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is singular if and only if the group in which failure occurs has at most 3 struts.

i M


The following lemma is necessary to prove the Theorem.

?#&&3'@)' For any m $ n matrix, M ,

( T

rank M M ) = rank( M ).


Proof of lemma: Clearly,

( T

rank M M ) % rank( M ).


Let M TMx = 0 for


x #R .




9 M Mx, x: = 9 Mx, Mx: = Mx = 0.


Hence, Mx = 0 .


*%$$+'$+'!"#$%#&, Suppose that M T

is singular. Then,

i M


rank (


M M ) % 5 .



Proposition 7 in (Aphale, 2006) determines the rank of M for an OGSP, having p groups

of struts:


Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications


rank( M ) = min( r

' ank( M ),6)




where M denotes the inverse Jacobian matrix of the th

p group.


In the context of failures, this proposition directly implies


rank( M ) = min( r

' ank( p M ),6)





where p M denotes the inverse Jacobian matrix of the th

p group having f strut failures


within the group. That is, ' f = i .

Applying Lemma 8 to equation (48), we have




M M ) = min( r

' ank( p T p

M M ),6).







The nominal OGSP under consideration consists of two groups of struts. Hence,




) =


( e

T e

rank M M


rank M

M ),6]









where f . f = i . Theorem 1 in (Aphale, 2006) establishes that the maximum rank of the



Jacobian matrix of a group of struts forming an OGSP is 3 . Therefore, M T

is singular if

i M


the group in which any failure occurs has at most 3 struts. The converse is immediate.


:#&3%;,' It is worthwhile to note that unitarily equivalent Jacobian matrices (and inverse

Jacobian matrices) have the same manipulability, and it may be readily checked that all

single failure reduced inverse Jacobian matrices of a 2s OGSP with an [s s] geometry

generated by Theorem 4 are unitarily equivalent. This observation highlights the fact that

these designs produce manipulators with optimal fault tolerant manipulability.

5.3 Application example: air borne laser (ABL)

Currently, feasibility of missile defense using an aircraft equipped with a high energy laser

is being explored. At the concept level, the system uses a mirror inside the fuselage which

focusses a beam from a megawatt-class chemical laser. Optic and beam control systems

keeps the beam locked on a small supersonic target hundreds of kilometers away. It is

believed that ABL can destroy hostile theater ballistic missiles while they are still in the

highly vulnerable boost phase of flight before separation of the warheads. ABL can operate

above the clouds, where it is possible to autonomously detect and track missiles as they are

launched, using an onboard surveillance system. The defense system acquires the target,

then accurately points and fires the laser with sufficient energy to destroy the missile.

Airborne optical or electro-optical systems may be too large for all elements to be mounted

on a single integrating structure, other than the aircraft fuselage itself. An eight-legged six-

DOF OGSP (Octopod) is a perfect candidate to maintain the required alignment between

Quantifying and Optimizing Failure Tolerance of a Class of Parallel Manipulators


elements. However the various smaller integrating structures (benches) must still be isolated

from high-frequency airframe disturbances that could excite resonances outside the

bandwidth of the alignment control system. The combined active alignment and vibration

isolation functions must be performed by flight-weight components, which may have to

operate in a vacuum. The platform used must be able to perform the dual functions of low-

frequency alignment and high-frequency isolation (Keinholz, 1999).

The manipulability requirements for OGSPs intended for such an application are very

demanding and Aphale (Aphale, 2006) describes them in detail. It is also shown (Apahle,

2005) that OGSPs are capable of meeting the manipulability requirements, making them

suitable for the ABL application. Failure tolerance is imperative for this missile defense

application. Furthermore, it is difficult to predict specific failures at the design stage and as

such failure of any actuator is considered equally likely. If an equal reduction of

manipulability is desired under a failure of any strut, an OGSP with optimal fault tolerant

manipulability is an excellent choice.

6. Conclusions and future work

6.1 Conclusions

This work proves that for a certain class of parallel manipulators functioning about a single

point in its workspace, the mean squared relative manipulability over all possible cases of a

given number of actuator failures is always constant irrespective of the geometry of the

manipulator. In this context, optimal fault tolerant manipulability is defined and quantified

using a simple algebraic formulation. The definition is more suited to parallel manipulators

since they can retain kinematic stability under failures which constitute loss of actuators.

For micromanipulation, symmetric OGSPs can be designed to possess optimal

manipulability under actuator failures. OGSP geometries that may be rendered singular due

to faults can be identified and avoided. OGSPs with optimal fault tolerant manipulability

are highly suitable for critical applications since they retain a reasonable and equal fault

tolerant performance if any actuator fails. For example, Figure 3 illustrates a cylindrical [4 4]

OGSP that can be used in aerospace applications with ABL. These OGSPs will provide

operational reliability critical to the application.

6.2 Future work

Currently most OGSPs are seen to have a very small range of motion in the joint space. In

such scenarios, the assumption that the Jacobian matrix remains constant with respect to

time, is valid. Recent applications demand OGSPs with a larger range of motion. The

assumption of the Jacobian being constant does not hold validity in such cases. Investigating

the fault tolerant characteristics of a manipulator Jacobian which will take into account the

change with respect to time can be of great practical importance. It has recently been shown

(Roberts, Yu & Maciejewski, 2007) that, regardless of a manipulator's geometry or the

amount of kinematic redundancy present in a manipulator, no fully spatial manipulator

Jacobian can be equally fault tolerant to three or more joint failures. Due to these constraints

in generalization, it would be useful to formulate manipulator Jacobian matrices that

possess equal fault tolerance to specified scenarios involving multiple failures. In particular,

weights can be assigned to relative manipulability indices corresponding to multiple failure


Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications

scenarios and optimized values of relative manipulability can be obtained based on the

result derived in Theorem 1. Exploring the application of design and control techniques

devised for OGSPs in areas of medical robotics and haptic interfaces can be considered.

Robotics holds promise in standardized surgical procedures like eye surgery, knee surgery,

etc. The theory developed thus far can be applied efficiently in medical applications where

principles of robotics and computer vision combine towards a single objective. Multiple

finger grasp mechanisms and other parallel manipulators have been considered for such

applications. In these applications there is a need to withstand failures with almost no

degradation in performance. It is possible to transfer many theories and techniques related

to parallel manipulators to the analysis of multiple finger grasps with some modification.

It would be worthwhile to consider optimizing control for grasps such that fault tolerance

can be achieved. Internal force calculations have been done for parallel mechanisms like

multi-finger grasp mechanisms (Kerr & Roth, 1986). Internal force issues in other forms of

parallel manipulators have also been explored (Lebret, Liu & Lewis, 1993) (Hiller and

Schneider, 1997). Literature on the internal forces generated in GSPs is limited. OGSPs being

a very recently defined class haven't been explored with respect to the internal forces they

generate and need to withstand. With redundancy comes more number of actuators than the

required minimum and a large number of constraints associated with them. Under failures,

internal forces will be a major factor in the dynamics and control of OGSPs. Generating

OGSPs that provide equal tolerance to failures with respect to the dynamic manipulability

index seems feasible.

Finally, it is most important to recognize that the main contribution of this work is a

combinatorial result in linear algebra. Numerous systems in various disciplines can be

modeled by matrices. For instance, matrices are used to model power transmission and

distribution systems. In matrix models where failures amount to elimination of rows and

(or) columns, the theory of fault tolerance developed thus far would be useful and

worthwhile extending.

7. References

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Quantifying and Optimizing Failure Tolerance of a Class of Parallel Manipulators


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Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications

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Dynamic Model of a 6-dof Parallel Manipulator

Using the Generalized Momentum Approach

António M. Lopes and Fernando Almeida

UISPA – Unidade de Integração de Sistemas e Processos Automatizados,

Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Engenharia


1. Introduction

The dynamic model of a mechanical system relates the time evolution of its configuration

(position, velocity and acceleration) with the forces and torques acting upon it. The inverse

dynamic model is important for system control while the direct model is used for system


Serial structure manipulator dynamic modelling is a well established subject. So, recent

developments have been oriented towards the improvement of numerical efficiency

enabling their use in real-time control algorithms (Lilly, 1993; Naudet, 2003; Mata, 2002; Lee,

2005; Featherstone, 2000). Parallel structure manipulators present a more complex problem,

and, usually, the model algorithms cannot be generalized. When used in a real-time control

framework the resulting models must be simplified as they usually demand a very high

computational effort.

The dynamic model of a parallel manipulator when operated in free space can be

mathematically represented, in the Cartesian space, by a system of nonlinear differential

equations that may be written in matrix form as

I(x)⋅ x + V(x x

, )⋅ x + G(x) = f


I(x) being the inertia matrix, V(x x

, ) the Coriolis and centripetal terms matrix, G(x) a vector

of gravitational generalized forces, x the generalized position of the mobile platform or end-

effector and f the controlled generalized force applied on the end-effector:

f = J T (x)⋅ τ


where τ is the generalized force developed by the actuators and J(x) is a jacobian matrix.

The dynamic model of a parallel manipulator is usually developed following one of two

approaches (Callegari, 2006): the Newton-Euler or the Lagrange methods. The Newton-

Euler approach uses the free body diagrams of the rigid bodies. The Newton-Euler equation

is applied to each single body and all forces and torques acting on it are obtained. Do and

Yang, and Reboulet and Berthomieu use this method on the dynamic modelling of a Stewart

platform (Do & Yang, 1988; Reboulet & Berthomieu, 1991). They achieve their result

introducing some simplifications on the legs models. Ji (Ji, 1994) presents a study on the


Parallel Manipulators, Towards New Applications

influence of leg inertia on the dynamic model of a Stewart platform. Mouly (Mouly, 1993)

presents a simplified model for a variation of the Stewart platform, only taking into account

the mobile platform. Dasgupta and Mruthyunjaya used the Newton-Euler approach to

develop a closed-form dynamic model of the Stewart platform (Dasgupta & Mruthyunjaya,

1998). This method was also used by other researchers (Dasgupta & Choudhury, 1999;

Khalil & Ibrahim, 2007; Riebe & Ulbrich, 2003; Khalil & Guegan, 2004; Guo & Li, 2006;

Carvalho & Ceccarelli, 2001).

The Lagrange method describes the dynamics of a mechanical system from the concepts of

work and energy. This method enables a systematic approach to the motion equations of

any mechanical system. Nguyen and Pooran use this method to model a Stewart platform,

modelling the legs as point masses (Nguyen & Pooran, 1989). Other researchers follow an

approach similar to the one used by Nguyen and Pooran, but trying to increase the physical

meaning of the obtained mathematical expressions (Liu et al., 1993; Lebret et al., 1993). Geng

and co-authors (Geng et al., 1992) used the Lagrange’s method to develop the equations of

motion for a class of Stewart platforms. Some simplifying assumptions regarding the

manipulator geometry and inertia distribution were considered. Lagrange’s method was

also used by others (Bhattacharya et al., 1998; Gregório & Parenti-Castelli, 2004; Caccavale et

al., 2003).

Unfortunately the dynamic models obtained from these classical approaches usually present

high computational loads. Therefore, alternative methods have been searched, namely the

ones based on the principle of virtual work (Wang & Gosselin, 1998; Tsai, 2000; Li & Xu,

2005; Staicu et al., 2007), and screw theory (Gallardo et al., 2003).

In this paper the authors present a new approach to the problem of obtaining the dynamic

model of a six degrees-of-freedom (dof) parallel manipulator: the use of the generalized

momentum concept.

The manipulator under study may be seen as a variation of the Stewart platform, with the

uniqueness of having all its actuators fixed to the base platform and only moving in a

direction perpendicular to that base (Merlet & Gosselin, 1991). A prototype of this

manipulator, the Robotic Controlled Impedance Device (RCID), was developed aiming a

broad set of force-impedance control tasks. The obtained dynamic model requires a

considerably lower computational effort than the one resulting from the use of classical

Lagrange method.

This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the RCID parallel manipulator.

Section 3 presents the manipulator dynamic model using the generalized momentum

approach. In section 4 the computa