2 noise levels.[13]

In terms of advancing propulsion technology, NASA’s answer to all of these requirements was the Quiet Clean Short Haul Experimental Engine. Contracts were awarded to GE to design, build, and test two types of high-bypass fanjet engines: an over-the-wing engine and an under-the-wing engine. Self-descriptive as to their place on the airplane, both turbofans were based on the same engine core used in the military F-101 fighter jet. Improvements to the design included noise-reduction features evolved from the Quiet Engine program; a drive-reduction gear to make the fan spin slower than the central shaft; a low-pressure turbine; advanced composite construction for the inlet, fan frame, and fan exhaust duct; and a new digital control system that allowed flight computers to monitor and control the jet engine’s operation with more precision and quicker response than a pilot could.[14]

In addition to those “standard” features on each engine, the under-the-wing engine tried out a variable pitch composite low-pressure fan with a 12 to 1 ratio—both features were thought to be valuable in reducing noise, although the variable pitch proved challenging for the GE team leading the research. Two pitch change mechanisms were tested, one by GE and the other by Hamilton Standard. Both worked well in controlled test conditions but would need a lot of work before they could go into production.[15]


The giant General Electric GE90 jet engine that powers the Boeing 777 benefited from the Energy Efficient Engine project. General Electric.

The over-the-wing engine incorporated a higher fan pressure and a 10 to 1 bypass ratio, a fixed pitch fan, a variable area D-shaped fan exhaust nozzle, and low tip speeds on the fans. Both engines directed their exhaust along the surface of the wing, which required modifications to handle the hot gas and increase lift performance.[16]

The under-the-wing engine was test-fired for 153 hours before it was delivered to NASA in August of 1978, while the over-the-wing engine received 58 hours of testing and was received by NASA during July of 1977. Results of the tests proved that the technology was sound and, when configured to generate 40,000 pounds of thrust, showed a reduction in noise of 8 to 12 decibels, or about 60- to 75-percent quieter than the quietest engines flying on commercial airliners at that time. The new technologies also resulted in sharp reductions in emissions of carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons.[17]

Unfortunately, the new generation of Short Take-Off and Landing (STOL) commuter airliners and small airports near city centers never materialized, so the new engine technology research managed and paid for by NASA but conducted mostly by its industry partners never found a direct commercial application. But there were many valuable lessons learned about the large-diameter turbofans and their nacelles, information that was put to good use by GE years later in the design and fabrication of the GE90 engine that powers the Boeing 777 aircraft.[18]

Aircraft Energy Efficiency Program

Approved in 1975 and begun in 1976, the Aircraft Energy Efficiency (ACEE) program was managed by NASA and funded through 1983, as yet another round of research and development activities were put in work to improve the state of the art of aircraft structural and propulsion design. And once again, the program was aimed at pushing the technological envelope to see what might be possible. Then, based on that information, new Government regulations could be enacted, and the airline industry could decide if the improvements would offer a good return on its investment. The answer, as it turned out, was an enthusiastic yes, as the overall results of the program led directly to the introduction of the Boeing 757 and 767.[19]

Driving this particular program was the rapid increase in fuel costs since 1973 and the accompanying energy crisis, which was brought on by the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries’ decision to embargo all shipments of oil to the United States. This action began in October 1973 and continued to March 1974. As a result of this and other economic influences, the airlines saw their fuel prices as a percentage of direct operating costs rise from 25 percent to as high as 50 percent within a few weeks. With the U.S. still vulnerable to a future oil embargo, along with general concerns about an energy shortage, the Federal Government reacted by ordering NASA to lead an effort to help find ways for airlines to become more profitable. Six projects were initiated under the ACEE program, three of which had to do with the aircraft structure and three of which involved advancing engine technology. The aircraft projects included Composite Structures, Energy Efficient Transport, and Laminar Flow Control. The propulsion technology projects included Engine Component Improvement, Energy Efficient Engine, and Advanced Turboprop—all three of which are detailed next.[20]

Engine Component Improvement Project

The Engine Component Improvement project was tasked with enhancing performance and lowering fuel consumption of several existing commercial aircraft jet engines, in particular Pratt & Whitney’s JT8D and JT9D engines and GE’s CF6. The specific goals included:

  • Improving the current versions of the engines without requiring a brand-new design or engine replacement.
  • Reducing the amount of fuel a typical jet engine would use on any given flight by 5 to 6 percent.
  • Significantly slowing the pace at which the engine’s components would naturally degrade and cause a loss of performance over time.

To do this, researchers tried and tested several ideas, including reducing the clearance between rotating parts, lowering the amount of cooling air that is passed through the engine, and making refinements to the aerodynamic design of certain engine parts to raise their efficiency. All together, engineers identified 16 concepts to incorporate into the engines.[21]


The classic Pratt & Whitney JT9D engine interior and its major components: the fan, compressor, combustion chamber, turbine, and nozzle. Pratt & Whitney.

Ultimately, as a result of the Engine Component Improvement efforts, engine parts were incorporated that could resist erosion and warping, better seals were introduced, an improved compressor design was used, and ceramic coatings were added to the gas turbine blades to increase their performance. Tests of the improvements were so promising that many were put into production before the program ended, benefiting the workhorse airliners at the time, namely the McDonnell-Douglas DC-9 and DC-10, as well as the Boeing 727, 737, and 747.[22]

Energy Efficient Engine Project

Taking everything learned to date by NASA and the industry about making turbo machinery more fuel efficient, the Energy Efficient Engine (E Cubed) project sought to further reduce the airlines’ fuel usage and its effect on direct operating costs, while also meeting future FAA regulations and Environmental Protection Agency exhaust emission standards for turbofan engines. Research contracts were awarded to GE and Pratt & Whitney, which initially focused on the CF6-50C and JT9D-7A engines, respectively. The program ran from 1975 to 1983 and cost NASA about $200 million.[23]

Similar to the goals for the Engine Component Improvement project, the E Cubed goals included a 12-percent reduction in specific fuel consumption (SFC), which is a measure of the ratio between the mass of fuel used to the output power of the jet engine—much like a miles per gallon measurement for automobiles. Other goals of the E Cubed effort included a 5-percent reduction in direct operating costs and a 50-percent reduction in the rate at which the SFC worsens over time as the engine ages. In addition to making these immediate improvements, it was hoped that a new generation of fuel-conservative turbofan engines could be developed from this work.[24]


A high-pressure 14 to 1 ratio compressor rotor for a prototype Energy Efficient Engine on display in 1984 at Lewis Research Center. NASA.

Highlighting that program was development of a new type of compressor core and an advanced combustor made up of a doughnut-shaped ring with two zones—or domes—of combustion. During times when low power is needed or the engine is idling, only one of the two zones is lit up. For higher thrust levels, including full power, both domes are ignited. By creating a dual combustion option, the amount of fuel being burned can be more carefully controlled, reducing emissions of smoke, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons by 50 percent, and nitrogen oxides by 35 percent.[25]

As part of the development of the new compressor in particular, and the E Cubed and Engine Component Improvement programs in general, the Lewis Research Center developed first-generation computer programs for use in creating the new engine. The software helped engineers with conceptualizing the aerodynamic design and visualizing the flow of gases through the engine. The computer programs were credited with making it possible to design more fuel-efficient compressors with less tip and end-wall pressure losses, higher operating pressure ratios, and the ability to use fewer blades. The compressors also helped to reduce performance deterioration, surface erosion, and damage from bird strikes.[26]

History has judged the E Cubed program as being highly successful, in that the technology developed from the effort was so promising—and proved to meet the objectives for reducing emissions and increasing fuel efficiency—that both major U.S. jet engine manufacturers, GE and Pratt & Whitney, moved quickly to incorporate the technology into their products. The ultimate legacy of the E Cubed program is found today in the GE90 engine, which powers the Boeing 777. The E Cubed technology is directly responsible for the engine’s economical fuel burn, reduced emissions, and low maintenance cost.[27]

Advanced Turboprop Project—Yesterday and Today

The third engine-related effort to design a more fuel-efficient powerplant during this era did not focus on another idea for a turbojet configuration. Instead, engineers chose to study the feasibility of reintroducing a jet-powered propeller to commercial airliners. An initial run of the numbers suggested that such an advanced turboprop promised the largest reduction in fuel cost, perhaps by as much as 20 to 30 percent over turbofan engines powering aircraft with a similar performance. This compared with the goal of a 5-percent increase in fuel efficiency for the Engine Component Improvement program and a 10- to 15-percent increase in fuel efficiency for the E Cubed program.[28]

But the implementation of an advanced turboprop was one of NASA’s more challenging projects, both in terms of its engineering and in securing public acceptance. For years, the flying public had been conditioned to see the fanjet engine as the epitome of aeronautical advancement. Now they had to be “retrained” to accept the notion that a turbopropeller engine could be every bit as advanced, indeed, even more advanced, than the conventional fanjet engine. The idea was to have a jet engine firing as usual with air being compressed and ignited with fuel and the exhaust expelled after first passing through a turbine. But instead of the turbine spinning a shaft that turned a fan at the front of the engine, the turbines would be spinning a shaft, which fed into a gearbox that turned another shaft that spun a series of unusually shaped propeller blades exterior to the engine casing.[29]

Begun in 1976, the project soon grew into one of the larger NASA aeronautics endeavors in the history of the Agency to that point, eventually involving 4 NASA Field Centers, 15 university grants, and more than 40 industrial contracts.[30]

Early on in the program, it was recognized that the major areas of concern were going to be the efficiency of the propeller at cruise speeds, noise both on the ground and within the passenger cabin, the effect of the engine on the aerodynamics of the aircraft, and maintenance costs. Meeting those challenges were helped once again by the computer-aided, three-dimensional design programs created by the Lewis Research Center. An original look for an aircraft propeller was devised that changed the blade’s sweep, twist, and thickness, giving the propellers the look of a series of scimitar-shaped swords sticking out of the jet engine. After much development and testing, the NASA-led team eventually found a solution to the design challenge and came up with a propeller shape and engine configuration that was promising in terms of meeting the fuel-efficiency goals and reduced noise by as much as 65 decibels.[31]

In fact, by 1987, the new design was awarded a patent, and the NASA–industry group was awarded the coveted Collier Trophy for creating a new fuel-efficient turboprop propulsion system. Unfortunately, two unexpected variables came into play that stymied efforts to put the design into production.[32]


A General Electric design for an Unducted Fan engine is tested during the early 1980s. General Electric.

The first had to do with the public’s resistance to the idea of flying in an airliner powered by propellers—even though the blades were still being turned by a jet engine. It didn’t matter that a standard turbofan jet also derived most of its thrust from a series of blades—which did, in fact, look more like a fan than a series of propellers. Surveys showed passengers had safety concerns about an exposed blade letting go and sending shrapnel into the cabin, right where they were sitting. Many passengers also believed an airliner equipped with an advanced turboprop was not as modern or reliable as pure turbojet engine. Jets were in; propellers were old fashioned. The second thing that happened was that world fuel prices dropped to the lower levels that preceded the oil embargo and the very rationale for developing the new turboprop in the first place. While fuel-efficient jet engines were still needed, the “extra mile” in fuel efficiency the advanced turboprop provided was no longer required. As a result, NASA and its partners shelved the technology and waited to use the archived files another day.[33]

The story of the Advanced Turboprop project had one more twist to it. While NASA and its team of contractor engineers were working on their new turboprop design, engineers at GE were quietly working on their own design, initially without NASA’s knowledge. NASA’s engine was distinguished by the fact that it had one row of blades, while GE’s version featured two rows of counter-rotating blades. GE’s design, which became known as the Unducted Fan (UDF), was unveiled in 1983 and demonstrated at the 1985 Paris Air Show. A summary of the UDF’s technical features is described in a GE-produced report about the program:

The engine system consists of a modified F404 gas generator engine and counterrotating propulsor system, mechanically decoupled, and aerodynamically integrated through a mixing frame structure. Utilization of the existing F404 engine minimized engine hardware, cost, and timing requirements and provided an engine within the desired thrust class. The power turbine provides direct conversion of the gas generator horsepower into propulsive thrust without the requirement for a gearbox and associated hardware. Counterrotation utilizes the full propulsive efficiency by recovering the exit swirl between blade stages and converting it into thrust.[34]

Although shelved during the late 1980s, the Alternate Turboprop and UDF technology a