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many cases for max-min image processing. The circuit of an inverter on the bases of current

mirrors comparator and its simulation results by PSpice OrCad are shown in Fig.25. The

inverter has current (optical) input and current (optical if a proper LED driver will be

connected) output. AMIS 1.5μm CMOS transistors MOSIS models were used. The supply

voltage is 3V. The circuit shown in Fig.26 can realize both AND and OR functions

depending on the reference current value. Both cases simulation results are shown in Fig. 26.

Input optical signals and corresponding input currents are discrete and equal to 10μA in the

considered case. The number of inputs can be up to 50 and more that is the advantage of the

circuit. If the reference current is less than one input discrete than the circuit execute OR

function. If the reference current is more than the sum of n-1 input discretes than the circuit

executes AND function. If an additional current mirror is connected at the circuit output

then we receive the current output. These circuits are based on current mirrors comparator

and so their performance depends on the comparators and current mirrors performance.

The comparator was considered in our work (Krasilenko et.al, 2004, b) and has the

following characteristics: realized on 1.5μm CMOS transistors; the input currents range –

100nA...100μA; the supply voltage – 3...15V; the relative error is less than 0.5%; the output

voltage time delays is 10…100ns. The using of more advanced CMOS technologies (0.35μm,

0.13μm and so on) can significantly improve the performance, in particular the operation

speed. Time-pulse converters on CMOS current mirrors comparators and on λ-diodes were

considered in our previous works (Krasilenko et.al, 2004, b; Krasilenko et.al., 2003). AND,

OR and OR-NOT function circuits with current output and its simulation results are shown

in fig. 27, 28, 29.

The conception of construction of the family of the offered optoelectronic photocurrent

logical elements (OPLE) consists in the use of a few current mirrors realized on 1.5μm

technology CMOS transistors. Connection of such mirrors with photodetectors and

reference current generators allows also to create circuits realizing the limited difference

operations of continuous current logic and current comparators with potential or current

outputs. Presence of four – ten transistors, one – two photodetectors makes the offered

circuits quite compact and allows their integration in 1D and 2D arrays. The factor of

ramification at outputs and the factor of unification at inputs of the offered elements are

greatly increased. Further we will consider simulation results of the circuits realizing

different Boolean operations including AND, OR, OR-NOT, and others. Thus we will

consider two variants of the circuits: 1- circuits with potential outputs; 2-circuits with logical

current inputs and current outputs.The simulation results on the 1.5μm technology CMOS

transistors showed that the level of logical unit can change from 1 uA to 10 uA for low-

power consumption variants and from 10uA to 100uA for high-speed variants. Signals

delays, values of fronts and cutoffs at operation with impulse logical signals with 1uA

logical unit are not exceed 70-140ns and at operation with impulse logical signals with

100uA logical unit are no more than 4-6ns and the consumption power is 200-400uW.


Design and Simulation of Time-Pulse Coded Optoelectronic Neural Elements and Devices


Fig. 23. The time diagram of the scalar-relation vector processor operation





Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

Fig. 24. The universal logical element of two-valued logic

Fig. 25. Inverter circuit on current mirrors and its simulation results

Design and Simulation of Time-Pulse Coded Optoelectronic Neural Elements and Devices










n inputs






















Time diagram of realization of AND function


























Time diagram of realization of OR function

Fig. 26. AND (OR) circuit with potential output on current mirrors and its simulation results




Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

2 0 u A

1 0 u A

0 A

I ( R E F 1 )

n inputs

1 0 u A


5 u A



0 A


I ( I 1 )

1 0 u A

5 u A

Cur ent Output

0 A


I ( I 2 )

1 0 u A

5 u A

0 A

I ( I 3 )

1 0 u A

S E L > >

0 A

0 s

5 u s

1 0 u s

1 5

- I ( O U T 1 )

Fig. 27. AND function circuit with current output and its simulation results

n inputs





Cur ent Output


Fig. 28. OR function circuit with current output and its simulation results



Cur ent Output

n inputs




Fig. 29. OR-NOT function circuit with current output and its simulation results



Design and Simulation of Time-Pulse Coded Optoelectronic Neural Elements and Devices


3.6 Spatial-time integrators and equivalence neural elements on their basis

3.6.1 Spatial-time integrators

Realization of integrators on current mirrors on CMOS-transistors is perspective due to their

circuit simplicity and compatibility with the well developed CMOS technology of modern

integral digital microcircuits. An integrator of the time type consists of two current mirrors

(Fig. 30). Transistors VT1 and VT2 are intended for integration (algebraic accumulation) of

input signal; VT3, VT4 - for result of integration memorizing. An input optical signal is

transformed in photocurrent with photodiode, and the signal controls keys S1 and S2.Then

the input signal is on, the key is on. If the signal is off, the key if off. Integration is carried

out due to charge of capacities C1 and C2, which hold a value of output current to the end of

transformation cycle. Thus the output current value is determined by the sum of input

signal pulse durations during the period of integration (Fig. 30,b). For example in Fig. 30

value of input signal pulse duration at the first period of integration is 50µs, at the second

period - 100µs, and at the third - 150µs. The output current is proportional to the overall

input signal pulse durations, so after the third period the output current value is

5+10+15=30µA. Thus the circuit carried out integration of input signals during three

periods. The integration circuit has relative error 1…2 %. Input signals photocurrent range

1-100µA, power consumption 100…500 µW, signal period 0.1…1ms, output current delays –

less 1µs Maximal amount of periods, during which the circuit can carry out integration of

input signals, is limited to the maximal possible output current. If value of maximal output

current is 100µA the maximal amount of periods of integration for this circuit is 10 for 10µA

maximal current input signals.

Fig. 30. Integrator circuit (а), time diagrams (b)

In the same way it is simple to provide the spatial integration of optical signals (Fig. 31).

Input optical signals are converted in photocurrents with photodiodes and the signals

control corresponding keys S1 of selection and storage devices on current mirrors.

Accumulative signal of integration is written in the output device at the end of period by the

control signal of generator G2. Thus the output current is determined by duration of input

signals from every optical channel. For example in Fig. 31 there are three optical channels

and input optical signals are 50µs, 20µs, 30µs accordingly. The output current after the first

period is determined by the pulse duration sum of input signals and it is equal to

5+2+3=10µA. Maximal amount of input signals is determined by the maximal possible

output current. The considered circuits can also perform time integration during some

periods, so it performs spatial-time integration. Circuit simplicity and small power




Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

consumption allows to create arrays of such integrators with size 10x10 and more. The range

of input photocurrent is 0.1-10µA, transformation time (period) 100-1000µs, supply voltage

1.5V, average consumption power 150µW per channel.

3.6.2 Neural elements circuits for equivalence and non- equivalence functions

The family of new functions “equivalence” and “non-equivalence” of neuro-fuzzy logic,

which we have elaborated on the based of such generalized operations of fuzzy-logic as

fuzzy negation, t-norm and s-norm are shown in paper (Krasilenko et al., 2002, a). The

functions are prospective for neural networks creation with selforganization and artificial

intelligence properties. New generalized operation of equivalence (non-equivalence)

operation can be written in the following form: t, sE′( a, b) = ( atb) s( a tb = atb s atb , and t-


n )

( ) ( )

norm and s-norm of any of their variants can be used. The analysis of the whole spectrum of

all possible t, sE′( a, b) shows, that the following operations are the most interesting in case of certain t- and s-norms (Krasilenko et al., 2002, a). New generalized operation of equivalence

of II type (non-equivalence) can be written in the following form:

s, t E′ ( a, b) = ( asb) t( asb ) , or taking into consideration the law of De Morgan so: s, t E′ ( a b) = (( asb) s asb

= atb s atb


Ea b

= Ea b

n (

) n) ( ) ( )) ( t, s ( )) t,




( , )




Fig. 31. Spatial-time integrator (а), time diagrams (b)

The II type of operations can be called the operation “non-equivalence” of the I type and

designate it as:



Design and Simulation of Time-Pulse Coded Optoelectronic Neural Elements and Devices


t , s NE′( a b) s, t

= E′ ( a b) = ( t,



sE′( a, b)) .


Fig. 32. Equivalence (non-equivalence) function circuit

Fig. 33. Time diagrams of the equivalence circuit operation



Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

Thus, the functions determine new generalized operations of comparison (determination of

equivalence or non-equivalence).

The equivalence (non-equivalence) functions can be realized on current mirrors and the

proposed integrators. Output current value Iout is the equivalence of two input optical

signals pulse durations (Fig. 32). In the circuit CMOS current mirrors (CM) with one and

two outputs are used. For example in Fig. 33 input signals pulse durations 40µs and 80µs

(the equivalence of the input signals is 60µs), period 100µs, Io=10µA, output current after the

first period Iout=6uA, after the third period Iout=18µA (Fig. 33), relative error about 3%, as

more than one integrators and current mirrors are used and their errors are summed.

To obtain non-equivalence function circuit the reference saw-tooth current generators Iref1

and Iref 2 must be interchanged. For above mentioned input signals the non-equivalence of

input signals is 40µs (it is the time then signals are different), so the output current after the

first period Iout=4µA, after the third period Iout=12µA.

3.6.3 Weighted and non-linear integration for neural elements circuits for equivalence

and non- equivalence functions

The algebraic spatio-temporal weighted integration of optical signals can be realized by the

integrator with variable slope angle of saw-tooth current generator G (Fig. 34). For example

in Fig. 35, input signal pulse duration 50µs, period 100µs. The saw-tooth current generator

G determines integration weight. If maximal saw-tooth current is 10uA than transformation

weight is 0.1 µA/µs. So after the first period output current is 5µA. At the second period

maximal saw-tooth current is 10µA that corresponds to transformation weight of 0.15

µA/µs. So the transformation weight is in 1.5 times increased. After the second period the

output current is 5+7.5=12.5µA. At the third period maximal saw-tooth current is 20µA that

corresponds to transformation weight of 0.2 µA/µs. So after the third period the output

current is 5+7.5+10=22.5µA. The considered circuit performs only time weighted integration

of one input signals. But the circuit in Fig. 31 can perform spatio-temporal weighted

integration of multichannel optical input signals if variable angle of slope of saw-tooth

current generator G1 is used. The circuits can be used for neural networks adaptations.

Fig. 34. Weighted or non-linear integrator

Non–linear signal transformation can be realized with the integrator circuit Fig. 34 if a non-

linear saw-tooth current generator is used. For example in Fig. 36 input signal pulse

durations are 20µs, 50µs, 80µs, and period 100µs. An exponential function for saw-tooth

current generator G is used (Fig.36). So we get exponential transformation of input signals.



Design and Simulation of Time-Pulse Coded Optoelectronic Neural Elements and Devices


After the first period the output current is 7.5µA, after the second period the output current

is 7.5+9.5=17µA, and after the third period the output current is 7.5+9.5+10=27µA. Thus in

spite of identical input signals there are different corresponding output current values. The

circuit can be used for non-linear neural networks activation functions. The non-linear

transformation signals function is determined by a non-linear function of saw-tooth current

generator G.

Fig. 35. Time diagrams of weighted integration

Fig. 36. Time diagrams of non-linear signal transformation


Optoelectronic Devices and Properties

4. Conslusion

We consider design and hardware realizations of optoelectronic logical elements of two-

valued logic with current inputs and current outputs on the basis of CMOS current mirrors.

In the chapter we consider the whole family of the offered circuits, show the simulation

results and possible prospects of application of the circuits in particular for time-pulse

coding for multivalued, continuous, neuro-fuzzy and matrix logics. We consider neurons

design and simulation results of multichannel spatio-time algebraic accumulation -

integration of optical signals. Advantages for nonlinear transformation and integration are

shown. The integrator-neuron is based on CMOS current mirrors and comparators. The

performance: consumable power – 10…500 μW, signal period– 0.1…5µs, input optical

signals power – 0.2… 20 μW; time delays – less 0.01-1μs, the number of input optical signals

- 2…64 and more, integration time – 10…100 of signal periods, accuracy or integration error

– about 1%-10%. A biologically motivated concept and time pulse encoding principles of

continuous logic photocurrent mirrors and sample-storage devices with pulse-width

photoconverters have allowed us to design generalized structures for realization of a family

of normalized linear vector operations “equivalence”-“nonequivalence”.

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