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Recommended Additional Readings

Reports, Papers, Articles, and Presentations:

T.S. Anderson, et al., “MOD-0A 200-Kilowatt Wind Turbine Generator Design and Analysis Report,” executive summary, NASA CR-165127 (1980).

Darrell H. Baldwin and Jerry Kennard, “Development of Large, Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbines,” NASA TM-86950 (1985).

Darrell H. Baldwin and Bradford S. Linscott, “The Federal Wind Program at NASA Lewis Research Center,” NASA TM-83480 (1983).

A.G. Birchenough, et al., “Operating Experience with the 200 KW MOD-0A Wind Turbine Generators,” NASA Lewis Wind Energy Project Office, NASA 83N-15916 (1983).

Boeing Aerospace Company, “MOD-5B Wind Turbine System Final Report,” vol. 1 (executive summary), NASA CR-180896 (1988), and vol. 3 (“Acceptance Testing”) NASA CR-180898 (1988).

John H. Del Frate and Gary B. Cosentino, “Recent Flight Test Experience with Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center,” NASA TM-1998-206546 (1998).

Michael A. Dornheim, “AeroVironment Pushes Limits of Solar Flight,” Aviation Week & Space Technology (May 4, 1998).

Michael A. Dornheim, “Giant Centurion Starts Flight Test,” Aviation Week & Space Technology (Nov. 16, 1998).

Richard R. Douglas, “The Boeing MOD-2 at 2.5 MW,” workshop held at Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, Apr. 24–26, 1979, NASA CP-2106 (1979).

R.R. Douglas, “Conceptual Design of the 7 Megawatt MOD-5B Wind Turbine Generator,” NASA Accession ID: 83N19272 (1982).

Dryden Flight Research Center Fact Sheets, “Centurion,” NASA FS-056.

Dryden Flight Research Center Fact Sheets, “Helios Prototype,” NASA FS-068.

Dryden Flight Research Center Fact Sheets, “Pathfinder Solar-Powered Aircraft,” NASA FS-034 and FS-068.

Dryden Flight Research Center Fact Sheets, “ERAST,” NASA FS-020.

Federal Energy Administration, “Project Independence Blueprint. Task Force. Report. Solar Energy,” U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service (1974).

General Electric Company, Space Division, “Mod-1 Wind Turbine Generator Analysis and Design Report,” NASA CR-159497 (1979).

General Electric Company, “MOD-5A Wind Turbine Generator Program Design Report,” vol. 1 (executive summary), NASA CR-174734 (1984).

John D. Hunley and Yvonne Kellogg, compilers, “ERAST: Scientific Applications and Technology Commercialization,” Proceedings of the NASA ERAST Exclusive Preview sponsored by NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards, CA, Oct. 13, 1999, NASA CP-2000-209031 (2000).

Jay Levine, ed., “Special Helios Prototype Edition,” The X-Press, vol. 44, Issue 2, Dryden Flight Center, Edwards, CA (May 8, 2002).

Derek L. Lisoski and Mark B. Tischler, “Solar Powered Stratospheric Research Aircraft—Flight Test and System Identifications,” paper presented at the RTO SCI Symposium held in Madrid, Spain, and published in RTO MP-11.

NASA, “Global Stratospheric Change: Requirements for a Very-High Altitude Aircraft for Atmospheric Research,” NASA CP-10041 (1989).

NASA Facts, “ERAST: Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology,” FS-2002-08-020 DFRC (2002).

Thomas E. Noll, et al., (Mishap Investigation Board) “Investigation of the Helios Prototype Aircraft Mishap,” vol. 1, NASA (2004).

Richard L. Puthoff, “Fabrication and Assembly of the ERDA/NASA 100-Kilowatt Experimental Wind Turbine,” NASA TM-X-3390 (1976).

Richard L. Puthoff, et al. “Installation and Checkout of the DOE/NASA MOD-1 2000-kW Wind Turbine Generator,” NASA TM-81444 (1980).

Palmer C. Putnam, “Wind Power: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” Proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and NASA Lewis Research Center held in Cleveland, OH, July 28–30, 1981, NASA CP-2230 (1982).

S.M. Schoenung and S.S. Wegener, “Meteorological and Remote Sensing Applications of High Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles,” paper presented at the Fourth International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and Exhibition/21st Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (June 21–24, 1999).

D.A. Spera, et al., “Preliminary Analysis of Performance and Loads Data From the 2-Megawatt Mod-1 Wind Turbine Generator,” paper prepared for the Fourth Biennial Conference and Workshop on Wind Energy Conversion Systems, sponsored by the Department of Energy, Washington, DC, Oct. 29–31, 1979, NASA TM-81408 (1979).

Edward H. Teets, Jr., et al., “Atmospheric Consideration for Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Flight Test Planning,” NASA TM-1998-206541 (1998).

Ronald Thomas, et al., “Plans and Status of the NASA-Lewis Research Center Wind Energy Project,” NASA TM-X-71701 (1975).

Ronald Thomas and Richard M. Donovon, “Large Wind Turbine Generators,” NASA TM-73767 (1978).

Ronald Thomas and Joseph M. Savino, “Status of Wind-Energy Conversion,” NASA TM-X-71523 (1973).

Larry A. Viterna, “The NASA-LeRC Wind Turbine Sound Prediction Code,” presented at Second DOE/NASA Wind Turbine Dynamics Workshop, Cleveland (1981).

Larry A. Viterna and David C. Janetzke, “Theoretical and Experimental Power From Large Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbines,” NASA TM-82944 (1982).

Books and Monographs:

Virginia P. Dawson, Engines and Innovation: Lewis Laboratory and American Propulsion Technology, ch. 10, NASA History Office, SP-4306 (Washington, DC: NASA, 1991).

Richard P. Hallion and Michael H. Gorn, On the Frontier: Experimental Flight at NASA Dryden (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 2004).

Alexander Laufer, et al., Shared Voyage: Learning and Unlearning from Remarkable Projects, NASA History Series, NASA SP-2005-4111 (Washington, DC: NASA, 2005).

Palmer C. Putnam, Power from the Wind (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1948).

Robert W. Righter, Wind Energy in America: A History (Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1996).

David A. Spera, ed., Wind Turbine Technology: Fundamental Concepts of Wind Turbine Engineering (New York: ASME Press, 1994).