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M = ⎜ a







1 ⎟

⎜ 0 a








2 ⎟

⎝ 0





1 ⎠

Inasmuch, we can write: Res( P, R, x 1) = det( Sylv( P, R, x 1). If we examine the Sylvester matrix, we can observe that part with the ai parameters contains m columns and the one with bi n

columns.The following proposition holds and its proof is described in [Cox et al. 1992]: The

resultant Res( f, g, x) is the first ideal of elimination < f, g > k[ x2,…,xn] ; moreover, Res( f, g, x) = 0

iff f, g have a common factor in k[ x1,…,xn] which has a positive degree in x. The nature of this

factor has to be determined and we wish to establish if it is only one root of functions f and

g. To answer that question, the following corollary will be employed: If f, g C[ X] then Res( f, g, x) = 0 iff f and g contain a common root in C. This common root is determined by computing

det( Sylv( P, R, x 1) = 0. The nature of this root has to be determined, notably if it is a partial one and the answer will come from the following proposition, [Cox et al. 1992] : Knowing

that f, g C[ X] , let a0, b0 0 and a0, b0 C[ x2,…, xn] , if Res( f, g, x) C[ x2,…,xn] cancels at ( c2,…,cn) , then we obtain that either a0 b0 = 0 at ( c2,…,cn) or either c1 C such as f and g cancel.

In certain instances, the head terms of the polynomials can cancel which will result in the

cancellation of the determinant and the process consequently adds one extraneous root.

In order to obtain the univariate equation, a recursive algorithm will be applied. Firstly, we

calculate n − 1 resultants hk = Res( fk+1, f 1, x 1) on variable x 1 for k = 1,…, n − 1. Secondly, we compute n − 2 resultants h(2)j = Res( hj+1, h 1, x 2) on variable x 2 for j = 1,…, n − 2 and we continue in the same fashion until the univariate equation is determined. An almost

triangular equation system is constructed.


1 ( X ) =



, f



0 f



0 f X


n−2 (

) =

n−1 (

) =

n (

) =


1 ( x ,

, x , , h

x , , x , h

x , , x


n )

n−2 ( 2

n )

n−1 ( 2

n )





( x , , x , , h 2 x , , x


n )

( )

n−2 ( 3

n )

⎢⎢⎢ nh 21(


x , x , h 2 x , x


n )

( − )


( n−1 n)

⎢⎢⎣ H( xn)

The last H( xn) is the targeted univariate equation. However, this equation cannot be

considered equivalent to the initial algebraic system because the head terms can cancel.

The return step to original variables is performed by substituting back through the

triangular system. The equation is solved H( xn) = 0 and we obtain a series of w roots { xn}. We

take the w roots, one by one, which is introduced in one of the equations h 1(n−2) ( xn−1) = 0 or

h 2( n−2) ( xn−1) = 0 and obtain the w roots { xn−1}. We continue until x 1 is isolated.

The 6-6 FKP has been solved applying resultants, [Husty 1996], in a computer algebra

environment to avoid intermediate result truncation, since, in a sense, parameter truncation

can be envisioned as changing the manipulator configuration.

Certified Solving and Synthesis on Modeling of the Kinematics. Problems of Gough-Type

Parallel Manipulators with an Exact Algebraic Method


A variation to the resultant method is called the dialytic elimination. Let the variable set be

X = { x 1,…, xn} of the algebraic system F( X) = 0; then select any variable xi and set it as the hidden variable, then a monomial vector is constructed around xi for the system F( X) which

is expressed as W = (1, xi, xi 2,…). The FKP is rewritten as a linear system in terms of W :



= 0


where : W ≠ 0

Being a generalization of Res( P, Q, x 1) = det( Sylv( P, Q, x 1), it is subjected to the same risks of root addition through the head term cancellation. Dialytic elimination has been

implemented to solve the FKP of the 3-RS or MSSM parallel manipulators, [Griffis and

Duffy 1989, Dedieu and Norton 1990, Innocenti and Parenti-Castelli 1990]. Satisfactory

results were produced on simple parallel manipulators, [Raghavan and Roth 1995].

5.6 Gröbner Bases

Lets denote by Q[ x 1,…, xn] the ring of polynomials with rational coefficients. For any n-uple

μ = (μ



1,…, μn) ∈ N n, lets denote by Xμ the monomial X 1 1 ·...· X n n . If < is an admissible monomial ordering and


( i )

P = ∑ a X μ any polynomial in Q[ X 1,..., Xn], the following

i =



polynomial notations are necessary :


LM( P,<) = max i=0…r , < Xμ( i) is the leading monomial of P for the order <,


LC( P,<) = ai with i such that LT( P) = Xμ( i) is the leading coefficient of P for <,


LT( P,<) = LC( P,<)· LM( P,<) is the leading term of P for <.

Lets denote by x 1,…, x n the unknowns and S = { P 1 =,…, Ps} any polynomial system as a subset of Q[ x 1,…, x n]. A point α ∈ C n is a zero of S if Pi(α) = 0 ∀ i = 1… s. Actually, any large polynomial equation system cannot be directly or explicitly solved. Thus, it is necessary to

revert to mathematical objects containing sufficient information for resolution. Any

polynomial system is then described by an ideal:

Definition 5.5 [Cox et al. 1992] An ideal I is defined as the set of all polynomial P(X) that can be

constructed by multiplying and adding all polynomials in the ring of polynomials with the original

polynomials in the set S.

A Gröbner Basis G is then as a computable polynomial generator set of a selected polynomial

set S = { P 1,…, Ps} with good algorithmic properties and defined with respect to a monomial

ordering. This basis is a mathematical object including the ideal I information. The

lexicographic and degree reverse lexicographic ( DRL) orders are usually implemented, [Cox et

al. 1992, Geddes et al. 1994]. Given any admissible monomial ordering, the classical

Euclidean division can be extended to reduce a polynomial by another one in Q[ X 1,…, X n].

This polynomial reduction can be generalized to the reduction by a polynomial list. The

reduction output depends on the monomial ordering < and the polynomial order.

Definition 5.6 Given any admissible monomial ordering, <, a Gröbner Basis G with respect to < of

an ideal I Q[X1,…,Xn] is a finite subset of I such that: f I , g G such that LM(g,<) divides LM(f,<).

Some useful Gröbner Basis properties are described in the following theorem:

Theorem 5.1 Let G be a Gröbner Basis G of an ideal I Q[X1,…,Xn] for any < monomial ordering,

then a polynomial p Q[X1,…,Xn] belongs to I if and only if the reduction algorithm Reduce (p, G,<

) = 0; the reduction does not depend on the order of the polynomials in the list of G; it can be used as a

simplification function.


Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications

The classical method for computing a Gröbner Basis is based on Buchberger's algorithm

[Buchberger et al. 1982, Buchberger 1985]. Recently, Faugère proposed more powerful

algorithms, namely accel and F4 implemented in the FGb software, [Faugère 1999].

5.7 Gröbner Bases and zero dimensional systems

Definition 5.7 [ Lazard 1992a] A zero-dimensional system is defined as a mathematical equation

system with a variety (solution set) constituted by a finite number of complex points.

From a mathematical point of view, any variety is a valid result. From an engineering one,

we seek a variety which represents an exploitable result. For any parallel manipulator FKP,

the zero-dimensional systems allow pose analysis, since each real solution corresponds to each

manipulator pose. Otherwise the problems fall in the category of rarely usable singular

configurations. Detection of zero-dimensional systems is performed by implementing the

following theorem:

Theorem 5.2 Let G = {g1,…,gl} be a Gröbner Basis for any ordering < of any system S = {P1,…, Ps}

Q[X1,…,Xn]s. The two following properties are equivalent:


For all index i, i = 1…n, there exists a polynomial gj G and a positive integer nj such that

Xinj = LM(gj,<);


The system {P1 = 0,…,Ps = 0} has a finite number of solutions in Cn.

Hence, one can determine if the FKP resolution yields a finite or infinite number of

solutions. This is obviously an important issue, since an algebraic system with an infinite

number of solutions (variety of degree one or higher) cannot be directly exploited by a

control system and failure is usually the outcome.

5.8 The lexicographic Gröbner Basis

The choice of the monomial ordering is critical for the Gröbner Basis computation efficiency,

which is evaluated by the computation times, the size and the shape of the result. A

lexicographic Gröbner Basis with X 1 < X 2 < … < Xn as variable order has always the following

general shape:

f X

f X X

1 (

1 ) =


0 2 ( ,1 2 ) = ,


f ( X , X





2 ) =


0 k +1( ,




3 )

= ,



⎨ 2





+1 (




n )

= ,



f X X

k (




n )

= 0


Whilst computing a lexicographic Gröbner Basis using Buchberger's algorithm yields doubly

exponential complexity in the worst case, an order change will save computation time.

Therefore, one DRL Gröbner Basis may first be computed in dn polynomial time where d is

the maximum total degree of the equations. Then, the DRL Gröbner Basis can be converted

into a lexicographic one in O( nD 3) arithmetic operations, [Faugère et al. 1991]. In the case of

any zero-dimensional system, this can be done using exclusively linear algebra techniques,

[Faugère et al. 1991].

Definition 5.8 Let S be a system constituted by the polynomials p1,…,ps Q[x1,…,xn], without

square factors. Let G = {g1,…,gl} be a Gröbner Basis computed for any ordering < on the system S. If

the univariate polynomial f(x1) is without any multiple factors, then the equation is square-free, the

first coordinates of all solutions are distinct and the solutions yield no multiple root. Then, the system

is considered in Shape Position .


Certified Solving and Synthesis on Modeling of the Kinematics. Problems of Gough-Type

Parallel Manipulators with an Exact Algebraic Method


If the polynomial system is in Shape Position, the Gröbner Basis has the following

simplified univariate format:

f 1( X 1) = 0, X 2 = f 2( X 1) = 0,…, Xn = f n( X 1)


In this format, the lexicographic Gröbner Basis can be computed directly using the F4

algorithm, [Faugère 1999].

5.9 The rational univariate representation

Another root representation is given by the Rational Univariate Representation, hereafter

identified Rational Univariate Representation, [Rouillier 1999]. In the particular case of systems

in Shape Position, the univariate variable is the first one in the original system ones, so that

the Rational Univariate Representation can be written in the following format:

{ h( X =




k )

0, X 2 h 2 ( Xk ) / 0

h ( Xk ) , , Xn hn ( Xk ) / 0

h ( Xk )

Fig. 8. The correspondence between the Rational Univariate Representation and original

system varieties.

h( Xk) where 1 ≤ k ≤ n denotes the univariate equation, hi i = 0 … n the univariate return

functions. These polynomials are elements of Q[ Xk]. Inasmuch, h and h0 are coprime.

Moreover, if the Rational Univariate Representation system is in Shape Position and if h( Xk) is

square-free, the Rational Univariate Representation can be converted into a lexicographic

Gröbner Basis and the Rational Univariate Representation expression can be simply computed

from this basis. This situation is generally the case in most FKP instantiations:

h( Xk) = f( Xk), g( Xk) = f ( Xk)


Moreover, since f and f 0 are coprimes, f 0 is invertible modulo f; this leads to: hi = fi ⋅ ( f′)−1

modulo f , i = 2 … n.

Definition 5.9 Let S be a system constituted by the polynomials p1,…, ps Q[x1,…,xn] and let

G = {g1,…,gl} be a Gröbner Basis for any ordering < of the system S. Then, the RR form is defined as

the system R = {p

1, p1 1p2 mod G, p1 1p3 mod G,…, p1 1pk mod G} Q[x1,…,xn] where p1 1 is

calculated such that (p1 p

1 1 modulo G) = 1.


Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications

The rationale behind the RR form computation is to reduce the polynomial system S. The

computed Gröbner Basis G on any ordering < of the system S is used for the system

reduction. Then, the reduced system R resolution shall be less difficult.

Definition 5.10 Let S be a system constituted by the polynomials p1,…,ps Q[x1,…, xn], if the

system S is without square factors and in Shape Position and if a lexicographic Gröbner Basis is

computable, then the system RR form R can be deduced.

Since the S system reduction by a lexicographic Gröbner Basis leads to a further reduced

system R, one can conjecture faster FKP resolution. However, in some instances, p

1 1 can

hardly be computed and the RR form cannot be deduced. Hence, the FKP is solved by first
