10 Steps to Making a Living Online by Nicholas Dobson - HTML preview

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Develop vour idea

Inspiration is FREE; however the very best ideas still need developing. A good starting point is to write down your ideas, then go through the list to make sure that...

1. You're knowledgeable on the subject;

2. You're reaching the biggest market audience;

4. People will buy the information.

While improving your product, remember that people will buy your information if it will...

1. Make them money

2. Give them a better lifestyle

3. Provide solutions to a specific problem

Once you decide which idea you are going to work on, the next logical step is to create list of contents to develop that idea. Probably the best way to do this is to break your idea down into progressive sections. Beginning with section one explaining the idea as a brief overview, each section after that should provide more detail and evolve your overall concept.

Research each section and collect important information so that you can develop and understand the topic you are writing about. The whole process should flow through the following steps.

Outline Draft

An outline draft is simply a flow of your ideas. Make sure to include as much information in each section, at this stage editing, spelling and grammar really aren't an issue. If you try to correct grammar and spelling as you write, it will hinder the creative process because your train of thought will be constantly interrupted, therefore editing should always be left till later in the process.

Read Review and Edit Content

At this stage you will need to amend the content, making sure that everything is included, i.e. enough relevant information to explain the subject. It's important to cross check that your information is accurate and up to date do, so extra research will have to be done. 

Second Draft

The second draft takes into consideration any changes you need to make based

on your own analysis of the content, once completed put your book away for a few days. So when you go back to work on it you will be clear headed and spot any mistakes easily...

Once your eBook is ready, you need to get everything organized for your marketing campaign.