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Fig. 18. The diagram of the system for measuring angular velocity

The generator stabilized by quartz (GW) and set of the frequency dividers (DF) produce

clock signal. The impulse signal of increased frequency (UI) is multiplied with the input

signal from the frequency divider and next is put on the input of the counters (LI). To

control the counters and the buffers (BU) output signal from the frequency divider and


Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

shaped in the control system (US) was used. Counting impulses is done during high state.

Resetting the counters and putting their value to the buffers happens during low state of

clock signal. In case of measuring small frequencies, the signal from the generator (choice

the gate WS) is multiplied by clock signal created in the control system (US) from the two

following transducer signals (UI).

With problem of choosing right measuring method of high or small velocities can help us

relative error of measurement, assuming allowed relative error of measuring velocity

maximum number of impulses from the transducer is determined. This number is set for

determining which method should be used. Simultaneously it determines number of

counted impulses from transducer determining time of counting impulses of model

frequency. Model frequency (fw) is determined from border measurement of method that is

for a determined time of counting impulses (Tw) and border number (N) of impulses from

the transducer (the method of high velocities). Above can be presented as:

N = f T

w w (17)

Selection of the method is determined according to the number of appearing transducer

impulses in measuring time which is compared with the set number of impulses. The set

number of impulses is determined according to desired accuracy of measurement of quant

velocity and its range. The set number of impulses is determined according to the dynamic

of a measured object (Szcześniak, 2005)d.

11. Summary

The presented ideas have important meaning to the economy consisting in creating new

methods, algorithms and devices in order to increase of quality and reliability of

displacement controlling. During designing measurement systems it is needed to take into

consideration such things as:

1. The production of the precise optoelectronic position transducers requires advanced

technologies, which involves high manufacturing costs. There has been a general

tendency towards applying the optoelectronic quantization transducers of simpler

design and lower accuracy which could be enhanced by electronic means.

2. In methods of processing high alternating signals of the optoelectronic transducer

especially when high precision is needed, dynamic compensation of DC-component of

their signals is necessary.

3. The electronic method of interpolation (multiplication of signals frequency) and

digitalisation (conversion to digital from) presented in the paper makes it possible to

enhance accuracy of the photoelectric transducer. The method of 5-time frequency

increase is universal and can be applied to another scale of transducer signal frequency


4. Stated that the systems of the motion direction of the transducer which shape one, two

or four impulses per period can be constructed and they are additionally enable to

increase accuracy of measuring displacement. Application of the presented method of

interpolation and digitalization and counting impulses enables to increase accuracy of

the transducer twenty times.

5. Presented methods enable correct readout of position and velocity measurement of an

object independently from the motion direction and also eliminating incorrect readout

Methods and Devices of Processing Signals of Optoelectronic Position Transducers


in case of vibrations of an object. Upper frequency limit which the transducer can create

or the counting system count, determine criteria of selection minimal value of time Tw

called measuring or average time.

6. The use of a system of high value of impulse frequency increase has significant impact

on increasing accuracy of position and velocity measurement. In dependence of velocity

measuring range of drive, method of measuring high or small velocities should be used.

Also relative error of measurement determines using the particular method is assumed.

12. Acknowledgements

This chapter is partly funded by the European Union as part of the European Social Fund

entitled “Developmental Program of Didactic Potential of the University of Technology in

Kielce – education for success”. Operation Program Human Capital, Agreement number


13. References

Ching-Fen, K. & Mao-Hong, L. (2005). Optical encoder based on the fractional Talbot effect,

Optics Communications, 250, pp. 16–23, Elsevier

Feel-Soon K. & Sung-Jun P. (2005). A linear encoder using a chiaroscuro and its extension to

switched reluctance motor drive, Energy Conversion and Management, 46, pp. 1119–

1128, Elsevier

Heidenhain catalog (2003)

Holejko K. (1981). Precyzyjne elektroniczne pomiary odległości i kątów, WNT, Warszawa.

Pizoń A., Sikora K., Stefański T., Szcześniak Zb. (1993). Microprocessor - based

electrohydraulic position system, Prace VII Międzynarodowej Konferencji nt. „ Pneu -

Hidro” , Miskolc, pp.347 -352

Pizoń A., Sikora K., Stefański T., Szcześniak Zb. (1993). Minimierung der Regelabweichung

in einen elektrohydraulischen nichtlinearen mikrorechnergesteuerten

Synchronsystem, Prace IX Międzynarodowej Konferencji nt „Hydraulik und pneumatic” ,

Drezno pp. 427 - 436

Szcześniak A. & Szcześniak Zb. (2009). Methods and analysis of processing signals of

incremental optoelectronic transducer, Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol. 80, pp.


Szcześniak A., Szcześniak Zb. (IV.2009). Mikroprocesorowe przetwarzanie sygnałów

optoelektronicznego przetwornika położenia, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical

Review), ISSN 0033-2097, vol. 85, pp.153-158

Szcześniak A., Szcześniak Zb. (VI.2009)a. Signals of optoelectronic transducer processed in

flip-flop circuits, 8-th European Conference of Research and Scientific Workers

TRANSCOM 2009, University of Żilina, Slovak Republic. pp.81-85

Szcześniak A., Szcześniak Zb. (VI.2009)b. Phase signals in the optoelectronic position

transducer system. Logistyka, pp 1-7

Szcześniak A., Szcześniak Zb. (VIII.2009) Mikroprocesorowy symulator sygnałów

optoelektronicznego przetwornika położenia. Przegląd Elektrotechniczny (Electrical

Review), ISSN 0033-2097, vol. 85 NR 8/2009 pp.119-122


Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

Szcześniak Zb. (2005)a. Struktura pomiarowo - informacyjna mikroprocesorowego układu

pomiaru wysokości odkuwki w procesie kucia swobodnego, Zagadnienia

Eksploatacji Maszyn, Polska Akademia Nauk, Vol. 143, No. 3 pp. 101-109

Szcześniak Zb. (2005)b. Cyfrowe metody pomiaru prędkości z zastosowaniem

optoelektronicznego przetwornika położenia, Elektronika, No. 2-3, Warszawa 2005,

pp. 73-74.

Szcześniak Zb. (2005)c. Metoda interpolacji sygnałów elektrycznych optoelektronicznych

przetworników w pomiarach położenia, Elektronika, No. 1, Warszawa 2005, pp. 74-


Szcześniak Zb. (2005)d. Analysis of the position and velocity measurement line for the

hydraulic press crossbar with the use of photoelectric transducer, Advances of

Manufacturing Science and Technology, Polisch Academy of Sciences Vol. 29, No 3, pp.


Szcześniak Zb. (2005)e. Method of processing accuracy enhancement of the photoelectric

position transducer signals Metrology and Measurement Systems, Polisch Academy

of Sciences Vol. 12, No 3, pp. 315-322

Szcześniak Zb. (2005)f. Elektroniczny moduł dziesięciokrotnego zwiększania dokładności

przetwarzania sygnałów optoelektronicznego przetwornika położenia, Polska

Akademia Nauk, Elektronika i Telekomunikacja, Vol. 51, No. 3 pp. 439 – 447

Szcześniak Zb. (2005)g. Metoda kompensacji składowej stałej sygnałów pomiarowych

optoelektronicznego przetwornika położenia, Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola, No. 6,

Warszawa, pp. 12, 13

Szcześniak Zb. (2006)a. Methods of converting of electric signals from photoelectric position

transducer for discrimination of its motion direction and for increasing its

measurement accuracy, Polisch Academy of Sciences, Electronics and

Telecommunications, vol. 52, No. 1, pp. 23-30

Szcześniak Zb . (2006)b. Photoelectric position transducer with the optimum compensation

of the dynamic constant component of its signals, Electronics and

Telecommunications, Polisch Academy of Sciences, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp.185-192


Optoelectronic Measurements in Science and

Innovative Industrial Technologies

Vladimir G. Meledin

Kutateladze Institute of Thermophysics,

Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences

Institute of Optic-Electronic Information Technologies,

Public corporation, Novosibirsk


1. Introduction

Optoelectronic measurements makes it possible to find real information about real world

quantities (M.Planck) with advantages of the absence of contact, performing operations in a

parallel optical form and with modern element base of optoelectronics and photonics.

Experiment and practice (according to N.Wiener) play a key role in obtaining adequate

information. Adequate experimental information in science allows one to create adequate

theoretical models and verify numerical computer calculations and codes. Adequate

information, along with resources, has become a decisive industrial factor practically in all

fields. To obtain such information, one often needs industrial organization of physical

experiments with new data processing methods and modern measurement base of

''innovative technologies'' in informatics, lasers, and photonics.

Investigations of fine effects are based on the creation and development of methods to

extract data from noise-like signals. Bandwidth narrowing and synchronous detection imply

a deterministic effect on the object, processing of responses, and organization of information

exchange. The interaction with the object is performed at all stages. This enables to extract a

maximum possible amount of information. Complete use of the information implies,

methodologically, the use of a multidisciplinary approach, the creation of an infrastructure

for fast performance of experiments, and a highly qualified optimistic team.

The material is presented as a sequence of sections based on a unified methodology and

illustrating, step-by-step, the efficiency and fruitfulness of the fundamental principles and

scientific ideas proposed in informatics of optoelectronic measurements illustrated by

important practical results. Most significant and prominent results were selected for this

presentation. These large-scale and productive results are successfully used in various fields

of science and technology.

Laser diagnostics of multiphase flows, information monitoring in hydropower engineering

and hydraulic turbine machine building, metallurgy, and railway transport, glass industry

and medicine, semiconductor electronics and nanotechnology, atomic and oil and gas

industries - this is a list of fields where the fundamental scientific ideas being proposed are

successfully used. These results can help to solve, in many cases, the problem of import


Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

product replacement and provide a considerable increase in the effectiveness and safety of

numerous new industrial technologies.

2. Semiconductor laser Doppler anemometry of multiphase flows

High-precision nondisturbing optoelectronic measurements of the kinematics and structure

of multiphase flows in the regime of back light scattering are needed in experimental

mechanics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, ecology, and engineering. Velocity

information is obtained when measuring the Doppler shift of the frequency of laser

radiation scattered by small suspended particles and phase inhomogeneities moving in the

flow. Nanotechnologies, experimental hydro-, gas-, and plasma-dynamics of multiphase

systems, safety, resources, and ecology of power engineering, aviation, rocket, and nuclear

engineering, shipbuilding, ground-based transport, machine-tool building, and instrument

making--this list of fields for which such systems are vitally important is far from complete.

Recently, of special importance are code verification in Computational Fluid Dynamics

(CFD) and computer models of flows in science and innovative industrial technologies. Such

laser information systems, which are highly competitive with the best foreign analogs,

simple and safe, are also necessary for educational purposes (Meledin, 2009).

This high level of achievements is based on a series of papers, published in the 80s and 90s,

on the creation of systems based on gas lasers and development of the first injection laser

emitters for optical instrument making - jointly with Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, RAS,

and under the guidance of Zh.I. Alferov, Nobel laureate for physics (Arbuzov et al., 1992).

This produced the world's first Doppler meters of velocity and linear sizes of hot rolled

metal for metallurgy on semiconductor lasers (the Altair series presented below). This

significant scientific progress resulted in creating in 2003 an information-measurement

system called LAD-0x within the framework of a program on import product replacement,

Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This took place three years before the

appearance of the world's best analog, DANTEC (Meledin, 2008).

Semiconductor lasers (with an efficiency of 20-60 %) made it possible to create information-

measurement systems with fundamentally new functional capabilities. These systems are

efficient and small in comparison to systems based on gas lasers (with an efficiency of

0.03 %). However, the quality, space, and time coherence of optical radiation and

applicability in metrology of semiconductor lasers make them inferior to gas ones (Belousov

& Meledin, 1985; Belousov et al., 1988).

In order to replace highly coherent gas lasers by semiconductor ones in information-

measurement interferometric systems, some theoretical and experimental investigations

have been performed. Theoretical studies on some peculiarities of formation and recording

of optoelectronic signals under the photonic constraint and investigations on stability of

anamorphotic schemes have been carried out. Also, new methods for parametric

stabilization of wavefronts and photoelectronic transformations of optical signals with a

dynamic energy range up to 1016 have been created (Rahmanov et al., 2006).

An important line of investigation was transition from flows with artificial light-scattering

particles used in some foreign methods to processing of signals of natural suspensions with

unusual characteristics of light scattering. Only in this case it has become possible to create

onboard underwater systems to study the fine microstructure of hydrophysical ocean fields.

A nontrivial scientific task is to create Doppler information-measurement semiconductor

laser systems operating with back light scattering from random suspensions in flows. To

Optoelectronic Measurements in Science and Innovative Industrial Technologies


solve this problem, a series of multidisciplinary and fundamental investigations had to be

carried out: in informatics, signal processing methods, quantum optics and optoacoustics,

radio physics, one-photon reception, data collection and processing systems, etc

(Dubnistchev et al., 1987; Belousov et al., 1988, 1996, a, 1990, a).

In the field of processing and transforming optoelectronic signals from random suspensions,

some methods have been created to handle ergodic processes with operations separated in

time and having maximum possible field energy concentration in the measurement volume

and maximum signal-to-noise ratio (Meledin et al., 1999; Dubnistchev et al., 2000, 2003).

Information-measurement semiconductor Doppler laser systems for diagnostics of

multiphase flows (LAD-0x system), designed for noncontact measurement and visualization

of two and three components of the velocity vector of gas-liquid multiphase, turbid flows,

and concentration of light-diffusing particles, have been created. Also, a variant of the

information-measurement scheme of a three-component anemometer based on a

combination of two two-component systems has been developed. Each two-component

system has all elements of optical and electronic subsystems and operates with an external

computer via a standard network channel. Owing to the TCP protocol, the computer can be

placed in an arbitrary place (for instance, in another city), and some physical experiments

can be performed in a remote mode, in closed and dangerous zones, and at test sites, and

can be used for distance education. In these systems, Russian-made algorithms and

components are used, which have no foreign analogs.

The LAD-0x information-measurement semiconductor Doppler laser systems are used in the

following Russian scientific and educational organizations: the Institute of Hydrodynamics

(diagnostics of vortices and internal waves), the Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, the

Institute for Safety of Nuclear Power Engineering RAS (heat and mass exchange, safety of

nuclear power engineering, nanotechnologies), Perm State University (investigations of

convection), Tomsk State University (investigations of forest fires), Research Center of

Power Engineering Problems, and Kazan Scientific Center, RAS. These systems are

requested by many of the Russian organizations (Anikin et al., 2004; Meledin et al., 2000,

2001, 2003).

The information-measurement semiconductor Doppler laser systems created for diagnostics

of multiphase flows meet the modern requirements and forecasts on the expected

development of fundamental and applied science in the nearest future.

At the VII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments in 2007, these

developments were rewarded with Golden Medals and First-Rank Diplomas. At the VIII

Moscow International Salon in 2008, they were rewarded with diplomas and Silver Medals,

received the titles of laureates of the VII Contest of Russian Innovations (nomination: ''The

best 2008 Industrial Innovation of Russia,'' and were rewarded with diplomas and small

Golden Medals of the Sibpolitekh-2008 International Industrial Exhibition.

3. Hydropower engineering and hydraulic turbine machine building.

Optoelectronic for optimization of operation modes and safety of hydropower

plants information

3.1 Dynamic monitoring of the geometry of loaded rotors of super-high-power

generating units of the Neporozhny Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP

Dynamic monitoring of unique super-high-power generating units requires solving some

serious scientific problems. The dynamic shape of a rotating rotor is a very important

parameter determining the safety of operation of the aggregate on the whole. The purpose


Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

of this work was to create an information system based on methods and technology of

monitoring the geometry of loaded rotors of super-high-power generating units of the

Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP to increase the efficiency of their operation and safety.

The power of one hydrogenerator is the same as that of the power-generating unit of a

nuclear power plant (735 MW), the stator diameter is 17 m, the rotor diameter is 14 m, the

rotor weight is 750 tons, and the linear velocity at the edge of a rotating rotor is 100 m/s.

The consequences of a failure with the energy accumulated in the rotor are comparable to

those of a failure at a nuclear plant.

Selective mechanical control of the rotor and stator shapes is performed by the operators

when the aggregate is unloaded and completely stopped. This information is used to predict

changes in the rotor shape while the aggregate is running. It is evident that the deformation

of the rotating rotor shape and the dangerous decrease in the gap between the rotor and

stator cannot be reliably estimated.

The well-known control methods used when the generator is stopped cannot be employed

when the aggregate operates under normal loading. The major reason for this is as follows:

there are considerable electromagnetic fields and no free space for recording equipment

near the rotor. Information monitoring of the rotor geometry must be continuous,

noncontact, and remote. Under conditions of considerable electromagnetic noise, vibrations,

temperature differences, and dust, the monitoring must not affect the operation of the

existing systems.

From the above scientific investigations, a method for information dynamic monitoring of

the rotor shape of a loaded super-high-power energy aggregate at the Sayano-Shushenskaya

HPP, based on a semiconductor lidar with coherent-optical feedback and hardware-

software processing of optoelectronic signals, was proposed and implemented for the first

time. The lidar was placed in the hot air chamber of the stator and adjusted relative to the

rotor rotation axis. A sounding beam was directed to the rotor surface through a narrow

extended channel of air cooling and ventilation in a 10x20x500 mm stator body.

Scanning of the rotor surface shape, which moved at 100 m/s, by the semiconductor lidar

was made in the transverse direction. After software-hardware processing of the lidar

signal, the frequency, being directly proportional to the distance to the rotor surface, was

determined. Then, phase averaging of the data was made. Using the averaged data, a rotor

surface profile was constructed and tolerance control was made.

The figures show some rotor poles and a standard diagram of deviation (in millimeters)

from a constant radius of 6700 mm. This information about the rotor surface shape of an

operational hydroelectric generator of the most powerful hydropower plant in Russia was

obtained for the first time. The tests were performed on operational hydroelectric generator

no. 4 of the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP (type: RO 230-v-677). These full-scale experiments

and tests have confirmed that the basic scientific principles on which this development,

which is relatively simple to implement, is based are applicable and efficient. The

measurement error of the experiments did not exceed 1% (Kulikov et al., 2010).

The results of this series of works were rewarded with a First-Rank Diploma and Golden

Medal of the VII Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments (2008).

3.2 Hydropower engineering: laser diagnostics of flows downstream of hydroturbines

to increase efficiency and safety

The Power Machines - LMZ (Saint-Petersburg) is the largest turbine construction plant in

Russia. This open stock company produces power turbines. In the past 90 odd years of

Optoelectronic Measurements in Science and Innovative Industrial Technologies


development and creation, more than 2300 turbines with a total power of about 300 million

kW, more than 670 hydroturbines with a total power of about 62 million kW, about 1000

hydroturbine regulators, and 60 pre-turbine gates have been produced. The Power

Machines - LMZ is a leader in domestic and world hydr