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Recommended Additional Readings

Technical Reports:

“ACEE Composite Structures Technology: Review of Selected NASA Research on Composite Materials and Structures,” NASA CP-2321 (1984).

“Advanced Aerodynamics, Selected NASA Research,” NASA CP-2208 (1981).

A.P. Adamson, “Quiet Clean Short-Haul Experimental Engine (QCSEE) Design Rationale,” SAE Paper 750605 (1975).

“Aircraft Accident Report: United Airlines Flight 232, McDonnell Douglas DC-10-10, Sioux Gateway Airport, Sioux City, Iowa, July 19, 1989,” NTSB AAR-90-06 (1989).

R.J. Antl and J.E. Mcaulay, “Improved Components for Engine Fuel Savings,” NASA TM-81577 (1980).

Jennifer L. Baer-Riedhart and Robert J. Landy, “Highly Integrated Digital Electronic Control—Digital Flight Control, Aircraft Model Identification and Adaptive Engine Control,” NASA TM-86793 (1987).

Peter G. Batterton, “Energy Efficient Engine Program Contributions to Aircraft Fuel Conservation,” NASA TM-83741 (1984).

R.S. Beitler and G.W. Bennett, “Energy Efficient Engine: Control System Component Performance Report,” NASA CR-174651 (1984).

M.J. Benzakein, S.B. Kazin, and F. Montegani, “NASA/GE Quiet Engine ‘A,’” AIAA Paper 72-657 (1972).

Jeffrey J. Berton, Edmane Envia, and Casey L. Burley, “An Analytical Assessment of NASA’s N1 Subsonic Fixed Wing Project Noise Goal,” NASA LF99-8609 (2009).

Frank W. Burcham, Jr., L.P. Myers, and K.R. Walsh, “Flight Evaluation Results for a Digital Electronic Engine Control in an F-15 Airplane,” AIAA Paper 83-2703 (1983).

Frank W. Burcham, Jr., and Ronald J. Ray, “The Value of Early Flight Evaluation of Propulsion Concepts Using the NASA F-15 Research Airplane,” NASA TM-100408 (1987).

Cecile M. Burg, Geoffrey A. Hill, Sherilyn A. Brown, and Karl A. Geiselhart, “Propulsion Airframe Aeroacoustics Technology Evaluation and Selection Using a Multi-Attribute Decision Making Process and Non-Deterministic Design,” AIAA Paper 2004-4436 (2004).

T.K. Cho and F.W. Burcham, Jr., “Preliminary Flight Evaluation of F100 Engine Model Derivative Airstart Capability in an F-15 Airplane,” NASA TM-86031 (1984).

C.C. Ciepluch, “A Review of the QCSEE Program,” NASA TM-X-71818 (1975).

C.C. Ciepluch, “Overview of the QCSEE Program,” NTRS 197.800.16123 (1976).

C.C. Ciepluch and W.S. Willis, “QCSEE—The Key to Future Short-Haul Air Transport,” ICAO Bulletin No. 34 (1979).

D.B. Crawford and F.W. Burcham, Jr., “Effect of Control Logic Modifications on Airstart Performance of F100 Engine Model Derivative Engines in an F-15 Airplane,” NASA TM-85900 (1984).

Donald Y. Davis and Marshall Stearns, “Energy Efficient Engine: Flight Propulsion System Final Design and Analysis,” NASA CR-168219 (1985).

“The DEEC,” NASA TF-2004-03-DFRC (2004).

“Digital Electronic Engine Control (DEEC) Flight Evaluation in an F-15 Airplane,” NASA CP-2298 (1984).

W.A. Fasching, “The CF6 Engine Performance Improvement,” NASA CR-165612 (1982).

“Full Scale Technology Demonstration of a Modern Counterrotating Unducted Fan Engine Concept: Design Test,” NASA CR-180867 (1987) and CR-180868 (1987).

W.O. Gaffin, “The JT8D and JT9D Engine Component Improvement: Performance Improvement Program,” NASA CR-167965 (1982).

Robert V. Garvin, “Starting Something Big: The Commercial Emergence of GE Aircraft Engines,” AIAA Paper 72-657 (1999).

D.E. Gray and William B. Gardner, “Energy Efficient Engine Program Technology Benefit/Cost Study. Volume 1: Executive Summary,” NASA CR-174766 (1983).

Edward J. Hall, Joseph Rasche, Todd A. Simons, and Daniel Hoyniak, “NPSS Multidisciplinary Integration and Analysis,” NASA CR-2006-213890 (2006).

Scott M. Jones, “An Introduction to Thermodynamic Performance Analysis of Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Cycles Using the Numerical Propulsion System Simulation Code,” NASA TM-2007-214690 (2007).

Theo G. Keith, Jr., “Aeroelastic Stability and Response of Rotating Structures,” NASA CR-191803 (1993).

C.R. Jarvis, “An Overview of NASA’s Digital Fly-By-Wire Technology Development Program,” NASA 75N18246 (1975).

Anatole P. Kurkov, “Optical Measurement of Unducted Fan Blade Deflections,” NASA TM-100966 (1988).

S.J. Licata and F.W. Burcham, Jr., “Airstart Performance of a Digital Electronic Engine Control System in an F-15 Airplane,” NASA TM-84908 (1983).

Mary Jo Long-Davis, “Integrated Components Technology Demonstrations Overview,” NTRS Document ID 200.502.14062 (2001).

Isaac Lopez, Gregory J. Follen, Richard Guiterrez, Ian Foster, Brian Ginsburg, Olle Larsson, Stuart Martin, Steven Tuecke, and David Woodford, “NPSS on NASA’s Information Power Grid: Using CORBA and Globus to Coordinate Multidisciplinary Aeroscience Applications,” NASA TM-2000-209956 (2000).

John K. Lytle, “The Numerical Propulsion System Simulation: A Multidisciplinary Design System for Aerospace Vehicles,” NASA TM-1999-209194 (1999).

John K. Lytle, “The Numerical Propulsion System Simulation: Concept to Product,” NTRS 199.802.19326 (1997).

John Lytle, Greg Follen, Cynthia Naiman, Austin Evans, Joseph Veres, Karl Owen, and Isaac Lopez, “Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS) 1999 Industry Review,” NASA TM-2000-209795 (2000).

John Lytle, Greg Follen, Cynthia Naiman, Joseph Veres, Karl Owen, and Isacc Lopez, “2000 Numerical Propulsion System Simulation Review,” NASA CP-2001-210673 (2001).

Lawrence E. Macioce, John W. Schaefer, and Neal T. Saunders, “The Energy Efficient Engine Project,” NASA TM-81566 (1980).

Lori Manthey, “NASA Glenn Research Center UEET (Ultra-Efficient Engine Technology) Program: Agenda and Abstracts,” NASA RTOP-714-01-4A (2001).

J.E. Mcaulay, “Engine Component Improvement Program—Performance Improvement,” AIAA Paper 80-0223 (1980).

Edward T. Meleason and K.O. Johnson, “Unducted-Fan Engine,” LEW-14429 (1987).

Glenn A. Mitchell, “Experimental Aerodynamic Performance of Advanced 40 Degree-Swept, 10-Blade Propeller Model at Mach 0.6 to 0.85,” NASA TM-88969 (1988).

Lester D. Nichols and Christos C. Chamis, “Numerical Propulsion System Simulation: An Interdisciplinary Approach,” NASA TM-105181 (1991).

“NPSS User Guide, Software Release: NPSS 1.6.5,” NASA NPSS-User (2008).

Dean Olson, “Pratt and Whitney Space Propulsion NPSS Usage,” E-14760 (2004).

John S. Orne, “Performance Seeking Control Program Overview,” NASA 95N33011 (1995).

Khary I. Parker, James L. Felder, Thomas M. Lavella, Colleen A. Withrow, Albert Y. Lehmann, and V.A. William, “Integrated Control Modeling for Propulsion Systems Using NPSS,” NASA TM-2004-212945 (2004).

Ronald C. Plybon, Allan VanDeWall, Rajiv Sampath, Mahadevan Balasubramaniam, Ramakrishna Mallina, and Rohinton Irani, “High Fidelity System Simulation of Multiple Components in Support of the UEET Program,” NASA CR-2006-214230 (2006).

“Pratt & Whitney Pure Power PW1000G Engines,” Pratt & Whitney S16154.9.08 (2008).

“Propulsion/ACEE,” NASA FACTS-93/8-81 (1981).

T.W. Putnam, “Digital Electronic Engine Control History,” NASA 86N25344 (1984).

“Quiet Clean Short-Haul Experimental Engine (QSCEE) Preliminary Analyses and Design Report,” vol. 1, NASA CR-134838 (1974).

A.A. Saunders, Jr., and A.C. Hoffman, “Application of Digital Controls on the Quiet Clean Short Haul Experimental Engines,” AIAA Paper 79-1203 (1979).

Neal T. Saunders, “Advanced Component Technologies for Energy-Efficient Turbofan Engines,” NASA TM-81507 (1980).

John R. Szuch, Dale J. Arpasi, and Anthony J. Strazisar, “Enhancing aeropropulsion Research with High-Speed Interactive Computing,” NASA TM-104374 (1991).

H.D. Sowers and W.E. Coward, “Quiet, Clean, Short-Haul, Experimental Engine (QCSEE) Under-The-Wing (UTW) Engine Acoustic Design,” NASA CR-135267 (1978).

H.D. Sowers and W.E. Coward, “Quiet, Clean, Short-Haul Experimental Engine (QCSEE) Over-The-Wing (OTW) Engine Acoustic Design,” NASA CR-135268 (1978).

James F. Stewart, Frank W. Burcham, Jr., and Donald H. Gatlin, “Flight-Determined Benefits of Integrated Flight-Propulsion Control Systems,” NASA TM-4393 (1992).

C.L. Stotler and A.P. Coppa, “Containment of Composite Fan Blades,” NASA CR-159544 (1979).

Kathleen M. Tacina and Changlie Wey, “NASA Glenn High Pressure Low NOx Emissions Research,” NASA TM-2008-214974 (2008).

Michael T. Tong and Scott M. Jones, “An Updated Assessment of NASA Ultra-Efficient Engine Technologies,” ISABE-2005-1163 (2005).

Mark G. Turner, John A. Reed, Robert Ryder, and Joseph P. Veres, “Multi-Fidelity Simulation of a Turbofan Engine With Results Zoomed Into Mini-Maps for a Zero-D Cycle Simulation,” NASA TM-2004-213076 (2004).

Don Weir, ed., “Engine Validation of Noise and Emission Reduction Technology Phase 1,” NASA CR-2008-215225 (2008).


Conference Presentations:

Alain Depitre, “Aircraft Noise Certification History/Development,” presented at ICAO Noise Certification Workshop, Montreal, 2004.

Edmane Envia, “Progress Toward SFW N+1 Noise Goal,” presented at the NASA Fundamental Aeronautics Program 2nd Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Oct. 7, 2008.

Sanjay Garg, “NASA Glenn Research in Controls and Diagnostics for Intelligent Aerospace Propulsion Systems,” presented at the Integrated Condition Management 2006 Conference, Anaheim, CA, Nov. 14–16, 2006.

Edward M. Kerwin, Jr., “Procedures for Estimating the Near Field Noise of Rotating Aircraft Propellers,” presented at the Fifty-First Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Cambridge, MA, June 17–23, 1956.

Jeff Schweitzer, “An Overview of Recent Collaboration Research with NASA in Ultra High Bypass Technology,” presented at the NASA Fundamental Aeronautics 2007 Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Oct. 30–Nov. 1, 2007.

Ann K. Sehra, “The Numerical Propulsion System Simulation: A Vision for Virtual Engine Testing,” presented at the American Society of Mechanical Engineers TURBO EXPO, Barcelona, Spain, May 8–11, 2006.

Michael T. Tong and Scott M. Jones, “An Updated Assessment of NASA Ultra-Efficient Engine Technologies,” presented at 17th International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines, Munich, Germany, Sept. 4–9, 2006.

Books and Monographs:

Alleviation of Jet Aircraft Noise Near Airports (Washington, DC: U.S. Office of Science and Technology, 1966).

Arnold & Porter, U.S. Government Support of the U.S. Commercial Aircraft Industry, Prepared for the Commission of the European Communities, (Washington, DC: Arnold & Porter, 1991).

Ronald H. Aungier, Turbine Aerodynamics: Axial-Flow and Radial-Flow Turbine Design and Analysis (New York: ASME Press, 2006).

David M. Bearden, Noise Abatement and Control: An Overview of Federal Standards and Regulations (Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service, 2006).

Roger E. Bilstein, Orders of Magnitude: A History of the NACA and NASA, 1915–1990, NASA SP-4406 (Washington, DC: NASA, 1989).

Charles D. Bright, The Jet Makers: The Aerospace Industry from 1945 to 1972, (Lawrence, KS: Regents Press of Kansas, 1978).

Mark D. Bowles and Virginia P. Dawson, “The Advanced Turboprop Project: Radical Innovation in a Conservative Environment,” in From Engineering Science to Big Science, The NACA and NASA Collier Trophy Research Project Winners, NASA SP-4219 (Washington, DC: NASA, 1998).

Walter J. Boyne and Donald S. Lopez, eds., The Jet Age: Forty Years of Jet Aviation (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1979).

Margaret Conner, Hans von Ohain: Elegance in Flight (Reston, VA: AIAA, 2001).

Edward W. Constant, The Origins of the Turbojet Revolution (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980).

N.A. Cumpsty, Compressor Aerodynamics (Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Company, 2004 ed.).

“Damage-Tolerant Fan Casings for Jet Engines,” Spinoff 2006, (Washington, DC: NASA, 2006).

Virginia P. Dawson, Engines and Innovation: Lewis Laboratory and American Propulsion Technology, NASA SP-4306 (Washington, DC: NASA, 1991).

James A. DiCarlo, Hee Mann Yun, Gregory N. Morscher, and Ramakrishna T. Bhatt, “High-Performance SiC/SiC Ceramic Composite Systems Developed for 1315 C (2400 F) Engine Components,” Research and Technology Report 2003 (Cleveland: NASA, 2004).

Michael Donne, Leader of the Skies, Rolls-Royce: The First Seventy-Five Years, (London: Frederick Muller Limited, 1981).

J.H. Doolittle, The Airport and Its Neighbors, The Report of the President’s Airport Commission (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1952).

Jeffrey L. Ethell, Fuel Economy in Aviation, NASA SP-462 (Washington, DC: NASA, 1983).

General Electric, Seven Decades of Progress: A Heritage of Aircraft Turbine Technology (Fallbrook, CA: Aero Publishers, Inc., 1979).

“A Giant Step in Jetliner Propulsion,” Spinoff 1996 (Washington, DC: NASA, 1996).

Vicki L. Golich and Thomas E. Pinelli, Knowledge Diffusion in the U.S. Aerospace Industry, (London: Alex Publishing, 1998).

John Golley, Genesis of the Jet: Frank Whittle and the Invention of the Jet Engine (Ramsbury, Marlborough: The Crowood Press, 1997).

Bob Griffiths, “Composite Fan Blade Containment Case: Innovative Use of Carbon-Fiber Braid Yields a Ductile Structure that Resists Blade Impact,” High Performance Composites (May 1, 2005).

Bill Gunston, The Development of Jet and Turbine Aero Engines (Minneapolis: Motorbooks International, 2006).

Roy D. Hager and Deborah Vrabel, Advanced Turboprop Project, NASA SP-495 (Washington, DC: NASA, 1988).

T.A. Heppenheimer, Turbulent Skies: The History of Commercial Aviation (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1986).

Klaus Hunecke, Jet Engines: Fundamentals of Theory, Design and Operation (Minneapolis: Motorbooks International, 2003).

Lori A. Manthey, “Ultra-Efficient Engine Technology (UEET) Program,” Research and Technology Report 2001 (NASA, 2002).

Jack D. Mattingly, William H. Heiser, and David T. Pratt, Aircraft Engine Design (Reston, VA: AIAA, 2002).

Andrew Nahum, Frank Whittle: Invention of the Jet (Duxford, UK: Icon Books, Ltd., in association with the Science Museum, 2004).

Cynthia G. Naiman and Gregory J. Follen, “Numerical Propulsion System Simulation—A Common Tool for Aerospace Propulsion Being Developed,” Research and Technology Report 2000 (Cleveland: NASA, 2001).

NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field: Achieving the Extraordinary (Cleveland: NASA, 1999).

Guy Norris and Mark Wagner, Boeing 777: The Technological Marvel (Osceola, WI: MBI Publishing, 2001).

Brian H. Rowe with Martin Ducheny, The Power to Fly: An Engineer’s Life (Reston, VA: AIAA, 2005).

Newell D. Sanders, Aircraft Engine Noise Reduction, NASA SP-311 (Washington, DC: NSA, 1972).

Herb Saravanamuttoo, Gordon Rogers, and Henry Cohen, Gas Turbine Theory, 5th ed., (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001).

Robert Schlaifer and S.D. Heron, Development of Aircraft Engines and Fuels (Boston: Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration, 1950).

Joe Shaw, “Ultra-Efficient Engine Technology Project Continued to Contribute to Breakthrough Technologies,” Research and Technology Report 2002 (Cleveland: NASA, 2003).

James St. Peter, The History of Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Development in the United States . . . A Tradition of Excellence (Atlanta: International Gas Turbine Institute of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1999).

Laurel J. Strauber and Cynthia G. Naiman, “Numerical Propulsion System Simulation (NPSS): An Award Winning Propulsion System Simulation Tool,” Research and Technology Report 2001 (Cleveland: NASA, 2002).

James E. Tomayko, Computers Take Flight: A History of NASA’s Pioneering Digital Fly-By-Wire Project, NASA SP-4224 (Washington, DC: NASA, 2000).

Tom Tucker, Touchdown: The Development of Propulsion Controlled Aircraft at NASA Dryden (Washington, DC: NASA, 1999).

Frank Whittle, Jet: The Story of a Pioneer (New York: Philosophical Library, 1954).

Louis J. Williams, Small Transport Aircraft Technology (Honolulu: University Press of the Pacific, 2001).